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  "Thirteen" PC Version Walkthrough          ©2003 Dark Phoenix Corporation
    * * * Main Menu of XIII Walkthrough * * *

* Hold 'Ctrl' + 'F' to make the find window appear.
* Choose which sub-section you want view in this walkthrough.
* Type in the three digit alphanumeric code given for the section you want.
* Click the 'Find Next' button twice to end up in the certain section.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Section A - Introduction"
        A01     -     Overview of XIII Walkthrough
        A02     -     Submission Information
        A03     -     Submitters Credits

"Section B - Getting Ready"
        B01     -     Prologue/Introduction to XIII
        B02     -     Main Menu Details
        B03     -     Default PC Controls
        B04     -     PC Requirements
        B05     -     Tips 'n' Hints
        B06     -     Submitters Tips 'n' Hints

"Section C - In-Game Skills"
        C01     -     Skills

"Section D - Characters of XIII"
        D01     -     Main Characters

"Section E - Weapon Inventory"
        E01     -     Close Combat
        E02     -     Handguns
        E03     -     Automatics
        E04     -     Shotguns
        E05     -     Harpoons/Crossbows
        E06     -     Sniper Weaponry
        E07     -     Explosives

"Section F - Object Inventory"
        F01     -     Objects
        F02     -     Health Pickups
        F03     -     Armour Pickups
        F04     -     Mission Items

"Section G - Singleplayer Mission Walkthrough"
        G01     -     Mission 01 = Brighton Beach          - Awakening
        G02     -     Mission 02 = Brighton Beach          - Invasion
        G03     -     Mission 03 = Winslow Bank            - Investigation
        G04     -     Mission 04 = FBI Headquarters        - Interrogation
        G05     -     Mission 05 = Rooftop                 - Departure
        G06     -     Mission 06 = Emerald Military Base   - Insertion
        G07     -     Mission 07 = Emerald Military Base   - Infiltration
        G08     -     Mission 08 = Emerald Military Base   - Rescue
        G09     -     Mission 09 = Emerald Military Base   - Extraction
        G10     -     Mission 10 = Rocky Mountains         - Interception
        G11     -     Mission 11 = Kellownee Lake          - Exploration
        G12     -     Mission 12 = Kellownee Lake          - Search & Rescue
        G13     -     Mission 13 = Plain Rock Penitentiary - Detention
        G14     -     Mission 14 = Plain Rock Asylum       - Fugitive
        G15     -     Mission 15 = Plain Rock Canyons      - Getaway
        G16     -     Mission 16 = Grand Canyon Valley     - Escape
        G17     -     Mission 17 = SPADS Military Base     - Covert 
        G18     -     Mission 18 = SPADS Military Base     - Sabotage
        G19     -     Mission 19 = SPADS Military Base     - Destruction
        G20     -     Mission 20 = SPADS Submarine Pen     - Assault
        G21     -     Mission 21 = USS Patriot             - Introspection
        G22     -     Mission 22 = USS Patriot             - Evacuation
        G23     -     Mission 23 = AFMD-10 Naval Base      - Intrusion
        G24     -     Mission 24 = AFMD-10 Harbour         - Identification
        G25     -     Mission 25 = Bristol Suites Hotel    - Surveillance
        G26     -     Mission 26 = Willard's Estate        - Sunset 
        G27     -     Mission 27 = Willard's Estate        - Penetration
        G28     -     Mission 28 = Willard's Estate        - Espionage
        G29     -     Mission 29 = Willard's Estate        - Cliffhanger
        G30     -     Mission 30 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Forbidden Entry
        G31     -     Mission 31 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Anti-Terrorism
        G32     -     Mission 32 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Total Red
        G33     -     Mission 33 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Abortion
        G34     -     Mission 34 = Yacht Lady Bee          - Revelation

"Section H - Multiplayer"
        H01     -     Multiplayer Menus
        H02     -     Multiplayer Modes
        H03     -     Multiplayer Maps

"Section I - Secret Documents"
        I01     -     Secret Documents
        I02     -     XIII Documents

"Section J - Conspirators"
        J01     -     Conspirators

"Section K - Final Walkthrough Notices"
        K01     -     Version Updates
        K02     -     Walkthrough Credits

"Section L - Copyrights and Permitted Sites"
        L01     -     Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites