**********~~~~~Crystal Location FAQ V. 2.50©~~~~~**********
                          By Jaxx4059
          For Starwars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX)
   You can contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR on AOL Instant Messanger: MPax4059
                 Last Updated: July 30, 2003


 Contents			                           |
 Section I: Introduction                                   |
 Section II: Updates                                       |
 Section III: Crystal List                                 |
              1. Dantooine                                 |
                 A. Blue Crystal                           |
                 B. Green Crystal                          |
                 C. Red Crystal                            |
                 D. Rubat Crystal                          |
                 E. Violt (Purple) Crystal                 |
                 F. Yellow Crystal                         |
              2. Tatooine                                  |
                 A. Diomond Crystal                        |
                 B. Krayt Dragon Pearl                     |
                 C. Opila Crystal                          |
                 D. Red Crystal                            |
                 E. Violet (Purple) Crystal                |
                 F. Yellow Crystal                         |
              3. Kashyyyk                                  |
                 A. Diomond Crystal                        |
                 B. Nextor Crystal                         |
                 C. Yellow Crystal                         |
              4. Manaan                                    |
                 A. Jenruax Crystal                        |
                 B. Luxum Crystal                          |
                 C. Sigil Crystal                          | 
              5. Korroban                                  |
                 A. Bondar Crystal                         |
                 B. Eralam Crystal                         |
                 C. Firkrann Crystal                       |
                 D. Jenraux Crystal                        |
                 E. Nextor Crystal                         |
                 F. Opila Crystal                          |
                 G. Phond Crystal                          |
                 H. Sigil Crystal                          |
                 I. Solari Crystal                         |
              6. Unknown World                             |
                 A. Sapith Crystal                         |
                 B. Upari Crystal                          |
 Section IV: FAQS                                          |
 Section V: Special Thanks                                 |
 Section VI: Closing                                       |
 Section VII: Copyright Information                        |

  I. (Introduction)                           |

 First off thanks for using my FAQ. Now this FAQ is the list of all (or most)
 of the lightsaber crystals for the saber-upgrades. This will tell you the name
 of the crystal, where to find the crystal, (planet and place on the planet)
 and the details on the crystal (coming soon). I hope that this FAQ will help
 you all the most when you need it! Now to get started!

  II. (Updates)                               |

 This FAQ was last updated: July 28, 2003 (Started the FAQ today)

                            July 29, 2003 (Added almost more than half of the
                                           list AND special thanks section
                                           today and fixed some errors)

                            July 30, 2003 (I added the FAQ section. (Also more
                                           to come to the FAQ's))

                            July 31, 2003 (Little update, no biggie)

  III. (Crystal List)                         |

 Note: Some of the listed items will be mentioned more than once because you
 can find some of the same crystals on two or more of the same places. So yes
 I do know that the same crystals are in this FAQ more than once because
 you can find the same items in more than one place. Also for you notice you
 can get atleast 10 or more red crystals in the Dantooine crystal cave in the
 eggs that are in there but dont worry, that is not the ONLY place to get them,
 you can get some off of corpse's. To do this all you have to do is bash them
 (to do this, target the egg and then press up where it useually says dialog
 and it should switch to bash).

 1) (Dantooine)          |

     A. Name: Blue Crystal

 Location: Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Blue

     B. Name: Green Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Green

     C. Name: Red Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Red

     D. Name: Rubat Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +1

     E. Name: Violet Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Location: Tattoine (Dune Sea) - Found in rubble within Krayt Dragon lair 
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found in urn
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Violet (Purple)

     F. Name: Yellow Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation
 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Changses saber-color Yellow

 2) (Tatooine)           |

    A. Name: Damind Crystal 

 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse 
 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +2

    B. Name: Krayt Dragon Pearl

 Location: Tattoine (Dune Sea) - Found on Krayt Dragon's corpse
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +3 (Not confirmed)

    C. Name: Opila Crystal 

 Location: Tattoine (Dune Sea) - Found in rubble within Krayt Dragon lair 
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found on Jorak Uln's corpse
 Abilities: Enhanced Critical Strike, 2-12 Bonus Damage vs. Dark Jedi

    D. Name: Red Crystal 

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Red

    E. Name: Violet Crystal
 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Location: Tattoine (Dune Sea) - Found in rubble within Krayt Dragon lair 
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found in urn
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Violet (Purple)

    F. Name: Yellow Crystal
 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation 
 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse 
 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Yellow

 3) (Kashyyyk)           |

     A. Name: Damind Crystal

 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +2

     B. Name: Nextor Crystal

 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Naga Sadow) - Found in skeletal remains
 Abilities: Enhanced Critical Strike

     C. Name: Yellow Crystal

 Location: Dantooine (Crystal Cave) - Obtained from a crystal formation
 Location: Tatooine (Anchorhead) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Abilities: Changes saber-color Yellow

 4) (Manaan)             |

     A. Name: Jenruax Crystal

 Location: Manaan (Sith Base) - Found on Dark Jedi
 Location: Korriban (Shyrack Caves) - Found on Thalia May's corpse
 Abilities: 2 Bonus Damage, +5 Blaster Deflection

     B. Name: Luxum Crystal

 Location: Manaan (Sith Base) - Found on Dark Jedi Master's corpse
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +3 vs. Droids

     C. Name: Sigil Crystal

 Location: Manaan (Hrakert Kolto Station) - Found on Dark Jedis' corpse
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Marko Ragnos) - Found in sarcophagus
 Abilities: 1-6 Bonus Damage, Improved Power Attack

 5) (Korroban)           |

     A. Name: Bondar Crystal

 Location: Korriban (Dreshdae) - Found on Sith corpse
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found in urn
 Abilities: Stun at DC 15

     B. Name: Eralam Crystal

 Location: Korriban (Dreshdae) - Found on Dak Vesser's corpse
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +3

     C. Name: Firkrann Crystal

 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found in urn
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +4 vs. Droids

     D. Name: Jenruax Crystal

 Location: Manaan (Sith Base) - Found on Dark Jedi
 Location: Korriban (Shyrack Caves) - Found on Thalia May's corpse
 Abilities: 2 Bonus Damage, +5 Blaster Deflection

     E. Name: Nextor Crystal

 Location: Kashyyyk (Upper Forest) - Found on Dark Jedi's corpse
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Naga Sadow) - Found in skeletal remains
 Abilities: Enhanced Critical Strike

     F. Name: Opila Crystal

 Location: Tattoine (Dune Sea) - Found in rubble within Krayt Dragon lair
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found on Jorak Uln's corpse
 Abilities: Enhanced Critical Strike, 2-12 Bonus Damage vs. Dark Jedi

     G. Name: Phond Crystal

 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found on Mekel's corpse
 Abilities: 1-10 Bonus Damage vs. Droids

     H. Name: Sigil Crystal

 Location: Manaan (Hrakert Kolto Station) - Found on Dark Jedis' corpse
 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Marko Ragnos) - Found in sarcophagus
 Abilities: 1-6 Bonus Damage, Improved Power Attack

     I. Name: Solari Crystal

 Location: Korriban (Tomb of Naga Sadow) - Found in skeletal remains
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +5

 6) (Unknown World)      |

     A. Name: Sapith Crystal
 Location: Unknown World (Rakatan Temple) - Found in rune covered pillar 
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +4

     B. Name: Upari Crystal

 Location: Unknown World (Rakatan Temple) - Found in rune covered pillar
 Abilities: Enhancement Bonus +5

  IV. (FAQS)                                  |

 Befor yo go any further dwon to look at these Q&A's I want to warn you that
 there my be some SPOILERS so make sure if you dont want SPOILERS then keep
 your wondering eyes above the line below ^_^


 Q: Is there such thing as a BLACK crystal to change the saber-color to black?

 A: No, there is NOT a black crystal to change yout saber-color ro black. If
 there was you would see it here on this FAQ first. If there is one comming
 out for downloadable content I will let you know ASAP. But as of right now
 there is no confirmation of any other colors for lightsaers but these colors:
 Blue Yellow Green Violet and Red.


 Q: Will the Black crystal ever exist?

 A: I dont know. It is not confirmed, but anyhting is possible I guess


 Q: How do I break open the eggs on Dantooine and what is inside the eggs?

 A: What is inside of those eggs are Red crystals that turn your saber-color
 to red. How you open this is like this. You go up to the egg and where the
 option for dialog useually is, you can now hit up onde on the D-pad and
 should say 'bash' If it says this then choose this option till the egg is
 open. Not all eggs have an item so dont go nuts if you gont get one first


 Q: What if I cant find what I am looking for here?

 A: Most likely you can go to www.gamefaqs.com and go to their message boards.
 Useually you cant get all the help you need and more. The poeple there like
 to help out other fellow gamers. Sorry if you DIDENT get what you were
 looking for here though.


Dont worry now. This is the end of the SPOILERS!

  V. (Special Thanks)                         |

 Most of the thanks go's to Hitman2002 for getting the list of all the crystals
 that are posted here. He posted them on the board for other people so I just
 decided to go ahead and make it a FAQ for futrure referance for me and
 everyone elese that needs this kind of FAQ. I would also like to thank
 ShadowX15 for (kinda) supporting me and giveing me the idea to do this FAQ.
 But better yet, the most thanks gos to Kil jaeden for giveing me the
 Ablilities part of this FAQ I think he desirves the most credit to this FAQ
 he was like my partner in this FAQ. And also the boards of gamefaqs.com for
 helping a little and being there when I need the help the most on this or
 any other game And also to thank myself for haveing the time to do this
 FAQ and not doing it during school so I could finish it! ^_^

  VI. (Closing)                               |

 I hope that this FAQ did help most of you out. I want to thank all that helped
 me during this FAQ. Dont worry, I will update this as much as needed. If new
 crystals come out in downloadable content this will be the first place to look
 to see what the crystal dose, and where it is located! If I missed out on
 anything then just contact me and I will be sure to fix the problem as soon
 as possible. Thanks for useing this FAQ! Again, hope it helped!

  VII. (Copyright Information)                |

 This FAQ was made by Jaxx4059 (2003-2003), and it my not be distributed, used,
 or be claimed as anybody else work. Only sites that my use this FAQ is
 www.GameFAQs.com, www.GameSpot.com, www.gamewinners and www.ign.com. It may
 not be use by any means without my consent. If you have any Questions or
 Comments, please E-Mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Instant Message me at
 SN: MPax4059.