
                                  Gloria (PC)
                 Copyright 1996 by C's Ware and Himeya Soft, Inc.

                                 Ben Woodhouse 
                                April 29 - 2003 
                                 Version  0.83

******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************
Gloria is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex. Therefore it 
is intended solely for people over the age of 18.  If you are of age and still 
find such material objectionable, then you probably have no interest in 
playing this game or reading this FAQ.

Himeya Soft offers many of C's Ware's titles.
Check them out online at shop.himeya.com.
Jast USA also sells Himeya's translated titles.
Find their store at www.jastusa.com.


                              Easy Navigation System
                      To quickly jump to the desired section,
                hit CTRL+F and type in the section's shorthand code.

  i.     Introduction....................................................IN01
  ii.    System Requirements.............................................SR02
  iii.   Characters......................................................CH03
  iv.    Exam Questions..................................................EQ04
  v.     Extra Games.....................................................EG05
  vi.    Walkthrough.....................................................WK06
  vii.   Graphics Index (Listed by girl).................................GI07
  viii.  Event CG Gallery................................................CG08
  ix.    Version History.................................................VH09
  x.     Copyright Information...........................................CI10

                              i. INTRODUCTION                      CODE : IN01

Kira Akishino and Georg Hanson are both top students at M.I.T.  Mysteriously, 
each receives the exact same job offer, a proposal to travel to the lavish
Gloria estate and tutor one of the five lovely Gloria daughters.  Georg
immediately jumps at the opportunity to be surrounded by luxury and beautiful
women.  Kira's decisions lie in the player's hands.  Will you make him
the model tutor, bringing out the fullest potential in his student?
Or perhaps you'll succumb to the temptation provided by the seven
women in the house?   

Gloria is a menu-driven adult bishoujo game.  Every so often, Kira will
be presented with a choice between several actions.  Gloria contains
an unbelievable number of endings; almost every choice you make will 
have ramifications later on in the story.  So pay attention, your
choices will dictate whether or not Kira succeeds or fails in work,
love, and life.
                          ii. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS                  CODE : SR02           

System requirements for Gloria:

Operating System......Windows 95/98/Me
Processor.............i486SX or 33 MHz or better
Memory................8 MB of RAM (12 recommended)
CD-ROM................2X speed CD-ROM drive
Sound Card............Any Microsoft compatible
Mouse.................Any Microsoft compatible
Monitor...............640x480 at 256 color resolution

                             iii. CHARACTERS                       CODE : CH03

Kira Akishino  
An honor student at M.I.T., Kira definitely has the brains to tutor anyone.  
He also seems very kindhearted and understanding.  Of course, actions speak 
louder than words, so Kira's real personality will depend on what you make 
him do. 

Georg Hanson
Kira's friend and rival at M.I.T.  Coincidently, he was also offered a
position as a tutor in the Gloria house.  He earned a reputation as a
ladies man at school, so what kind of havoc will he wreak on a mansion
full of women?

Michelle M. Gloria
The "madam" is the acting head of the Gloria household.  She seems to
admire Kira from the first moment she meets him.  However, she
controls her emotions so well that she won't have any problem firing
him if he doesn't do his job.

Etana Gloria
Etana's the oldest, eighteen, and the most determined of the
daughters.  She dresses in men's clothes and speaks aggressively;
encounters with her usually don't pass that smoothly.  Everyone might
just want to stay out of her way.

Sicile Gloria
Sicile's only seventeen, but she acts like everyone's mother.  Even
though she is a Gloria daughter, she serves as a maid in the
household, supposedly as some kind of punishment.  She's so kind an
unassuming, it's hard to imagine what she could've done to deserve
such treatment.

Naomi Gloria
Naomi's the same age as Sicile, but she's much less responsible.
She's the cynic of the family and is always sure to let people hear
her unique viewpoints.  Sake helps to loosen her tongue; she drinks it
all day long.

Mary Gloria
Mary's the second youngest daughter at age 15, but she acts like a baby.  
She would much rather play than study, so Kira will have his work cut out
for him if he decides to take her as his charge.  On the other hand, her
youthful innocence and naivete are so cute, one can't help but want to
be around her.

Charme Gloria
The fourteen year old is the youngest daughter of the family.  She's
surprisingly serious, and its hard for her to open up to people.  In
fact, her best friend is Filemorth, her pet lizard.  You rarely see
Charme without Filemorth in tow.

Lisa Houston  
Lisa is the "real" maid of the Gloria residence.  However, she's also 
overqualified for the job; she holds a medical license.  She's usually
in a disagreeable mood, but she does her job well.

                            iv. EXAM QUESTIONS                     CODE : EQ04

Many of the paths in the game involve Kira taking an exam towards the end.  
Endings will differ depending on whether he passes or fails the exam
by missing one answer.  Some of the questions are easy, but some involve 
obscure trivia.  Figuring out the solutions wouldn't be too hard, but here's a 
list to save you some time.
           Problem 1

"RE-X-OAD, BA-X-SAM, KI-X-L, NOB-X-E.  What letter can replace all four X's?"

Answer : L

          Problem ??

"What is the abbreviation for the 1954 Mutual Security Assistance Agreement 
 drawn up between Japan and the U.S.?"

Answer : MSA

          Problem 14

"Something for is to something new, something blue, something old.
 What's the other one?"

Answer : Something borrowed

          Problem 16

"Who is Vladimir Ashkenazy?"

Answer : Former Russian Czar

  Another Problem 16

"Great Emperor Carl lived during the...?

Answer : Carroling Dynasty

          Problem 48

"Masashi and Ian exchanged all of their money into $1 bills.  They
 each ended up with a number of bills divisible by 10.  If every day
 the two of them spend $14, they both run completely out of money in
 72 days.  However if they use 19 bills each day, Masashi will run out
 of money 7 days earlier than Ian.  How much money did Masashi and Ian
 each start out with?"

Answer : Masashi has $430.  Ian has $570.

         Problem 100

"What is the number nearest 1000, that when divided by 6 leaves a
 remainder of 1, and when divided by 13 leaves a remainder of 10."

Answer : 1141

                               v. EXTRA GAMES                      CODE : EG05

Gloria presents three extra games : "Love Love Charme", "Naomi's Room", 
and "Fatal Game."  These events are unlocked singly after your first
few times through the main game.

"Love Love Charme" takes place in a universe in which Kira and Charme
married after the events covered in the game.  Basically, its just an
excuse to show them having sex.

"Naomi's Room" introduces the cast through Naomi's eyes.  It's hilarious.

The "Fatal Game" tests your skill at working a slot machine.  You are
given six coins, and your task is to activate six pictures by matching
them up in the slots.  As of yet I haven't done that, so more
explanation will have to wait.

                              vi. WALKTHROUGH                      CODE : WK06

With forty-plus endings(so far), Gloria possibly features the most scenarios 
for any bishoujo game translated into English.  It will take anyone a while to 
see them all, and one could overlook a possible path quite easily.

Below are listed all the possible endings for the game(so far), along with
walkthroughs to achieve them.  Please note that there are multiple ways
to achieve most every ending, but I've only listed one or two for each.  
They are categorized by who Kira ends up with at the end of the game, 
if anyone.  

                            Easy Navigation System
                    To quickly jump to the desired section,
              hit CTRL+F and type in the section's shorthand code.

    Alone  : 1.  Be Left Alone................................0100
             2.  Despair......................................0200
             3.  Dismissal....................................0300
             4.  Do Not Know..................................0400
             5.  For Darkness.................................0500
             6.  Good!........................................0600
             7.  Have a Happy Ending..........................0700
             8.  Make Some Happiness..........................0800
             9.  Master Charme................................0900
             10. Master Georg.................................1000
             11. Master Kira..................................1100
             12. Master Mary..................................1200
             13. Maze.........................................1300
             14. Not the End..................................1400
             15. Rejection....................................1500
             16. River........................................1600
             17. Worst........................................1700
  Michelle : 18. Good!........................................1800
             19. Make Some Happiness..........................1900
     Naomi : 20. Good!........................................2000
             21. Make Some Happiness..........................2100
    Sicile : 22. Good!........................................2200
             23. Make Some Happiness..........................2300
             24. Master Charme................................2400
             25. Master Georg.................................2500
             26. Master Kira(1)...............................2600
             27. Master Kira(2)...............................2700
             28. Sicile.......................................2800
      Mary : 29. Like.........................................2900
             30. Master Georg.................................3000
             31. Master Kira..................................3100
             32. Master Mary..................................3200
             33. Nice.........................................3300
    Charme : 34. Master Charme................................3400
             35. Master Georg.................................3500
             36. Master Kira..................................3600
             37. Nice.........................................3700
     Other : 38. Death........................................3800
             39. Master Charme................................3900
             40. Nice.........................................4000
             41. Out..........................................4100
             42. Safe.........................................4200
                                |           |
|-------------------------------|   Alone   |---------------------------------|
|                               |___________|                                 |

                "Be Left Alone"     CODE : 0100

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Will you hurry up and lead the way?
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What's your ethnic background?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Nope!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Georg's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Think.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Kiss her.
  27. Do something else.
  28. Let her.
  29. Romance.
  30. Okay.
  31. Walk around the city.
  32. Sex, sex.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Talk about Mary.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Think about what's going to happen.
  37. Hold her AND kiss her.
  38. Maybe you should kill them.
  39. Talk her into going.
  40. Hey, screw you!
  41. Go to Mary's room.
  42. Think about Georg.
  43. About Mary.
  44. Talk to Georg about it.
  45. Help Mary with her studies.
  46. Do her.
  47. Tell her goodbye.
  48. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Dislike |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                      "Despair"    CODE : 0200

  1. Of course, I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the five daughters.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Have Sicile wake her up.
  9. Tell her that's not true.
  10. Leave.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her its okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Tutor Sicile to the best of my abilities.
  15. Do you hate studying?
  16. Go to Charme's room.
  17. Don't say anything.
  18. Ask her more./Let it go.
  19. Kiss her./Apologize.(If you choose "Ask her more" for 18)
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Normal  |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Normal  |
            | Mary     --  Dislike |                     |

                    "Dismissal"    CODE : 0300

  1. Of course, I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have FUN.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Take a bath.
  18. Please do.
  19. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  20. Leave Charme alone.
  21. Do her.
  22. Surprise attack!
  23. Have her go faster.
  24. Take her temperature.
  25. Keep on studying.
  26. Let her.
  27. Romance.
  28. Do Lisa.
  29. Nope.
  30. Hell, fuck her.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Hated   |                     |

                  "Do Not Know"    CODE : 0400

  1. Of course, I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Sicile.
  15. Tutor Sicile to the best of my abilities.
  16. Do you like studying?
  17. Go to Charme's room.
  18. Jump on Sicile.
  19. Ask her more.
  20. Kiss her.
  21. Yes, I do mind.
  22. Don't trust her.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Normal  |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Normal  |                     |

                 "For Darkness"    CODE : 0500

  1. Of course, I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Try to pickup on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Surprise attack!
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Let her.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Sex, sex.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Talk about Mary.
  35. Study about sex.
  36. Think about what's happened.
  37. Oh, okay...
  38. Go to Mary's room.
  39. Think about Mary.
  40. About Mary.
  41. Visit Georg.
  42. The last resort.
  43. Study on my own.
  44. Don't do her.
  45. Tell her goodbye.
  46. Fail the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |

                        "Good!"    CODE : 0600

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her its okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Go seek madam for help.
  46. I don't need anything.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

          "Have a Happy Ending"    CODE : 0700

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Think.
  21. Leave Charme alone.
  22. Do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Just let her do it.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Don't do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Eat at a restaurant.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Mary's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Grade it the it is.
  46. Decide by vote.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

          "Make Some Happiness"    CODE : 0800

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Think.
  21. Leave Charme alone.
  22. Do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Just let her do it.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Don't do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Eat at a restaurant.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Mary's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Alter her answer.
  46. I don't need anything.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                "Master Charme"    CODE : 0900

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try and pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Surprise attack!
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Let her.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Study.
  33. Sex, sex.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Talk about Mary.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Think about what's happened.
  38. Oh, okay...
  39. Go to Mary's room.
  40. Think about Mary.
  41. About Mary.
  42. Visit Georg.
  43. Talk to Georg about it.
  44. Help Mary with her studies.
  45. Don't do her.
  46. Look for Filemorth with her.
  47. It's a nice offer, but I refuse.
  48. Fail the test. 
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |

                 "Master Georg"    CODE : 1000

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Sleep.
  46. The last resort.
  47. Study on my own.
  48. Do her.
  49. Tell her goodbye.
  50. Fail the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Hated   |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Kira"    CODE : 1100

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Visit Georg.
  46. The last resort.
  47. Visit Georg.
  48. Don't do her.
  49. Tell her goodbye.
  50. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Mary"    CODE : 1200

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Sicile.
  15. Tutor Sicile to the best of my abilities.
  16. Do you like studying?
  17. Go to Charme's room.
  18. Jump on Sicile.
  19. Ask her more.
  20. Kiss her.
  21. Yes, I do mind.
  22. Trust her.
  23. Think.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Normal  |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Normal  |                     |

                         "Maze"    CODE : 1300

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Will you hurry up and lead the way?
  5. Ask about the Madam.
  6. What's your ethnic background?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Nope!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Georg's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Think.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Kiss her.
  27. Do something else.
  28. Let her.
  29. Romance.
  30. Okay.
  31. Walk around the city.
  32. Sex, sex.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Talk about Mary.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Think about what's going to happen.
  37. Hold her AND kiss her.
  38. Maybe you should kill them.
  39. Talk her into going.
  40. Hey, screw you!
  41. Go to Naomi's room.
  42. Think about this house.
  43. About the near future of the Gloria family.
  44. Nothing I can do.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Not the End"    CODE : 1400

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Surprise attack!
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Let her.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Study.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about the test.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Oh, okay...
  40. Go to Mary's room.
  41. Think about Mary.
  42. About Mary.
  43. Think up a strategy.
  44. Return to life as before.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |

                    "Rejection"    CODE : 1500

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Wake up Mary myself.
  10. Change the subject.
  11. Thanks, I think I will.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Charme(She says no).
  15. Tutor Naomi(She says no).
  16. Tutor Etana(Georg says no).
  17. Tutor Sicile(She says no).
  18. Tutor Mary(She says no).

                        "River"    CODE : 1600

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Surprise attack!
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Let her.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Study.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about the test.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Oh, okay...
  40. Go to Mary's room.
  41. Think about Mary.
  42. About Mary.
  43. Think up a strategy.
  44. Keep going with this life.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |

                        "Worst"    CODE : 1700

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have FUN.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Take a bath.
  18. Please do.
  19. Think.
  20. Leave Charme alone.
  21. Do her.
  22. Go help her.
  23. Have her go faster.
  24. Take her temperature.
  25. Keep on studying.
  26. Let her.
  27. Romance.
  28. Do Lisa.
  29. Nope.
  30. Hell, fuck her.
  31. Sex, sex.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Hated   |                     |


                               |            |
|------------------------------|  Michelle  |---------------------------------|
|                              |____________|                                 |

                        "Good!"    CODE : 1800

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Go seek madam for help.
  46. I want you, madam.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

           "Make Some Happiness"    CODE : 1900

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Think.
  21. Leave Charme alone.
  22. Do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Just let her do it.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Don't do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Eat at a restaurant.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments of the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Mary's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Alter her answer.
  46. I want you, madam.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |


                                |           |
|-------------------------------|   Naomi   |---------------------------------|
|                               |___________|                                 |

                        "Good!"    CODE : 2000

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Surprise attack!
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Let her.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Study.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Talk about Mary.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Catch up on some reading.
  39. Oh, okay...
  40. Go to Mary's room.
  41. Think about Mary.
  42. About Mary.
  43. Go seek madam for help.
  44. I want Naomi.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Love    |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |

           "Make Some Happiness"    CODE : 2100

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Think.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Just let her do it.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Refuse.
  27. Do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Eat at a restaurant.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To Naomi's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Go to Naomi's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Alter her answer.
  46. I want Naomi.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Love    |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |


                                 |          |
|--------------------------------|  Sicile  |---------------------------------|
|                                |__________|                                 |

                        "Good!"     CODE : 2200

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. A surprise confession of love.
  45. Go seek madam for help.
  46. I don't need anything.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

          "Make Some Happiness"    CODE : 2300

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Think.
  21. Leave Charme alone.
  22. Do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Just let her do it.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Don't do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Eat at a restaurant.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments of the world.
  35. To the madam's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's happened.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Mary's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Alter her answer.
  46. I want Sicile.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                "Master Charme"    CODE : 2400

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. A surprise confession of love.
  45. Visit Charme.
  (Save here - Variation 1)
  46. ... You can modify the tradition ...?

  (Variation 2)
  46. Maybe as a last option...
  47. Shield Charme.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Diskike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

  (Variation 3)
  46. Maybe as a last option...
  47. Wait 'til the right moment.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Hate    |
            | Etana    --  Diskike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                 "Master Georg"    CODE : 2500

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. A surprise confession of love.
  45. Think up a strategy.
  46. The last resort.
  47. Visit Georg.
  48. Do her.
  49. Look for Filemorth with her.
  50. It's a nice offer, but I refuse.
  51. Fail the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Hated   |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Kira(1)"    CODE : 2600

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. A surprise confession of love.
  45. Think up a strategy.
  46. The last resort.
  47. Help Mary with her studies.
  48. Don't do her.
  49. Look for Filemorth with her.
  50. It's a nice offer, but I refuse.
  51. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Kira(2)"    CODE : 2700

*The ending is the same as Master Kira(1), this is just an alternate route.

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the five daughters.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Nope!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  21. Leave Charme alone.
  22. Do her.
  23. Surprise attack!
  24. Have her go faster.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Maybe just a little.
  28. Take medicine.
  29. Observe.
  30. Do Lisa.
  31. Okay.
  32. Study in the college library.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Naomi's room.
  35. Just go with it.
  36. Get mad.
  37. Confess my love.
  38. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Hated   |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                       "Sicile"    CODE : 2800

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have FUN.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Take a bath.
  18. Please do.
  19. Think.
  20. Leave Charme alone.
  21. Do her.
  22. Go help her.
  23. Have her go faster.
  24. Take her temperature.
  25. Keep on studying.
  26. Let her.
  27. Study.
  28. Do Lisa.
  29. Okay.
  30. Study in the college library.
  31. Play, play.
  32. Talk about my past.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Ask about Sicile.
  35. Study about sex.
  36. Catch up on some reading.
  37. Hey, screw you!
  38. Go to Mary's room.
  39. Think about Mary.
  40. A surprise confession of love.
  41. Visit Charme.
  42. ... You can modify the tradition...?
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Like    |                     |


                                 |          |
|--------------------------------|   Mary   |---------------------------------|
|                                |__________|                                 |

                         "Like"    CODE : 2900

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the five daughters.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little...
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Go to someone's room.
  18. Go to Naomi's room.
  19. Please do.
  20. Think.
  21. Wake Charme up.
  22. Do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Just let her do it.
  25. Continue studying.
  26. Do something else.
  27. Take care of it myself.
  28. Study.
  29. Nope.
  30. Have a little fun.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                 "Master Georg"    CODE : 3000

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Will you hurry up and lead the way?
  5. Ask about the Madam.
  6. What's your ethnic background?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Nope!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Georg's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Think.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Kiss her.
  27. Do something else.
  28. Let her.
  29. Romance.
  30. Okay.
  31. Walk around the city.
  32. Sex, sex.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Talk about Mary.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Think about what's going to happen.
  37. Hold her AND kiss her.
  38. Maybe you should kill them.
  39. Talk her into going.
  40. Hey, screw you!
  41. Go to Mary's room.
  42. Think about Georg.
  43. About Mary.
  44. Talk to Georg about it.
  45. Help Mary with her studies.
  46. Do her.
  47. Look for Filemorth with her.
  48. Fail the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Kira"    CODE : 3100

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Will you hurry up and lead the way?
  5. Ask about the Madam.
  6. What's your ethnic background?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach her the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Nope!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Georg's room.
  20. Please do.
  21. Think.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Have her go faster.
  26. Kiss her.
  27. Do something else.
  28. Let her.
  29. Romance.
  30. Okay.
  31. Walk around the city.
  32. Sex, sex.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Talk about Mary.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Think about what's going to happen.
  37. Hold her AND kiss her.
  38. Maybe you should kill them.
  39. Talk her into going.
  40. Hey, screw you!
  41. Go to Mary's room.
  42. Think about Mary.
  43. About Mary.
  44. The last resort.
  45. Study on my own.
  46. Don't do her.
  47. Look for Filemorth.
  48. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Love    |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Mary"    CODE : 3200

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Will you hurry up and lead the way?
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What's your ethnic background?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Restrain Naomi.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Sicile.
  15. Tutor Sicile to the best of my abilities.
  16. No question.
  17. Go to Naomi's room.
  18. Tell her it was great.
  19. Ask her more.
  20. Kiss her.
  21. No I don't mind.
  22. Think.
  23. Ace the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Like    |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Dislike |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                         "Nice"    CODE : 3300

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. Do you need a tutor?
  7. I'm sorry. I don't drink...
  8. Have Sicile wake her up.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. Leave.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her it's okay.
  13. Tutor Mary.
  14. I teach her the basics...
  15. Refuse.
  16. Sleep.
  17. Please do.
  18. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  19. Move Charme to bed.
  20. Go help her.
  21. Stop her fellatio.
  22. Let her do it.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. Take medicine.
  25. Observe.
  26. Do Lisa.
  27. Okay.
  28. Walk around the city.
  29. Play, play.
  30. Talk about the great accomplishments of the world.
  31. To Charme's room.
  32. Talk about Mary.
  33. We study like we always do.
  34. Catch up on some reading.
  35. Hold her.
  36. No, I can't go that far.
  37. Drag her there.
  38. Oh, okay...
  39. Go to Mary's room.
  40. Think about Mary.
  41. About Mary.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Normal  |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Dislike |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |


                                |            |
|-------------------------------|   Charme   |--------------------------------|
|                               |____________|                                |

                "Master Charme"    CODE : 3400

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try and pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Maybe just a little.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have FUN.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Take a bath.
  18. Please do.
  19. Think.
  20. Leave Charme alone.
  21. Do her.
  22. Go help her.
  23. Have her go faster.
  24. Take her temperature.
  25. Keep on studying.
  26. Let her.
  27. Romance.
  28. Do Lisa.
  29. Nope.
  30. Hell, fuck her.
  31. Play, play.
  32. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Ask about Sicile.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Think about what's happened.
  37. Oh, okay...
  38. Go to Charme's room.
  39. Think about this house.
  40. Think of what to gain from the situation.
  41. Shield Charme.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Dislike |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Normal  |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Hated   |                     |

                 "Master Georg"    CODE : 3500

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her its okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Visit Charme.
  46. I apologize.
  47. The last resort.
  48. Help Mary with her studies.
  49. Don't do her.
  50. Look for Filemorth with her.
  51. Thanks toots!  I'll take it!
  52. Fail the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                  "Master Kira"    CODE : 3600

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Talk to Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. I'm sorry, I don't drink.
  8. Let her sleep.
  9. Change the subject.
  10. See if Lisa's okay.
  11. Ask about Georg.
  12. Tell her its okay.
  13. Tutor Sicile.
  14. Think it over.
  15. Tutor Mary.
  16. Have FUN.
  17. Sure.
  18. Sure!
  19. Take a bath.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  22. Move Charme to a bed.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. I pretend I didn't see anything.
  25. Stop her fellatio.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Let her do it.
  28. Do her.
  29. Take medicine.
  30. Observe.
  31. Nope.
  32. Hell, fuck her.
  33. Study, study.
  34. To Charme's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. Study about sex.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. No, I can't go that far...
  40. Drag her there.
  41. Oh, okay...
  42. Go to Charme's room.
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. About Mary.
  45. Visit Charme.
  46. I apologize.
  47. The last resort.
  48. Help Mary with her studies.
  49. Don't do her.
  50. Look for Filemorth with her.
  51. Thanks toots!  I'll take it!
  52. Pass the test.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Dislike |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Like    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                         "Nice"    CODE : 3700

  1. Of course, I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the madam.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. I teach Mary the basics...
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Go to someone's room.
  19. Go to Naomi's room.
  20. Nah, it's okay.
  21. Prepare for the tutor studying session.
  22. Leave Charme alone.
  23. Don't do her.
  24. Go help her.
  25. Just let her do it.
  26. Take her temperature.
  27. Refuse.
  28. Don't do her.
  29. Take care of it myself.
  30. Study.
  31. Nope.
  32. Have a little fun.
  33. Play, play.
  34. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  35. To Naomi's room.
  36. Ask about Sicile.
  37. We study like we always do.
  38. Think about what's going to happen.
  39. Hold her.
  40. Maybe you should kill them.
  41. Drag her there.
  42. Oh, okay...
  43. Go to Charme's room.
  44. Think about Mary.
  45. Think of how to help Charme.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Love    |
            | Etana    --  Dislike |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |


                                |           |
|-------------------------------|   Other   |---------------------------------|
|                               |___________|                                 |

                        "Death"    CODE : 3800

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Who are you?/Yes, I am.
  3. Rape Sicile.
                "Master Charme"    CODE : 3900

*Charme is helped out by the group*

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try and pick up on Sicile.
  4. Ask Sicile who that girl was.
  5. Nope, I get the picture.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Sure, gimme some!
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Have Sicile wake her up.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the Madam.
  13. Have her do the works on me.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Refuse.
  17. Take a bath.
  18. Please do.
  19. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  20. Leave Charme alone.
  21. Don't do her.
  22. Go help her.
  23. Just let her do it.
  24. Take her temperature.
  25. Refuse.
  26. Don't do her.
  27. Let her.
  28. Romance.
  29. Nope.
  30. Study.
  31. Play, play.
  32. Talk about my past.
  33. To Charme's room.
  34. Ask about Sicile.
  35. We study like we always do.
  36. Catch up on some reading.
  37. Hold her.
  38. No, I can't go that far...
  39. Talk her into going.
  40. Oh, okay...
  41. Go to Mary's room.
  42. Think about Mary.
  43. About Mary.
  44. Visit Charme.
  45. ...You can modify the tradition...?
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Hated   |  Naomi  --  Like    |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Love    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                         "Nice"    CODE : 4000 

*Bigamy with Sicile and Mary.*

  1. Of course I will.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Try to pick up on Sicile.
  4. Sympathize with Sicile.
  5. Ask about the five daughters.
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Well, maybe just a little.
  8. Whack Naomi with magazines.
  9. Let her sleep.
  10. Tell her that's not true.
  11. See if Lisa's okay.
  12. Ask about the madam.
  13. Tell her it's okay.
  14. Tutor Mary.
  15. Have fun studying.
  16. Sure.
  17. Sure!
  18. Sleep.
  19. Nah, it's okay.
  20. Prepare for the study tutoring session.
  21. Move Charme to a bed.
  22. Don't do her.
  23. Go help her.
  24. Stop her fellatio.
  25. Take her temperature.
  26. Refuse.
  27. Don't do her.
  28. Take care of it myself.
  29. Study.
  30. Nope.
  31. Study.
  32. Play, play.
  33. Talk about the great accomplishments in the world.
  34. To the madam's room.
  35. Ask about Sicile.
  36. We study like we always do.
  37. Catch up on some reading.
  38. Hold her.
  39. Maybe you should kill them.
  40. Talk her into going.
  41. Hey, screw you!
  42. Go to Michelle's room
  43. Think about Mary.
  44. A sudden confession of love for her.
  45. I choose neither.
            |                      |                     |
            | Michelle --  Love    |  Naomi  --  Normal  |
            | Etana    --  Like    |  Charme --  Like    |
            | Sicile   --  Love    |  Lisa   --  Like    |
            | Mary     --  Love    |                     |

                          "Out"    CODE : 4100

  1. Of course I will.
  2. No, I'm not.
                         "Safe"    CODE : 4200

  1. Nope, I'm not taking the job.


                           vii. GRAPHICS INDEX                     CODE : GI07

You want to collect all the graphics, right?  Here's a list of the scenes 
included in the picture gallery, along with the scenarios in which they 
can be found.  These are also sorted by girl.
                              |              |
|-----------------------------|  Michelle's  |--------------------------------|
|                             |    Events    |                                |
|                             |______________|                                |

Two pictures of sex with the Madam 
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(1)
 -"Master Mary"(Mary)

Three pictures of sex in Michelle's office
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(1)
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)
Horseback-riding style in Kira's room(2 pics)
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)

Sex after a declaration of love
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)

Kira and Michelle's wedding
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)


                               |             |
|------------------------------|   Etana's   |--------------------------------|
|                              |   Events    |                                |
|                              |_____________|                                |

Etana undressing 
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Master Georg"(All)

Three pictures of sex with Etana
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Master Georg"(All)
Etana and Georg having sex
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)

Etana aiming a Desert Eagle
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)(2)

Etana and Georg walking along a city street
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)(2)


                                |            |
|-------------------------------|  Sicile's  |--------------------------------|
|                               |   Events   |                                |
|                               |____________|                                |

Kira assaults Sicile in the Volvo
Sicile services Kira one morning
 -"Despair" + Almost every other path.

Sicile's oral service with variation
 -"Master Kira" + Almost every other path.

Naomi fingering Sicile
 -"For darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

One picture of sex with Sicile the first night
 -"Rejection" + Any path including "Have her do the works on me."

Sicile showering with Kira(four pictures)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(1)

Double-teams Kira with Lisa(5 pics)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)

Lisa on top of Kira, Sicile kneeling, Kira resisting
 -Choose 'Stop her' instead of 'Take what's coming' in "Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)

Sicile kissing Mary
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

Sicile and Kira's wedding
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)

Mary and Sicile and Kira's wedding
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

                               |             |
|------------------------------|   Naomi's   |--------------------------------|
|                              |   Events    |                                |
|                              |_____________|                                |

Naomi drinking with Mary
 -"Naomi's Room"

Naomi looking surly
 -"Naomi's Room"
Naomi fingering Sicile
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)

Three pictures of sex
 -"Master Mary"(Mary)

Two pictures of sex in Naomi's room
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)

Sex with Naomi on top
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)

Naomi pleasuring Kira with her breasts
 -Choose 'Maybe just a little' instead of 'Do her' in any of the above paths.
Naomi comforting Mary
 -"Do Not Know"
 -"Master Mary"(Mary)

Naomi shields Charme
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)(3)

Naomi's wedding
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)

                                 |          |
|--------------------------------|  Mary's  |---------------------------------|
|                                |  Events  |                                 |
|                                |__________|                                 |

Mary drinking with Naomi
 -"Naomi's Room"

Mary sitting in the field

Kissing Mary
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)

Undressing Mary
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)

Mary sobbing clutching a pillow
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(1)

Mary's drunken blowjob
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness(Sicile)"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)

Mary's sober blowjob
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Alone)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(1)

Mary lying in bed of flowers

Mary comforted by Naomi
 -"Do Not Know" 
 -"Master Mary"(Alone)

Mary working with Charme
 -"Master Mary"(Alone)

Mary leading Kira through the leaves

Mary's Wedding
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)

Mary working at her desk
 -"Master Mary(Mary)"

Sicile kissing Mary
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

Mary and Sicile and Kira's wedding
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

                                |            |
|-------------------------------|  Charme's  |--------------------------------|
|                               |   Events   |                                |
|                               |____________|                                |

Charme holding Filemorth
 -"Like" + Any paths in which you inquire about her hobbies.

Two scenes of sex with Charme
 -"Love Love Charme"

Charme teasing Kira after sex
 -"Love Love Charme"

Charme looking under her bed
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)
Charme coughing up blood and collapsing(2 pics)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)
Three pictures of attempted sex
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
Charme and Kira's wedding
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Charme)
Charme working at her desk
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
Charme working on the floor with Kira
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)

Charme working with Mary
 -"Master Mary"(Alone)

Naomi shields Charme
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)(3)

Charme stretched out, relaxing
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)


                                 |          |
|--------------------------------|  Lisa's  |---------------------------------|
|                                |  Events  |                                 |
|                                |__________|

Kira and Sicile walk in on Georg and Lisa

Lisa services Kira with a BJ
Sex with Lisa horseback riding style
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)
 -"Do Not Know"
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Alone)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)                      

Sex with Lisa from the side
 -"Be Left Alone"
 -"Master Georg"(Mary)
 -"Master Kira"(Mary)
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)

Sex with Lisa from side with an extra picture
 -"For Darkness"
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)

Kira double-teamed by Lisa and Sicile(5 pics)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)

Lisa on top of Kira, Sicile kneeling, Kira resisting
 -Choose 'Stop her' instead of 'Take what's coming' in "Master Kira"(Sicile)(2)


                                |            |
|-------------------------------|   Other    |--------------------------------|
|                               |   Events   |                                |
|                               |____________|                                |

Kira walking along a road alone

Play more serious!

Kira working alone at his desk
 -"Be Left Alone"

A photograph of Sicile's parents
 -"Have a Happy Ending"
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Alone)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Michelle)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Naomi)
 -"Make Some Happiness"(Sicile)
 -"Master Charme"(Charme)
 -"Master Charme"(Other)
 -"Master Charme"(Sicile)
 -"Master Georg"(Charme)
 -"Master Georg"(Sicile)
 -"Master Kira"(Sicile)
 -"Nice"(Mary and Sicile)


                         viii. EVENT CG GALLERY                    CODE : CG08

Tracking down every CG in this game is a difficult task.  Here's all
the events I've found while playing through the paths outlined in
this walkthrough.  These are listed in the order they appear in the
memory room provided by the game.  Currently, the gallery is 83% complete.

1.  Game Over - Play More Serious!!
2.  Kira working alone at sunset.
3.  Charme working at her desk.
4.  Kira and Michelle's wedding.
5.  Georg and Etana's wedding.
6.  Kira and Sicile's wedding.
7.  Kira and Mary's wedding.
8.  Naomi in her wedding dress.
9.  Kira and Charme's wedding.
10. Kira and Sicile and Mary's wedding.
11. Mary running through the leaves.
12. Georg and Etana walking along a city street.
13. Kira and Mary relaxing under a tree.
14. Kira helping Mary with her work.
15. Charme stretches to relax.
16. Kira helping Charme with her work.
17. Charme and Mary working together.
18. Kira kissing Mary.
19. Kira undressing Mary.
20. Mary giving Kira a blowjob.
21. Mary gets a facial.
22. Lisa on top on Kira; Sicile's between his legs.  Kira's resisting.
23. Lisa and Sicile licking Kira.  The straw picture.
24. Lisa and Sicile's facial.
25. Kira taking Lisa from behind.
26. Sicile on top of Kira, Lisa's at their side.
27. Sicile and Lisa giving Kira oral service.
28. Mary's drunken blowjob.
29. Kira kneeling before Charme.
30. Kira licking Charme's breasts.
31. Charme in the missionary position.
32. Kira on top of Charme.
33. Charme sticking her tongue out at Kira.
34. Mary's drunken facial.
35. Sicile giving Kira a blowjob.
36. Sicile swallowing.
37. Sicile's facial.
38. Sicile on top of Kira.
39. Kira and Sicile together in the shower.
40. Kira taking Sicile from behind in the shower.
41. Kira and Sicile going at it in the bath.
42. Kira and Sicile look at each other tenderly.
43. Kira assaulting Sicile in the Volvo.
44. Naomi fingering Sicile.
45. Naomi gives Kira a titty fuck.
46. Naomi finishing up the titty fuck.
47. Kira takes Naomi from the side on the floor.
48. Kira takes Naomi from behind standing up.
49. Naomi's sake blowjob.
50. Naomi licking herself.
51. Naomi leaning back on the floor, exposed.
52. Sex with Naomi on top.
53. A view of Michelle's ass as she's on top of Kira.
54. Kira servicing Michelle on the couch.
55. Kira screwing Michelle while standing.
56. Kira takes Michelle from behind.
57. Michelle giving Kira oral.
58. Michelle on top of Kira.
59. A view of Michelle from behind after sex.
60. Sex with Michelle sitting in Kira's lap.
61. Michelle and Kira kiss after sex.
62. Sicile and Kira walk in on Georg and Lisa.
63. Lisa kneeling in front of Kira.
64. Lisa riding Kira.
65. Lisa on all fours.
66. Kira takes Lisa from the side.
67. Lisa exhausted after sex.
68. Georg doing Etana.
69. Etana undressing for Kira.
70. Kira rubbing Etana's ass.
71. Kira takes Etana from the side.
72. Etana resting after sex.
73. Mary sitting in the field of flowers.
74. Charme looking under her bed.
75. Naomi looking like a mean drunk.
76. The photograph of Sicile's parents.
77. Naomi comforting Mary.
78. Mary hugging the pillow.
79. Charme and Filemorth.
80. Etana aiming her Desert Eagle.
81. Naomi protecting Charme.
82. Sicile and Mary kissing.
83. Charme coughing up blood.
84. Charme collapsed on the floor.
85. Naomi and Mary drinking togehter.
86. Kira walking alone on the side of the road.  
                            ix. VERSION HISTORY                    CODE : VH09

v0.83 - Includes all the endings I know about so far.

                          x. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION                 CODE : CI10

Information on the endings was confirmed by the walkthrough(author unknown) 
provided on the Gloria product page at the Himeya Soft website.

All information and work in this document is copyright 2003 by Ben Woodhouse 
unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances 
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or 
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this 
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly 
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.  

Thanks for your cooperation.

                 This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:
                          GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com

         Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.  
                  React according to your own moral standards.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!