 D r a n s i k
Quest Guide

Version 2.01
By Jeff Barrett (ArchDuke)
Started: September 23, 2002
Last Update: October 8, 2002

      Layin' Down The Law
      Contact Information
      Version History
      Server Note
      Static Quest Guide
          Young William's Quest
          Leaving Silvest
	   Combat Skill Quests
	    Small Blades
          Large Blades
         Tradeskill Quests
         Utility Skill Quests
        The Jail "Quest"
        The Guild Quest
          Starting the Quest
          The First Book
          The Second Book
          The Third Book
             Extra: Helping on the Third Book
          The Fourth Book
          Emperium Abbey

Layin' Down The Law

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stand alone .txt file. Do not HTMLize it, or add/subtract from it.

You may use this information to research for your own FAQ, but do not copy
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cool to know people think enough of this to use it as research material) and
put me in the credits.

Also, as this is relating to somebody else's copyrighted work, I have to make
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Contact Information

If you have a question about or addition to this file, just email me at
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Please make sure that this file doesn't already answer your question, as such
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If you want instant gratification on your problem, i can be located through
AIM by the screen name El Viejo L0c0 (that's "the crazy old man" in Spanish).
Also, Dransik being a massively multiplayer game, if you wish to contact me in-
game, my primary character is ArchDuke, member of the Trade Association (guild
tag TA). Alternately, ask any member of TA if ArchDuke is on. I'd rather you
contact me through AIM rather than in-game, due to assorted chat limitations
in Dransik.

The official home of this FAQ, as well as everything else I create is my
site, The Roni/Net, at roninet.cjb.net. I have a number of other FAQs, programs,
and other assorted acts of creative impulse there.

Ok, now, on to the real stuff.

Version History

Version 1.0
September 25, 2002
-All combat skill quests completed.
-All tradeskill quests completed.
-All utility skill quests completed.
-Young Williams Quest completed.

Version 1.5
October 5, 2002
-Guild Quest completed through book 1.
-Added guide on how to leave Silvest.
-Added information on the Jail "Quest"

Version 2.0
October 7, 2002
-Finished the guild quest (Infinite thanks to my guildmate Demoshi for this)
-Did some stuff to the Jail Quest section
-Forgot to save the above changes and did it all over again.

Version 2.01
October 8, 2002
-Fixed a mistake regarding deeds. (This is what happens when you use second
hand information=D)

Server Notes
As of this writing, there are two versions of Dransik. YouCanGame.com's main
server (generally called ptp) runs the old graphics, lacks dynamic quests, and
has the guild quest active. Dransik.com has an open beta server called Dransik
New World, which runs the beta release of the new isometric graphics. This beta
server does not have a guild creation sytem as yet, but has dynamic quests in
place. Other beta servers include the Krythan Inception, which is identical to
New World, but is located in California for those with connection difficulties
to the Assylum Soft servers; and Great Wall, located in Asia, for people who
play from that part of the world.

The final Beta server is called Mystery and Magic, which is a preliminary test
set up for the magic system, currently in development.

For Static Quests, all rewards are those on the ptp server. Values on the beta
server are subject to change as the game undergoes balancing.

Static Quests
Overview: Static quests are quests that are always available. Each character can
take a quest only once, but multiple players can take the quest simultaneously.
(This of course raises questions: Just how many times does William the Young
have to hear about his father before he finally stops sending people into the
mines after him?)

-=William the Young's Quest=-
Location: West Silvest Island
Reward: 1000 exp-pool

Leaving the town of Silvest, proceed west along the road. The road ends at a
dungeon entrance. Instead of going in now, go southeast to find a small cottage.
Inside is a young boy (Once in a great while, a few stray bats get in here and
kill him. If he isn't there, just wait for him to respawn). Talk to him. Whichever
option you pick first, you will be asked to search for his father in the mines.
Agree, and go back to the dungeon entrance.

Fronm the entrance, go down, and take the first path to the left. Take that path,
and turn south at the first branch, and then take the first left again. Follow
this path left and then down. When you come to an intersection with a large rock
outcropping in the middle of it, look for a secret wall (it will be just
below the path branching to the right). This is the Shrine of Talazar, built
in the days before Talazar turned to evil. A book tells how Talazar, working
for Lord Arcus, defeated the evil lord Zorak. From the entrance to the shrine,
head down, and take the door to the right. In here, examine the dead body in the
bottom-right corner of the room to discover that William's father is dead.

Return to William. Tell him you found his father, and you have bad news. Comfort
him by saying his father was a brave warrior to complete the quest.

Note: If you say lie to William or tell him his father was weak, you will fail the

-=Leaving Silvest=-
Reward: Access to Krythan and the Mainland

This is not really a quest, and is actually very simple. However, many people
have had problems with this. Silvest is a beginners area. Player vs. player combat
is not allowed, monsters are weak, inventory items don't drop when you die, and
all skills are limited to 50,000 exp.

This sounds all great and all, but you have to leave eventually (well, you don't
have to, but you'll probably want to, since Silvest gets pretty boring).+

There is a book in the church in town that tells you to seek your destiny in the
Land of the Dead, so that sounds like a good place to check out. But, before you
go, put all your belongings except your equipment in your bank. You won't
lose them on Silvest, but if you happen to die after reaching Krythan, you run
the risk of not being able to retrieve them.

Follow the road north out of Silvest, and then proceed east. The road will end
at a guard outpost. To the north is the Kobold camp, and to the south is a 
network of canyons called the Land of the Dead. The valleys themselves are fairly
extensive (at least by Silvest standards. Silvest Island in its entirety is small
next to some features on the Mainland), and are filled with roving groups of
skeletons. However, the trip through them is not very long.

From the outpost, head south into the valleys. Follow the mountains on the west
south. The mountains your following will end, and another valley will branch off
to the north. Go up into this valley, and enter the cave at the end.

Inside, go up, right, and go through the door. Before leaving, make sure all your
affairs are in order. I reccomend having a good stock of gold saved up to cover
the Small Blades quest and new armor that isn't available on Silvest.

Once your ready, double click the crystal ball you see before you, and you will 
be deposited on Krythan. I hope you were sure, because you can't go back.

(If you think this was hard, be happy. A long time ago, there was a maze full
of monsters. And you don't even want to THINK how we used to have to get
to the mainland!)
Combat Skill Quests

-=Small Blades=-
Items needed: 500gp
Location: Jeel Pub
Reward: 40,0000 Small Blades experience

This is, hands down, the simplest quest in the game. Talk to Captain Chugga.
He'll brag about his ship. Ask him if the ship is seaworthy, and he'll offer to
tech you daggar combat. Agree. He will ask for 500gp. Drag this amount on to him,
and the rest is just watch-and-learn.

-=Large Blades=-
Location: Hothbra Pub
Reward: 50,000 Large Blades experience, Sword, Practice Sword

Speak to Raglnak in the Hothbra Pub, and say you have noticed the evils of the
land as well. He will give you a practice sword, which you cannot unequip until
you have completed the quest. You must now kill a snake, a kobold, and an orc.

Buy some healing potions, and head north of Hothbra. Snakes should cause little
problem. Kobolds may be difficult, but the real problem is killing an orc. There
are two strategies to this. One is to lure it between Hothbra's outer wall and
the mountains along its north side and repeatedly attacking it until it dies.
The other is to get a stronger player to help you weaken it so that you can kill
it faster while they absorb its attacks.

After you've killed all three monsters, return to Raglnak. He will teach you
what he knows of sword combat, and give you a sword as a gift (you also get
to keep your practice sword, if you want to).

-=Axe Combat=-
Location: Hidden room in Varg Pub
Reward: 55,000 Axe Combat experience, axe.

In the back room of the Varg Pub, go through the secret wall on the right side.
Talk to Hungry Jack, and say you are looking for the axe master. He will tell you
he has not seen him for some time, but that he can help you. Accept his quest,
and he will give you an axe which you cannot remove until the quest is done.

Go out and kill any twenty monsters (it doesn't matter wether you kill bats or
balrons, they all count the same. Weak monsters are probably best). When you've
killed twenty monsters, you get 5,000 exp in axe combat. Return to Hungry Jack
to get the rest of the experience and to unequip the axe, which you get to keep.

Location: Weapon Shop, Lotor's Castle.
Reward: 2000 exp pool, 60,000 Long Bows experience.

This is a quite long quest, so be prepared to put a few hours into it,
particularly if your lumberjacking or milling skills are not very good.

In Lotor's Caslte, find the weapon shop (it's the first door on the south wall of
the hallway leading right from the main hall). Once there, speak to Klaresh.
Welcome him to Krythan, and ask about Parian. Then, ask him to tell you about
Archery, and finally say you would like to become an archer. He will send you to
find Giltroy, one of the finest bowcrafters on Krythan.

To find Giltroy, make your way to Vrethpool. Once there, go around so you're
outside the east wall of the city. There is a secret wall leading to Giltroy's
room here. Giltroy is not a nice person. If you ask him to make a bow right
away, he won't be happy about it. Ask him why he's so mean. Ask him about his
motherland, then ask him to tell you more. Tell him how much you dislike greed,
and then you can ask him to make you a bow without getting thrown out on your

Of course, greed-hating Giltroy isn't going make it a free ride. You need to get
twelve planks. To do this, go to the Vrethpool provisioners, and buy a lumberjack
axe and a saw. Use the axe on trees to try and get logs, and the saw on the logs
to try to get planks. This can be a very time consuming process. Some hihger level
carpenters will sell, or even give, you planks for this purpose, as well.

When you return with the planks, giltroy isn't done yet. Now, the bow just needs
a blue gem. Buy one from the provisioner for 90gp, or kill ghosts or other monsters
that drop them. Drop the gem on him, and you get 500 exp pool.

Of course, Giltroy isn't satisfied. He yells at you some more, and sends you to
the north forest to get the blue silk thread of the northern blue silkworm. To get
this, head up to Varg.

Once there, speak to Lyndsay, and ask for some blue string. You will get the
string and 500 exp pool.

Return to Giltroy for the last time, and drop the string on him. Of course, after
all that, he's too weak to string the bow, so you get the string back, and
he gives you the Unstrung Giltroy Bow, along with 500 more exp pool.
He tells you about a man in the city by the crypt, the city of joy, but he can't
remember the name. Well, if you read the signs by all the towns, you'll know he
means Jeel, so head there.

Once there, go to the stables, and talk to Sir Robin. Tell him you are looking
for somebody to string the bow, and he'll do it for you. For finishing this
leg of the quest, you get another 500 exp pool.

Return the bow to Klaresh. Talk to him, and tell him you have his gift. Drop
the bow on him, and you'll recieve 60,000 exp towards your long bows skill.

Location: Small island north of Krythan
Reward: 60,000 Polearm experience, 1000 exp pool.

Start from Jeel. Purchase a Cure Potion (the orange one, not the brown one),
and head towards the teleporter that brought you from Silvest.

Just west of the teleporter is a small mountian with a cave. Enter the cave.

Follow the winding path around, dodging or killing skeletons and other weak
monster (beware for the occasional stronger undead monster, however). Once
you find the other entrance, leave the cave and go north into the house.

Speak with the man here. He will tell you he has been poisoned by a snake
(although, snakes in Dransik are not poisonous...). Drop the potion onto him,
and recieve 1000 exp pool for assisting him. Ask him about the poles on the wall.
If you wish to learn how to use these weapons, you'll have to gain the three
marks from the leaders of Krythan.

Return through the cave to Jeel. In the government building, speak to the mayor
for the first mark.

For the second mark, go to Varg. Directly opposite of the entrance, enter the
government building here and speak to the mayor.

For the final mark, you must go to Lotors Castle and speak to none other than
King Lotor himself.

With this, return, again, through the caves, and show the marks to our potion-
stealing liar of a teacher and finish the quest.

Tradeskill Quests

Location: Forest clearing, east of Korelth spawn gate.
Reward: 50,000 lumberjacking experience, 1,000 exp pool.

This quest is not difficult in-and-of itself, but is fairly annoying. The NPC,
Mukk, quite often gets killed by the monsters in the woods. If he is not there,
(He spawns near the southwest corner of the clearing) you will have to keep the
skeletons and zombies at bay until he respawns.

Once this has happened, he will give you some firewood to take to his wife in
Hothbra. Go there, and find Renn in the corridor in the outer wall's southern
section. Talk to her, and you recieve 1000 exp pool. Renn will ask you to take
her husband's lunch to him. Return to Mukk's clearing. You'll probably have to
wait again, since Mukk's life expectancy is about thirty seconds. Talk to him
again to finish the quest.

Location: Flagate Mines, near Korelth entrance.
Reward: 62,000 mining experience, pickaxe

Starting in Korelth, I reccomend you put all of your belongings in the bank.
This entire quest takes place in some of the most dangerous areas of Krythan.

Go to the Korelth inn, and go in the top-left door. There is a secret wall behind
the bed, and a trap door in this small room. Go down this to access the Flagate
Mines. This area is often swarming with undead, so be careful. Head a short ways
left, and take the corridor going down. You will come to a chamber that normally
has no monsters (unless they just followed you down here), and a door. Go through
the door and talk to Youkon. Speak to him of his final battle. He will send you
to dig ore from the sight of this battle, where he was blinded by an ettin.

Grab a pickaxe (if you don't have one of your own, buy one from the provisioner for
150gp) and head for Lotor's Castle. From the castle gates, head south, and find the
pass between the two parallel mountain ranges. If you see many ettins and you can't
fight them, lure them to their death at the guard's hands. Once you can get into
Ettin Valley, proceed south through the valley and locate a ring of stones between
the two mountain ranges. Mine an iron ore from this formation (you may want to
build your digging skill a few levels elsewhere to get through this faster).
You get a 2000 exp bonus to digging for finding this ore. Return to  Youkon with
the ore, taking the same precautions as before, and get the rest of the quest
experience. As a gift, Youkon will also give you a new pickaxe.

Location: Dexmor
Reward: 10,000 iron forging experience, durable blacksmith's hammer.

Although short, this quest is quite dangerous. You have to make your way along the
treacherous, twisting route into Winterland, in the extreme north of the Mainland.
Once in Winterland, head northeast to find a road, and follow the road east
to Dexmor. Locate the quest NPC just east of the frozen pond, and ask him
the benefits of living in the cold. You will have to talk to him several times.
He will ask you to get him some Frost Ore. For this, he gives you a finely crafted
pickaxe. Leave Dexmor going west.

When you get to the forest that surrounds part of the road, head north.
Here you will find a mountain range. From the east end, there is an open valley,
called Valley of the Frost Giants. Dodge ice golems, frost giants, and the ever-
annoying nelms to get to the deepest part of the valey. The mountains here are a
different color. Use the special pickaxe here several times, and you will
eventually find the Durable Ore (yes, I know it was called Frost Ore in the
dialogue, but it's called durable ore when you get it). Finding the ore will break
the finely crafted pickaxe (not so finely crafted, I guess). Return this ore to
Dexmor to complete the quest.

Part of your reward is a "Durable Hammer." This works just like the blacksmith's
hammers that you purchase from blacksmiths, but it can be used many, many times
before it eventually breaks. This is a very useful item, since it will reduce
the costs of blacksmithing for a considerable amount of time, by which point, the
cost of a hammer every now and then will be negligible.

Utility Skill Quests
Location: Vrethpool armor shop
Reward: 20,000 defending experience, shield
Note: As of this writing, defending is a broken skill, and has no effect.
This quest is just for the stack of experience, basically.

In Vrethpool, enter the building with the pub sign. The armor shop is in the back
room here. Speak with the female warrior. She will tell you to find the three
monuments to the fallen warriors.

The first monument you have probably seen by now. It is the statue of Slyth,
in Jeel. (Note: This statue is also a tribute to a former player of Dransik
who passed away). Double click this statue.

The second monument is a bit harder to find. From Varg, follow the coast north
and east to the cemetary. There are mostly skeletons around here, but beware of
liches. The central gravestone marks the second monument.

The final monument is more difficult to find. To find this, you must go to
Zolkranion in the western mainland. Follow the road out to the west of
Zolkranion, and take the southern branch when the path splits. This will come to
the war arena. There is a large statue of a man and a monster battling by this
huge building. After paying tribute to the last of the three fallen warriors,
return to the point where you began the quest, and you will recieve experience
and a plain, ordinary, cheap shield.

-=Item Identification=-
Location: Hut on coast west of Korelth
Reward: 10,000 item ID experience
Note: Item ID skill can only be raised by putting exp pool into it. However, the
skill is fully functional at level 1, only has a low success rate. It tells you
who owns an item, if it was looted, and who looted it.

From Korelth, head west, through the forests. You'll find a large open clearing.
Pass through this (beware of wisps, as they hit very hard) and keep going until
you get to the coast. Head a little ways south to a small hut. Speak with
Tallen'im, and then go inside. Examine the funny object on the floor, and Tallen'im
will give you a scroll, and ask you to identify the item. Take this scroll
first to Hothbra.

Between the north wall and the shops is a narrow passage. Go down this, and speak
to Xavior. He will identify one portion of the item as a twig.

For the second part, you'll need to go to Josody, in the west mainland. Speak
to the woman named Christine, and she will identify the other part of the item
on the scroll as a loop. All this work to identify a loop with a STICK on it?
Sheesh! At any rate, return to Tallen'im, and talk to him and write this one off.

Location: Vrethpool inn
Reward: 40,000 healing experience

Undoubtedly, the longest and hardest skill quest in the game. This one will take
you accross more than half of the mainland several times over, and through
some dangerous areas. Because some of the locations are hard to describe, I've
included sextant locations this time.

Starting in Vrethpool this time, go to the top-left room of the Inn. Speak to
Arabella. The man in the bed is badly wounded, and is probably not long for
the mortal coil. However, Arabella's uncle is a great healer, and can fix him
right up. Rightie-O, that's nice. The catch: He's in Zolkranion, at the far end
of the mainland.

So... go there. There is a feild at the south end of the village (you can pick the
plants here and sell them to the provisioner for free money, too). Steal the crops,
if you wish, and talk to Promesis. He will give you a hand shovel, and send you
after a series of herbs to make the elixer. Don't lose the hand shovel, or you'll
be out of luck finishing the quest unless you can get one from another player.

The first herb is the Elderberry. From Josody, go north through the mountain
pass to the spawn gate, and then west. The elderberries are tucked against the
mountains. Use the hand shovel on them to get the first ingredient. Return it to
Promesis (the sextant location is 1291, 2453).

The second herb is located in the desert. To get here, go around the mountains
by Zolkranion, and go southwest to Desprail. From here, go south through the forest
and follow the tan mounatains around to the entrance. Deep in the back end
of the desert (it's safe here, there are almost never monsters unless they followed
somebody in) you will find the Arnica Flowers at coordinates 1714, 3227.

The next one is Hyssop. It's the easiest to find. It's just around the mountains
east of Zolkranion. Why couldn't Promesis get this while you were lost in the
desert? Because he's lazy, that's why. As if you need it, the location is
1850, 2883.

Next one is the Valerian Root in the badlands, more or less directly west from
Zolkranion. They are tucked back into a small valley in the badlands at location
2693, 2887. Be careful in the badlands, between the undead, the orcs, and all the
other nasties that spawn in here at high rates, it's easy to get surrounded.

Go back to Pronesis, and you'll need one more: the Boneset herb. For this one,
go to where the entrance to the desert was. Head a bit west, and down into a
valley that'll probably be pretty well stocked with evil eyes. Keep your eyes
peeled for green dragons here, too, since they can really ruin your day -
especially if you're still marked to spawn back in Vrethpool. Anyway... I digress.
In this valley is a swamp. At location 1847, 3849 you will find the white
boneset herbs.

Go back to Pronesis for the last time, and get the elixer. Run this back to
Arabella, since that poor guy's been at death's door for longer than anybody
has any right to survive in his plight. Talk to Arabella to finish the quest.

Note: You used to have to return to Pronesis (again) to get a healing manual
to learn how to use the healing skill. However, the healing manual is no longer
needed, and is not given in the quest.

Jail Quest

This feature of Dransik lies about halfway between a static quest and a dynamic 
quest. The quest does not have to be started.

In the jail building are several notices posted on the wall, listing escaped
prisoners and wanted criminals. Listed are the names of several NPCs which wander
around the world. You nver know where they may pop up.

There are two ways to encounter them. They randomly appear in pubs throughout
the lands, but you can't do much when they do.

They also spawn randomly in the field. They can appear just about anywhere, be it
just outside of Jeel all the way to Talazar's Island or Winterland. If you find
an NPC with a red name in the wilderness, kill it, since you won't turn crim for 
doing so. Collect the head that they drop, and take it to Sir Vantic, the warden 
of the jail. He will give you 30,000 exp pool and 50,000 gp as a reward for 
dispatching the criminal.

Note that, as mentioned above, monsters will also kill these NPCs sometimes. If
you ever notice a head on the ground, pick it up, since it is likely from one
of these NPCs.

Guild Quest

Currently, the Guild Quest is not available on the beta servers. The guilds
that exist are GM created. The Guild Quest will be reopened soon, however,
but it may be substantially changed from the way it is now.

The Guild Quest is an extremely difficult test of your determination. It will
require you to solve five puzzels, go up against hordes of undead, hordes
of minotaurs, ettins, and golems, and will even require a trip through Talazar's
Island, known commonly as Hell (It is called Hell with good reason), all to
find four books of leadership.

To get through the entire quest, you will need at least eight helpers to access
the third book. Once the quest is finished, you still need to pay half a million
gp to create a guild.

-=Starting the Quest=-

The quest starts in a cave near Varg. From the city, go east to the coast,
and follow it a distance north. Southwest of the cemetary is a squarish valley.
In the northwest corner of this valley is a cave. Enter this cave.

The cave is not a great threat. Head a bit down, and take the path going to the
left. At the end, go up a short distance and look for the secret entrance on the
left wall. Go through and up the ladder to the Guild Ruins. Speak to the NPC
here. Tell him you are seeking Holendar, the Guildmaster to start the quest.

-=The First Book=-
Reward: 20,000 exp pool

Your first destination is Jeel. Once there, go into the inn, and go to the
bottom-left room. Speak to the man in the bed until he finally goes to sleep.
Once he does, nudge him. Continue to do so at three or four second intervals.
He will tell you a series of clues which you should memorize (but why memorize
when I'm here holding your hand, eh?).

Talking to this guy can be even more agonizing than talking to Giltroy. If you
nudge him too many times too fast, he will wake up and yell at you, and you will
have to start all over again. The game will tell you when you've gotten all the
information you need.

Now, head east to the Krypt of Kargoth. From the entrance, go down through
the two doors, and through the secret wall on the right side of the room you're
in now.

Speaking to the NPC in Jeel triggers a large group of ghosts to spawn here,
so you'll have to cut your way through them (It helps to bring a few
friends). In this room, the NPC monster Kargoth sometimes spawns with his
guard of Zombies. They don't move, but will attack if you come to close.
(Note: A bug in monster AI on certain servers makes them kill themselves). 

After cutting your way through Kargoth, find the secret wall on the north wall of
this cave, which leads to another cave. Once in here, go right to the
main north-south corridor. A ways south, paths branch off to each side. Take the
first path east, and follow the top wall of it. Keep going, keeping your eyes
peeled for Liches and Wraiths, which can ruin your day if you aren't a high

If you stick to the top wall as it twists around, you will eventually find a
switch. Explore a bit to the south before throwing the switch, and locate the
door. Make sure the area is clear of monsters that could slow you down.

Go back to the switch, and throw it. Run to the door quickly, and get through
before it closes on you. Once inside, double click the chest to open the next door.
Go through, and read the book you find, and recieve 20,000 exp pool. There is 
another switch on the wall that will allow you to get back out. 

Leave the crypt,
and return to the guild ruins to continue the quest.

-=The Second Book=-
Reward: 30,000 exp pool
This book is located in the back room of the potion shop in Hothbra. There is a 
trap door against the back wall. Go down this, and you'll be in a small cave. 
There is a blood fountain near a collapsed bridge. Double click the fountain, and 
you'll be teleported to the other side of the bridge. 

In here, watch out. The majority of the monsters here are skeletons, zombies, and 
skeleton warriors. Flaming Deaths make regular showings, along with rarer run-ins
with even stronger monsters. Bring a strong weapon and good armor, and just
slash your way through anything that's directly in your path. Don't waste
time picking up what they drop.

Once there, find the Wraith NPC. Speak to him about his leader Talazar (Don't tell 
him Talazar has turned to evil. This poor warrior died when Talazar was still a 
noble knight).

Once he sends you on your way, run to the door in the middle of the left vertical 
corridor, go in and read the book. Now, run to the door in the middle of the right 
vertical corridor, and read that book. Then, run to the door at the top-left and 
read that book. Run to the door at the bottom-left and read that book, then run 
to the bottom-right door, read that book, and go through the door nearby to find 
the actual book itself. 

If you take too long to get between the books, you'll be sent to the spawn gate 
and will have to start over.

When you're done, run back to the Ruins to get the commission for the third book.

-=The Third Book=-
Reward: A migraine

This book is the ultimate test of leadership on the Guild Quest. It starts in the 
Valley of the Giants. Tucked up in the northeast corner against the mountains 
(hidden behind forests) is the book temple. There is a book in the middle, and 
eight off-color tiles. This is where you'll need helpers. Get your eight assitants 
(None can be in guilds for this) to stand on the eight off-color tiles.

Strategy in deploying the helpers may be important if you're having troulbe. Put 
those players with the most HP near the north exit of the temple, and have people 
wear fire-resistant armor if possible. Don't worry about losing items. If you die, 
you keep everything on you. However, if one person dies, you all die.

When you're all ready, double click the book in the middle, and select "Perform 
the Ritual, and have everybody run north. Dodge the Horned Devils and run through 
the small valley. Have one person run to the right and another to the left of the 
castle. At the back are switches for each of them to flip which open the doors. 

Inside, get one person into each of the cells. Meanwhile, you go through to the 
next room. Read the book here, and speak the words. 

Meanwhile, you yourself have to go up into the next room. Read the book there, and 
speak the words in it, then double click the fountain in the middle.

Outside, this will light the magic forge. You'll see a set of torches. Now here is 
where the teamwork and leadership comes in.

Outside, your comrades will have four torches. Have them light pairs of them in 
order (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-3, 2-3, 3-4). When the torch corresponding to their cell 
lights up, run down and tell them to stop. 

Once you have all the torches lit, go through into the final room, and read the 
book. Make sure nobody changes the torches again. It isn't fun to be on the cusp
of success and suddenly pop up at the Parian spawn.

Return to the guild ruins, and be prepared for the final test.
Congratulations! It only gets harder from here!

-=Fourth Book=-
Reward: 60,000 exp pool

I hope you've been excersizing. Because you have got one hell (litterally) of a run
ahead of you now.

Head about directly south of Korelth to the coast of Krythan. There is a large
penninsula with thieves, and then skeleton warriors as you get furthur down.

At the very end of the penninsula is a small building with a teleporter. Go
through, and you'll be on Talazar's Island, commonly known as Hell. I hope
you can kill demons... Or I hope your naked and can run. One way or the other,
head south, and skirt to the west of the Minion's of Talazar Stronghold.

Once you pass this building, and pass through the small valley, watch out.
Strong monsters spawn here. Head to the east, and follow the mountains
until you come to a short lava river in front of Talazar's Castle. (Interesting
note: You can walk over lava. Why, I don't know. Maybe everyone in Dransik is 
an experienced fire walker? It doesn't matter, you can't go into Talazar's Castle.)
To the east of this river, find the cave entrance. Speak with the Hell Spawn you 
find, and he'll teleport you to the book area.

Once inside, you'll have to negotiate
a maze. Do so by going right, down, up, left, up, down, and finally up.

Read the book, and return to the guild ruins. You're in the home stretch.

-=Extra: Helping on the Third Book=-
Reward: Some people pay their helpers.

The first thing to do is get a general idea who's strongest. If you're a weaker
player, stay behind the others. If you're stronger, take the point and take the
brunt of the monster attacks.

Once at the castle, know who's going to hit the two switches, while the rest go 

Once in your cell, Start by setting your torches to 1-2. Wait a few seconds.
If you aren't told to stop, change them to 1-3, and so on. When you're told
to stop, just sit tight. A great way to make people mad at you is to change a torch
after all the work of setting it up correctly.

-=Emperium Abbey=-
Reward: 2000 exp pool for finishing the quest, 100,000 for buying a deed.
Items needed: 500,000gp

From Parain, exit to the south, and follow the mountains to the east to Emperium
Abbey. Control-click the blood fountin on the island in the middle.

Talk to Father Gweedo, who tells you the fountain turned to blood when Talazar
attacked. Find Bother Timmothy, who says you cannot see Holendar until it runs
clean again. Speak Brother James, and Brother Nicholas. Remember what Nicholas 
says, then go back and tell this to James. Finally, talk to brother Timmothy, and 
he will teleport you to Holendar.

Now, talk to Holendar, and drop 500,000gp on him if you wish to purchase the deed.

Congratulations. You're a guild leader. Best of luck to you.

Note: You don't have to buy the deed. However, once you do, you'll be able to
have deeds transfered to you. Deeds start with a number for the tag (corresponding
to the number of the guild), and have your name. You have to rename it
to what you want.
FinalMasterM - help with exp values.
Demoshi - help with more exp values, some healing quest herb
     names, and lots of Guild Quest (books 3 and 4, Emperium Abbey) information.
Waimot - proofreading (spotty as it may be).
That poor dying guy in Arabella's room - For somehow staying alive for three
     months between the time I first started and finally finished the healing

This file is Copyright 2002, Jeff Barrett
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