Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance II

Character Guide

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Version 1.14

Author: The Crimson Phantom

Aka: Jason L'Heureux

Version 1.00 Created January 24, 2004.

Version 1.10 Added the 2 secret chars.  Fixed a few minor spelling mistakes...
ah cut and paste you are a double edged sword.  Added all the secret abilities
as such this is probally this guides last update unless someone finds an
important mistake or something I may have overlooked.  It is my belief that
the 2 secret characters LACK any special secret abilities, if you do find
some place to unlock those let me know; however, I did check with them and
found nadda.

Version 1.11 Fixed unarmed combat to reflect that it does not use energy (I
was cut and pasting the general form with that from another one and must have
forgotten to remove the energy cost).  Fixed info on stealth, I had assumed
that I had it finished the first time I cut and pasted it, turns out I forgot
to fill in some info.  Useage ugh thats the problem with cranking something
out in a few hours, changed all to used because I just don't like how usage
looks it is one of those words which just LOOKS wrong to me.

Version 1.12 Added some bugs, other sites to use it minor changes.

Version 1.13 Cleric secret abilitys sunder and combat reflexes added thanks to
a tipoff by Frank alias FREAK.

Version 1.14 Minor changes.

E-Mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I do not mind game questions, if you are reporting an error let me know I will
double check my work there.  If you are reporting a spelling error forget about
it unless it seriously alters the meaning of the sentence.  I will have the
other secret abilities done in the next update and possibly Drizzit as well.

If you have a bug to report and add to this send it along but I'll need 2
reports of the same bug or to have it confirmable by myself.

If you e-mail me and its got something attached its going to be deleted
without hesitation.  Sorry but my virus scan/firewall is set to destroy
e-mail attachments.  If your sending me something to contribute to this in
an e-mail make sure to title your e-mail contributions or something similar,
and just put whatever it is in plain text.  I have it set to block out stuff
without acceptable subjects (to put faq in the subject) unless its someone
I know.

Table of contents

1.00 Some stuff I have to say

2.00 Characters, Feats, Abilities, Skills and Spells

2.10 Necromancer
2.11 Necromancer's Abilities

2.20 Barbarian
2.21 Barbarian's Abilities

2.30 Monk
2.31 Monk's Abilities

2.40 Rogue
2.41 Rogue's Abilities

2.50 Cleric
2.51 Cleric's Abilities

2.60 Drizzt Do'Urden
2.61 Drizzt Do'Urden's Abilities

2.70 Artemis Enteri
2.71 Artemis Enteri's Abilities

3.00 Generalized tips and tricks
3.10 Bugs
3.20 Thanks

4.00 Legal stuff and copyright

5.00 Game info and thanks

For using Ctrl-F (find) these could be helpful or just use the headings

*** = Chapter's

Cheat codes.  Yes I did use them to get this done MUCH faster, for gameplay
I dislike them entirly.

Level 10 instantly with 500,000 gold and 45 skill points.

Press and hold L1 + R1 + Triangle + Square + Circle + X. While still holding 
them, press L2.

Invinciblity and level select code.

Press and hold L1 + R1 + Triangle + Square + Circle + X. While still holding 
them, press START.

1.00 Stuff I have to say

Max level is 40.  There is a total of 7 playable characters, 2 are secret.

Well first off you get 10 additional status points to spend as you see fight
throughout the game, one every 4th level (level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32,
36, and 40).

You will get 780 total skill points to spend (unless it slows down above 20).

So you should be able to max every skill and ability by the time you reach
level 40.

2.00 Characters, Feats, Abilitys, Skills and Spells

Number of stars ( * ) after an ability or below that ability indicate how many 
ranks that ability can obtain.

If something does NOT require any mana that means that it is a FEAT and as
such ALWAYS has its effect.

Mana = Energy they are one and the same and the game uses those words

I have not unlocked the 4 secret abilities on anyone other than the necromancer
as of yet, I will list then once I unlock them.

I have not as of yet unlocked the two secret characters, rest assured they
will be added as soon as I do.

Base stats does not mean stripped down, I mean rather the stats they have
at the very moment of creation.

2.10 Necromancer

Moon Elf

Proficient in the use of magical spells and summoning creatures to his aid.

His base stats are,

Level 1

Health:       11/11
Energy:       35/35
Armor:        13
Base Attack:  1
Damage:       1-4

Strength:     10 [+0 hit/+0 damage]
Dexterity:    12 [+1 armor]
Constitution: 10 [+0 hit points per level]
Intelligence  17 [+15 max energy]
Wisdom:       10 [+0% experience]
Charisma:     11 [+0% buy/sell]

He has the following abilities,

Alchemical Lore
Animate Dead
Armor Proficiency
Chill Touch
Claws of Darkness --- secret ability
Dark Possession
Enchant Item
Flame Arrow
Ghoul Touch
Great Fortitude
Hand Weapon Focus
Iron Will
Life Drain
Long Weapon Focus
Melf's Acid Arrow
Ray of Enfeeblement
Shadow Conjure --- secret ability
Shadow Shield --- secret ability
Shadow Spray --- secret ability
Shocking Grasp
Vampiric Touch

2.11 Necromancer's Abilities

-Accuracy *****

Improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.
Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

Level 4
  Cost: 2 points
   +8 to hit and +4 to damage.

Level 5
  Cost: 2 points
   +10 to hit and +5 to damage.

-Alchemical Lore *

Allows you to change potions from one type to another.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 Points
   Energy used: 2 mana per use.

-Animate Dead ***

Summon undead aid, higher ranks give stronger pets.

Mana used is based off character level... formula unknown.
They get stronger as your level increases.  You can only have ONE of any
summoned pet at at time.  They are not useful for the damage they inflict, but
rather for their ability to act as a tank and allow you to cast uninterrupted.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Summon an ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Summon an ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Summon an ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

-Armor Proficiency ***

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Equip half plate and plate armor.

-Chill Touch *****

A freezing touch attack against a single enemy.

Also slows the enemy with cold damage, Melee range.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   1-6 additional cold damage.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   2-12 additional cold damage.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   3-18 additional cold damage.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   4-24 additional cold damage.
    Energy used: 13 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   5-30 additional cold damage.
    Energy used: 16 per cast.

-Clarity ***

Reduces the casting cost of all your spells.

VERY important to obtain this extends your casting abilities.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% reduction in cost.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% reduction in cost.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   30% reduction in cost.

-Claws of Darkness --- Secret ability, unlocked by completing Clock Tower and
     *****             talking to Omduil.

Attack with claws of deadly shadow that freeze and weaken your enemies.

Weaken is the same as making the enemy do less damage by that amount.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   7-12 damage, weaken by 8%.
    Energy used: 6

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   14-24 damage, weaken by 16%.
    Energy used: 8

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   21-36 damage, weaken by 24%.
    Energy used: 10

-Contagion *****

Curse your enemies with the plague.

Deals poison damage over time.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   2 poison damage to 1 target.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   3 poison damage to 2 target.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   4 poison damage to 3 target.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   5 poison damage to 4 target.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   6 poison damage to 5 target.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

-Dark Possession ***

Control humanoids and lesser undead creatures.

Limited duration control of an enemy unit, increases their damage.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6 seconds, +100% damage.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12 seconds, +200% damage.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   18 seconds, +300% damage.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

-Empower ***

Increases the effectiveness of various spells.

Currently unsure of which ones are increased... It seems like all DIRECT
damage spells are affected by this (not summons or defensive abilities).
Definatly a MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 4 Points
   15% spell damage increased.

Level 2:
  Cost: 8 Points
   30% spell damage increased.

Level 3:
  Cost: 12 Points
   45% spell damage increased.

-Enchant Item *****

Decreases the cost of creating and breaking down magic items.

Very useful when you want to start forging items.  Does NOT stack with the
rogues forge lore ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   -15% workshop costs.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -30% workshop costs.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -45% workshop costs.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -60% workshop costs.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -75% workshop costs.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Enervation *****

Channel death energy at nearby enemies in your frost arc.  Affects one
additional enemy per rank.

A simple MUST have spell.  Range of effect increases per rank, as does the
distance you can be from the enemy to cast it.  At level 5 it hits enemys
outside of its range.  Hits up to 5 enemies at any one time.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   3-9 damage per half second while button is held.
    Energy used: 6.00 per second.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   6-18 damage per half second while button is held.
    Energy used: 18.00 per second.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   9-27 damage per half second while button is held.
    Energy used: 30.00 per second.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   12-36 damage per half second while button is held.
    Energy used: 42.00 per second.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   15-45 damage per half second while button is held.
    Energy used: 54.00 per second.

-Fear *****

Enemies closet run away for a limited duration.  Additional ranks increases
targets and duration of the spell.

Fairly useless spell... good for breaking up mobs of enemies.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   1 second, 1 target.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   2 seconds, 2 targets.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   3 seconds, 3 targets.
    Energy used: 13 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   4 seconds, 4 targets.
    Energy used: 17 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   5 seconds, 5 targets.
    Energy used: 21 per cast.

-Flame Arrow *****

Summon magical flaming arrows.

Useful for landing the finishing blow on a troll.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2-11 damage, 1 arrow.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +3-12 damage, 2 arrows.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +4-13 damage, 3 arrows.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +5-14 damage, 4 arrows.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +6-15 damage, 5 arrows.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

-Ghoul Touch *****

A touch attack that paralyzes a foe.

Melee range.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   1 poison damage.
    Energy used: 4 Per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   2 poison damage.
    Energy used: 7 Per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   3 poison damage.
    Energy used: 10 Per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   4 poison damage.
    Energy used: 13 Per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   5 poison damage.
    Energy used: 16 Per attack.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Haste *****

Increases speed for you and any allies.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   6% increase, 8 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   12% increase, 11 seconds.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Point
   18% increase, 14 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   24% increase, 17 seconds.
    Energy used: 15 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   30% increase, 20 seconds.
    Energy used: 18 per cast.

-Hold *****

Stuns creatures in front of you.

Apperently useful in multiplayer games...

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   1 second, 1 target.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   1 second, 2 targets.
    Energy used: 17 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   1 second, 3 targets.
    Energy used: 25 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   2 seconds, 4 targets.
    Energy used: 33 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   2 seconds, 5 targets.
    Energy used: 41 per cast.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Another MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Life Drain *****

Drain hit points from enemies to restore your own.  Affects one additional
enemy per rank.  You start with this ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Drains 2-5 per half second.  Heals you the damage done.
    Energy used: 6.00 per second.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Drains 4-10 per half second.  Heals you the damage done.
    Energy used: 12.00 per second.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Drains 6-15 per half second.  Heals you the damage done.
    Energy used: 18.00 per second.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Drains 8-20 per half second.  Heals you the damage done.
    Energy used: 24.00 per second.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Drains 10-25 per half second.  Heals you the damage done.
    Energy used: 30.00 per second.

-Long Weapon Focus ***

Improves your ability to fight with staves, spears, and halberds.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit, +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit, +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit, +3 to damage.

-Melf's Acid Arrow *****

Summons a magic acidic arrow.

Level 1:
  Cost: 4 Points
   8-18 damage.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 8 Points
   13-23 damage.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 12 Points
   18-28 damage.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 16 Points
   23-33 damage.
    Energy used: 11 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 20 Points
   28-38 damage.
    Energy used: 13 per cast.

-Ray of Enfeeblement *****

Reduces an enemy's damage output.

A MUST have anti-boss spell for higher difficulties.  This reduces the melee
damage they can do to you.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   10% enemy damage reduced.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   20% enemy damage reduced.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   30% enemy damage reduced.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   40% enemy damage reduced.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   50% enemy damage reduced.
    Energy used: 11 per cast.

-Shadow Conjure --- Secret ability, unlocked by completing Clock Tower and
     *****          talking to Omduil.

Summons a shadow ally, higher ranks improve the pet.

Much more powerful than the animate dead spell.  This beast can dish out the
kind of damage he is likly to recieve.  A Summoned creatures power is based off
of your level; as well as, the rank of the skill.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Summons a shadow ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Summons a shadow ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Summons a shadow ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   Summons a shadow ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   Summons a shadow ally.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

-Shadow Shield --- Secret ability, unlocked by completing Clock Tower and
     *****         talking to Omduil.

Shield Spell that auto-blocks some attacks.

Very useful, armor class and chance to block are approximated as is the mana
cost.  Absorb means that it takes away up to 50% of the damage you recieve.
This means if you took 100 damage you would recieve only 50.  Also blocks
Magical Missle attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% absorb, +6 armor class, 3% chance to block.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% absorb, +7 armor class, 6% chance to block.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   30% absorb, +8 armor class, 9% chance to block.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   40% absorb, +9 armor class, 12% chance to block.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   50% absorb, +10 armor class, 15% chance to block.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

-Shadow Spray --- Secret ability, unlocked by completing Clock Tower and
     *****        talking to Omduil.

Inflect damage to nearby enemies with ribbons of shadow.  The caster fires one
ribbon per rank.

A VERY powerful ability... can close to 450 damage per cast when everything 
is maxed to one single target.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   4-12 damage per ribbon.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   8-24 damage per ribbon.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   12-36 damage per ribbon.
    Energy used: 16 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   16-48 damage per ribbon.
    Energy used: 20 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   20-60 damage per ribbon.
    Energy used: 24 per cast.

-Shield *****

Magic shield that improves armor.

Very useful.  Absorb means that you take that much LESS damage from an attack.
For instance if you took 100 damage with 50% absorb you would only recieve 50
points of damage from the attack.  Also blocks Magical Missle attacks.  You
also start with one point in this spell.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   10% absorb, +2 armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   20% absorb, +4 armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   30% absorb, +6 armor class.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   40% absorb, +8 armor class.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   50% absorb, +10 armor class.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

-Shocking Grasp *****

Your touch electrifies enemies.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   2-9 electrical damage.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   4-18 electrical damage.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   6-27 electrical damage.
    Energy used: 7 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   8-36 electrical damage.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   10-45 electrical damage.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

-Slow *****

Slows down enemies.

Useful to make them move and attack at a slower rate.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10 seconds, 1 target.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20 seconds, 2 targets.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   30 seconds, 3 targets.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   40 seconds, 4 targets.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   50 seconds, 5 targets.
    Energy used: 15 per cast.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Vampiric Touch *****

A touch that steals life from enemies.

Damage done is the damage your health will be healed.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3-18 damage.  Heals damage done.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   5-30 damage.  Heals damage done.
    Energy used: 8 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   7-42 damage.  Heals damage done.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   9-54 damage.  Heals damage done.
    Energy used: 14 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   11-66 damage.  Heals damage done.
    Energy used: 17 per attack.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.20 Barbarian


Well hes a barbarian, him smash stuff up close and stuff.  A melee fighter.

His base stats are,

Level 1

Health:       17/17
Energy:       8/8
Armor:        10
Base Attack:  4
Damage:       4-5 (1-2)

Strength:     16 [+3 hit/+3 damage]
Dexterity:    10 [+0 armor]
Constitution: 14 [+2 hit points per level]
Intelligence  10 [+0 max energy]
Wisdom:       10 [+0% experience]
Charisma:     11 [+0% buy/sell]

He has the following abilities,

Animal Friendship --- secret ability
Armor Proficiency
Bale Arm --- secret ability
Barbarian Rage
Barkskin --- secret ability
Combat Reflexes
Death Blow
Great Fortitude
Great Weapon Focus
Hand Weapon Focus
Heart of the Bear --- secret ability
Heart of the Wolf --- secret ability
Hero's Arm
Hero's Mantle
Improved Critical
Iron Will
Long Weapon Focus
Power Attack
Resist Elements --- secret ability
Two-Weapon Fighting

2.21 Barbarian's Abilities

-Accuracy *****

Improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.
Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

Level 4
  Cost: 2 points
   +8 to hit and +4 to damage.

Level 5
  Cost: 2 points
   +10 to hit and +5 to damage.

-Animal Friendship ***** --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Allows you to charm animals.

Mostly useless.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   Charm animal for 6 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   Charm animal for 12 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   Charm animal for 18 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   Charm animal for 24 seconds.
    Energy used: 14 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   Charm animal for 30 seconds.
    Energy used: 16 Per cast.

-Armor Proficiency ***

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.

Barbarian starts with 2 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Equip half plate and plate armor.

-Bale Arm * --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Allows you to hurl two throwing weapons at the same time.

If you wanna go range this is the barbarian skill to use.

Level 1
   Cost: 6 points
    Throw two weapons at the same time
     Energy used: 3 per throw.

-Barbarian Rage *****

Enter a state of barbaric rage.  While enraged, you will be unable to block.

Barbarian starts with a point in this.  This will lower YOUR armor class when
it is used.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 attack, 1-6 damage, -2 armor class.
    Energy used: 6 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 attack, 2-12 damage, -4 armor class
    Energy used: 9 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 attack, 3-18 damage, -6 armor class.
    Energy used: 12 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 attack, 4-24 damage, -8 armor class.
    Energy used: 15 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 attack, 5-30 damage, -10 armor class.
    Energy used: 18 Per cast.

-Barkskin ***** --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Makes your skin as tough as bark.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +3 to armor class.
    Energy used: 8 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +6 to armor class.
    Energy used: 10 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +9 to armor class.
    Energy used: 12 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   +12 to armor class.
    Energy used: 14 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   +15 to armor class.
    Energy used: 16 Per cast.

-Cleave *****

An Attack that strikes all enemies in front of you.

Damage added is minimal but it allows you to hit a group of enemies.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +1 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 3 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +2 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 5 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +3 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 7 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   +4 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 9 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   +5 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 11 Per cast.

-Combat Reflexes *****

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Death Blow *****

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Great Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with two-handed great weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Heart of the Bear ***** --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Increases your hit points.

By the time you have this its not really so useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 to health.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 to health.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +30 to health.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +40 to health.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 points
   +50 to health.

-Heart of the Wolf ***** --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Increases your running speed.

WOW I love run/walk speed increases a MUST have.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10% to speed.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20% to speed.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +30% to speed.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +40% to speed.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 points
   +50% to speed.

-Hero's Arm *

Allows you to wield great weapons in only one hand.

Level 1:
  Cost: 15 Points
   Allows you to weild two handed weapons with just one hand.

-Hero's Mantle *****

Resistance to physical damage

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5% damage reduction.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% damage reduction.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15% damage reduction.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% damage reduction.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25% damage reduction.

-Improved Critical *****

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Long Weapon Focus ***

Improves your ability to fight with staves, spears, and halberds.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit, +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit, +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit, +3 to damage.

-Power Attack *****

Inflict additional damage upon enemies with any melee weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

-Resist Elements ***** --- Complete Allana's quest to unlock.

Aids in elemental damage resistance.

A must have here.  Shame you have to cast it for the effect though.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +10% elemental damage resistance.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +20% elemental damage resistance.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +30% elemental damage resistance.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +40% elemental damage resistance.
    Energy used: 14 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +50% elemental damage resistance.
    Energy used: 16 per cast.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.  Barbarian starts
with a point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Sunder *****

Reduces your enemies armor class with every successful attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -4 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -8 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -12 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -16 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -20 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.30 Monk

Dark Elf

Excels at unarmed combat and the use of staves, Gloves add to her unarmed

Her base stats are,

Level 1

Health:       14/14
Energy:       12/12
Armor:        19
Base Attack:  3
Damage:       5-9

Strength:     12 [+1 hit/+1 damage]
Dexterity:    17 [+3 armor]
Constitution: 10 [+0 hit points per level]
Intelligence  10 [+0 max energy]
Wisdom:       10 [+0% experience]
Charisma:     10 [+0% buy/sell]

She has the following abilities,

Armor Proficiency
Arterial Strike --- secret ability
Combat Reflexes
Crippling Blow --- secret ability
Crushing Blow
Death Blow
Deflect Missles
Diamond Body
Great Fortitude
Hail of Knives --- secret ability
Hand Weapon Focus
Improved Critical
Iron Will
Piercing Strike
Long Weapon Focus
Poison --- secret ability
Spinning Strike
Stealth --- secret ability
Stunning Blow
Sweep Attack
Two-Weapon Fighting
Unarmed Combat

2.31 Monk's Abilities

-Accuracy *****

Improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.
Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

Level 4
  Cost: 2 points
   +8 to hit and +4 to damage.

Level 5
  Cost: 2 points
   +10 to hit and +5 to damage.

-Armor Proficiency ***

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.  The monk
starts with one point here.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Equip half plate and plate armor.

-Arterial Strike ***** --- Unlocked by completing Ulua's quest.

Wound enemies to inflict gradual loss in hit points (weapon equipped and in
stealth mode).

Rather pointless.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5 damage per second for 3 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10 damage per second for 6 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15 damage per second for 9 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20 damage per second for 12 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25 damage per second for 15 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per hit.

-Combat Reflexes *****

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Crippling Blow ***** --- Unlocked by completing Ulua's quest.

An attack that slows the enemy (weapon equipped and in stealth state).

Woah boy, here there is a bug.  One screen displays first seconds, the actual
fighting screen displays the other time in brackets.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   9 second duration of slow. (3 seconds?)
    Energy used: 3 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   12 second duration of slow. (5 seconds?)
    Energy used: 5 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15 second duration of slow. (7 seconds?)
    Energy used: 7 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   18 second duration of slow. (9 seconds?)
    Energy used: 9 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   21 second duration of slow. (11 seconds?)
    Energy used: 11 per hit.

-Crushing Blow *****

Adds damage to unarmed attacks.

Useful if you are NOT fighting with a weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage to unarmed combat.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage to unarmed combat.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage to unarmed combat.
    Energy used: 7 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage to unarmed combat.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage to unarmed combat.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

-Death Blow *****

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Deflect Missles *****

Gives a chance to automatically block missle attacks.

VERY important, allows you to nullify some ranged attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25% chance to block ranged attack.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Diamond Body *****

Resist the effects of poison and acid attacks.

Useful early in the game and for certain stages.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   1 less poison or acid damage per hit taken.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   2 less poison or acid damage per hit taken.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   3 less poison or acid damage per hit taken.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   4 less poison or acid damage per hit taken.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   5 less poison or acid damage per hit taken.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Evasion *****

Aids in damage recustion from certain magical attacks.

VERY important, must have ability here, less damage taken from magic means
that you will last a lot longer.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   10% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   20% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   30% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   40% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   50% reduction in magic damage taken.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Hail of Knives ***** --- Unlocked by completing Ulua's quest.

Allows you to throw multiple knives at once.

Potential for GREAT damage off of this attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Throws 2 knives.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Throws 3 knives.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Throws 4 knives.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Throws 5 knives.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Throws 6 knives.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Improved Critical *****

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Very useful to increase your damage.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Piercing Strike *****

Reduces your enemy's armor class.

This means the more you hit them with this the easier they will be to hit
again, useless on anything less than hard difficulty.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   4 armor class reduction to enemy on hit.
    Energy used: 3 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   8 armor class reduction to enemy on hit.
    Energy used: 4 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   12 armor class reduction to enemy on hit.
    Energy used: 5 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   16 armor class reduction to enemy on hit.
    Energy used: 6 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   20 armor class reduction to enemy on hit.
    Energy used: 7 per hit.

-Long Weapon Focus ***

Improves your ability to fight with staves, spears, and halberds.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit, +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit, +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit, +3 to damage.

-Poison ***** --- Unlocked by completing Ulua's quest.

Inflicts additional poison damage on attacks.

Kinda pointless.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Adds 2 poison damage for 6 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Adds 4 poison damage for 12 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Adds 6 poison damage for 18 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Adds 8 poison damage for 24 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Adds 10 poison damage for 30 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per hit.

-Spinning Strike *****

A devestating staff attack that strikes all enemies around you.

Damage added is minimal, useful because it can strike multiple enemies at the
same time.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +1 damage to that attack.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +2 damage to that attack.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +3 damage to that attack.
    Energy used: 13 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +4 damage to that attack.
    Energy used: 17 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +5 damage to that attack.
    Energy used: 21 per attack.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.  Monk starts with
a point already here.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Stealth ***** --- Unlocked by completing Ulua's quest.

Allows you to avoid enemies and make sneak attacks.

Useful to avoid combat in some places.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2-6 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4-12 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6-18 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8-24 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10-30 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

-Stunning Blow *****

A powerful attack that damages and stuns your enemy.

Useful to keep one enemy stunlocked.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Stun for 1.50 seconds, 4-10 damage.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Stun for 1.50 seconds, 4-10 damage.
    Energy used: 6 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Stun for 1.50 seconds, 4-10 damage.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Stun for 1.50 seconds, 4-10 damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Stun for 1.50 seconds, 4-10 damage.
    Energy used: 15 per attack.

-Sweep attack *****

An unarmed attack that strikes and knocks back all enemies before you.

Damage added is minimal it is useful for its ability to hit multiple enemies
at the same time.  For use WITHOUT a weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 13 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 17 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 21 per attack.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Unarmed Combat *****

Improves your ability to fight bare-handed.

The monk starts with one point here.  Useful as it increases damage when you
fight without a weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   4-8 to damage, chance to stun.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   7-14 to damage, chance to stun.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   10-20 to damage, chance to stun.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   13-26 to damage, chance to stun.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   16-32 to damage, chance to stun.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.40 Rogue

A dwarf, short and squat.  Oddly enough this guys a talented thief, you would
have never seen that one coming.  Also excellent at blowing stuff up.

His base stats are,

Level 1

Health:       16/16
Energy:       10/10
Armor:        16
Base Attack:  3
Damage:       5-8

Strength:     11 [+0 hit/+0 damage]
Dexterity:    15 [+2 armor]
Constitution: 16 [+3 hit points per level]
Intelligence  10 [+0 max energy]
Wisdom:       10 [+0% experience]
Charisma:     10 [+0% buy/sell]

He has the following abilities,

Armor Proficiency
Cleave --- secret ability
Combat Reflexes
Death Blow --- secret ability
Dwarven Warsong --- secret ability
Forge Lore
Great Fortitude
Great Weapon Bonus --- secret ability
Hail of Bolts
Hand Weapon Focus
Improved Critical
Iron Will
Long Weapon Focus
Precise Shot
Shield Bash --- secret ability
Shield Expertise --- secret ability
Smokepowder Bolt
Smokepowder Bomb
Smokepowder Satchel
Sunder --- secret ability
Two-Weapon Fighting

2.41 Rogue's Abilities

-Accuracy *****

Improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.
Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

Level 4
  Cost: 2 points
   +8 to hit and +4 to damage.

Level 5
  Cost: 2 points
   +10 to hit and +5 to damage.

-Armor Proficiency ***

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.  The rogue
starts with a point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Equip half plate and plate armor.

-Cleave ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

An Attack that strikes all enemies in front of you.

Damage added is minimal but it allows you to hit a group of enemies.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +1 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 3 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +2 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 5 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +3 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 7 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   +4 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 9 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   +5 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 11 Per cast.

-Combat Reflexes *****

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Death Blow ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Dwarven Warsong ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Bellow to temporarily increase combat ability.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to hit, +1 to damage.
    Energy used: 3 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit, +2 to damage.
    Energy used: 6 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to hit, +3 to damage.
    Energy used: 9 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit, +4 to damage.
    Energy used: 12 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to hit, +5 to damage.
    Energy used: 15 Per cast.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Evasion *****

Aids in damage recustion from certain magical attacks.

VERY important, must have ability here, less damage taken from magic means
that you will last a lot longer.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   10% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   20% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   30% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   40% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   50% reduction in magic damage taken.

-Forge Lore *****

Decreases the cost of creating and breaking down magic weapons.

Very useful when you want to start forging equipment of your very own.  Does
NOT stack with the necromancers enchant item skill.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -15% workshop costs.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   -30% workshop costs.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   -45% workshop costs.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   -60% workshop costs.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   -75% workshop costs.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Great Weapon Focus *** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Increases your ability to fight with two-handed great weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Hail of Bolts *****

Allows you to fire multiple bolts at once.

This can add a five fold damage increase to one enemy, just get point blank to
that poor monster.  Potentially the highest damage that anything can do from
just one attack in the game to one single target.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   2 bolts fired at once.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   3 bolts fired at once.
    Energy used: 8 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   4 bolts fired at once.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   5 bolts fired at once.
    Energy used: 14 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +1 damage added.
    Energy used: 17 per attack.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Improved Critical *****

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Long Weapon Focus ***

Improves your ability to fight with staves, spears, and halberds.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit, +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit, +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit, +3 to damage.

-Power Attack ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Inflict additional damage upon enemies with any melee weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

-Precise Shot *****

You can make more accurate, damaging shots with a cross bow

When you have a HIGH end bow this can add a LOT of damage to any attack
made from that weapon.  Nice, very nice.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +1 to hit and +15% to damage.
    Energy used: 3 per shot.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +30% to damage.
    Energy used: 5 per shot.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +3 to hit and +45% to damage.
    Energy used: 7 per shot.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +60% to damage.
    Energy used: 9 per shot.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +5 to hit and +75% to damage.
    Energy used: 11 per shot.

-Ransack *****

Knock additional loot out of enemies.

Very useful, you can use this on chests, urns, and enemies.  The rogue starts
out with a point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   2-12 damage and 13% chance for additional treasure.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   2-12 damage and 16% chance for additional treasure.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   3-18 damage and 19% chance for additional treasure.
    Energy used: 7 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   4-24 damage and 22% chance for additional treasure.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   5-30 damage and 25% chance for additional treasure.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

-Shield Bash ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

A short dash forward that damages and stuns your enemy.


Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Stun target for 1 second, inflicting 5-9 damage.
    Energy used: 8 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Stun target for 2 seconds, inflicting 7-14 damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Stun target for 2 seconds, inflicting 10-19 damage.
    Energy used: 16 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   Stun target for 3 seconds, inflicting 13-24 damage.
    Energy used: 20 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   Stun target for 3 seconds, inflicting 16-29 damage.
    Energy used: 24 per attack.

-Shield Expertise ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Gain additional armor bonus and physical damage resistance from your shield.

The damage resisted is not specified.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +3 armor class when using a shield.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +6 armor class when using a shield.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +9 armor class when using a shield.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +12 armor class when using a shield.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +15 armor class when using a shield.

-Smokepower Bolt *****

Fire a burning bolt with your crossbow.

Fireworks anyone?

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +1-5 fire damage.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2-10 fire damage.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +3-15 fire damage.
    Energy used: 7 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4-20 fire damage.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +5-25 fire damage.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

-Smokepower Bomb *****

Hurl an explosive bomb at your enemies.

Make sure to light the fuse at the tip not the base.  Count to 3, not to 4 for
4 is to many and not to 2 for 2 is too few.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5-10 fire damage.
    Energy used: 3 per toss.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10-20 fire damage.
    Energy used: 5 per toss.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15-30 fire damage.
    Energy used: 7 per toss.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20-40 fire damage.
    Energy used: 9 per toss.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25-50 fire damage.
    Energy used: 11 per toss.

-Smokepowder Satchel *****

Place and later detonate an explosive satchel charge.

Plant a bomb and KA BOOM, its Cajun style giblets.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   35 damage, explosion raduis: 3 feet.
    Energy used: 4 per plant.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   70 damage, explosion raduis: 6 feet.
    Energy used: 8 per plant.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   105 damage, explosion raduis: 9 feet.
    Energy used: 12 per plant.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   140 damage, explosion raduis: 12 feet.
    Energy used: 16 per plant.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   175 damage, explosion raduis: 15 feet.
    Energy used: 20 per plant.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Stealth *****

Allows you to avoid enemies and make sneak attacks.

Useful to avoid combat in some places.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2-6 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4-12 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6-18 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8-24 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10-30 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

-Sunder ***** --- unlocked by completing Durbem's quest.

Reduces your enemies armor class with every successful attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -4 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -8 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -12 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -16 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -20 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.50 Cleric

Human Cleric, she is adept at healing herself and her allys.  Has the ability
to summon the avatar of her gods sword.  She is able to hack and slash with
the best of them.  I'd call her a jack of all trades, master of none, except
she is kinda a master of those trades too.

Her base stats are,

Level 1

Health:       13/13
Energy:       22/22
Armor:        12
Base Attack:  2
Damage:       2-4

Strength:     12 [+1 hit/+1 damage]
Dexterity:    11 [+0 armor]
Constitution: 12 [+1 hit points per level]
Intelligence  14 [+10 max energy]
Wisdom:       12 [+5% experience]
Charisma:     12 [+5% buy/sell]

She has the following abilities,

Armor Proficiency
Cleave --- secret ability
Combat Reflexes --- secret ability
Cure Wounds
Death Blow --- secret ability
Divine Resilience
Divine Strength
Flame Strike
Great Fortitude
Great Weapon Focus
Hand Weapon Focus
Improved Critical --- secret ability
Iron Will
Long Weapon Focus
Power Attack --- secret ability
Protective Ward
Shield Bash --- secret ability
Shield Expertise --- secret ability
Smite Evil --- secret ability
Spiritual Weapon
Sunder --- secret ability
Two-Weapon Fighting
Turn Undead

2.51 Cleric's Abilities

-Accuracy *****

Improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.
Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

Level 4
  Cost: 2 points
   +8 to hit and +4 to damage.

Level 5
  Cost: 2 points
   +10 to hit and +5 to damage.

-Armor Proficiency ***

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.

Cleric starts with three whole points in this, the maximum.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Equip half plate and plate armor.

-Bless *****

Increases the combat abilities of you and any allies.

Makes you hit harder and miss less.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +1 to hit and +1 to damage for 25 seconds.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +2 to damage for 30 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +3 to hit and +3 to damage for 35 seconds.
    Energy used: 9 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +4 to damage for 40 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +5 to hit and +5 to damage for 45 seconds.
    Energy used: 15 per cast.

-Clarity ***

Reduces the casting cost of all your spells.

VERY important to obtain this extends your casting abilities.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% reduction in cost.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% reduction in cost.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   30% reduction in cost.

-Cleave ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

An Attack that strikes all enemies in front of you.

Damage added is minimal but it allows you to hit a group of enemies.

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   +1 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 3 Per cast.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   +2 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 5 Per cast.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   +3 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 7 Per cast.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   +4 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 9 Per cast.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   +5 damage to all enemies in front.
    Energy used: 11 Per cast.

-Combat Reflexes ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Cure Wounds *****

Heals yourself and any allies.

Typical clerical ability, takes a second to cast.  Cleric starts with one
point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +10 Hit Points.
    Energy used: 3 per heal.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +20 Hit Points.
    Energy used: 6 per heal.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +30 Hit Points.
    Energy used: 9 per heal.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +40 Hit Points.
    Energy used: 12 per heal.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +50 Hit Points.
    Energy used: 15 per heal.

-Death Blow ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Divine Resilience *****

Temporarily boosts your Great Fortitude.

Works in conjunction with Great Fortitude, it is not necessary to have both
but it does speed things up a lot to have them both.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Improved regeneration for 5 seconds.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Improved regeneration for 10 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Improved regeneration for 15 seconds.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Improved regeneration for 20 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Improved regeneration for 25 seconds.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

-Divine Strength *****

Temporarily boost your strength.

More strength means you can deal more damage, not to mention you'll hit more 
often.  This does NOT increase the weight you can carry.  The cleric starts
with one point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to stregnth for 35 seconds.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to stregnth for 45 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to stregnth for 55 seconds.
    Energy used: 11 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +8 to stregnth for 65 seconds.
    Energy used: 14 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +10 to stregnth for 75 seconds.
    Energy used: 17 per cast.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Empower ***

Increases the effectiveness of various spells.

Currently unsure of which ones are increased... It seems like all DIRECT
damage spells are affected by this (not summons or defensive abilities).
Definatly a MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 4 Points
   15% spell damage increased.

Level 2:
  Cost: 8 Points
   30% spell damage increased.

Level 3:
  Cost: 12 Points
   45% spell damage increased.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Flame Strike *****

Holy Fire called down on your enemies.

Burn baby, Burn.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   7-48 fire damage.
    Energy used: 8 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   8-60 fire damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   9-72 fire damage.
    Energy used: 16 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   10-84 fire damage.
    Energy used: 20 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   11-96 fire damage.
    Energy used: 24 per attack.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so
much.  This works in conjunction with her Divine Resilience spell.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Great Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with two-handed great weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Improved Critical ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Another MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Long Weapon Focus ***

Improves your ability to fight with staves, spears, and halberds.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit, +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit, +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit, +3 to damage.

-Power Attack ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Inflict additional damage upon enemies with any melee weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

-Protective Ward *****

Creates a protective aura around you.

The higher your armor class, the harder you are to hit.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 to armor clas for 30 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 to armor clas for 40 seconds.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +12 to armor clas for 50 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +16 to armor clas for 60 seconds.
    Energy used: 13 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +20 to armor clas for 70 seconds.
    Energy used: 16 per cast.

-Purity *****

Temporary poison and acid resistance; resist some status effects at higher

It does not; however, list those status effects resisted at higher levels.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Resist 1 acid/poison damage for 25 seconds.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Resist 2 acid/poison damage for 35 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Resist 3 acid/poison damage for 45 seconds.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   Resist 4 acid/poison damage for 55 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   Resist 5 acid/poison damage for 65 seconds.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

-Sanctuary *****

Enemies will not attack you unless you attack them.

So lets say you are nearly dead, cast this and you bought some time.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5 seconds of peace.
    Energy used: 3 per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10 seconds of peace.
    Energy used: 4 per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15 seconds of peace.
    Energy used: 5 per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20 seconds of peace.
    Energy used: 6 per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25 seconds of peace.
    Energy used: 7 per cast.

-Shield Bash ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

A short dash forward that damages and stuns your enemy.


Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Stun target for 1 second, inflicting 5-9 damage.
    Energy used: 8 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Stun target for 2 seconds, inflicting 7-14 damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Stun target for 2 seconds, inflicting 10-19 damage.
    Energy used: 16 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   Stun target for 3 seconds, inflicting 13-24 damage.
    Energy used: 20 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   Stun target for 3 seconds, inflicting 16-29 damage.
    Energy used: 24 per attack.

-Shield Expertise ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Gain additional armor bonus and physical damage resistance from your shield.

The damage resisted is not specified.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +3 armor class when using a shield.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +6 armor class when using a shield.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +9 armor class when using a shield.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +12 armor class when using a shield.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +15 armor class when using a shield.

-Smite Evil ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Inflicts additional damage and can disrupt undead.

Potential instant kill on the undead.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +1 damage, 8% chance to disrupt undead.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 damage, 11% chance to disrupt undead.
    Energy used: 5 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +3 damage, 14% chance to disrupt undead.
    Energy used: 7 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 damage, 17% chance to disrupt undead.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +5 damage, 20% chance to disrupt undead.
    Energy used: 11 per attack.

-Spiritual Weapon *****

Summon the avatar of Helm's sword, 'Ever Watchful'.  Higher ranks give
stronger summons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Summons an ally weapon.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Summons an ally weapon.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   Summons an ally weapon.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   Summons an ally weapon.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   Summons an ally weapon.
    Energy used: Varys based on character level Per cast.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Sunder ***** --- unlocked by completing the Helm's Church quest.

Reduces your enemies armor class with every successful attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -4 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -8 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -12 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -16 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -20 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Turn Undead *****

Repels and damages nearby undead.

Useful simply because there is a lot of undead in this game.  The cleric
starts with one point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   15-28 damage to undead ONLY, pushes them away.
    Energy used: 3 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20-36 damage to undead ONLY, pushes them away.
    Energy used: 6 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   25-44 damage to undead ONLY, pushes them away.
    Energy used: 9 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   30-52 damage to undead ONLY, pushes them away.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   35-60 damage to undead ONLY, pushes them away.
    Energy used: 15 per attack.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.60 Drizzt Do'Urden

Drow Ranger, exiled warrior, serves the forces of good.

His base stats are,

Level 16

Health:       160/160
Energy:       72/72
Armor:        41
Base Attack:  45
Damage:       74-137 (19-34)

Strength:     13 [+1 hit/+1 damage]
Dexterity:    20 [+5 armor]
Constitution: 15 [+2 hit points per level]
Intelligence  17 [+15 max energy]
Wisdom:       17 [+15% experience]
Charisma:     14 [+10% buy/sell]

He has the following abilities,

Armor Proficiency
Combat Reflexes
Death Blow
Deflect missles
Hand Weapon Focus
Great Fortitude
Otiluke's Icy Sphere
Improved Critical
Power Attack
Iron Will
Two-Weapon Fighting

2.61 Drizzt Do'Urden's Abilities

-Armor Proficiency **

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.  Drizzt starts
with 2 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Equip scale and chain armor, and shields.

-Combat Reflexes *****

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Death Blow *****

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Drizzt starts with 5 points in this.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Deflect Missles *****

Gives a chance to automatically block missle attacks.

VERY important, allows you to nullify some ranged attacks.  Drizzt starts with
3 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20% chance to block ranged attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25% chance to block ranged attack.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so
much.  Drizzt starts with 2 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Otiluke's Icy Sphere *****

Summons a sphere of cold, damaging and freezing your enemy.

Drizzt starts with 3 points in this.  Useful to slow an enemy's approach.

Level 1:
  Cost: 7 Points
   1-20 cold damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 11 Points
   1-25 cold damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 15 Points
   1-30 cold damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 19 Points
   1-35 cold damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 23 Points
   1-40 cold damage.
    Energy used: 12 per attack.

-Improved Critical *****

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Drizzt starts with 5 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Power Attack *****

Inflict additional damage upon enemies with any melee weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Repulsion *****

Repulses and damages nearby enemies.

Drizzt starts with 2 points in this.  It is useful to get away when the enemy
has you cornered.

Level 1:
  Cost: 4 Points
   1-10 damage per pulse.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   1-17 damage per pulse.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 8 Points
   1-24 damage per pulse.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 10 Points
   1-31 damage per pulse.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 12 Points
   1-38 damage per pulse.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Another MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Sunder *****

Reduces your enemies armor class with every successful attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -4 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -8 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -12 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -16 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -20 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.  Drizzt starts with 1 point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.  Drizzt starts with one
point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

2.70 Artemis Enteri

Human Assassin

Adept at well being an evil assassin.

His base stats are,

Level 16

Health:       160/160
Energy:       72/72
Armor:        35
Base Attack:  45
Damage:       92-165 (17-27)

Strength:     14 [+2 hit/+2 damage]
Dexterity:    20 [+5 armor]
Constitution: 15 [+2 hit points per level]
Intelligence  16 [+15 max energy]
Wisdom:       16 [+15% experience]
Charisma:     13 [+5% buy/sell]

He has the following abilities,

Armor Proficiency
Arterial Strike
Ash Blade
Combat Reflexes
Crippling Blow
Death Blow
Great Fortitude
Hand Weapon Focus
Improved Critical
Iron Will
Power Attack
Two-Weapon Fighting

2.71 Artemis Enteri's Abilities

-Armor Proficiency *

Allows you to equip heavier armor for better defense.

Low armor class getting you down, equip better stuff with this.  Poor guy
only gets the one level, and he starts with that.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Equip leather and padded armor.

-Arterial Strike *****

Wound enemies to inflict gradual loss in hit points (weapon equipped and in
stealth mode).

Rather pointless.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   5 damage per second for 3 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   10 damage per second for 6 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15 damage per second for 9 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   20 damage per second for 12 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   25 damage per second for 15 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per hit.

-Ash Blade *****

Stun and harm targets with ash from your blade.

Shoots out an ash ball from your blade.  Artemis starts with one point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   2-12 damage.
    Energy used: 9 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   4-24 damage.
    Energy used: 14 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   6-36 damage.
    Energy used: 19 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   8-48 damage.
    Energy used: 24 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   10-60 damage.
    Energy used: 29 per hit.

-Combat Reflexes *****

Increases the speed of your attacks.

This does NOT give a listed amount of increase

Level 1
  Cost: 2 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 2
  Cost: 4 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 3
  Cost: 6 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 4
  Cost: 8 points
   Attack speed increases.

Level 5
  Cost: 10 points
   Attack speed increases.

-Crippling Blow *****

An attack that slows the enemy (weapon equipped and in stealth state).

Woah boy, here there is a bug.  One screen displays first seconds, the actual
fighting screen displays the other time in brackets.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   9 second duration of slow. (3 seconds?)
    Energy used: 3 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   12 second duration of slow. (5 seconds?)
    Energy used: 5 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   15 second duration of slow. (7 seconds?)
    Energy used: 7 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   18 second duration of slow. (9 seconds?)
    Energy used: 9 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   21 second duration of slow. (11 seconds?)
    Energy used: 11 per hit.

-Death Blow *****

Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.

Artemis starts with 5 points in this.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +2 damage on a critical hit.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +4 damage on a critical hit.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +6 damage on a critical hit.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +8 damage on a critical hit.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +10 damage on a critical hit.

-Dodge *****

Enemies are more likly to miss in combat.

Level 1
  Cost: 1 points
   +1 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 2
  Cost: 2 points
   +2 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 3
  Cost: 3 points
   +3 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 4
  Cost: 4 points
   +4 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

Level 5
  Cost: 5 points
   +5 to armor class per peice of armor worn.

-Endurance *****

Increases your carrying capacity.

For the cost its not that useful.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +15 more pounds.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +30 more pounds.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +45 more pounds.

Level 4:
  Cost: 8 Points
   +60 more pounds.

Level 5:
  Cost: 10 Points
   +75 more pounds.

-Evasion *****

Aids in damage recustion from certain magical attacks.

VERY important, must have ability here, less damage taken from magic means
that you will last a lot longer.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   10% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   20% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   30% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   40% reduction in magic damage taken.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   50% reduction in magic damage taken.

-Great Fortitude *****

Increases your Hit Point regeneration rate.

Early on when your health is low this has a noticable effect, later not so
much.  Artemis starts with 2 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 Hit Points per minute.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 Hit Points per minute.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 Hit Points per minute.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 Hit Points per minute.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 Hit Points per minute.

-Hand Weapon Focus ***

Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +4 to hit and +2 to damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +6 to hit and +3 to damage.

-Improved Critical *****

Increases your chance of a critical hit with melee attacks.

Artemis starts with 5 points in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   3% increase in critical hits.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   6% increase in critical hits.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   9% increase in critical hits.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   12% increase in critical hits.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   15% increase in critical hits.

-Iron Will *****

Increases your Magic Energy regeneration rate.

Another MUST have ability.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   125% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   150% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   175% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   200% increase to mana regeneration.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   225% increase to mana regeneration.

-Poison *****

Inflicts additional poison damage on attacks.

Kinda pointless.  Artemis starts with a point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   Adds 2 poison damage for 6 seconds.
    Energy used: 4 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   Adds 4 poison damage for 12 seconds.
    Energy used: 6 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   Adds 6 poison damage for 18 seconds.
    Energy used: 8 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   Adds 8 poison damage for 24 seconds.
    Energy used: 10 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   Adds 10 poison damage for 30 seconds.
    Energy used: 12 per hit.

-Power Attack *****

Inflict additional damage upon enemies with any melee weapon.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10 damage per hit.
    Energy used: 2 per hit.

-Sprint *****

A quick burst of running speed.

Useful to tool around areas that you have already cleared.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   66% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 1 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   99% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 2 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   132% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   165% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   198% increase in speed for 1 second.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

-Stealth *****

Allows you to avoid enemies and make sneak attacks.

Useful to avoid combat in some places.  Pairs up with some attacks.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +2-6 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +4-12 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +6-18 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +8-24 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +10-30 damage to sneak attacks.
    Energy used: 1 per attack.

-Sunder *****

Reduces your enemies armor class with every successful attack.

Level 1:
  Cost: 2 Points
   -4 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 3 per use.

Level 2:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -8 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 4 per use.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   -12 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 5 per use.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   -16 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 6 per use.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   -20 enemy armor class.
    Energy used: 7 per use.

-Toughness *****

Grants you extra hit points.

Useful early on.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +6 hit points.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +12 hit points.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +18 hit points.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +24 hit points.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +30 hit points.

-Two-Weapon Fighting *****

Improves your ability to fight with two weapons at once.

Your primary hand is the dominant one, for instance if you were right handed
that would be your primary hand.  Artemis starts with a point in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +90% primary hand, +30% off-hand damage.

Level 2:
  Cost: 6 Points
   +100% primary hand, +40% off-hand damage.

Level 3:
  Cost: 9 Points
   +110% primary hand, +50% off-hand damage.

Level 4:
  Cost: 12 Points
   +120% primary hand, +60% off-hand damage.

Level 5:
  Cost: 15 Points
   +130% primary hand, +70% off-hand damage.

-Willpower *****

Grants your additional magical energy.

Only useful at the very beginning of the game.  Artemis starts with a point
in this.

Level 1:
  Cost: 1 Points
   +5 energy.

Level 2:
  Cost: 2 Points
   +10 energy.

Level 3:
  Cost: 3 Points
   +15 energy.

Level 4:
  Cost: 4 Points
   +20 energy.

Level 5:
  Cost: 5 Points
   +25 energy.

3.00 General Tips and Tricks

Always keep a few healing and mana potions just in case you run into something

It is cheaper to break apart items on the necro and rogue to get gems than
to buy them yourself.

You can use the codes above (top of the faq) or just load up a saved game
and build lots of gold (2 players, load one dump his stuff, load another,
sell stuff, save).

You can do the above BUT with quests (2 files, one before quest one after,
talk to guy to finish quest take exp, save, load file before quest rinse lather
repeat as necessary).

Hold L1 then use up/down arrow pad to select a spell, once the spell is
highlighted press circle, square, triangle, or X to bind it to that key.
Now to cast that spell just press L1 and the same symbol.

3.10 Bugs

You can jump in certain areas and trap yourself forcing a reload.

In the air level you can get knocked off the ledge yet never die.

In the water level boss fight it is PITCH black except for monsters and
your character, it is most likly NOT intentional and makes navigating hard,
their is DEEP water that can kill you there too.

Killing a wolf rider with shadow magic CAN cause them to become invincible
when they dismount.  If this happens the ONLY thing that I have found capable
of hurting them is fire.

Exceeding 35-40% buy/sell will actually LOWER your selling rate of equipment,
the amount you spend to buy does actually go down correctly, seems to work up
to 110%.

Use amethyests to break 55% buy/sell buy as much as you can hold, unequip to
40% then sell it for a profit.  They have this effect on rings/amulets and

3.20 Thanks

Um other than the ones listed below for making the game or for
gamefaqs itself no one yet.

Endevin for spotting that I had energy for unarmed combat when it requires

Tenzhi for spotting that I had forgotten to complete the stats on stealth :).

Andydude21 for the buy/sell stuff.

Frank alias FREAK for sunder and combat reflexes on the cleric.  And for
noticing that I had the tip for how to bind spells in the bugs section (I
just was not looking when I put it there).

My brother for pointing out a 1 on flame arrow 1-14, 1-151 (instead of 15).

4.00 Legal Stuff and Copyright

I created this FAQ Solely by myself, as such I do NOT give permission for 
anyone to use this FAQ in any way shape or form without express permission 
from me.  This is not to say that it will be difficult for anyone to get 
permission from me its just a common courtesy that I would expect from 
anyone seeking to use this.  I will NOT agree to any for profit uses of 
this.  If you find a site using this FAQ that's NOT listed below please 
contact me so I may take appropriate legal action against them.  I also do
not agree to the unauthorized alteration of this FAQ in any way, shape or 

Copyright (c)2004 by Jason L'Heureux.

I agree to the following sites use of this faq,

5.00 Game Info and Thanks

Black Isle Studios for developing this game.

Interplay for having the intelligence to publish this game.

VU Games for being a part of the above.

Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance II is rated Teen and is probably copyrighted 2004.

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for running GameFAQ's

And GameFAQ's itself for the incredible site.

                            - End of Frequently Asked Questions Document -