Air Force Delta II (Xbox)
     Hidden Commands (Version 1.1 - Text Version)

     Current Update: Tuesday, 27 January 2004
     Previous Update: Saturday, 24 January 2004
     Created: Thursday, 9 May 2002

     By Don "Gamera" Chan (crs1219@hotmail.c_m)

     Note: I don't have this game or an Xbox, thus I
     can't verify these hidden commands. Also, these
     commands reportedly work in the Japanese version
     (Konami, 2002.02.22) and may not work in the
     non-Japanese versions.

1.   Acknowledgements
2.   Links
3.   Hidden Features

     Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only eight Websites:

     Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement huit sites webs.


     If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

     Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


     Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
     - Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer, and the English
translation of the NOIR foreword. (After all, English and
French are the two official languages up here in Canada,
the True North Strong and Free.)
     - justin barnard and Wilhelm Hudetz, for feedback.
     - No Shadow of UK, for previewing this FAQ.
     - Snaptrap, for hidden features.

     (Social democracy in action.)

     In memory of:
     - The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.

     "Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine
le nom du destin.
     "Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
     "Les mains noires protegent la paix des
     - NOIR (TV: 2001)

2.   LINKS

     An article about Air Force Delta II for Xbox in the HP on which this FAQ is based.

     [Ramble ON]

     Zany Video Game Quotes. English. Has very funny
quotes and screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie
files of Segata Sanshirou TV CMs in the Omake section.

     Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. English.
     "Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
     "Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."

     Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Japanese PC Games on Windows
XP, by Kagami of USA. English.


     Air Force Delta II reportedly has four hidden fighters
from old shooting games also made by Konami:
     - XQ/U-2 Bee Fatty, from Twinbee.
     - XF-0002 Phosphorus, from Gradius.
     - A-JAX/2 Jerry Mouse, from A-JAX.
     - M.B.W.-189 Sun-Fish, from Space Manbow.
     When the player uses these hidden fighters, the BGM
also becomes the BGM of the old shooting games.


     Clear the mission "Battle of Notosu Offing", and in
Chapter 2, shoot down 80+ enemies.
     In Ereon AFB, the mission "Black Target" appears. Clear
this mission.

     Note: The special weapon (machine gun) of this fighter
are two small machine guns with a narrow line of fire.
     The special weapon (missile) are Twinbee's hands
(rocket punches).
     In the non-Japanese versions, this fighter is called
either "Fatty Bee" or "Twinbee".


     Clear the mission "Battle of Saisu Canal", and in
Chapter 2, shoot down 100+ enemies.
     In Ereon AFB, the mission "From Legend to Myth"
appears. Clear this mission.

     Note: The special weapon (machine gun) of this fighter
are two beam machine guns.
     In the non-Japanese versions, this fighter is called
"Vic Viper".


     At the battle point southeast of Daeira AFB, use only
the Vulcan cannon to shoot down the enemies.
     The route to Meraina AFB appears. In Meraina AFB, this
fighter can be bought.

     Note: This fighter looks like a modified F-14.

     Later (2004.01.08):
     According to justin barnard and Wilhelm Hudetz, the
above condition might be inacurrate or incorrect, and does
not work. 8(

     M.B.W.-189 SUN-FISH

     At the battle point southeast of Ereon AFB, use the
MiG-1.44 MFI to shoot down the enemies two times.
     The route to Garosu AFB appears. In Garosu AFB, this
fighter can be bought.

     Note: This fighter looks like a manbow (fish).

     From Snaptrap (2003.01.22):
     I found a couple secret AFBs you can add to your FAQ.
In the first chapter of the game, there's a secret AFB named
Sobel and it's located in-between the two battle points
northwest of Bellona AFB. I used the F-14D and the Vulcan
cannon to shoot down the planes to open it, so I'm not
exactly sure what was needed to be done to open it. It has a
few fighter planes for sale.
     The other secret AFB is Horos and it's located
southwest of Chairon AFB. I used the Fishbed Zwei and the
Vulcan cannon to shoot down the planes to open this base.
Like the other bases, there are a few fighter planes for
     I played the US version of ADS to find the secrets.

Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (aho)