Weggy's Ragnarok Online FAQ

** NOTICE **

This is the final version.  I no longer play RO, though you may see my
Blacksmith on the Chaos server, as I gave my account to a friend.  No, I'm
not updating any more, and no, I probably can't help you with your RO question.

** NOTICE **

Table Of Contents

I.       Version History
II.      Introduction
III.     About Ragnarok Online
IV.      The 10 Commandments of RO (Game Conduct)
V.       Getting Started
VI.      Interface
VII.     Stat Information
VIII.    Controls
IX.      Commands
X.       Novice
XI.      Swordsman/Knight
XII.     Thief/Assasin
XIII.    Archer/Hunter
XIV.     Magician/Wizard
XV.      Acolyte/Priest
XVI.     Merchant/Blacksmith
XVII.    World Map Overview
XVIII.   Dungeons
XIX.     Understanding the RO Economy
XX.      Item List - Usable Items
XXI.     How to Forge
XXII.    Upgrades
XXIII.   Item Creation
XXIV.    Forging Indredients
XXV.     Item List - Weapons
XXVI     Item List - Armor
XXVII.   Item List - ETC
XXVIII.  Cards Price List
XXIX.    Weapons Penalties
XXX.     Monster List
XXXI.    Status Ailments
XXXII.   Flee Chart
XXXIII.  Elemental Chart
XXXIV.   From the Blue Box
XXXV.    Whats in store for RO?
XXXVI.   Useful Links
XXXVIII. Protecting yourself against Hackers
XXXIX.   Improving RO's Performance
XXXX.    Contact/About Me
XXXXI.   Thanks
XXXXII.  Un-legal