                              Shifter FAQ
                              version 1.05
                       Copyright 2003 Douglas Crews


                           Table Of Contents

(1) Character Creation
   (1.1) Race
      (1.1.1)  Human
      (1.1.2)  Elf
      (1.1.3)  Dwarf
      (1.1.4)  Halfling
      (1.1.5)  Half-Orc
      (1.1.6)  Gnome
      (1.1.g)  Half-Elf
   (1.2) Statistics
   (1.3) Planning For Feats
   (1.4) Shifter Builds
      (1.4.1) The Pure Shifter build
      (1.4.2) The Druid/Shifter/Monk build
      (1.4.3) The Druid/Shifter/[Fighter-type] build
      (1.4.4) The Druid/Shifter/[Rogue-type] build
      (1.4.5) The Druid/Shifter/[Arcane-type] build
      (1.4.6) The Druid/Shifter/Cleric build
(2) Equipment
   (2.1) What equipment properties merge?
   (2.2) What Shapes merge Weapons? Items? Armor?
   (2.3) Choosing your equipment
(3) Do Monk abilities transfer to Shapes?
(4) Unarmed vs. Armed Shapes
(5) The Shapes
   (5.1) Greater Wildshape I [Shifter Level 1]
      (5.1.1) Wyrmling, Red
      (5.1.2) Wyrmling, Blue
      (5.1.3) Wyrmling, Black
      (5.1.4) Wyrmling, White
      (5.1.5) Wyrmling, Green
   (5.2) Greater Wildshape II [Shifter Level 3]
      (5.2.1) Harpy Shape
         ( Epic Harpy [Shifter Level 13]
      (5.2.2) Gargoyle Shape
         ( Epic Gargoyle [Shifter Level 13]
      (5.2.3) Minotaur Shape
         ( Epic Minotaur [Shifter Level 13]
   (5.3) Greater Wildshape III [Shifter Level 5]
      (5.3.1) Basilisk Shape
         ( Epic Basilisk [Shifter Level 15]
      (5.3.2) Drider Shape
         ( Epic Drider [Shifter Level 15]
      (5.3.3) Manticore Shape
         ( Epic Manticore [Shifter Level 15]
   (5.4) Humanoid Shape [Shifter Level 7]
      (5.4.1) Drow Warrior Shape
         ( Epic Drow Warrior [Shifter Level 17]
      (5.4.2) Lizardfolk Whipmaster Shape
         ( Epic Lizardfolk Whipmaster [Shifter Level 17]
      (5.4.3) Kobold Commando Shape
         ( Epic Kobold Commando [Shifter Level 17]
   (5.5) Greater Wildshape IV [Shifter Level 10]
      (5.5.1) Dire Tiger Shape
      (5.5.2) Medusa Shape
      (5.5.3) Mindflayer Shape
   (5.6) Undead Form [Epic Shifter, Chosen Feat]
      (5.6.1) Risen Lord Shape
      (5.6.2) Vampire Shape
      (5.6.3) Spectre Shape
   (5.7) Outsider Form [Epic Shifter, WS 25+, Chosen Feat]
      (5.7.1) Azer Chieftain Shape
      (5.7.2) Rakshasa Shape
      (5.7.3) Death Slaad Lord Shape
   (5.8) Construct Form [Epic Shifter, WS 27+, Chosen Feat]
      (5.8.1) Stone Golem Shape
      (5.8.2) Demonflesh Golem Shape
      (5.8.3) Iron Golem Shape
   (5.9) Dragon Form [Epic Shifter, WS 30+, Chosen Feat]
      (5.9.1) Ancient Red Dragon Shape
      (5.9.2) Ancient Blue Dragon Shape
      (5.9.3) Ancient Green Dragon Shape
(6) Feats
   (6.1) Ratings
   (6.2) Non-Epic Feats
   (6.3) Epic Feats
      (6.3.1) Bonus Feats available to an Epic Shifter:
      (6.3.2) Other Bonus Feats available to other Epic classes:
(7) What's The Best Shape For...?
   (7.1) Vs. Spellcasters
   (7.2) Melee Damage Potential
   (7.3) Vs. Undead/Construct/Dragon
   (7.4) Defense
   (7.5) Attack Bonus
   (7.6) Rogue-ishness, Disarming Traps, etc.
   (7.7) Searching
   (7.8) Vs. Fire
   (7.9) Vs. Cold
   (7.10) Vs. Electricity
   (7.11) Vs. Acid
   (7.12) Vs. Sonic
   (7.13) Vs. Invisible
   (7.14) Vs. Low Damage Resistance
   (7.15) Vs. Medium Damage Resistance
   (7.16) Vs. High Damage Resistance
   (7.17) Druid/Shifter/Monk
   (7.18) Vs. Poison
(A) Definitions & Acronyms
(B) The Monk Unarmed Attack Bug
(C) Relevant Scripts And Toolset Objects
   (C.1) How to examine scripts:
   (C.2) How to examine objects:
   (C.3) Shape Items & Scripts
      (C.3.0) General
      (C.3.1) Azer Chieftain
      (C.3.2) Basilisk
      (C.3.3) Basilisk, Epic
      (C.3.4) Death Slaad
      (C.3.5) Demonflesh Golem
      (C.3.6) Dire Tiger
      (C.3.7) Dragon
      (C.3.8) Drider
      (C.3.9) Drider, Epic
      (C.3.10) Drow Warrior
      (C.3.11) Drow Warrior, Epic
      (C.3.12) Gargoyle
      (C.3.13) Gargoyle, Epic
      (C.3.14) Harpy
      (C.3.15) Harpy, Epic
      (C.3.16) Iron Golem
      (C.3.17) Kobold Commando
      (C.3.18) Kobold Commando, Epic
      (C.3.19) Lizardfolk Whipmaster
      (C.3.20) Lizardfolk Whipmaster, Epic
      (C.3.21) Manticore
      (C.3.22) Manticore, Epic
      (C.3.23) Medusa
      (C.3.24) Mindflayer
      (C.3.25) Minotaur
      (C.3.26) Minotaur, Epic
      (C.3.27) Rakshasa
      (C.3.28) Risen Lord
      (C.3.29) Spectre
      (C.3.30) Stone Golem
      (C.3.31) Vampire
      (C.3.32) Wyrmling, Black
      (C.3.33) Wyrmling, Blue
      (C.3.34) Wyrmling, Green
      (C.3.35) Wyrmling, Red
      (C.3.36) Wyrmling, White
   (C.4) Alternate Shape Items & Scripts
      (C.4.1) Gelatinous Cube
      (C.4.2) Epic Gelatinous Cube
      (C.4.3) Troll
      (C.4.4) Epic Troll Shaman
      (C.4.5) Beholder
      (C.4.6) Epic Beholder Mage
      (C.4.7) Wererat
      (C.4.8) Epic Werepenguin
      (C.4.9) Succubus
      (C.4.10) Frost Giant
      (C.4.11) Rakshasa Crossbow Specialist
      (C.4.12) Shifter Iron Golem
      (C.4.13) Ancient Green Dragon
      (C.4.14) Ancient Blue Dragon
      (C.4.15) Ancient Red Dragon
      (C.4.16) Chicken From Hell
   (C.5) Iznoghoud's Greater Wildshape script
   (C.6) Rod Of The ArchShifter hak pak
      (C.6.1) Using the Rod in a user module
      (C.6.2) Using the Rod in all modules
(D) Some options for alternate Shapes
   (D.1) Gelatinous Cube
   (D.2) Epic Gelatinous Cube
   (D.3) Troll
   (D.4) Epic Troll Shaman
   (D.5) Beholder
   (D.6) Beholder Mage
   (D.7) Wererat
   (D.8) Epic Werepenguin
   (D.9) Succubus
   (D.10) Frost Giant
   (D.11) Rakshasa Crossbow Specialist
   (D.12) Shifter Iron Golem
   (D.13) Dragon, Ancient Green
   (D.14) Dragon, Ancient Blue
   (D.15) Dragon, Ancient Red
   (D.16) Chicken From Hell
(E) When And How To Boost ST, DX, CN
(F) The Multiclassed Shifter XP Penalty Bug
(G) Revision History
(H) Who am I?  Where's my car?  And did I do this all alone?  (Hint: no)
