Make sure the Arcade Magic option is off, Press X to cast a spell, then enter the following series of runes:

Head Mode:
Mega, Rhaa, Mega, Rhaa, Mega, Rhaa Big. 

Fire Bow:
Spacium, Aam, Mega, Spacium, Aam, Mega. 

Level 10 character with 30 stat points and 200 skill points: 
Mega, Mega, Mega, Mega, Mega, Vitae. 

Level zero character with no runes and default stat and skill points: 
Nhi, Nhi, Nhi, Nhi, Nhi, Vitae. 

Power Sword: 
Mega, Aam, Rhaa, Rhaa, Rhaa, Rhaa. 

Reveal Map:
Nhi, Rhaa, Aam, Nhi, Rhaa, Aam. 

Summon Perfect Warrior For A Challenge: 
Mega, Mega, Mega, Aam, Vitae, Tera. 

Unlimited Hit Points: 
Mega, Mega, Mega, Mega, Mega, Kaom. 

Wall Collisions Disabled: 
Mega, Tera, Mega, Tera.

Use Heavy Armor Without Sufficient Strength:
Use the Bless spell and put on the heavy armor and weapons. When the spell ends, you can still wear the armor.