=============    Neverwinter Nights Reference Guide including    =============
============= Shadows of Undrentide plus Hordes of the Underdark =============
=============                Revision                =============

                      by Duncan Clay  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                              Table of Contents


  (0) PRELUDE - Neverwinter Academy
  (1) CHAPTER 1 - The Wailing and the Waterdhavians
     (1.1) City Core
     (1.2) Beggar's Nest
     (1.3) Peninsula
     (1.4) No-Man's-Land
     (1.5) Barricades
     (1.6) Blacklake
     (1.7) Docks
     (1.8) Castle Never
     (1.9) Road to Helm's Hold
  (2) CHAPTER 2 - The Search for the Cult
     (2.1) Port Llast
     (2.2) North Road
     (2.3) Green Griffon Inn
     (2.4) East Road
     (2.5) Druid Encampment
     (2.6) Deep Woods
     (2.7) Heart of the Forest
     (2.8) South Road
     (2.9) Farmland
    (2.10) Haunted Forest
    (2.11) Charwood
    (2.12) Luskan
    (2.13) Docks
    (2.14) Host Tower
  (3) CHAPTER 3 - The Words of Power
     (3.1) Beorunna's Well
     (3.2) Coldwood
     (3.3) Coldwood, Layenne's Tomb
     (3.4) Coldwood, Wizard's Circle
     (3.5) Countryside
     (3.6) Fort Ilkard
     (3.7) Homesteads
     (3.8) Ruins
     (3.9) Moonwood
    (3.10) Moonwood, Caves
    (3.11) Spine of the World
  (4) CHAPTER 4 - The Final Battle
     (4.1) City Core
     (4.2) War Zone
     (4.3) Source Stone
  (5) XP1 CHAPTER 1 - The Missing Artifacts
     (5.1) Hilltop West
     (5.2) Hilltop East
     (5.3) Hilltop Foothills
     (5.4) Blumberg
     (5.5) Nether Mountains
     (5.6) High Forest
  (6) XP1 INTERLUDE - Identifying the Crystal
     (6.1) Anauroch Night Camp
     (6.2) Oasis of the Green Palm
     (6.3) Ao Encampment
     (6.4) Valley of Winds
  (7) XP1 CHAPTER 2 - The Lost City of Undrentide
  (8) XP2 CHAPTER 1 - Descent into Undermountain
     (8.1) Waterdeep
     (8.2) Undermountain Level 1
     (8.3) Undermountain Level 2
     (8.4) Undermountain Level 3
     (8.5) Realm of the Reaper
  (9) XP2 CHAPTER 2 - Defeating the Valsharess
     (9.1) Lith My'athar, City Core & Port
     (9.2) Shaori's Fell
     (9.3) Isle of the Maker
     (9.4) Lith My'athar, Environs
     (9.5) Underdark, West of Lith My'athar
     (9.6) Underdark, Chasm of the Eye Tyrants
     (9.7) Drearing's Deep
     (9.8) Zorvak'Mur, Entrance Cavern
     (9.9) Zorvak'Mur
    (9.10) Battle
 (10) XP2 CHAPTER 3 - Escape from the Hells
    (10.1) City of Lost Souls
    (10.2) Wastes of Cania
    (10.3) Finale

  (A) Character Creation
     (A.1) Gender
     (A.2) Alignment
     (A.3) Abilities
     (A.4) Race
     (A.5) Class
     (A.6) Skills
     (A.7) Feats
     (A.8) Multiclass
     (A.9) Multiplayer
    (A.10) Shapeshift
    (A.11) Racial Groups
  (B) Henchmen
     (B.1) Tomi Undergallows
     (B.2) Boddyknock Glinckle
     (B.3) Daelan Red Tiger
     (B.4) Grimgnaw
     (B.5) Linu La'neral
     (B.6) Sharwyn
     (B.7) Dorna Trapspringer
     (B.8) Xanos Messarmos
     (B.9) Deekin Scalesinger
    (B.10) Deekin Scalesinger (HotU)
    (B.11) Sharwyn (HotU)
    (B.12) Daelan Red Tiger (HotU)
    (B.13) Tomi Undergallows (HotU)
    (B.14) Linu La'neral (HotU)
    (B.15) Nathyrra
    (B.16) Valen Shadowbreath
  (C) Custom Items
     (C.1) Marrok's Forge
     (C.2) Imaskarran Tomes
     (C.3) Alchemist's Apparatus
     (C.4) Fantabulous Contrapulator
     (C.5) Hasuraman's Tomes
     (C.6) Barun Silverblade
     (C.7) The Grinder
     (C.8) Strange Machine
     (C.9) Prayer Bag
    (C.10) Enserric
    (C.11) Rizolvir
    (C.12) Bridge Control
    (C.13) Golem Construction Machine
    (C.14) Lord Nasher's Items
  (D) Stores
     (D.1) General Store
     (D.2) General Store +1
     (D.3) General Store +2
     (D.4) General Store +3
     (D.5) Weapon Store
     (D.6) Weapon Store +1
     (D.7) Weapon Store +2
     (D.8) Weapon Store +3
     (D.9) Temple Store
    (D.10) Temple Store +1
    (D.11) Temple Store +2
    (D.12) Temple Store +3
    (D.13) Druid Store
    (D.14) Druid Store +1
    (D.15) Druid Store +2
    (D.16) Druid Store +3
    (D.17) Rogue Store
    (D.18) Rogue Store +1
    (D.19) Rogue Store +2
    (D.20) Magic Store
    (D.21) Magic Store +1
    (D.22) Magic Store +2
    (D.23) Magic Store +3
    (D.24) Merchant Store
    (D.25) Merchant Store +1
    (D.26) Other Stores
    (D.27) SoU Stores
    (D.28) HotU Stores
  (E) Items
     (E.1) Tiny Weapons
     (E.2) Small Weapons
     (E.3) Medium Weapons
     (E.4) Large Weapons
     (E.5) Thrown Weapons
     (E.6) Ammunition
     (E.7) Robes
     (E.8) Light Armor
     (E.9) Medium Armor
    (E.10) Heavy Armor
    (E.11) Shields
    (E.12) Helmets
    (E.13) Gauntlets, Gloves and Bracers
    (E.14) Belts and Girdles
    (E.15) Boots
    (E.16) Cloaks
    (E.17) Amulets, Necklaces, Pendants, Periapts, Scarabs and Talismans
    (E.18) Rings
    (E.19) Wands and Rods
    (E.20) Scrolls Innate Level 0
    (E.21) Scrolls Innate Level 1
    (E.22) Scrolls Innate Level 2
    (E.23) Scrolls Innate Level 3
    (E.24) Scrolls Innate Level 4
    (E.25) Scrolls Innate Level 5
    (E.26) Scrolls Innate Level 6
    (E.27) Scrolls Innate Level 7
    (E.28) Scrolls Innate Level 8
    (E.29) Scrolls Innate Level 9
    (E.30) Trap Kits
    (E.31) Potions
    (E.32) Gems
    (E.33) Magical Items
    (E.34) Quest Items
    (E.35) Miscellaneous Items
    (E.36) Undiscovered Weapons
    (E.37) Undiscovered Items
  (F) Addendum
  (G) Unanswered Questions
  (H) Credits and Revision History
  (I) Contact Information