MM            MM  EEEEE  CCC  H   H   A   NN      N III  CCC  III   A   NN      N
M M          M M  E     C   C H   H  A A  N N     N  I  C   C  I   A A  N N     N
M  M        M  M  E     C     H   H A   A N  N    N  I  C      I  A   A N  N    N
M   M      M   M  EEEEE C     HHHHH AAAAA N   N   N  I  C      I  AAAAA N   N   N
M    M    M    M  E     C     H   H A   A N    N  N  I  C      I  A   A N    N  N
M     M  M     M  E     C   C H   H A   A N     N N  I  C   C  I  A   A N     N N
M      MM      M  EEEEE  CCC  H   H A   A N      NN III  CCC  III A   A N      NN

Mechanician Class Guide
Version 1.2
Created by GoldenChocobo77

SECTION 0 - Ye Olde Disclaimer

Some people seem to be a tad illeterate and cannot understand that this guide is
still under devolpment. I have been flamed/attacked because people cannot understand
that SIMPLE fact. Another simple fact that people do not seem to understand is that
this is not a Bible or law book. Guides/FAQs are merely suggestions and the
oppinions of someone with facts to back that up. If you do not understand that, I
advise you not to read this guide, as it's purpous will be wasted on you. Also, as
this is still in development, any help is appreciated.

SECTION I - Ye Olde Law Scroll(Legal Information)

 Priston Tale( is Copyright (c) Triglow Pictures.
GoldenChocobo77 (Michael Carey) copyrights this FAQ in the year 2002. This FAQ is
currently available only on GameFAQs. If you want it on  your site, please email me
at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Chances are that I  will say yes. Do not copy it, modify it in
any way, shape, or form, and do not sell without giving me 50% of the profit. And I
was serious about that last part.

SECTION II - Ye Olde History

~Version 1.0 - Created on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 around 1AM. This is the first,
initial release. This is my second FAQ created.
~Version 1.1 - Created on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 around 1PM. I realized I forgot
to spell check this and give credit to Priston Tale
Prophecy( I also added some more weapon information.
~Version 1.2 - Created on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 around 9AM. I have finished
adding weapons. I also added more to sections 1, 2, and 4.

SECTION III - Ye Olde Table Of Contents

SECTION 1 - Basic Priston Tale Controls -  Learn how to play!
SECTION 2 - Statistic Information - What the stats do and what you should focus on.
SECTION 3 - Mechanician Skills - Your skills, of course!
SECTION 4 - The World Of Priston - A plain ol' leveling guide. (NOTE: Not yet
SECTION 5 - Mechanician Weapons - A list of Claws.
SECTION 6 - Acknowledgements - Just saying thanks to those who helped.
SECTION 7 - Contact Information - How to reach me.

SECTION 1 - Basic Priston Tale Controls

 Well, you've downloaded this game from the Priston Tale
website(, but neglected to download the instructions, eh?
Or maybe you did but wanna check this FAQ. Well, after have Priston Tale up to date
and have your account created, you need to login. When you go to create you
character, notice that you only have one tribe to chose from. This tribe is a
physical tribe, so there aren't any magic users. Now, since this is a Mechanician
guide, I assume you are making a Mechanician. After you pick your hair style and
name, you will be taken into the game.

 First I'll explain the top of the HUD(Heads Up Display). You'll notice 3 bars.

|      N      |HEALTH POINTS(HP) 
| |   /---    --------------------
|   /        ------------------
|  W|     |E  |MANA POINTS(MP)   
|  /      /   --------------------
|       /    -------------
|EXP  ---     |STAMINA      

 Well, the EXP part isn't as jagged, it's a roundish bar, but that's hard to put in
a non-HTML guide, so throw me a bone. The poor circle is supposed to be the compass.
It just tells you what direction you are moving. Anyway, the HP bar is red and will
go down when you get hit. It regens at about 1 HP per 4-5 seconds. MP is the blue
bar and goes down when you use active(bindable) skills. It regens at about 1 MP per
3-4 seconds. Stamina is the short, green bar. It goes down when you use
active(bindable) skills and run. It regens at about 5 stamina per second. Now, for
the lower HUD.
      ______/ \_____
|   | ----- | -----|| |  |
|   | |ATK| | |SKL||| |  |--------------------------------
|   | |   | | |   ||| |  |POT1|POT2|POT3|__|R/W |CAM |MAP|_________________
|   | ----- | -----|| |  |    |    |    |  |    |    |   |CH|IT|SK|PT|QU|SY|

 That was a pain @_@
Anyway, I'll explain my abbreviations.

~ATK - Default Attack(This cannot be changed. Attacking will always be for the Right
Mouse button[Left Mouse button if you are Left Handed)
~SKL - Skill(Nothing is assigned by default. You get your first skill is at level
~POT1 - Potion 1
~POT2 - Potion 2
~POT3 - Potion 3
~R/W - Run/Walk(Run is default)
~CAM - Toggle Camera between Manual, Fixed, and Auto(Fixed is default)
~MAP - Turn map on/off(On is default)
~CH - Character information(Stats and levels)
~IT - Inventory/Equipment
~SK - Skills
~PT - Party
~QU - Quests(not implemented yet)
~SY - System(Quit game)

 Now onto the commands. The format is Command - Hotkey. So to check your items, it
would be Open Inventory - V, so pressing "v" in-game will open up you item screen.

~Move/Attack - Left Mouse Click(Right Mouse Click if you are left-handed)
~Use Skill(when set) - Right Mouse Click(Left Mouse Click if you are right-handed)
~Use Potions - 1, 2, and 3(On the HUD, you will notice 3 boxes that may fill with
Potions as you get/buy them. The box farthest to the left is 1, the middle is 2, and
the right is 3.)
~Close open menus - ESC
~Toggle map on/off - TAB(On is default)
~Switch Equipments - W
~Switch Inventories - E
~Toggle Run/Walk - R(Run is the default setting. Walking, however, does not use
~Open Skills menu - S
~Open Party menu - D
~Open Quit Game option - X/ESC
~Open Character Information menu - C
~Open Inventory - V
~Open chat window - ENTER/RETURN
~Take screenshot(capture) - CTRL+HOME

 And two quick chat commands

~Private Message - /:(name) (message)
~Invite to party - /::party (name)

 Please note that when you exit Priston Tale, you leave your party.

 Now, if you are wondering, you are in the first town, Rictarten. At the south of
the town you will find the town's Skillmaster and one of the Blacksmiths. Cross the
bridge to explore the west part of town. You will find the Merchant, Alchemist,
Wareskeeper, and the second Blacksmith. The Merchant sells potions and other items.
The Alchemist can upgrade your weapons using the stones sold by the Merchant. The
Wareskeeper will store your items and the Blacksmith sells stuff.

 To start leveling simply go north of the town.

SECTION 2 - Statistic Information

~Strength: Very important to a Mechanician. It is a VERY COMMON requirement for
equipment. It also affects attack power, stamina recovery rate, carry weight,

~Spirit: Requirement for few equips. If your Mechanician is going to be heavy on the
Mechanic Bomb spamming, this could be helpful. Affects stamina, mana, and mana
recovery rate.

~Talent: Needed for ALOT of equipment, it is also another VERY important Mechanician
stat. Affects accuracy, attack power, defense, stamina, attack speed.

~Agility: This can be a needed Mechanician stat, as it is required for many Claws,
but what weapon you use is up to you. Affects accuracy, projectile damage, and

~Body: This isn't too useful early on, but in later levels it may be helpful.
Affects stamina, carry weight, attack speed, health, health regen rate, and mana
regen rate.

SECTION 3 - Mechanician Skills

 Well, I'll start things off with the first tier skills. To level up skills, you
must fund the skill master in each town. I believe you get one skill point for every
two levels. There is also a fee for the skills.

~Level 10 Skill - Extreme Shield

 Increases Shields block rate for a fixed amount of time.

 This skill is worthy of at least one point. There are situations where it can be
useful, but not often.

~Level 12 Skill - Mechanic Bomb

 Throw a bomb(looks more like a Moltov Cocktail to me...) at an enemy. As it is a
bomb, there is splash damage

 This is a very useful skill. On top of doing damage from far away, it will also
cause the monster to flinch for a second, giving you some time to run away or get
close. The higher % of the skill, the more you can use it.

~Level 14 Skill - Poison Resist

 It does what it says...

 I personally see no reason to level up this skill. There isn't much use for it at

~Level 17 Skill -  Physical Absorb

 This, basicly, reduces the damage you take.

 Well, this one could go either way. I'm leaving it up to you if you want this skill
or not. If your mainly going to be hit-and-running things, this skill is of low
priority. However, if you are going to be doing melee combat alot, you will want.
Personallu, I do recomend it, but it's your Mechanician.

 Now for the second tier skills. These have no comment as they are not yet in the
game. They will be available in version 1.67b, which should be out soon. The
information for these skills is from Priston Tale

~Level 20 Skill - Great Smash

 This is a powerful attack that does more damage than your normal attacks.

~Level 23 Skill - Maximize

 Raises weapons attack power permanently. My guess is that this is a passive(always
in effect) skill.

~Level 26 Skill - Automation

 Raises the speed and attack of projectiles for a fixed amount of time

~Level 30 Skill - Spark

 Attack enemies with lightning bolts. How shocking! ^^

SECTION 4 - The World Of Priston

 Okay, your leveling is going to depend on a few things. One of those is your luck
of drops. If you get a weapon from an enemy, you know you should save for armor, or
visa-versa. A bow weapon is good for hit-and-running enemies. You can take down
anything if you use a smart approach. Any weapon is good, but if you have something
that is Mechanician spec, that means you get more out of that equipment than the
other three classes.

Level 1-6

You'll be leveling off of Hoppies, Armas, and Mushroom Ghosts just north of
Rictarten. The Mushroom Ghosts and Hoppies give more experience than the Armas, so
keep that in mind. Hoppies are the weakest of the three, though. AND STAY AWAY FROM
HOBGOBLINS!!! When you are a low leveled, they will slaughter you. I'll break those
down for ya'

Armas - High defense, high attack, slow, not much EXP
Hoppies - Low defense, low attack, medium speed, good EXP
Mushroom Ghosts - Medium defense, medium attack, high speed, good EXP.
Hobgobblins - HIGH defense, HIGH attack, slow, great EXP

Level 7-11

 And no, there is no pun for the levels suggested. From the area suggested for level
1-6, head north untill the road forks. Take the west path. You'll want to start of
sniping and then move to normal combat against Obits, Minigue, Dorals, Plants and
Imps. Imps come in pairs and can quickly kill low leveled players, so be careful.
Plants hit hard and have high defense. If you are lucky, you can find a Mechanician
spec Griffin Claw from here.

Minigues - Medium defense, medium attack, medium speed, good EXP, usually come in
Obits - low defense, high attack, slow, good EXP
Dorals - high defense, low attack, medium speed, above average EXP
Imps - high defense, HIGH attack, fast, great EXP
Plants, HIGH defense, HIGH attack, slow, great EXP

Level 12-20

 Okay, time to go to the wasteland and snipe Zombies, Skeletons, and Plant Lords. To
get there, go back to the fork in the road and take the east path and go across the
bridge. However, these monsters RARELY come without friends, so try not to get
mobbed to death. On the plus side, you can find some great drops from them.

Minigues - low defense, low attack, medium speed, poor EXP, usually come in groups
of 2 or 3
Dorals - low defense, low attack, medium speed, poor EXP
Skeletons - Medium defense, high attack, fast, good EXP, come in groups of at least
Zombies - Low defense, medium attack, medium speed, good EXP, come in groups of at
least 2
Plant Lords - HIGH defense, HIGH attack, slow, great EXP

Level 21-??

 Coming soon...

SECTION 5 - Mechanician Weapons

 Now, in Priston Tale, any class can use any weapon. But as a Mechanician, you'll
have a better chance of finding a Mechanician spec Claw than any other type of
weapon. Plus, all Claws are one handed weapons, meaning you can use a shield with
them. I will list the Claws, the attack/attack rating/critical %/attack speed, the
requirements, where to find, and how much to buy. Please note that you may find
Claws with stats stronger or weaker than the ones listed here. This information is
from Planet Priston Tale(

~Eagle Claw - 1-3/30/3%/7 - Talent 22, Agility 24 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 70g
~Tiger Claw - 2-5/35/4%/7 - Talent 24, Agility 26 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 470g
~Griffin Claw - 3-6/40/4%/6 - Level 7, Strength 27, Talent 26, Agility 24 -
Rictarten(Town 1) - 1,400g
~Snake Tooth - 4-8/44/5%/7 - Level 10, Strength 36, Talent 30, Agility 30 -
Rictarten(Town 1) - 3,500g
~Lightning Arm - 5-10/50/6%/6 - Level 16, Strength 48, Talent 34, Agility 28 -
Ruined Town(Town 2) - 6,400g
~Fingered Edge - 7-13/54/6%/6 - Level 22, Strength 54, Talent 40, Agility 40 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 9,200g
~Hand Blade - 9-15/60/7%/7 - Level 30, Strength 60, Talent 45, Agility 45 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 13,000g
~Pharaoh - 11-17/??/?%/7 - Level 37, Strength 70, Talent 50, Agility 50 - Dropped
~Great Claw - 13-20/??/?%/7 - Level 44, Strength 84, Talent 55, Agility 55 - Dropped
~Tu Blade - 14-24/??/?%/7 - Level 50, Strength 90, Talent 61, Agility 61 - Dropped

 Now, you may have seen a Mechanician walking around with a huge hammer and thought
to yourself "Man, I wish I had one of them". Like I said, any class can use any
weapon, so I will list the rest of the weapons in the world of Priston. I shall
start with Axes

~Stone Axe - 1-3/30/3%/6 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 60g
~Battle Axe - 3-6/39/4%/5 - Strength 42 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 800g
~War Axe - 4-8/40/4%/6 - Level 10, Strength 56, Talent 30 - Ruined Town(Town 2) -
~Double Sided War Axe(2 handed) - 7-16/45/9%/6 - Level 16, Strength 67, Talent 36 -
Ruined Town(Town 2) - 4,600g
~Bat Axe - 6-14/48/6%/6 - Level 22, Strength 84, Talent 56 - Navisko(Town 3) -
~Mechanician Axe - 8-17/52/6%/5 - Level 30, Strength 54, Talent 50 - Navisko(Town 3)
- 16,000g
~Double Headed Axe(2 handed) - 13-24/56/7%/7 - Level 30, Strength 100, Talent 56 -
~Great Axe(2 handed) - 16-26/70/?%/5 - Level 44, Strength 110, Talent 60 - Dropped
~Diamond Axe(2 handed) - 19-30/66/?%/6 - Level 50, Strength 118, Talent 65 - Dropped

 As you can see, Axes require high strength. Now for Bows. Before requirements,
there is range.

~Short Bow(2 handed) - 1-3/38/2%/6 - 190 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 70g
~Horned Bow - 2-3/20/1%/6 - 170 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 300g
~Hand Cross Bow - 3-5/24/3%/7 - 190 - Agility 36 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 720g
~Cross Bow(2 handed) - 4-7/32/4%/6 - 200 - Level 6, Talent 24, Agility 36 -
Rictarten(Town 1) - 1,300g
~Battle Bow(2 handed) - 4-9/38/5%/6 - 210 - Level 9, Talent 36, Agility 48 - Ruined
Town(Town 2) - 2,800g
~Great Bow(2 handed) - 5-10/42/6%/6 - 215 - Level 15, Strength 27, Talent 40,
Agility 52 - Ruined Town(Town 2) - 4,800g
~War Bow(2 handed) - 7-12/??/?%/6 - 230 - Level 20, Strength 40, Talent 44, Agility
54 - Dropped
~Great Cross Bow(2 handed) - 9-13/47/8%/6 - 230 - Level 25, Strength 40, Talent 50,
Agility 69 - Navisko(Town 3) - 16,000g
~Metal Hand Cross Bow - 10-14/51/9%/7 - 190 - Level 30, Strength 41, Talent 50,
Agility 74 - Navisko(Town 3) - 25,000g
~Double Cross Bow(2 handed) - 11-17/??/?%/6 - 230 - Level 36, Strength 50, Talent
55, Agility 82 - Dropped
~Bone Bow(2 handed) - 13-19/??/?%/5 - 230 - Level 41, Strength 56, Talent 56,
Agility 82 - Dropped
~Metal Bow(2 handed) - 15-22/??/?%/6 - 245 - Level 47, Strength 60, Talent 60,
Agility 90

 Bows are not the strongest of weapons, but the range makes up for that, as you can
shoot off a few shots before the monster or monsters reach you. Now, on to that
hammer that looks so darn cool.

~Club - 1-3/35/3%/7 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 60g
~War Mace - 2-4/45/3%/7 - Strength 30 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 460g
~Pole Mace - 4-7/35/4%/6 - Level 7, Strength 36, Talent 24 - Rictarten(Town 1) -
~Gothic Mace - 4-8/40/4%/7 - Level 9, Strength 42, Talent 30 - Rictarten(Town 1) -
~War Hammer - 5-10/42/5%/6 - Level 12, Strength 50, Talent 35 - Ruined Town(Town 2)
- 6,000g
~Metal Hammer(2 handed) - 8-15/52/10%/5 - Level 16, Strength 66, Talent 40 - Ruined
Town(Town 2) - 11,000g
~Cross Hammer(2 handed) - 7-14/56/11%/7 - Level 22, Strength 74, Talent 40 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 14,000g
~Holy Mace - 8-17/62/6%/6 - Level 30, Strength 74, Spirit 40, Talent 40 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 19,000g
~Spiked Mace - 10-20/??/?%/7 - Level 37, Strength 90, Talent 50, Agility 40 -
~Great Hammer(2 handed) - 14-27/??/?%/6 - Level 44, Strength 110, Talent 75 -
~Mighty Maul(2 handed) - 17-31/??/?%/6 - Level 48, Strength 77, Spirit 40, Talent 77
- Dropped

 The mace type weapons are a bit varied. The Metal Hammer is a good choice, as the
store bought version is Mechanician spec. Now, onto the spears.

~Pole - 1-4/40/3%/7 - Strength 33 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 140g
~Spear - 2-5/45/3%/6 - Strength 35, Talent 24 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 550g
~Bill - 4-7/50/3%/6 - Level 7, Strength 40, Talent 26 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 1,100g
~Halberd(2 handed) - 6-10/55/5%/6 - Level 10, Strength 50, Talent 30 -
Rictarten(Town 1) - 2,300g
~Horn Scythe(2 handed) - 7-14/46/7%/5 - Level 14, Strength 60, Talent 26 - Ruined
Town(Town 2) - 5,200g
~Trident(2 handed) - 7-16/52/8%/6 - Level 16, Strength 71, Talent 40 - Ruined
Town(Town 2) - 13,000g
~Enriched Scythe(2 handed) - 8-20/58/10%/6 - Level 22, Strength 82, Talent 45 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 17,000g
~Double Scythe(2 handed) - 9-24/66/11%/6 - Level 30, Strength 95, Talent 50 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 24,000g
~Crooked Scythe(2 handed) - 11-28/70/?%/5 - Level 37, Strength 90, Talent 54 -
~Lance(2 handed) - 13-33/75/?%/7 - Level 44, Strength 96, Talent 60 - Dropped
~Blood Scythe(2 handed) - 4-36/78/?%/6 - Level 50, Strength 90, Spirit 36, Talent 70
- Dropped

 As you can see, the spear and mace type weapons are very similar. Now, for the
final class of weapon, the weapon of choice for many an RPG hero, the sword.

~Dagger - 1-3/50/1%/7 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 60g
~Celtic Dagger - 2-4/55/1%/7 - None - Rictarten(Town 1) - 250g
~Sword Breaker - 2-6/45/2%/7 - Strength 30 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 560g
~Short Sword - 3-5/38/3%/8 - Level 6, Strength 36 - Rictarten(Town 1) - 1,300g
~Long Sword(2 handed) - 7-11/40/7%/7 - Level 9, Strength 40, Talent 30 -
Rictarten(Town 1) - 2,600g
~Broad Sword - 5-10/45/5%/6 - Level 13, Strength 50, Talent 36 - Ruined Town(Town 2)
- 3,500g
~Blade - 6-11/45/5%/7 - Level 17, Strength 62, Agility 40 - Ruined Town(Town 2) -
~Templar Sword - 7-13/42/6%/6 - Level 24, Strength 40, Spirit 38, Talent 40 -
Navisko(Town 3) - 9,300g
~Shield Sword - 8-16/45/7%/7 - Level 30, Strength 66, Talent 52 - Navisko(Town 3) -
~Sword of Mind(2 handed) - 13-21/50/?%/7 - Level 37, Strength 76, Talent 82 -
~Sword of Growth - 11-21/60/?%/7 - Level 43, Strength 80, Talent 75, Agility 50 -
~Sword of Power - 13-24/70/?%/6 - Level 48, Strength 90, Talent 80, Agility 56 -

 With each level, you get 5 points to put into stats. Use this weapon info to plan
ahead. What weapons you chose to use is your choice and yours alone.

SECTION 6 - Acknowledgements
-To Triglow Pictures for making and maintaining this MMORPG
-To CJayC for putting this on GameFAQs
~To Priston Tale Prophecy( for the second tier skill
-To Planet Priston Tale( for information on
-And to you, the reader.

SECTION 7 - Contact Information

 I welcome all comments and suggestions, however, if you choose to flame and
verbally assault me, I warn you that I shall retaliate.

~E-Mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
~AIM - GoldenChocobo77
~YIM - GoldenChocobo77
~MSN - GoldenChocobo77
~In-Game - GoldenChocobo77