                           /////               \\
                        ///                         \
                      ||                               ||
                     |      Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania     |
                     |          FAQ/Walkthrough          |
                     |   Copyright 2002 Melissa Smith    |
                     |           Version: 0.30           |
                      ||   Platform: PC (DOS/Windows)  ||
                         \                         ///
                           \\               /////

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
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publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
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Contact: You can email me feedback, suggestions, corrections, requests to post
         this guide at your site, or any questions related to the game. My
         email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last Revised: October 29, 2002

.::T a b l e  o f  C o n t e n t s::.

i. Introduction and Revision History

1. Game Overview

2. Scenarios Walkthrough
   2.1 Beginner Scenarios
   2.2 Intermediate Scenarios
   2.3 Advanced Scenarios*
   2.4 Very Advanced Scenarios*
   2.5 Freeform Play*

3. Marine Animals List

4. General Hints, Tips, and Secrets

5. Frequently Asked Questions

6. Credits and Document Information

*Denotes A "Place Holder" for a Section Still To Come

                                i. INTRODUCTION

As you probably know, the Marine Mania expansion came bundled with Dinosaur
Digs but this guide will only cover Marina Mania. I might write a similar guide
for Dino Digs though. The strategies in this guide are not the only way to win.
There are numerous ways to win, using various hints and secrets. This FAQ is
not for the advanced ZT player who already knows these things. It's purpose is
to help newer or confused players win.

Revision History

Version 0.31 - October 30, 2002 - Fixed typos, revised the intro, completed
                                  the shark world scenario.

Version 0.30 - October 29, 2002 - Revised the Information section, started the
                                  animals list, hints section, and the faqs
                                  section. Completed the dolphin park scenario.

Version 0.20 - October 28, 2002 - Gave the FAQ a facelift and trimmed down some
                                  unneeded info. Revised the credits section.
                                  Completed the Game Overview section.

Version 0.15 - October 27, 2002 - Completed the Oceans of the World Scenario.

Version 0.10 - October 26, 2002 - Initial Release

                                1. GAME OVERVIEW

 Dive Into the Ultimate Zoo

 You'll make a huge splash by adding killer whales, manta rays, and other
 exciting marine animals to your existing zoo. Have a whale of a time as you
 combine land, marine and prehistoric animals to build the wildest, most
 exciting zoo ever. (Marine Mania Box)

 General Gameplay

 To easily learn how to play this game or use the new features, I strongly
 advise you to play all the tutorials. They are short, and won't take too much
 of your time. Most of the commands are the same as Zoo Tycoon, however there
 are a few new ones.

 * Marine Mania adds a lot of new objects. The expansion pack filter lets you
   sort objects by Zoo Tycoon, Dino Digs, Marine Mania, or all content. This
   filter is available through a drop down menu located at the top of the
   Construction, Adopt Animals, Structures, and Hire Staff menus.

 * There is a new staff member, the Marine Specialist, that you will need to
   hire for all your marine creatures. The Zookeeper will not care for these

* The tanks that contain your marine animals can be adjusted up or down a
  couple of ways. To get to this screen, you will need to click on the Marine
  Specialist's platform attached to the tank. To make the tank deeper or more
  shallow, adjust the wall up or down accordingly. You can also adjust the
  base of your exhibit up or down at this screen to create different looks.
  The base adjustment does not affect the animal in the tank at all, it is
  solely for aesthetic purposes.

* There are some new buildings for your guests in this expansion, located under
  the structures button. Some of these buildings can only be placed on water.
  It is also generally recommended to run a buoy around the area of water they
  will use. Some of these buildings are the Swim Shack, Swim with Dolphins, and
  the Boat Rentals.

* Show Animals need two tanks side by side, a regular exhibit tank and a show
  tank built using special show tank walls. These must share a side and the
  tanks must be the same level (using the adjustments for wall height and base
  level) or there will be no show.

* In order to watch the marine show, guests need a place to sit. Guests enter
  the grandstands from the front, so be sure to leave at least one tile between
  the show tank and the stands.

* Every show has a script created by default. Open the script menu by clicking
  on the platform of your show tank. There you will be able to add or delete
  tricks from the performance, change the price, and change the frequency of
  the show.

* The show objects and toys that you can purchase are found in the "Adopt
  Animals" button under the "Show Objects" tab (looks like a hoop). You will
  need these to perform some tricks. Also some tricks will need to be
  researched under the Research tab. Once you've added a show object, or
  researched a new trick, this will unlock new tricks that you will have to add
  to the show script to get your creatures to perform them.

* You can combine a tank exhibit and a land exhibit for those animals that like
  both such as the polar bear. A few marine animals require this type of
  exhibit like the Pacific walrus. These are created almost identically like
  the show exhibits. Just create a tank exhibit and a land exhibit side by
  side. Only build 3 of the land exhibit's sides to where the two cages share a
  side. They must both be at the same elevation to work (using the adjust
  wall/base tool.) Zookeepers will take care of any animals in combined
  exhibits, but if it's a show animal, you'll still need a Marine Specialist to
  conduct the show.

If there is something here you don't quite understand, it can all be found in
the game's tutorials so play through them before emailing me with questions.

                            2. SCENARIOS WALKTHROUGH

The new scenarios for Marine Mania range from easy to very challenging. And
best of all, almost all of them have no time limits. So you are now able to sit
back and _enjoy_ creating your zoo instead of working frantically. While you
most likely will not need a guide for the beginner scenarios, they will still
be included to make this guide complete.

Scenario strategies will be updated frequently. If the scenario you need help
with isn't listed, check back on the next update.

                             2.1 Beginner Scenarios

Orca Show

Scenario Objectives:
* Earn an exhibit suitability of at least 85 for 1 Orca exhibit
* Earn a total profit of $100 for all orca shows
* Record 75 guests

Don't worry about the 75 guests objective, that should come easily and with no
hassle. The first thing you can do is delete all the structures and foliage for
the extra money. You won't need any of it right away (if at all). When you do
need some eateries or bathrooms, you'll want to offer better amenities than
what you start with here.

You'll want to start researching Orca Tricks right away, so click on the
research button, uncheck everything else but that one category and crank the
funding up to maximum. You don't need anything from the conservation tab, so
leave the funding at $0.

Don't forget to hire a Marine Specialist for your Orca and a Maintenance Worker
for your filter!

- Orca Exhibit -
* I ended up with a 100 suitability rating for this exhibit.
* Build at least a 10x10 tank for one Orca, bigger if you adopt 2. (You only
  need one.) Build it towards the back of the zoo so that you will have room
  for the show tank as well.
* Add a tank filter (under the fences menu) to one side of the tank.
* Add the orca.
* The tank is too shallow for him (or her). Raise the wall 3 times and he'll
  be satisfied. You can adjust the base if you like.
* Most marine animals love lots of rocks! My total count of rocks
  for this exhibit was (1) Medium Coral Formation, (5) Medium Ocean Floor
  Rocks, (43) Small Ocean Floor Rocks.
* Now you'll want to add the foliage. Orcas love Seaweed (according to the game
  anyway). I added 5 before I decided I wanted a little variety. I decorated
  the tank with 1 each of Kelp, Clam Bed, and Barnacles, along with the 5
  Seaweed. The Orca likes those as well.
* Add a viewing area for your guests using whatever you like (paths, benches,
  flowers, observation areas, etc.)

- Orca Show Tank -
* 14x10 tank built right next to the Orca exhibit, with a tank filter attached
  to it. The show tank needs to be larger than the 10x10 exhibit to fit the
  advanced trick area in.
* Place an Advanced Trick Area, an Orca Ball, and an Orca Stage in the tank.
  Don't put the orca stage too close to the edge, sometimes the Orcas won't use
  it if you do.
* Run a sidewalk right up next to the tank. Add some Show Grandstands (I put 4)
  on the other side of the sidewalk.
* Change your show script to add any new researched tricks or tricks unlocked
  by the show objects you added to the tank. You can also change the price
  and/or frequency, if you like. Animals usually prefer _infrequent_ shows.
* Assign the marine specialist to both the Orca Exhibit and the Show Tank.

Now sit back and watch the show! You should have plenty of money left to build
more exhibits if you want to, or to add a restaurant or gift stand. Using this
strategy, you should win this scenario within the first couple of orca shows.

Seasideville Dolphin Park

Scenario Objectives:
* Earn a suitability rating of at least 70 for 5 Aquatic exhibits
* Exhibit at least 5 Aquatic animals
* Achieve an animal happiness rating of 80
* Achieve an average guest happiness of 70
* Earn a total profit of $200 for all Bottlenose Dolphin shows

The first thing to is to delete everything, including the scenery in the back
and the manta ray and his tank (it's poorly designed anyway). If you want to
keep his tank, you must fix it up some to keep him happy. After all this, you
will have plenty of money to build your zoo. You can use the cheap dirt path to
save some money though, I did.

You must research the dolphin tricks, set the funding to maximum for that
category asap. You can research whatever else you like, it doesn't matter.

You can exhibit any 4 marine animals that you want (the 5th must be a dolphin).
I chose the bluefin tunas, a manta ray (a new exhibit), narwhals (must be
researched under aquatic animals), and two hammerhead sharks. Make the exhibit
suitability high by placing foliage, rocks, and shelters if needed. Also raise
the wall if they like deeper exhibits. Pay attention to the marine specialist's
recommendations and you will have no problem.

Keep your animals happy by placing them in a suitable exhibit. Put filters on
every exhibit. Hire enough employees. You'll need at least one maintenance
worker to service the filters, and 3 marine specialists. You'll have 6 tanks
(including the dolphin's show tank), assign each specialist to three tanks,
and the last one assign to the dolphin show tank. If an animal gets sick, pick
up the marine specialist and place them in the tank of the sick animal so that
he'll be healed.

Keep your guests happy by keeping your animals happy, giving them a restaurant
or food court, and building nice viewing areas for the exhibits with plenty of
benches and flowers.

- Bottlenose Dolphin Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 97
* 7x14 tank with filter attached built somewhere in your park where there will
  sufficient space for both this tank and the show tank.
* 1 Bottlenose Dolphin
* Raise wall at least once to make the tank deeper
* Rocks: (1) Large Ocean Floor Rock, (1) Medium Ocean Floor Rock, (10) Small
  Ocean Floor Rocks
* Foliage: (7) Kelp, (1) Clambed, (1) Seaweed, (7) Barnacles, (2) Sand Dollars,
  (2) Purple Sea Sponges

 - Bottlenose Dolphin Show Tank -
* 8x14 tank with filter attached built side by side with the dolphin exhibit.
* Raise the wall once so it will be even with the exhibit tank.
* Place an advanced trick area, the dolphin ball, and the dolphin hoop in the
  tank. Don't put anything too close to the edges or the dolphin might not do
  that trick.
* Run a sidewalk right up next to the tank. Add some Show Grandstands (I put
  5) on the other side of the sidewalk.
* Change your show script to how you like, putting in all the tricks at least
  once. You might want to change the frequency to infrequent as well.
* Hire a marine specialist and assign them to the show tank.

You'll win this scenario after a few shows.

Shark World

Scenario Objectives:
* Exhibit 2 Hammerhead Sharks
* Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for all Hammerhead Shark exhibits
* Exhibit 2 Mako Sharks
* Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for all Shortfin Mako Shark
* Exhibit 2 Tiger Sharks
* Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for all Tiger Shark exhibits
* Exhibit 2 Great White Sharks
* Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for all Great White Shark exhibits
* Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least 80 for all exhibits
* Record 50 guests in the zoo

Don't worry about the last objective, 50 guests will come easily.

In this scenario, you can't buy animals. You are given all your animals. You
start off with a pair of Hammerheads. First thing to do is delete everything in
the zoo. This will give you about another $10,000. You can also raise the land
from the food court back up, just use the cliff tool instead of the hill tool
because it's cheaper.

Before you start building this exhibit, remember to hire staff. You'll need 1
marine specialist and a maintenance worker to service the filters.

For research, you need to research Animal Enrichment (for animal toys). Other
than that it doesn't matter.

- Hammerhead Sharks Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 93
* 10x8 tank with filter attached.
* Shelter: Sunken Ship
* Foliage: (4) Seagrass, (4) Barnacles
* Rocks: (1) Medium Coral Formation, (1) Medium Ocean Floor Rock, (10) Small
  Ocean Floor Rocks
By the time you get done with this exhibit, you should have received a pair
Lions. Make sure to hire a Zookeeper!!

- Lions Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 90 (you can make this a whole lot higher if you're
  willing to spend the money, but I'm cheap)
* 8x10 exhibit, do not use a low fence. I used the Iron Bar Fence.
* Terrain: (4 Squares) Fresh Water, (8 Squares) Dirt, (4 Squares) Sand, fill
  the rest of the exhibit with Savannah Grass.
* Shelter: If you've researched the rock cave, add that. Otherwise use the
  Small Concrete Shelter.
* Toy: Small Lion Rock
* Foliage: (4) Tall Grass, (4) Thorn Bushes, (4) Umbrella Thorn Trees
* Rocks: (3) Large Rocks, (3) Medium Rocks, (3) Small Rocks

Now the Makos should have been delivered to you.

- Shortfin Mako Sharks exhibit -

The easiest and cheapest thing to do here, and what I did, is to add both Makos
to the Hammerhead exhibit. They are compatible with each other and like a lot
of the same things. And it still satisfies the objectives. I added 2 more
Barnacles to the tank (anymore and the Hammerheads will get mad) and ended with
a 89 suitability rating.

A couple of Elephants are delivered next.

- African Elephants Exhibit -

Again, the easiest and cheapest thing to do. Sell off the Lions (yes, it's OK
to do so!) and put the elephants into the Lions' exhibit. You'll need to make a
few changes though.
* Exhibit Suitability: 84
* Enlarge the exhibit to 8x15, to do this, just add the new fence side by side
  with the exhibit and delete the fence in the middle.
* Sell the Small Lion Rock, the Small Concrete Shelter and all the Umbrella
  Thorn Trees.
* Terrain: _add to existing terrain_ (10 Squares) Sand, (13 Squares) Fresh
  Water. Add these in the new area of the exhibit and when that space runs out,
  over some of the existing Savannah Grass.
* Shelter: Small Elephant Shelter
* Toy: Swinging Log Toy (You can stop researching animal enrichment once you
  have this.)

Next is the Tiger Sharks. They'll need a whole new tank.

* Exhibit Suitability: 97
* 7x10 tank with filter attached.
* Adjust the wall up 4 times
* Foliage: (5) Feather Duster Worms, (6) Barnacles
* Rocks: (1) Large Ocean Floor Rock, (2) Medium Ocean Floor Rocks, (11) Small
  Ocean Floor Rocks

The Giraffes are next. You also might want to thinking about adding a
restaurant or a food court for your guests.

- Giraffes Exhibit -

Sell the elephants, and put the Giraffes into their exhibit. After getting
rid of the elephants, you won't need to enlarge the exhibit size for
the giraffes.
* Exhibit Suitability: 82
* Terrain: Replace (4 Squares) Sand with Dirt. Replace (11 Squares) Fresh Water
  and (2 Squares) Sand with Savannah Grass.
* Sell the Elephant Shelter and the Swinging Log Toy.
* Shelter: Small Elephant Shelter
* Foliage: _add to existing foliage_ (5) Tall Grass, (4) Thorn Bushes, (3)
  Umbrella Thorn Trees, (2) Yellow Fever Acacia Tree, (1) Baobab Tree
The last animals have arrived, they are Great White Sharks.

- Great White Sharks Exhibit -

I got a 95 exhibit suitability for this and all I did was add the two sharks to
the existing Tiger Sharks tank. You don't need to change a thing. And yes, it
counts for the objectives, and the Tiger Sharks and Great Whites are

You'll win this scenario before you even realize it following this strategy.

                           2.2 Intermediate Scenarios

Oceans of the World

Scenario Objectives:
* Achieve a zoo rating of at least 75
* Achieve an animal happiness rating of 85
* Earn an exhibit suitability of at least 80 for all exhibits
* Exhibit at least 6 different animal species
* Exhibit at least 2 animals from the Arctic Ocean
* Exhibit at least 2 animals from Tropical Oceans Worldwide
* Exhibit at least 1 animal from the Pacific Ocean
* Exhibit at least 1 animal from the Atlantic Ocean

What makes this scenario challenging, is the limited amount of space you are
given and the small amount of money. The first three objectives should be
fairly easy for you if you've gotten this far. Keep your guests happy with food
places, bathrooms, and benches. And keep your animals happy by keeping them in
a suitable exhibit, making sure they are fed and have a well maintained tank.

Employees: You'll need at least one maintenance worker to service the filters.
You also need at least 2 (preferably 3) Marine Specialists. Make sure to assign
them exhibits!

Research: Don't supply any money to research! You're going to be broke soon as
it already stands, you don't need to make that happen faster by funding
unneeded research.

Unless you want to combine exhibits, you'll need 6 exhibits. However, when the
objectives state "Exhibit at least 2 animals from the Arctic Ocean", that
doesn't mean 2 different species. For example, 2 Belugas count for that
objective. You'll need to keep this in mind if you run low on funds.

Because of limited funds, I skimped a lot on the exhibits, pushing it just to
the minimum of 80. Below is what I did for my game to win.

+++ Animals from the Arctic Ocean +++
Choices: The Beluga and the Pacific Walrus. The Walrus will need a combined
land and tank exhibit, so I chose 2 Belugas for the arctic exhibit.

- Beluga Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 83
* 7x12 tank with a filter attached built to the right of the entrance.
* 2 Belugas
* Rocks: (1) Large Ocean Floor Rock, (3) Small Ocean Floor Rocks
* Foliage: (2) Kelp, (1) Clam Bed, (5) Barnacles - the Belugas like Kelp the
  best, but Barnacles are half the price.

+++ Animals from Tropical Oceans +++
Choices: Hammerhead Shark, Tiger Shark, Manta Ray, and the Green Sea Turtle.
For the first exhibit, I chose the Hammerhead, and the turtle for the second.

- Hammerhead Shark Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 83
* An estimated 7x12 tank with filter built to the left of the entrance. I give
  an estimate because I fitted the tank around the funny shaped wall so it's
  not a perfect rectangle.
* 1 Hammerhead Shark
* Shelter: Sunken Ship
* Rocks: (1) Medium Coral Formation, (2) Small Ocean Floor Rocks
* Foliage: (2) Sea Grass, (1) Feather Duster Worm, (3) Barnacles

- Green Sea Turtle Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 81
* 6x12 tank with filter built near the belugas in that open wall area.
* 1 Green Sea Turtle - he'd like more, but I'm broke!
* Rocks: (1) Large Ocean Floor Rock, (3) Small Ocean Floor Rocks
* Foliage: (4) Sea Grass, (6) Barnacles

+++ Animals from the Pacific Ocean +++
Choices: Giant Pacific Octopus, and maybe the Elephant Seal. Animals from the
Pacific Coast don't count!

- Giant Octopus Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 82
* 7x14 tank with filter built in the back of the zoo.
* 1 Giant Pacific Octopus
* The tank is too shallow, raise the wall at least four times.
* Shelter: Seafloor Cave
* Rocks: (1) Large Ocean Floor Rock
* Foliage: (2) Barnacles

+++ Animals from the Atlantic Ocean +++
Choices: Green Moray Eel, Bluefin Tuna

- Bluefin Tuna Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 83
* 6x6 tank with filter built near the center of the zoo.
* 4 Bluefin Tunas
* Rocks: (1) Medium Ocean Floor Rock, (1) Small Ocean Floor Rock
* Foliage: (1) Sargassum, (11) Barnacles

At this point, I was almost completely out of money. So for the sixth species
that we need, I added a Tiger Shark to the Hammerhead Shark exhibit (they like
each other!). I couldn't afford to build a new tank! You will need to add some
stuff to the exhibit though to make it suitable for the new shark.

- Tiger Shark Exhibit -
* Exhibit Suitability: 83
* Add 1 Tiger Shark to the Hammerhead Shark Exhibit
* The tank is too shallow, raise the wall at least twice.
* Rocks: _added to existing rocks_ (1) Large Rock Formation
* Foliage: _added to existing foliage_ (3) Feather Duster Worms

If you do have the money, I would suggest adding a whole new exhibit though.
After all is completed, you will win this scenario.

                             3. MARINE ANIMALS LIST

This list by no means a complete list of things animals like, dislike, or need.
It is just to give you a general idea. All of these animals may or may not be
available in each scenario, and some may or may not need to be researched.

This list is not completed with all the animals yet.

Hammerhead Shark: $1250. Likes to live in pairs or groups, seagrass, and the
                  sunken ship shelter. Can be placed in an exhibit with Tiger
                  Sharks or Mako Sharks.

Tiger Shark:      $1800. Likes deep tanks, feather duster worms, and the sunken
                  ship shelter. Can be placed in an exhibit with Hammerhead
                  Sharks or Great White Sharks.

Manta Ray:        $850. Like to live in pairs or groups, fire coral, and the
                  seafloor cave shelter.

                          4. GENERAL TIPS AND SECRETS

Build as much as possible while paused. This makes things easier and it makes
the guests happier when they have more exhibits to see.

Guests can only see in a range of 10 tiles, and they get happy when they see
happy animals, so make sure they are seeing as many animals as possible in this


Hidden Building - After beating the Shark World scenario, you'll unlock the
photo booth.

Hidden Mermaid - To get the hidden mermaid, place a mermaid statue in a tank of
water and see what happens. :)

Money cheat - Press shift + 4 ($) to gain $10,000. The water in your tanks will
get dirty though.

All the cheats from Zoo Tycoon still work in Marine Mania. At least the ones
I've tested.

                         5. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Q. Where can I download some new stuff for this game?
A. http://www.hemsida.net/ztdesign/
   http://www.zootycoon.com the official site and had some downloads in the
   past, not sure about now though.
   ...many more

                           6. CREDITS AND INFORMATION

Credits and Sources

Microsoft and Blue Fang for this wonderful game.
Dallas and AstroBlue for their FAQ writing guide. This has helped me immensely
while composing my first FAQ. http://www.dallasmac.com/faqwarp/
http://www.gamefaqs.com for hosting this but more importantly for being such a
great site that has enhanced my gaming experience.


You can find this faq at http://www.gamefaqs.com and
http://www.cheathappens.com If you discover this guide at any other site,
altered or unaltered, please let me know as soon as possible!

You are not allowed to post my faq without prior permission. If you would like
to have this guide on your site, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
with your site URL and I'll reply as soon as I can.

Copyright 2002 Melissa Smith (jasmith)

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


"This world is not at ease, we try to hide the truth thinking there's only so
much we can really do. It's up to you and me, to face our destiny. The time is
now so let's take a stand." ~BSB