M  U  P  P  E  T     T  R  E  A  S  U  R  E    I  S  L  A  N  D

                      ? Game: Muppet Treasure Island
                      ? System: PC
                      ? Type: FAQ/Walkthrough
                      ? Author: Gobicamel
                      ? E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
                      ? Version: 1.0

                       T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S 


  A: Disc 1
  B: Disc 2
  C: Disc 3

3: FAQs

  A: Legal Information
  B: Credits
  C: Version History
  D: Closing

                         1: I N T R O D U C T I O N      

Aye Hawkins, and welcome to the ultimate pirates' handbook for finding Captain
Flint's infamous treasure. I played this game for the first time when I was
like seven and now I've played it again to bring this guide to you. I'm ...
so ... cool. Or maybe not.

Muppet Treasure Island is quite a fun game (that is, if you're a Muppet fan).
It's not fun because of the gameplay, but because of the hilarious 
conversations and cool mini-games. If you can find it, give it a try, your
local games shop will probably give it away for free :P. 

This guide is nothing special, just a very short walkthrough of what you 
should do and that's it. Also, no spiffy ASCII art or funky headers this time,
just a very basic lay-out. Well, this walkthrough probably even won't be used
by the one-legged dog of the spiritual mentor of the milkman of my mother, but
I still tried to do my best. Which is quite bad, actually. If you want to mail
me, just mail me ... no e-mail policy this time.

Thanks for using this document,


                          2: W A L K T H R O U G H        

Welcome to Muppet Treasure Island and good luck. I don't think you're going to
need it, though, since this game is easier than telling the difference between
Sarah Michelle Gellar and our "beloved" Oprah Winfrey. Ahem... weird how every
single one of my guides has a Oprah Winfrey "joke". Whatever.

                                 A: DISC 1

The game starts off with a cutscene showing mr. B (or Billy, if you prefer)
rambling on about a treasure along with some other funny events. Keep in mind
that if you click the bird ONCE, he'll talk to you (and give you hints) and 
that if you click him TWICE, he'll bring you to the options screen.
Anyway, let's get on with the walkthrough:

-- AREA 1: --------------------

In the walkthrough I will only tell you what to do to succesfully finish the
game, but bear in mind that 90% of the fun in this game comes from clicking 
your surroundings (thus triggering funny events). This room is no exception.
Whenever you're done checking out this here area, click on the door that says

-- AREA 2: --------------------

W00t! We're outside. Wait until you're in control again and then grab the key
hanging from the ledge above the door. Another thing you'll want to collect
is Cap'n Flint's letter; it's in the bottle near the sea. Read it (or just
listen if you're lazy) and go back inside again.

-- AREA 1: --------------------

This time, go upstairs (click on the set of stairs to your right).

-- AREA 3: --------------------

Apparently THE black spot scared the living daylights out of Billy. Well, 
that's none of your business for now. See that clock over there? Click the
downmost part of it to obtain a rock (you'll need four rocks later on in the
game). When you're done, either check out this area some more or click on the
door to your right.

-- AREA 4: --------------------

There's a treasure map located *somewhere* in this room. Hmm... maybe in that
fancy treasure chest over there... let's check it out. There's one problem,
though... like most treasure chests, this one is locked. Remember that key 
you got in area 2? Well, it turns out to be the key for this chest. Click on
it, drag it to the keyhole, and when you see key turn, release. Now that the
chest is opened, the only thing we need to do is remove all the junk to find
out if the treasure chart is in here. Click on an item and then release the
mouse-button to remove the item. At the very bottom, you'll find the map. 
When you click away, you'll find out that we're having a problem: there're
some freaks knocking on the door (they want you're precious map) AND there's
some dynamite that'll make the whole place go KA-BOOM in no time. There's an
open window too. Now for the solution; open window + freaks that'll break
into the room in a matter of seconds + dynamite that'll explode = a perfect
escape route + toasted freaks. In case you didn't get this: click on the 
open window.

Yay! We're going to Bristol! Watch the hilarious cutscene and listen to the
best song EVER (period). "AAAAAAND 98 pieces of cheese on the wall, 98 
pieces of cheese ...." - I love that song. When you arrive in Bristol, you
can clear your view with a sponge.

-- AREA 1: --------------------

We need a ship, but it seems like there're an awful lot of those here. 
Watch through the scene and then steer your mouse to the big ship/house in
fron of you; a sign will appear so click on it. 

-- AREA 2: --------------------

First click on the ship and then on the knocker. Listen to the short convo
with the dog and learn that you look like some kind of tramp and that you
need new clothes. Return to area 1.

-- AREA 1: --------------------

See that Pops sign to the right of you? Well, move your mouse to the right
side of the screen to make a sign appear; click it (duh :P). 

-- AREA 3: --------------------

As soon as you enter this area, a muppet will tell ya that you need new
clothes (in short: he wants you money). Enter the shop:
It's time for a very cool mini-game. You have to stand in front of a 
bow-and-arrow-like thing. Then, click on a pie to position it on said
device. Click the red button to launch the pie. The point is to hit the 
bad guys and avoid hitting the good guys. An easy way to determine whether
someone is good or bad is listening to the background music. An "OMG, I'm
sooo cute" kinda music indicates that a good guy is passing by. An "I'm
going to grab a gun and kill you all" kinda song indicates a bad guy. 
Hitting a bad guy gets you 1 point, but when you hit a good guy you'll 
have to fork over 1 point again. Wait until you have around 10 points and
then click on the right side of the screen. Here you can choose your 
outfit or look at yourself (acting like a lunatic) in the mirror. Whatever
strikes your fancy (just choose both. Blargh!). When you look fine, exit
and go back to area 2.

-- AREA 2: --------------------

Knock on the door again; this time the dog allows you to speak to Fozzy 
the Bear (yeah, I know that's not his name in this game, but hell). Wakka
wakka. Show him the map and he will give you a seal which you can show to 
the owner of "The Hispanola". First, go to the Spyglass (that's going left
from area 1), though.

-- AREA 4: --------------------

You're only allowed to enter the Spyglass with an eye-patch (and an 
eye-patch which matches with your clothes at that). Select the one which
looks the most like your clothes and you're allowed to enter. I'm not 
going into much detail here; just play the piano (preferably with piano
sound) and sooner or later one of those rocks will pop out. Exit and go

-- AREA 5: --------------------

Go forward, and forward again and then click on the bird. He sees that
you have a seal and allows you to enter the ship. First insert disc 2,

                                 B: DISC 2

You're going to get to use your 1337 sailing skills, 'cos we're on a ship! 
First Kermit wants you to do some stupid mini-games, though. Well, they're 
quite fun actually. I did not divide the ship section is areas, but in 
objectives; that way it'll be easier to use.

-- OBJECTIVE 1: ---------------

Enter the room in front of you. Watch through the convo with the one-legged
pirate (he wants you to make him an applepie) and do what he says. Apples will
roll out of the thingie to your right; grab them and put them into the paste.
Sometimes the friggin' mouse will eat on of the apples, but that's not much 
of a problem. When the pie is ready, the mouse will give up and it's time for
you to ring the bell ... OBJECTIVE 1: COMPLETE

-- OBJECTIVE 2: ---------------

Go back from whence you came and take a right. Here, you'll ocassionaly see
Gonzo's nose passing by. Grab one of the three barrels in front of you and 
then release it when it's hanging on Gonzo's nose. Do this three times and...

-- OBJECTIVE 3: ---------------

From here, take a right and click on the machine. You need to hit three 
ships. First, grab the nifty object (i.e. an apple) from the barrel in the
lowerleft corner of the screen and drop it onto the little platform. Now,
press the red button on the machine to fire it. Three times = OBJECTIVE 3:

-- OBJECTIVE 4: ---------------

Take yet another right; you're going to lower the anchor. Be very proud of
yourself ^_^. The golden device on the left wall is used to control the
achor. Pressing the arrow pointing down results in the anchor going down 
and pressing up results in the anchor going up ... duh. So, press the down
button, then the up button and voila... OBJECTIVE 4: COMPLETED!!!2!@!one!

-- OBJECTIVE 5: ---------------

Go left, left, left (you should be in the area with the steer now) and then
go forward (you should be behind the muppet that steers now). Here, go 
through the door to your left. Skip through the conversation and press the
closet (with the ship drawings) to your right. I can't help you here; just
do what you're told in any order you want. OBJECTIVE 5: Ah.. well.. you get
the idea.

Weeeh! You're done doing stupid stuff for that freaky frog. Exit... all of
a sudden, it's gone dark (o_O). And it's time for yet another mini-game:
you have to connect the start so that they form constellations. Easy peasy.

Try to go to the main area and Arrow will stop you... watch through the
"good-night" sequences and when you're in the barrel try to exit. Arrow 
will come again and he'll basically tell you to shut up...
Next morning, you'll overhear them pirate bastards; they want to steal the
treasure and kill you all!!! I hate them. Anyway, when the scene is over,

Go to the steer and a convo with Kermit will start. He teaches you how to
sail, but listening to him does diddlysquat for you. When you're in 
control of the ship, do what he says (so portside, starboardside) or 
don't; it doesn't matter what you do, since you can't be hit by rocks
anyway. After a while, you'll see Treasure Island. Go to the area with
the small boat (where Gonzo helped you with the barrels) and you'll be...
KIDNAPPED... and you'll need disc 3, too.

                                 C: DISC 3

-- AREA 1: --------------------

Welcome to Treasure Island... you're not here for a vaction, though. First,
you'll have to find the two remaining rocks. First enter the forest in front
of you.

-- AREA 2: --------------------

Click everything here (don't forget the rightmost eye of the big stonehead,
it gives you a rock) because sometimes you might find a rock. Leave.

-- AREA 1: --------------------

When you re-enter this area, a rock will appear; grab it from the wall and
also grab the bottle underneath it for a note (from everyone's favorite 
ghost; Flint). Now that you have four rocks, go back to area 2 again.

-- AREA 2: --------------------

Click on the puzzle in front of you; here's what it looks like:

           0 0 0 0
        0 ? ? 0    Arrange the rocks (north, west, south, east) this 
           0 ? ? 0       way, and position the 4 coins so that they are all 
           0 0 0 0       on one of the 4 ?s. The path will then open.  

Enter the cave.

-- AREA 3: --------------------

WOAH! An awful lot of treasure chests here. Open three of 'em and they will 
all open with a BANG! Unfortunately, there's nothing inside. Go right one 
screen (you'll see a lot of skeleton heads) and click on the lowermost skull;
it will tell you a phrase (i.e. "dead men tell no tales"). The skulls above
this one all tell you one word of the phrase. Click them in the right order,
so that they the phrase. This will trigger a door to open.

-- AREA 4: --------------------

We're in Miss Piggy's stinkin' lair. Let's get out of here as quick as we can.
You see all those shells to your left? Well, you need to play a little 
matching game; click one of the shells left (it contains something of value; 
for example a sapphire) and then click one of the shells on the right side.
If you've matched all the shells, a new entrance will be opened.

-- AREA 5: --------------------

Click the money to make it run away. Follow it.

-- AREA 1: --------------------

We're back in area 1 again and it's time for our last mini-game. Watch through
the cutscene to begin. You have to hit the enemies with a coconut (by just
clickin 'em). The enemies appear from behind the gold. Hit 'em a few times and
you will take over the ship. Also, don't forget to click the money first and
then to open the chest that appears... it contains some parts of the movie.
Well, whenever you're done, click on the ship to make the last cutscene of the
game begin....


                                 3: F A Q s    

A: If you like the Muppets, then you'll probably enjoy this.

A: Well, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.

A: Don't worry; there are different spots where you can find rocks. Check out
   the guide.

                             4: C L O S I N G    

                           A: LEGAL INFORMATION

-- " The filthy thieves, they stole it from us...my precious. We hates them...
     we hates them, don't we, darling? " -- Gollum --

Just like Gollum says, stealing is bad, m'kay? This document is copyright (c)
2003 Gobicamel. It may not be reproduced or retransmidded without consent from
me, the author of this guide. It may not be altered, sold, etc. Also, don't 
put this document on your site if I did not allow you to. 
If you violate one of the above terms, I'll cast the "Evil Gobicamel Spell" on
you, which means all your vital organs will magically disappear from your 
body, so I can sell them on the black market. If you're lucky I'll sue you

                                B: CREDITS

? ME: For typing up this sucker.
? YOU: For reading this.
? JEFF "CJAYC" VEASEY: For being cool and hosting this guide on his site 
  (that's www.gamefaqs.com).

                             C: VERSION HISTORY

? VERSION 1.0 (04/06/03): Did everything; probably version "FINAL" too. Heh...
                          I actually wrote this guide two years ago, but I
                          found it again ^_^.

                                 D: CLOSING

Phew... that's all. I typed this up in one day and I'm sick, so please excuse
me if this guide sucks. Thanks for reading it, anyway. I hope this guide has
helped at least *someone* and that you're enjoying Muppet Treasure Island.

Oh... on another note: I do not accept any contributions (unless it's very 
good), sorry. I DO answer the questions you send me, though.

Take care,


                   END OF GUIDE!!22!!@ OMG K THX BYE!!@1one@