Gonzo Gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left, R2(3), Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, R2(3), Down, Up, Down, Up, R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Full health:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down(3), R2, Up(2), Down, Up, R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Full Xombium bottle:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Right(2), Up(2), R2, Left, Right, R2, Right, Up, Right, R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Reload ammunition for current gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Right(2), Down, Up, Left, Right, Left(2), R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Refill ranged weapon ammunition:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left(2), Up, Down, Right, Left, Right(2), R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

All items and weapons except for Gonzo Gun:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, R2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, R2, Down(3), R2(2) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Right(3), Left(3) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Molotov cocktails:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down(3), Up(3) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Increase negative karma:
Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Left(2), Down, Up, R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Hold L1 + R1 + X and press Down(4) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Playable introduction sequence:
Successfully complete the game, then start another game to play a "bonus level", which is the original introduction sequence with "director's commentary". To hear the commentary, jump on the crow that lands in a corner. 

Monster Archives:
Successfully complete the game after using the monster transformation as many times as possible. 

Torque's Archives:
Successfully complete the game after following the negative karma choices when given the opportunity. 

Torque's Family Archives:
Successfully complete the game after following the positive karma choices when given the opportunity. 

Defeating Fire Ghosts:
To kill the Fire Ghosts, first reduce them to an ash pile. Then, shoot the pile of ash to finish them off. Otherwise they will come back and gang up on you.

Conserve Revolver Ammo:
Instead of waiting for the person in the electric chair to die, kill him with the sickle that is found in the cell. 

Unlock Developer Commentary:
Start a new game after already completing the game at least once. During the prelude level, a crow will fly to a corner and land. Jump on top of the crow for the commentary! 

Max Out Insanity Monster Attack:
At the part of the game inside a prison, where you are supposed to help the guard get accros the wall, slayers will keep spawning until you shine the light on them. If you don't use the light and let them keep coming, keep killing the slayers as they come. When your insanity hits full, keep using the main attack until you run out, and repeat this as many times as you like until your little blue bar disappears in the lower right. When done, just shine the spot to stop the slayers, and continue on your way. 

Quickly Descend Ladders:
Press X, X quickly to drop down a ladder much more quickly. 

Unlimited Flashlight:
Once your flashlight is almost used up, save the game and reload from the save. Your light will then stay light until you find new batteries.

Unlockable New Beginning: 
Beat the game once to unlock a new opening sequence for the next game you begin.