The same BioWare Infinity Engine cheat codes used in Baldur?s Gate II work in Icewind Dale II, except instead of the command starting with ?cluaconsole:xxx(yyy)?, it?s now ?ctrlaltdelete:xxx(yyy)?, so your favorite old cheat codes should work.  Also, check out the ?icewind2.ini? file, you may want to edit ?Display Frequency=<#>? to match your desktop refresh rate, etc.
Run the game's configuration utility and enable the cheat console option.  Next, press [Ctrl] + [Tab] during game play to display the console window.  Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.  Here are the Icewind Dale II specifics:

Console Cheat Codes (useful):
ctrlaltdelete:hans() - Teleport selected party members to pointer.
ctrlaltdelete:addgold() - Get indicated amount of gold pieces.
ctrlaltdelete:explorearea() - Full map for current area.
ctrlaltdelete:setcurrentxp(number) - Set experience of selected characters.
ctrlaltdelete:addspell("spell name") - Selected character gains indicated spell.

Console Cheat Codes (useless):
ctrlaltdelete:movetoarea("AR#") - Load indicated area (view files in data directory of Disc 2 for names).
ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("variable name",type,value) - Set variable to a value (LOCAL/GLOBAL/AR#).
ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("variable name",type) - Check the current status of a variable.
ctrlaltdelete:firstaid() - Give potions and scrolls.  (broken as of 1.01 beta)
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkattacks() - Summon a monster to attack you.  (broken as of 1.01 beta)
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkdefends() - Summon a monster to defend you.  (broken as of 1.01 beta)
ctrlaltdelete:midas() - Get 500 gold pieces.
ctrlaltdelete:setchapter(number) - Set current chapter (0-6; Prologue is chapter 0).
ctrlaltdelete:createcreature(?reference#?) ? Summon specific creature (Reference #?s not yet known)

In-game Cheat Hotkeys:
Use one of the following codes during game play after using
ctrlaltdelete:enablecheatkeys() code: 
[Ctrl] + A - Scroll forward through available character sequences
[Ctrl] + S - Scroll reverse through available character sequences
[Ctrl] + C - Replay chapter introduction
[Ctrl] + F - Turn selected character around its axis
[Ctrl] + M - Debug dump with area information
[Ctrl] + J - Teleport party to pointer
[Ctrl] + Y - Kill selected unit
[Ctrl] + K - Kill selected monster or remove character from party
[Ctrl] + R - Heal selected character or portrait
[Ctrl] + U - Receive free experience points
[Ctrl] + X - Display current pointer position and search square
[Ctrl] + 1 - Cycle through armor levels
[Ctrl] + 2 - Fade screen to dark
[Ctrl] + 3 - Fade screen to light
[Ctrl] + 4 - Display trigger polygons
[Ctrl] + 6 - Transform current selected character into the next one
[Ctrl] + 7 - Transform current selected character into the previous one
[Ctrl] + 9 - Display character bounding boxes 
IceWind Dale II Inventory Cheat Codes:  v2

Enter the following cheat code in the console by pressing ctrl-tab.

ctrlaltdel:createitem(?x?, #)

Where ?x? is the item reference number listed below and # is the quantity. Please note that the quantity field has only worked on gems so far. You can only summon up armor, boots, belts, etc. one at a time.

Example ? For twenty diamonds you would type:
ctrlaltdel:createitem(?00GEM26?, 20)

Item Reference Code	Description
00CLCK02	Protection +3
00CLCK03	Displacement (+4 to Save vs. Missile)
00CLCK04	Non-Detection (invisible to scrying spells)
00BRAC01	Bracers
00BRAC02	Defense +2
00BRAC03	Defense +3
00BRAC04	Defense +4
00BRAC05	Archery
00BRAC10	Expertise
00BRAC11	Icelandic Pearl (+? To Save vs. Cold)
00BELT03	Bluntness (+3 to Save vs. Blunt Weapons)
00BELT04	Piercing (+3 to Save vs. Piercing Weapons)
00BELT05	Beautification (Permanent Blessing)
00BOOT01	Boots of Speed (hack to +32 available)
00BOOT02	Stealth (+2 to Hide)
00BOOT03	North (+? To Save vs. Cold)
00BOOT04	Avoidance (+4 to Save vs. Missile)
00BOOT05	Grounding (+4 to Save vs. Electricity)
00BOOT09	Winterbranch (Immune to Snare,Entangle)
00BOOT14	Yeti (+? To Save vs. Cold)
00BOOT15	Snow Wolf (+? To Save vs. Cold, +1 Char)
00CHAN06	Baleful (+7? Char-3, Immune to Mind)
00CHAN07	Elven Chain of the Hand (+8?)
00CHAN08	Armor of Life (Regen+1, +8?)
00CHAN09	Ogien?s Armor (+7?, Enrage Animal)
00WAND01	Wand of Fear
00WAND02	Wand of Magic Missiles
00WAND03	Paralyzation
00WAND04	Fire (6d6, 6d6+6)
00WAND05	Lightning (6d6)
00WAND06	Sleep
00WAND07	Summon Monster (Summon Monster II)
00WAND08	Wand of Heaves (Cleric wand)
00GEM01 through 00GEM30	Various valid Gems
00GEM26	Diamond (Needed for Airship Quest, Chapter II)
00GEM29	Kings Tears
00GEM30	Rouge Stone

00HFSLDB	Long Sword: Delnar's Healing Blade
00HFSLDY	Long Sword: Sword of Gleaming Dykahst
11HFSLHE	Long Sword: Golden Heart of 
50HFSLWB	Long Sword: Barrow Wight's Blade
60HFSLHA	Long Sword: Light of Cera Sumat
63HFSCSS	Scimitar: Scimitar of the Soulless
00HFSCCS	Scimitar: Caernach's Silver Sickle
00HFSDT	Great Sword: Dwelnar's Folly
ZZR6HFWB	Great Sword: Thunder's Shock
11HFSTWS	Great Sword: Saga of Wandering Sky
00HFSBBS	Bastard Sword: Know Thy Family
00HFSBRC	Bastard Sword: Order's Nemesis
00HFSBWR	Bastard Sword: Bloody Wroth
00HFSSLS	Short Sword: Lolth's Cruel Sting
00HFSSSK	Short Sword: Assassin's Blade
00HFSSTD	Short Sword: Shame of Thy-Dunag
00HFAXAS	Battle Axe: Soul Stealer
00HFAXBA	Battle Axe: Scales of Balance
00HFAXSP	Battle Axe: Death's Ally
11HFAXKS	Battle Axe: Kegsplitter of Shaengarne Ford
51HFAXDF	Battle Axe: Duergar-Forged Doom Axe
ZZI6HFSC	Battle Axe: Mighty Scalecleaver
00HFAXBB	Great Axe: Cowards Flight
00HFAXWT	Great Axe: Grim Widow-Through
11HFAXEW	Great Axe: Executioner's Wife
00HFAXBD	Throwing Axe: Big Black Flying-Death
00HFAXCK	Throwing Axe: Stormshifter
00HFAXSC	Throwing Axe: Screaming Axe
11HFAXHO	Throwing Axe: Dullcobble's Axe
00HFHMPH	Warhammer: Masher
00HFHRSC	Warhammer: Hammer of Lightning
11HFHRCR	Warhammer: Slow and Steady
51HFHRDA	Warhammer: Hammer of Utter Darkness
51HFHRVA	Warhammer: The Dire-Hammer Valorfoe
63HFHRBI	Warhammer: Xvim's Brutal Impact
00HFBCAG	Bow: Mithril Arc
00HFBLFK	Bow: Triumphant Flamekiller
00HFBLSF	Bow: Sophia's Arc
00HFBLSR	Bow: Great Sun-Reacher
00HFBSEH	Bow: Swift Eye of the Hunter
00HFBSRS	Bow: Furious Rabbit Slayer
00BWHXHF	Crossbow: Hagnen's Folly
00BWLXHF	Crossbow: Hagnen's Foolishness
00HFHXGE	Crossbow: Beloved Geloise
00HFHXHF	Crossbow: Folly of Hagnen Odestone
00HFHXIA	Crossbow: Mithril Arbalest
00HFHXMR	Crossbow: Shielded Mailripper
00HFLXHF	Crossbow: Foolishness of Hagnen Odestone
00HFLXIM	Crossbow: Iron Mary's Bold Reply
00HFLXMB	Crossbow: Makavail's Swift Bane
51HFHXDB	Crossbow: Dragu's Doom Bolter
51HFHXHB	Crossbow: Dragu's Hell Bolter
00HFSGCT	Sling: Nimble Cat-tail
00HFSGSS	Sling: Sun-kissed Sparrow
11HFSGLH	Sling: Left Hand of Darkness
00HFCBHK	Club: Club of Confusion
11HFCBMK	Club: Paths of Kuldahar
63HFCBMP	Club: Monkey Paw of Extreme Prejudice
50HFCLBT	Club: Belib's Amazing Everlasting Torch
00HFMEAR	Mace: Glowing Azure Rod
00HFMECF	Mace: Iron Hand of Ohanion
ZZJ6HFMM	Mace: Selune's Blessing
00HFMRMG	Morningstar: Lathander's Gift
00HFMRMS	Morningstar: Mountains of Selune
00HFFLFV	Flail: Demon's Breath Flail
00HFFLSR	Flail: Chains of Righteous Strength
00HFMRSS	Flail: Svirfneblin Skull
11HFFLBC	Flail: Black Chimes
63HFFLPF	Flail: Pustule's Flail of Boils
00HFSFDD	Stave: Delnar's Lightning Stave
11HFSFPI	Stave: Iron-Banded Staff
12HFSFWS	Stave: Caballus' Whispering Staff
51HFSFRH	Stave: Ryomaru's Harmless Staff
00STAF86	Stave: Phantom Staff
00STAF89	Stave: Staff of Fireballs
00HFSRIM	Spear: Life's Blood Drinker
11HFSRNP	Spear: Twelve Paces
50HFSRKS	Spear: Kyosti's Hunting Spear
63HFHBPB	Halberd: Pudu's Fiery Blight
00HFHBDC	Halberd: Hand of the Buccaneer
00HFHBHL	Halberd: Holy Hammer of Lucerne
00HFDGFW	Dagger: Dagger of Closing Arguments
00HFDGPF	Dagger: Ysha's Sting
11HFDGGH	Dagger: Goblin Slayer
50HFDGLT	Dagger: Black Lamia's Tongue
52HFDGSH	Dagger: Baron Sulo's Hook
61HFDGWS	Dagger: Wyvern Stinger
62HFDGXF	Dagger: Xvimian Fang of Despair