Project Nomads [cheats] To cheat in this game you have to edit your savegames.

Play a game and save and remember the slotNR
IN the "X:Project NomadsRunsave" directory you wil find your savegames , open the file named slotx.n in notepad (where x is the slotnumber) (to make the searching and editing easier copy paste the file into word , but remember to save the text in notepad , for word will put in a lot of extra junk)

There are a number of things you can edit:

Find the following Lines :
.setmaxartefacts x
[x is the number of artefacts you can carry, works upto six , dunno if more is possible]

If you look a little further you will find something like this :

.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_navigationtower018"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_silo0115"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_powerplant0112"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_guntower0219"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/artefakttresor0119"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_scoutgarage0124"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/ofen0127"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/j_guntower0227"
.addchildvehicle "/world/clans/1/biggun30"

These are your islands buildings and their IDnumbers , to make these a little more powerfull search for their building names

Example searching for "j_guntower0219" wil show you the settings of your guntower(in my case my first guntower)
If you look carefully you will find a line like this

"j_guntower01" "j_guntower0219" and a little further this line

"j_guntower01/turret" "turret19"

Now comes the editing part : 
in the text j_guntower01 , the 01 stands fo the level of the gun , If you change this in both! cases to 03 , j_guntower03)

You're gun will be a level 3 (wich is the maximum) instead of a level 1

The same goes for your powerplant(windmill) and your silo.

I know it is possible to upgrade your garage to further aswell (level 3 is a bomber) , but I'm still figuring out how this works..

PS I found this out myself by thinking logically and reading the text in the savegame , please do not mail me if you do not understand, just read your savegames carefully
I will try to add more in the future....

PPS backing up your savegames is recomended before changing the files

- from Rastrof (doing it again) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Just a little addition to Rastrof's cheat.
1. When you edit your guntower level you'll notice that it still isn't automated unless you've used the artefact press on it somewhere along the line. This can be changed by setting search target distance.

find the second row where you vhanged from 01 to 03, looks something like this.
.createandselvehiclewithname "g_guntower03/turret" "turret29"
then scroll down until you find the row that looks like this
.setsearchtargetdist 0.100000
This value is usually somewhere around 250.000000 if the tower is already automated. but you can set it up to 350.000000. I haven't tried higher.

2. If you want to be able to fly without finding an artefact to do so just search for
.setcanfly false and set it to true

-from Widde

item infinite charge
you can turn any one charge item into an infinite charge item by finding the item (eg. j_guntower056) and just below it is "setcharges 0" or "setcharges 10" if it is 10 it is already infinite however if it is 0 then it is one time use and you can change it to 10.
-from Liana Brittain