Forgotten Realms
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
Expansion Pack

(i'm not good at those fancy designs)


Table of Contents

(use ctrl+f to find what section you want
i.e ctrl+f then type [i] for version history)

[i] ........... Version History
[ii] .......... Legal Stuff
[iii] ......... General Stuff
[iv] ........... Walkthrough
[iva] .......... ---- My Character
[ivb] .......... ---- Chapter 1
[ivb i] ........ ---- The Yawning Portal
[ivb ii] ....... ---- Descent into Undermountain
[ivb iii] ...... ---- Level 2 of Undermountain
[ivb iv] ....... ---- Level 3 of Undermountain
[ivc] .......... ---- Chapter 2
[ivc i] ........ ---- A strange island


[i] . VERSION HISTORY --- V.03

** January 27, 2004
   Started this FAQ. V.01 **

** January 28, 2004
   Finished chapter one V.02 **

** January 29, 2004
   Starting chapter two
   Finished a strang island V.03 **


[ii] . Legal Stuff

This FAQ was written by hellmut1 (on Gamefaqs)
aka HellMuT or Jef Lister, and this FAQ may
not be used anywhere else without his permission.
If you wish to use his FAQ you may EMAIL him at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but you may use this FAQ for
personal uses, i.e. printing out and reading it.
But you may not post anywhere else,, or whatever, unless of course
you have his permission.
(sorry for reffering myself in a 3rd person way)


[iii] . General Stuff

You should know how to play by now, if you don't,
play NWN: Prelude. Everything you need to know
should be in the manual(s).
Just to let you know this is my first attempt at
making a FAQ, ever. This FAQ will hopefully help
you finish the HotU campaign. There most likely
be some important stuff I'll be missing, so if
you want to contribute you can, by emailing me at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Of course, I'll give you credit
for helping me out in making this FAQ.

Ok, don't forget you can have 3 henchman, but
the more people you have following you, the less
experience you'll recieve. (Mark Willman)


[iv] . Walkthrough


[iva] . My character

Well I will updae this FAQ as I progress through
the game with my character. I had a
druid/shifter/dwarven defender but he wasn't
working to well with me. So I'm gonna make a new

Note: You don't start off with any money if you
make a new character, unless you load your old

Race: Dwarf: Sub-race: Deurgar (yes, i spelled
it wrong, its suppose to be Duergar)
Name: Gemli Kestriegen (randomized)
Class: Fighter (7)/ Dwarven Defender (8)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
(all stats at level 15)
STR: 17
DEX: 16
CON: 14
WIS: 10
INT: 13
CHA: 9


[ivb] . Chapter 1

[ivb i] . The Yawning Portal

Note: If you are not level 12-15 you have an
option of going to level 15

You have a dream about Valsharres, and one of
her male mages summons an image of you, the
one whose going to defeat her. So she kills him,
because she gets angry, and tells the other drow
to kill you.

Journal: Relic of the reaper -- It's an item much
like the rings that Drogan gave you. Except it uses
Rogue Stones. It teleports you to the realm of the
reaper, you can ask the reaper to open a door to
where you last died. You can also bind points, so
you can teleport to each bind point, using the relic.
Making a bind point costs 1 Rogue Stone, while
teleporting to one is free.

So then you wake up and find a theif in your room,
and you kill her right away, of course. Tamsil comes
in, because she heard something.

Journal: Rude awakening -- Just go downstairs and talk
to Durnan

So you talk to Tamsil a bit, you tell her about the
theif, and your lost EQ. She tells you to go to the

Journal: Armory -- Just go to the east room, grab some
EQ. It shows on your map.

So after you're done talking to Tamsil, head to the
armory, then head downstairs. Talk with the Henchman
from NWN: OC. After you are done talking with them,
go to the next room, where you will meet Durnan.
After talking with Durnan abit, the Drow come. The
sorceress casts some paralyzing spell and kills a
couple of people. So after the spell wears off,
kill the Drow, then follow Durnan and the others
to the well. Another Drow fight in the well room.
Then you guys talk a bit after the fight, all of
a sudden a beholder attacks from behind, and
everybody is knocked to the ground. The 4
Henchman fight him off and chase him down the well.
While you get up and talk to Durnan.

Journal: Descent into Undermountain

So now you gotta,rescue them Henchmen. Find your old
buddy, Deekin, and ask him to join you if you want.
Then talk to White, she gives you a rod of resurrection
to revive the 4 Henchman. You should also buy some
potions of cure critical wounds from her. You can go
upstairs and talk to Grayban, and tell him that Durnan
let you go outside, so you can visit the armory and
magic shop to buy some wares. In the armor talk to the
smith and you can ask about crafting, the smith also sells
coloring dye for your armor, so does the magic shop, but
its only for cloth. The armory clerk sells some nice weapons,
if you have the money, unfortunately i didn't because i
started a character from scratch.

So now when you are done, go back to the Yawning Portal
and pull the lever to go open the dome, and enter the well.


[ivb ii] . Descent into Undermountain

Note: Get at least an AC of 30, or you'll die easily, even
the loading screens tell you that.

When you finally get down, a goblin named Grovel will come
and talk to you. You can ask him about what happened down
in undermountain. You'll find out that Halastar has
disappeared. When you are done talking to him, you have the
option of letting him live and bringing him up the well, or
killing him ( i think killing him makes you more evil). If
you let him up, you can go up the well, and tell Durnan if
he is harmless or not. If you say he is harmless your points
toward lawful will increase, if not, im guessing your points
will go towards evil. Go back to the well, and finally head
to the exit to Undermountain.

You will come across Shawryn, one of the dead henchman, if
you resurrect her you will gain 500 xp. You can also ask her
what happens. She tells you that the other 3 have rushed off
to kill the beholder. I'm pretty sure she died from a trap of
somesort or by some drows. After resurrecting her, you can ask
her to join up with you, but im sticking with good ol' Deekin.

Journal: Sharwyn -- Resurrected Shawryn

As you go further, you will find 4 levers, and a bridge blocked
by 12 blocks. You will have to find color rods to solve this
puzzle. So that means you'll have to explore the first level
of undermountain. Around level one of undermountain, there are
these portals, that teleport you all around of the first floor.
Make sure to check some corpses they usually contain some rods.
So, for now, you can go south and you'll find a room with some
drows, kill them and loot the treasure chests. (the mage can
be kind of annoying since all effortless creatures around level
10) Then you enter a room called Grim Statue. There is a statue
of a blue dragon, his challenge rating should be challenging.
Anyways, there is alot of traps there, and the traps wakes him
up. You can sneak around the traps to get the treasure if you want,
but i fought him. There seems to be a bug, the first time i fought
him, he attacked me. The second time, he just stood there taking
hits. Well, he gives aroud 2000 XP, good stuff. Then go to the other
room, in the north to grab some more goodies. Then leave and head
south to the SE exit. There will be some harpies. Then go south more
fighting more baddies. You will find 3 Guardian statues. You have
to click on them to aim at the door, then press the lever to make
them stay. When the bomb skeleton blows up, the guardians will
rotate unless you have the lever pulled down. Once all 3 guardians
are aiming at the door, it will open for some more goodies. There
is a Bombermakers Sanctum to the NE, if anyone knows how to get
there, any help would be appreciated. So after you are done with
the 3 guardian puzzle, go back north to the exit then enter the
SW exit. There will be 3 faeries, called something grig, or some-
thing. Well they will go to a sarcophagus, and raise a zombie lord.
Then they will cast major buffs on the zombie lord. Killing the
faerie look-alikes will get you around 1000 xp each. There is nothing
to loot in the sarcophaguses. So keep heading south, and you'll
find some more harpies, but now they are fighting Ogres, kill them
all. As you keep navigating through the southern chamber, you'll
find some cocoons, spiders will drop from the sky, then after
killing the weak spiders, the queen spider will drop down, nice exp

So now, you will soon find the Queen faery. You fight her, and there
seems to be a cockatrice with her. When she gets to near death, you'll
get 2000xp. Question her if you want, then do what you want with her.
Letting her live gets you 500xp, killing her, i dunno. I'm to much of
a good guy. Go from her room, and you'll find some goodies, and an
alchemist's keg (the keg is damn heavy also). I don't know what its for,
maybe its something for getting to the Bombmakers Sanctum? Again, any help
on this appreciated. Don't forget to check one of the vines, you'll get a
magical vine, useable by druids and rangers only. So exit the southern

By now you should have at least 4 different rods, we can do the
puzzle later, but for now lets explore. Exploring west, will get you to
the hall of mirrors. Where you will find Daelen. Resurrect him and ask
him question about what happened. He mentions his reflection coming to
life and killing him. 500 xp for resurrecting him. You can ask him to
join up with you if you want. But of course I kept good ol' Deekin.

Journal: Daelen -- resurrected Daelen

I also looked in the mirrors and i found some goodies, i didn't check
all of them though. So heading NW exit will end you up in a trap maze.
Triggering the traps will have the pillars shooting magic missles at you.
The traps don't go away also, unless you cross the maze and pull the
levers. On top of that there are Drow marksman sniping at you. I was
encumbered, and just walked straight through the maze and pulled the
levers and killed off the snipers. Wasn't much of a problem. I don't
suggest you doing that if you have any sort of protection or very low
life. I had around 180 life. Going east, you'll find a corpse, and
a harpy fighting an ogre. There should be a rod in that corpse, get it
if you don't have any. So continuing, you should find some more dead
bodies, they are trapped, around here you'll find a secret door,
in there you'll fight some spiders that drop down from the ceiling,
and a queen spider. Then you'll come across a statue, its trapped
also, it will cast chain lightning on you. Heading NE you'll find a
small encampment, and a Sarcophagus. Open the Sarcophagus and find an
amulet of death, and a Mummy! Exit, and head W and take the first door
you see north. There's a little encampment there, after you kill all
the monsters off, continue moving to the next door, where you'll find
an ogre mage. Fight him to near death and you'll gain 2000 xp, same
goes with the queen faerie, ask questions and stuff. Let him live or
die, i let him live but i didnt get 500 xp. There's a barricaded door
there, and i dont know how to get passed it.

Ok, two tipsters told me how to get passed it: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. &
Corwin Revis. You can use the Powder keg to blow up the barricades.
This will get you 2000xp, and you cant do the puzzle for more exp.
Thanks guys.

Leave and continue west,here you'll find some drows. Now exit the north
part of undermountain,and head back to the puzzle bridge. This puzzle is
easy, on the first lever to the south, insert any color rod that matches
the pillar on the first row of the bridge. Second lever is for second row,
third lever is for the third row, and fourth lever is for the fourth row.
You should get 2000 exp for completing this puzzle. Head back to the
yawning portal and restock if you want.


[ivb iii] . Level 2 of Undermountain

There's a small cinematic of a flesh golem running into a room and
locking the doors. Continue and open the door, and you'll see a
goblin running and getting shot. Loot his corpse and get the yellow
chain for the upcoming puzzle. Kill the drow in there also. First
head to the south room, there are Duergars and drows here. It's a
pretty straight foward path. Once you get to the final room, you'll
find a sub-commander, kill him and get the chain. Open the drow chest
to find a djinni bottle. Rub it and a Djinn will pop out. He'll give
you a power stone, and let you buy some items from him, they are
pretty nice items also. Go and find Tomi in the same room and resurrect
him. He'll talk about Linu, that she's with some peasants trying to help
them. You also get 500xp for resurrecting Tomi

Journal: Tomi -- Resurrected Tomi

Now leave the sout portion of level 2 and enter the west, there are a
bunch of rakasha here, pretty weak, but the first-born can be annoying.
This is another straight foward path, loot the corpses and find a key
and enter to the next room. There are peasants here, or are they? Talk to
Shareesh, and he'll ask for your help for the power stone, just say you
are in the mood for killing and stuff. He transforms into a Rakasha, and
so do the other Rakashen. Kill them all, loot Shareesh's corpse for the
chain. Go to the next room and open up the sarcophagus, and resurrect
Linu. She'll talk about how she was tricked by the peasants. 500 xp for
resurrecting her ass.

Journal: Linu -- Resurrected Linu

Now leave and head up north to the last room, there are alot of goblins
here. The archers have greendye so they can hit you easier. There is an
appearence bug that the dye will stay permanent on you, until you reload.
Take the first left door, and fight a hill giant for some goodies. Then
leave that place and head right, its another straight foward path. Kill
goblins and stuff. There's this bridge partm where you'll get sniped by
a goblin cannon, arrow cannon. Bash open the locked doors on the bridge
or pick them, then kill all the goblins. Continuing the passage, you'll
come across some levers and a stronger goblin. The levers do nothing as
far as i know. Kill the goblin, and loot his corpse for the last chain.

Now for the puzzle, leave the goblin area and head back to the center,
where you saw the flesh golem run. Put the colored chains on the corr-
esponding pillars. Now talk to the center pool, and a light sequence
will show up. Now heres the tricky part, WAIT, WAIT, till the light
sequence is finished, then talk to the pillars in the order the pool
gave you. When you talk to the pillar it will do nothing, it wont say
anything. If it says something like "nothing happened" you'll have to
talk to the pool again. If you get the seqeunce wrong, a dragon wyrmling
will come. After you get the sequence done, the door will open. Talk to
the flesh golem, Berger, and he tells you about his master, Halastar. Now
exit to level 3


[ivb iv] . Level 3 of Undermountain

There are some Drow here, kill them all, and head south where you'll get
interrupted by a rebel Drow named, Nathyrra. She tells you about the
Formians, and that you should help them. So open the door and a small
cinematic opens. You'll have a smallbig fight with the Drow and there's 1
Minotaur Brute. Go SE and find the Formian queen being held, kill the drow
gaurding her, then pull the lever. She says she'll repay you when the time
comes, so let her leave and head to the NE door. Once you get there the
Formian queen comes and tells you about the Drow encampent, she says her
people can help you avoid it by taking a tunnel they made. So agree if you
want. If you do, head NE of the room and you'll find another Formian. He'll
take you across to the other side, where you can exit.

So now you are in the northern part of level 3. Walk north and Nathyrra
comes to you again. She tells you about the Drow camp and their ballista,
that its suicide charging in there head on. She says you can sneak up around
and take the Ballista for yourself and use it on the Drows. So just stick
on the East side walls and run north, till you find the secret passage.
Just click on the pile of rocks, and you'll be teleported on the hill with
the ballista. Kill the guy guarding the ballista, then talk to the ballista
to activate it. It needs to recharge so you cant use it constantly. After all
the drow are dead, continue to the exit.

Now you are in the western part, i believe. Nathyrra talks to you again, that
Halaster is being held in the next room. She offers to help, so you, her and
your henchman can go and save him. When you open the door, theres another
cinematic, of a handmaiden questiong Halaster. Someone tells her about your
appearence, and she tells him to deal with you, easy. Now here's the tough
part: after you kill that commando, you'll have to fight all the other drows.
There's two hills with 3 archers on each one. So it would be hard to rush in.
All i did, was run in the run back, so the archers can't snipe me, and every
drow on the ground will follow you. After you kill all the drows on the ground,
loot the handmaidens corpse, then destroy the 3 stones around Halaster, ignoring
the archers if you can. Once broken, Halaster will cast one of those mass magic
missle spells, and kill every drow. Saving him gets you 7500 xp. Once you talk
to him, he starts talking in rhyme, and says how you ruined his plan. Then his
clone comes, and they talk alot. After they are done talking, they put you on a
Geas, so now you are his property. If you want the geas off, you'll have to kill
Valsharess. Then he teleports you to underdark with Nathyrra, ending chapter 1.
(You can recieve your stolen goods by looting the chests after saving Halastar.
Mark Willman)


[ivc] . Chapter 2

After beating Chapter 1, it shows a dialoug scene, with those still pictures and
stuff. You know, it happens everytime you beat a chapter. Anyways, you get
teleported to the seer of the rebel drow base. You guys exchange dialouge some,
then after you are done talking to her, talk to Nathyrra and Valen (they both
can be offered to be your henchmen). Talking to Nathyrra will let you know about
Valsharess' allies: beholder, illithid and undead. Talking to Valen will let you
know about possible allies: some golems, and people on a strange island. Talk
to them for more information on what to do, like how to defeat the undead army.
Valen asks you to talk to Cavallas for more information on the islands, he is
by the docks.

Journal: Defeat Valsharess -- Defeat Valsharess
         Golems on an island -- Get the golems to help fight against Valsharess
         A strange town -- find allies on this strange island
         Undead Army of Valsharess -- Find and destroy this army of the undead,to
                                      weaken Valsharess' army
         Illithid Army of Valsharess -- Negotiate with the overmind to have the
                                        illithids leave Valsharess' army.
                                        Destroying the overmind is useless.
         Beholder Army of Valsharess -- Destroy the Eye Tyrant of the beholders,
					to weaken Valsharess' army.

Ok once you exit, you can visit the shops for some goodies. There is a weapon
smith up north who can add magical properties to your equipment for a hefty


[ivc i] . A strange island

Head to the docks, its located on your map, and talk to Cavallar, the hooded
figure. Ask him to take you to the strange island.

Once you get there, enter the cave, and follow the path. It will lead you to
a Drow encampment, the battle is not that hard. There is this Drow named
Sabal, after damaging her enough, she will cast time stop and flee. Keep
following the path and you will come across some winged elves. They tell you
about their city and such. Head up and talk to the merchant, ask him to give
you the mirror shard, i had to intimidate him. He'll give you a compass to
find the mirror shard he has hidden.

Journal: The merchant -- Find the mirror shard using the compass.

Head to the library, and go behind it. Use the compass there and it should
reveal some garbage. Loot the garbage to find the mirror shard. 1500xp for
the quest and 1000xp for the shard.

Journal: The merchant -- found the shard.

Now enter the library, talk to the guy guarding the door, Ulither. He tells
you about his wifed, who's been turned into a medusa. Open the door he guards,
and head south, don't kill the medusa. Grab the potion in the chest, and drink
it, then you'll be able to talk to the medusa. She'll ask you a riddle for the
mirror shard. The first answer is Mud, if you get it wrong the second answer,
is lava. Don't ask me why, it just is. Same exp as the merchant.

Journal: The library -- found the shard.

Leave the library and head south to the queens cave, there you'll see a bunch
of drow coming out, ambush them. You'll find Sabal again, and again damaging
her enough will make her use time stop and leave. Enter the cave to find out
that the queen gave the shard away.

Journal: Shoria's Cave -- couldn't get the shard

Now exit, and head to the temple. You'll get ambushed by drow near the castle
on the two hills. And again you'll fight Sabal, and of course she'll flee when
she's hurt badly. So continue to the temple, and you'll find another winged
elf. Talk to him and he poisons/diseases you. He tells you, that you have to
go through 5 challenges to be worthy for his god. So pull one of the chains for
the first challenge, its easy don't worry. After the first challenge, your disease
gets worse. And it will get even more worse before every new challenge. And there
are 5 challenges. Which are one on one battles with weak monsters. You can pull
the same chain over and over if you want. You can also use restoration spells and
items to cure the diseases if you want. Then after 5 battles, you get the shard,
and you don't get cured. Get the same exp as the merchant.

Journal: The temple -- found the shard

Now head to the wizard's tower, and you'll find the former archmage. He says he
gave his mirror shard to his apprentice. So enter the tower to find his apprentice.
On the first floor, you'll find demons fighting drows. Kill them all. Don't bother
exploring the first level, nothing really good. Head to the second floor, and head
south to find more Vrocks and a Balor lord. Kill the lord to find a talisman of
evil. Nothing else on this floor, so head to the third floor. There are a bunch of
slaads here. Kill them all, and head north. Northwest has Jansil in it, the former
archmage's apprentice. Get him to near death, then he'll surrender and give the
shard away. Explore all the other rooms for the nice loot. Then leave. Same exp as
the merchant.

Journal: The wizards tower -- found the shard

Now head to the castle. In the main room you'll get ambushed by driders. Kill them
all and the chieftan for his nice bow. Explore the first area if you want. The east
side has some nice items, but nothing too great. A drow assassin on the east side
has some nice daggers in his corpse. Head to the throne room to find Elicid, the
fool. (if you went here before doing all the other quests, he'll tell you about
them). You'll meet up with Sabal there, for the last time. Tell him that you want to
fight her now. He'll explain about the magical pillars that you can use with the
mirror stones. So once the fight starts, you can use the unique power of the shard
on the pillar. To use the shard on the pillar is just like using an ordinary item.
Right click and click on use unique power, then click on the pillar you want. Each
pillar has a unique power, one of them i find nice is the pillar on the east. I think
it was called the pillar of entrapment. What it does is sets up a cage around the
middle and swords come up and down from the ground damaging people inside. Use this
pillar when Sabals drows are in the middle. After killing Sabal, you'll get the full
mirror back. The winged elves won't help you fight, but they say that the mirror
would be useful. You get 5000 xp for doing this.

Head back to the seer, let her keep the mirror if you want. The mirror has some spells
that you can use. It's up to you if you want to keep it or not. You should get 1000xp
for doing this journal.

Journal: a strange island -- recovered a powerful artifcat, mirror. should prove useful
                             against the drow.