v1.05, 21 February 2004
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       Imperium Galactica Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ/Walkthrough)

"In desperation the admiralty of the Old Empire decides to use its secret




1. Preface
- 1.1 Notes 
- 1.2 Credits and Legal 
- 1.3 Version 
2. Introduction
- 2.1 What is Imperium Galactica? 
- 2.2 Who wrote and published Imperium Galactica? 
- 2.3 What are the requirements to run the game? 
- 2.4 Where can I get the game? 
- 2.5 What versions are there? 
- 2.6 Where can I get the latest patch? 
- 2.7 Where did everyone go? 
3. Gameplay
3.1 Setup 
- 3.1.1 What does the hard difficulty level change? 
- 3.1.2 The computer voice is annoying. Can I turn off? 
- 3.1.3 Why aren't buildings being repaired when I turn auto-repair on? 
- 3.1.4 Are there multiplayer or free-play modes? 
- 3.1.5 Can I stop the CD-ROM being accessed every time I look at the 
Equipment and Research screens? 
3.2 Interface 
- 3.2.1 What command screens are available? Why don't all the F-keys work? 
- 3.2.2 How do I change the speed? 
- 3.2.3 How do I switch between colonies from the surface view? 
- 3.2.4 Why can't I zoom out? How do I view the whole map? 
- 3.2.5 How do I view messages? 
- 3.2.6 Can I communicate with aliens and other shipping? 
3.3 Important Concepts 
- 3.3.1 How do I deal with non-strategy elements? 
- 3.3.2 Do the aliens wait for the missions to be completed before developing 
their empires? 
- 3.3.3 How do credits, energy, morale, buildings, production and similar 
- 3.3.4 What role does technology play? 
3.4 Colonies and Buildings 
- 3.4.1 Why can I not build a certain building? 
- 3.4.2 How do I repair buildings? 
- 3.4.3 Why can't I turn power "on"? 
- 3.4.4 What do different buildings do? 
- 3.4.5 What differences are there between planet types? 
- 3.4.6 How do I colonize planets? 
- 3.4.7 Why can't I build more than 5000 buildings? 
- 3.4.8 Can I see what my colonies need at a glance? 
- 3.4.9 Can I change the colony name? 
- 3.4.10 What buildings can I build in the alien colonies I've captured? 
- 3.4.11 Can I flatten or clear un-buildable areas like rock formations? 
- 3.4.12 What do the 'Major incident on planet...' messages mean? 
3.5 Combat 
- 3.5.1 How do I move ground units between store, colonies and fleets? 
- 3.5.2 How do I increase the number of ground units a planet can hold? 
- 3.5.3 How do I invade an enemy colony? 
- 3.5.4 Can I group combat units in battle? 
- 3.5.5 Why do my defensive buildings not concentrate fire on the enemy? 
- 3.5.6 Can I retreat? 
3.6 Fleets and Equipment 
- 3.6.1 How do I change, re-equip, or create new fleets? 
- 3.6.2 Can I automatically re-equip or upgrade equipment on fleets and units 
on planets? 
- 3.6.3 Which planet is unused equipment stored on? 
- 3.6.4 How do I repair ships and vehicles? 
- 3.6.5 How do I build new units and equipment? 
- 3.6.6 How do I build Flagships? 
- 3.6.7 Can I build the Leviathan? 
- 3.6.8 Can I rename fleets? 
- 3.6.9 How do I use Virus Bombs? 
- 3.6.10 Can I build alien ships and equipment once I capture their colonies? 
- 3.6.11 How do I find planets? 
- 3.6.12 What ships are available? 
- 3.6.13 What equipment and weapons are available? 
- 3.6.14 What limitations are there on fleet sizes and speeds? 
- 3.6.15 How do I sell excess or obsolete equipment? 
- 3.6.16 Can I train ships' crews? 
- 3.6.17 What is the difference between ship weapon types? 
- 3.6.18 How do I upgrade Space Bases? 
3.7 Taxation and Morale 
- 3.7.1 Where do I set taxation and see morale? 
- 3.7.2 How is tax income calculated? 
- 3.7.3 Can I generate additional revenue? 
- 3.7.4 How do I improve morale? 
3.8 Research 
- 3.8.1 How do I research things? 
- 3.8.2 If a Dev. Centre is destroyed, do I keep existing research? 
- 3.8.3 What units are research times in? 
- 3.8.4 What science level and requirements are needed for new research? Is 
there a technology tree? 
3.9 Aliens and Diplomacy 
- 3.9.1 What types of aliens are there? 
- 3.9.2 How strong are alien forces? 
- 3.9.3 What do the relationship numbers mean? 
- 3.9.4 What do the diplomacy options mean? 
4. Walkthrough
4.1 Lieutenant (Disc 1) 
- 4.1.1 Initial Resources 
- 4.1.2 Strategy Overview 
- 4.1.3 Getting started 
- 4.1.4 Requests for help 
- 4.1.5 Re-equip your command ship 
- 4.1.6 Colony development 
- 4.1.7 Cover the Thorin's retreat from Garthog forces 
4.2 Captain 
- 4.2.1 New Resources 
- 4.2.2 Strategy Overview 
- 4.2.3 Opening moves 
- 4.2.4 I repelled the Garthog fleet and the plot seems to have stalled. What 
did I do wrong? 
- 4.2.5 How do I produce a Cruiser 1? 
- 4.2.6 Colony development 
- 4.2.7 Garthog pirates 
- 4.2.8 Doctor Catherine Reinhardt 
- 4.2.9 San Sterling smuggler 
- 4.2.10 Governor escort 
- 4.2.11 Garthog invasion 
- 4.2.12 Virus infection 
- 4.2.13 Build up your fleet 
- 4.2.14 Escort Admiral 
- 4.2.15 Second virus infection 
- 4.2.16 Spies 
- 4.2.17 More building 
- 4.2.18 Escort money transport 
- 4.2.19 Stolen prototype 
4.3 Commander (Disc 2) 
- 4.3.1 New Resources 
- 4.3.2 Strategy Overview 
- 4.3.3 Colony development 
- 4.3.4 Research and production 
- 4.3.5 Blockade Zeuson 
- 4.3.6 Why does nothing happens after the Zeuson blockade order? 
- 4.3.7 More dreams 
- 4.3.8 Garthog attacks 
- 4.3.9 Initial invasion strategy 
- 4.3.10 Garthog colony development 
- 4.3.11 Escort prototype 
- 4.3.12 Why does nothing happen after escorting the prototype? 
- 4.3.13 Defeating the Garthogs 
- 4.3.14 Why can't I attack Garthog 5? 
- 4.3.15 I got promoted to Admiral without capturing any Garthog planets. What 
4.4 Admiral 
- 4.4.1 New Resources 
- 4.4.2 Strategy Overview 
- 4.4.3 Opening moves 
- 4.4.4 Expansion 
- 4.4.5 About robotics 
- 4.4.6 Defense 
- 4.4.7 How do I get promoted to Grand Admiral? 
4.5 Grand Admiral 
- 4.5.1 New Resources 
- 4.5.2 Strategy Overview 
- 4.5.3 Diplomacy 
- 4.5.4 The End 
5. Strategies
5.1 Combat 
- 5.1.1 Delaying tactics 
- 5.1.2 Ground defense...? 
- 5.1.3 Or space defense...? 
- 5.1.4 Or no defense...? 
- 5.1.5 Ground combat 
- 5.1.6 Space combat 
- 5.1.7 Don't make enemies of races you can avoid at the start of the game 
- 5.1.8 Defeating the Dargslans 
5.2 Fleet Composition 
- 5.2.1 Flagships and destroyers without fighters 
- 5.2.2 Only operate a number of fleets your economy can resupply 
- 5.2.3 Maximise ships' loadouts 
- 5.2.4 Fighters create a diversion 
5.3 Empire Building 
- 5.3.1 Defend first, attack later, and only deploy just before you are 
- 5.3.2 High tax paying, but happy citizens 
- 5.3.3 Research everything and build the best 
- 5.3.4 Use the ground on planets wisely 
- 5.3.5 Maximise production 
6. Cheating and Editing
6.1 What are the cheat codes? 
6.2 Are there any editors available? 
6.3 How do I hex edit a saved game? 
7. Technical Issues
7.1 Where can I get help with a technical problem? 
7.2 What does the "Change video mode during animations" setup option do? 
7.3 Why doesn't my Soundblaster compatible card work? 
7.4 How can I get the game to work in Windows XP/2000/ME? 
7.5 Why does the patched version cause graphics problems with ATI cards? 
7.6 Why does the game crash with error code 200? 
7.7 How do I take screenshots? 
A. Planet List 
B. Research Science Level Requirements 
C. Technology Tree 




1.1 Notes

Imperium Galactica was, in my opinion, a beautifully quirky space strategy 
game. Part galactic strategy, part real time combat, part colony building, 
part adventure story. Ambitious and not entirely successful. The manual 
introduced some features, tried to guide the player through the first 
missions, and gave some technical help; but never got into any depth. Given 
its storyline driven nature, and general complexity of the game, Imperium 
Galactica needs an FAQ more than most games. I could only find basic 
hint/cheat documents, including notes by Peter Knutsen ( 
http://www.planetsilicon.co.uk/cheats/files/cheats-3441.asp ) and a draft FAQ 
by "Gorshcov S E" (although I have not seen the text). So I started writing 
this. This FAQ aims to introduce key concepts within the game, guide you 
through the ranks to Grand Admiral, consider different strategies, and provide 
a limited reference work on things like planets, buildings, equipment, and 
spacecraft. It is based on the patched European English (UK) version, with 
additional material based on the US and Hungarian version. I'm not aware of 
any gameplay variations between versions released in different parts of the 


1.2 Credits and Legal

This FAQ was written by Tim Howgego (also known as timski), copyright 2003-4, 
unless otherwise stated. Errors and suggestions should be reported to tim (at) 
capsu (dot) org. Please put "Imperium Galactica" somewhere in the email 
subject field. This FAQ includes ideas and strategies posted on 
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic, other forums including Infogrames', and 
contained in a semi-official hint list by Mega Products ( 
http://www.megaproducts.co.uk/games/ig/ig_frameset.htm ) - contributors are 
noted with the relevant text. This FAQ is in the public domain: You may copy 
and repost this FAQ, but the content of the document, including the credits, 
must remain unchanged. Informing the author that you are hosting it is 
appreciated, but not mandatory. Ensuring you host the most recent version is 
also appreciated, but not mandatory. If converting from text to HTML, please 
note the use of fixed width text in diagrams and greater/less-than characters. 
Imperium Galactica (TM) (c) 1997 GT Interactive Software Corp. Other 
trademarks and copyright are owned by their respective trademark and copyright 
holders. This is not an official FAQ. It is not endorsed by the game's 
developers or publishers.


1.3 Version

This is version 1.05, 21 February 2004. Latest changes: Virus Bombs and 
several minor corrections.





2.1 What is Imperium Galactica?

Imperium Galactica is a real-time space based strategy game, with 
adventure/roleplay elements. It features a mixture of space fleet movement and 
exploration, planetary colonies and production, strategic combat, research and 
development, and competing alien computer controlled players. It is most 
similar in style to the first Master of Orion game, but with important 
differences. Imperium Galactica is primarily real time, not turn based (it is 
arguably not true real time, because battle sequences are played out one at a 
time and most commands can be given while the game is paused). The game 
introduces the player to different features slowly as a series of missions and 
promotions, rather than allowing the player to control everything immediately. 
One can only play as one race, and the storyline and galaxy is the same each 
time, limiting Imperium Galactica's replay value. Imperium Galactica is not 
directly related to the early 1980s "Imperium Galacticum" strategy game by 
SSI, although they share a similar premise and design.


2.2 Who wrote and published Imperium Galactica?

The game was developed by Digital Reality ( http://www.digitalreality.hu/ ), 
and published by GT Interactive Software. Programming was by Istvan Kiss and 
Ferenc Szabo; graphics lead by Csaba Gyarmati, Karoly Rozsa and Tamas Fodor; 
music by Tamas Kreiner; and design by Gabor Feher. The game was released in 
March 1997. Imperium Galactica was the second in a collection of similar games 
by the same development team, starting with Reunion in 1994. It was followed 
by the sequel Imperium Galactica 2.


2.3 What are the requirements to run the game?

Minimum requirements are: 486DX4 100mhz or Pentium processor, 8MB RAM (16MB 
under Windows 95), 550K free conventional memory, SVGA video card with 1MB 
RAM, Soundblaster 2 or compatible sound card (must be truly 100% compatible), 
4x speed CD-ROM drive, 65 MB hard drive free, mouse, MS-DOS 5.0. The game can 
be played under Window 95/98, although this may result in "reduced 
performance". Many people are able to get the game running under Windows ME 
(often running under DOS), 2000, and XP (often requires workarounds to get 
sound - see How can I get the game to work in Windows XP/2000/ME? below), 
however not everyone is successful. On faster machines, the patch may be 
required to stop the game crashing.


2.4 Where can I get the game?

Imperium Galactica was re-released as a budget title (in the United Kingdom at 
least) by Infogrames in 2002/03. Original copies can sometimes be found via 
sites such as CDAccess ( http://www.cdaccess.com/html/pc/impergal.htm ) or 


2.5 What versions are there?

I know of five release versions - United States, European English (United 
Kingdom), French, German and Hungarian (thanks to Lord Grak).


2.6 Where can I get the latest patch?

The latest patch is 1.3, available here: 
http://www.atarisupport.com/faq/imperiumgalacticadownloads_pc.asp . The patch 
fixes "runtime error 200" and various gameplay glitches.


2.7 Where did everyone go?

In spite of the game's age, there is still a small online community discussing 
Imperium Galactica here, http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/ .






3.1 Setup

General Technical Issues are covered by a later section.


3.1.1 What does the hard difficulty level change?

From the manual - all your equipment must be made before it appears on your 
new ships, your colonies generate less income, you start with less credits, 
and your spacecraft shields are weaker. Aliens are more aggressive and tend to 
make better decisions, in theory making them overall more challenging 


3.1.2 The computer voice is annoying. Can I turn off?

Yes. Toggle it on/off via the options screen (press Esc or O). You will still 
get important audio cues for things like new messages, but you won't be told 
continually which screen you are looking at.


3.1.3 Why aren't buildings being repaired when I turn auto-repair on?

You probably do not have enough spare cash to repair damaged buildings. Use 
this option with care.


3.1.4 Are there multiplayer or free-play modes?

There is no multiplayer support. There is no specific free-play mode - you 
must first complete the initial storyline and missions. Once you have 
completed these, the game becomes more open-ended.


3.1.5 Can I stop the CD-ROM being accessed every time I look at the Equipment 
and Research screens?

Yes. If you have enough hard drive space, try copying folders Eq_anims and 
Eq_animw from Disc 2 into the main game directory on your hard drive.



3.2 Interface

3.2.1 What command screens are available? Why don't all the F-keys work?

The interface is slightly bewildering, with different screens designed with 
similar buttons in completely different places. You can walk between different 
rooms on your command ship, which is pretty at first, but ultimately wastes 
time. Consider using F-keys to navigate between screens. Certain screens can 
only be accessed once you have achieved a specific rank. Here is the full list 
of screens: 

- ESC or O - Options, load, save and exit. 
- F1 - Bridge. Access and send messages from here. 
- F2 - Starmap. Strategic overview of planets and fleets. You also initiate 
attacks from here. 
- F3 - Colony. Planet surface view. Build and repair facilities from here. 
- F4 - Equipment. Manage fleet composition, planetary units, and orbital 
facilities from here. To change location or fleet, select it from the mini-map 
bottom centre. 
- F5 - Production. Order production of spacecraft, weapons and equipment, and 
sell excess stock. Requires Captain. 
- F6 - Research. Specify and fund current research. Requires Commander. 
- F7 - Information. Contains details of current planets, fleets, buildable 
structures (greyed entries can be built, just not on this planet), colony and 
military status of selected planet, financial summary, and database known 
technology ("Inv"). At Grand Admiral rank, the alien relationships table is 
available here. 
- F8 - State Room. Database of more general information, with a small help 
section and the apparently useless (well not quite, see the Walkthrough) 
record message facility. 
- F9 - Local. Ship's bar, where you can occasionally meet and talk to members 
of your crew. Requires Captain. 
- F10 - Diplomacy. Talk to alien ambassadors (click in the center of the 
screen). Requires Grand Admiral.


3.2.2 How do I change the speed?

Use the arrow like controls in the top left of the screen, or press 1, 2, or 
(later in the game) 3. The button in the corner of the screen freezes the game 
(as does pressing Space), but still allows you to issue commands and make 
changes within the game. Ground battle speed can pre-set on the options screen 


3.2.3 How do I switch between colonies from the surface view?

Either (1) use +/- to cycle between colonies (these keys work from the Colony 
screen within Information, and are useful for browsing through your empire to 
look for problems); (2) click Planets, pick a new planet from the list, and 
then click Colony or press F3; or (3) click Starmap or press F2, click on a 
new planet or use the Prev/Next buttons top right, and then click Colony or 
press F3.


3.2.4 Why can't I zoom out? How do I view the whole map?

Initially only a small part of galaxy is visible. As you gain further ranks 
more of the map will become available. By Admiral the whole map can be seen. 
The starmap has three different mouse modes - Normal, Scroll and Zoom. Scroll 
enables scrolling when clicking the right mouse button. Zoom changes the left 
mouse button to zoom in, the right to zoom out.


3.2.5 How do I view messages?

Go the bridge and select the panel on the right of the screen. Click play, 
then click on the message. Don't be alarmed by the tendency of characters' 
speech to not match their mouth movements :-/ .


3.2.6 Can I communicate with aliens and other shipping?

At Grand Admiral rank you gain basic diplomacy features - see Aliens and 
Diplomacy below. In battles you can communicate with opposing ships by using 
one of the screens in the bottom half of the battle interface. Select the text 
box screen by using the buttons on the far left or right of the screen. Then 
click on the first line of text to start a conversation (in some cases there 
will be a choice of text). Such communication can be done whilst the battle is 



3.3 Important Concepts

3.3.1 How do I deal with non-strategy elements?

Imperium Galactica may drive hardcore strategy fans mad fairly quickly. The 
early part of the game is exceptionally linear, and gives very little warning 
of impending threats, as DuaneVP comments: "This game will unfold the same 
EVERY time unless you do something wrong like the time you let a merchant ship 
spread the virus and had to quarantine two planets when you weren't expecting 
it. You play this game until you encounter a problem. It doesn't matter what 
direction you take because eventually you will have to back up. You'll never 
be able to anticipate problems because you've already been taught that the 
game will NOT give you any clues as to what you might be facing. You revert to 
earlier saves and proceed in a fashion that will allow you to overcome the 
problem you now know you'll face in the future." 

If this is proving a problem, try approaching the first part of the game as 
you would an adventure or puzzle game: Saving frequently, and being prepared 
to try different parts of the plot several times before you succeed. Do not 
approach the first part of the game as a pure open-ended strategy game, where 
you expect to make mistakes which you can recover from in the course of the 
game. Imperium Galactica normally won't allow you to take heavy loses early in 
the game and come back, but it will expect you to be able to deal with huge 
new threats that appear with almost no warning.


3.3.2 Do the aliens wait for the missions to be completed before developing 
their empires?

No. From Stormcloud: "The main concept you should know about Imperium 
Galactica is that it's realtime and dynamic. This means, that while you're 
pandering away to complete your allotted missions, all the other races are 
increasing their strengths - settling on empty planet, building space 
fortress, ground based space cannons etc." All other things being equal, the 
longer you delay the early missions, the greater advantage your competitors 
will have. Aim to progress to rank Commander as fast as possible. There are 
reasons why you might wish to delay the last two ranks slightly, as discussed 
in the Walkthrough.


3.3.3 How do credits, energy, morale, buildings, production and similar 

The basic premise of resource management should be familiar to those that have 
played other strategy games. It is worth noting what resource is needed for 
what, and which things require upkeep and which do not. In summary: 
- Credits: Needed for investments in infrastructure, fleets, equipment, and 
research, and repairs to damaged infrastructure. Raised via taxation, trade 
income, and potentially sales of excess equipment. Held in a single galaxy 
wide treasury. Credits are not required for general upkeep. 
- Colony Energy/Power: Allows colony buildings to operate. Created by colony 
power stations. Under-powered buildings may have reduced output, and 
chronically under-powered buildings will be shut down completely. 
- Colony Workforce: Allows colony buildings to operate. Created by having a 
large enough population in the colony. Population appears to grow so long as 
basic needs are met and morale is reasonable (see below). Rates of growth are 
far greater than natural reproduction might suggest. Under-staffed buildings 
may have reduced output. 
- Colony Basic Needs: Primarily living space, food and hospital cover, in 
order for population to grow. At high population levels, other items such as 
Fire Brigades may be required. Met by provision of certain basic buildings in 
the appropriate volume. 
- Colony Morale: This includes both taxation morale and support for your 
actions by colonists - both tend to change for similar reasons. Higher morale 
allows higher taxes to be levied, makes the planet less likely to rebel, and 
means the population grows faster. Met by lower taxes, morale boasting 
buildings, Police Stations, and/or ensuring basic needs are met. 
- Factories: Increase the speed at which military units and equipment can be 
created. Those units allow significant defense, and conquest. 
- Development Centres: Allow additional levels of research to be accessed, 
which allows certain technology to be researched, and allows new and improved 
units, equipment and buildings to be used.


3.3.4 What role does technology play?

You start the game technologically backwards. Early engagements with aliens 
will be hopelessly one-sided. Research (available at Commander level and 
later) requires you first to gain additional planets, since you can only build 
one research facility (Dev. Centre) on each planet - this is covered in more 
detail under Research. So, in order to develop you *must* expand, but 
expansion will increasingly require aggression, and aggression benefits from 
technology. Aliens seem to make few, if any, technological developments, so 
eventually you will become technologically superior to them, at which point 
the battles get a lot easier.



3.4 Colonies and Buildings

3.4.1 Why can I not build a certain building?

Buildings may appear unbuildable (with a red cross on the build screen) if you 
have no Colony Hub, if the building type is not appropriate to the planet type 
(for example, a Park cannot be built on a Frozen planet type), or if the 
building or building type is restricted to a certain number per colony (for 
example, you can only build one of each factory type per colony).


3.4.2 How do I repair buildings?

Left click on the building, and click "Damaged". It will then display 
"Repair". Repairs use up cash and full repairs will take a day or more, 
depending on the type of building. Once damaged is reduced below 50%, 
buildings become operational. You can opt to auto-repair all buildings on the 
Options screen, however will not prioritise repairs and early in the game will 
tend to drain your treasury.


3.4.3 Why can't I turn power "on"?

Buildings that are more than 50% damaged cannot be "turned on" - repair them 
first to at least 50%. In colonies with chronic power shortages, buildings may 
not be turned on. Limited power supply will be diverted towards essential 
buildings like housing. Power can otherwise be toggled by clicking on the 
building, and then clicking On/Off.


3.4.4 What do different buildings do?

In summary (Satellites and Orbital Bases are listed under What equipment and 
weapons are available?): 

Colony Centre: 
- Colony Hub: "The colony hub is the prefabricated colony center automatically 
deposited on planet by a colonization ship. You can only build other 
structures on a planet if you have a colony hub." Cost 40,000. Energy 0. 
Workers 960. Includes basic facilities to meet the food requirement of 5000 
people, and the basic hospital requirement of 10,000 people. 

Housing (where people live): 
- Apartment Block: "Apartment blocks are more expensive to build than prefab 
housing but can provide living space for more people." Cost 12,000. Energy 
1200. Workers 70. Capacity 15,000 people. 
- Arcology: "Arcologies are expensive to build but allow the largest 
population of colonists per square meter." Cost 16,000. Energy 1500. Workers 
100. Capacity 30,000 people. 
- Prefab Housing: "Prefab housing is the cheapest low capacity housing 
available for your colonists..." Cost 5,600. Energy 850. Workers 60. Capacity 
7000 people. 

Power (produce energy): 
- Fusion Plant: "The Fusion Plant is most efficient on planets with a ready 
supply of fusible materials (deuterium, tritium, helium-2)." Cost 24,000. 
Energy 0. Workers 500. Output ~9900 Kwh. Cannot be built on Desert, Neptoplasm 
or Rocky planets. 
- Nuclear Plant: "Nuclear Plants use the old-fashioned technology of atomic 
fission to generate power." Cost 8000. Energy 0. Workers 290. Output ~3500 
- Solar Plant: "Advanced, super-efficient photovoltaics combined with high-
temperature superconductors and orbital light focusing field arrays make Solar 
plants the most efficient power source." Cost 16,000. Energy 0, Workers 350, 
Output ~9000 Kwh. Cannot be built on Frozen or Liquid planets. Research as 

Life Sources (produce food and water): 
- Phood(TM) Factory: "Phood(TM) Factory utilizes the latest advances in 
genetically engineered MeatBeast(TM), FastGrain(TM) and Sculpted Algae(TM) to 
produce large quantities of food for hungry colonists." Cost 10,000. Energy 
2000. Workers 500. Output 40,000t (feeds 20,000 people). Research or capture 
as Commander. 
- Hydroponic Food Farm: "The Hydroponic Food Farm facility grows natural foods 
in an unnatural environment, extracting maximum yields from such exciting 
foodstuffs as grains, fungi, and algae." Cost 4200. Energy 1300. Workers 300. 
Output 15,000t (feeds 8000 people). 
- Water Vaporator: "Moisture Vaporators extract moisture from the air to 
provide drinking supplies. Water deficient planets need Vaporators to avoid 
slow population growth." Cost 45,000. Energy 800. Workers 210. Output 12,000 
(people?). Cannot be built on Earth-type, Frozen, Rocky, or Liquid planets 
(thanks to Alain Roy for correction). Eventually required on Cratered and 
Desert planets. 

Factories (manufacture spacecraft and equipment, and ground units; limited to 
one per type per colony): 
- Equipment Factory: "The Equipment factory increases the colony's equipment 
production capacity." Cost 20,000. Energy 2600. Workers 460. 
- Spaceship Factory: "The Spaceship factory increases the colony's spaceship 
production capacity." Cost 20,000. Energy 4000. Workers 430. 
- Weapon Factory: "The Weapon factory increases the colony's weapon production 
capacity." Cost 24,000. Energy 3000. Workers 390. 

Development Centres (allow research, one level of research per centre; limited 
to one of any type per colony); 
- A.I. Dev. Centre: "The AI Development Centre increases your colony's 
knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, which increases your Development 
capabilities." Cost 46,000. Energy 2000. Workers 360. 
- Civil Eng. Dev. Centre: "The Civil Engineering Development Centre increases 
your colony's knowledge of Civil Engineering, which increases your Development 
capabilities." Cost 30,000. Energy 2000. Workers 560. 
- Computer Dev. Centre: "The Computer Development Centre increases your 
colony's knowledge of Computer technology, which increases your Development 
capabilities." Cost 42,000. Energy 2000. Workers 560. 
- Mechanics Dev. Centre: "The Mechanics Development Centre increases your 
colony's knowledge of Mechanics, which increases your Development 
capabilities." Cost 34,000. Energy 2000. Workers 620. 
- Military Dev. Centre: "The Military Development Centre increases your 
colony's knowledge of Military technology, which increases your Development 
capabilities." Cost 52,000. Energy 3000. Workers 420. 

Commerce (generate additional treasury cash; limited to one per type per 
- Bank: "Banks provide financial investments for local commerce increasing 
trade and income on the colony." Cost 16,000. Energy 500. Workers 230. Trade 
revenue (from Traders' Spaceport and/or Trade Centre) doubles. Useless without 
a Traders' Spaceport or Trade Centre in the colony. 
- Trade Centre: "The trade centre forms the hub of colonial commerce, the 
presence of one increases weekly trade income." Cost 17,000. Energy 1000. 
Workers 360. Revenue 1200 credits per day. Research as Admiral. 
- Traders' Spaceport: "Integrated commercial spaceports, automated customs 
processing facilities, robot dockworkers and Spacemerchant's Guild make the 
Traders' spaceport a valuable revenue source." Cost 10,000. Energy 1700. 
Workers 250. Revenue 600 credits per day. 

Civilian (assorted buildings primarily serving immediate needs of local 
- Bunker: "Bunkers are heavily reinforced structures which provide your 
colonists with a safe haven during attacks by enemy forces, greatly reducing 
casualties." Cost 18,000. Energy 500. Workers 30. Research as Admiral. 
- Fire Brigade: "Fire brigades automatically repair damaged colony structures 
up to 50% free of charge. They are very useful when a colony is being 
bombarded from orbit or assaulted by ground forces." Cost 12,000. Energy 1200. 
Workers 300. Required by colonies with more than 30,000 people. 
- Hospital: "Hospitals improve colony morale and health, fight disease and 
find solutions to the challenges of life on alien planets allowing the 
population to grow more quickly." Cost 13,000. Energy 900. Workers 280. Meets 
basic hospital requirement for an additional 20,000 people. 
- Police Station: "Police Stations are demanded by the colonists on 
sufficiently populated worlds to reduce crime to acceptable levels." Cost 
26,000. Energy 1200. Workers 400. Meets notional basic policing requirement 
for 50,000 people, but additional Police Stations improve tax morale. To 
maintain extreme levels of taxation, use one Police Station per 10,000 
population (in combination with morale boosting buildings - see below). 

Radar (allow ships within range of planet to be seen on the map): 
- Field Telescope: "The Field Telescope is a high powered and focused radio 
wave detector that can be used to find enemy fleets at a greater range than 
the Radar Telescope." Cost 10,000. Energy 2500. Workers 160. Research as 
- Phased Telescope: "The Phased Telescope is the ultimate in long range 
sensing equipment, accurately locating enemy fleets at extreme ranges." Cost 
25,000. Energy 2000. Workers 180. Improvement on Field Telescope. Similar 
range to Hubble 2 (satellite telescope). Research as Admiral. 
- Radar Telescope: "The Radar Telescope detects nearby enemy fleets in space, 
helping to give warning before enemy attacks." Cost 4000. Energy 2000. Workers 

Orbital Guns (fire from the planet at orbiting enemy spacecraft, limited to 5 
of any type per colony): 
- Fusion Projector: "Getting hit by a shot from a Fusion Projector is like 
running into a small sun. It inflicts severe damage on enemy starships that 
stray into its range." Cost 32,000. Energy 4000. Workers 160. Improvement on 
Plasma Projector. Research as Admiral. 
- Ion Projector: "The Ion Projector is used to protect your colony from attack 
by enemy starfleets. It fires a stream of high energy charged particles that 
can damage most enemy ships." Cost 10,000. Energy 2000. Workers 120. 
- Meson Projector: "The Meson Projector fires a stream of subatomic particles 
that decay into highly explosive matter. These projectors can easily cripple 
an unsuspecting starship." Cost 40,000. Energy 5000. Workers 165. Improvement 
on Fusion Projector. Research as Grand Admiral. 
- Plasma Projector: "Plasma projectors fire bolts of superheated matter that 
can inflict heavy damage on enemy starships." Cost 17,800. Energy 3000. 
Workers 150. Improvement on Ion Projector. Research as Commander. 

Planetary Shields (shield orbital guns): 
- Hyershield: "Utilizing the warping effects of millions of micro-
singularities to absorb weapons fire, the Hyper shield protects your colony 
from Destructors [bombs] and Virus Bombs." Cost 35,000. Energy 6000. Workers 
120. Research as Admiral. 
- Inversion Shield: "The Inversion Shield consists of carefully balanced 
fields of gravitons with reversed spin, which form a highly repulsive barrier 
around your colony protecting from attacks from space." Cost 15,000. Energy 
4000. Workers 50. Planetary shield. Research as Commander 

Garrisons (house ground units and include anti-ground force turrets): 
- Barracks: "The Barracks is the simplest fortification available. During a 
ground assault it will fire on nearby enemy tanks and allows you to house four 
tanks for your own defenses." Cost 15,000. Energy 1000. Workers 360. 
- Fortress: "The Fortress greatly improves your colony's defenses against 
ground assaults. It fires at enemy tanks and has storage space for eight of 
your own defensive tanks [or vehicles]." Cost 30,000. Energy 1500. Workers 
530. Research as Admiral. 
- Stronghold: "The Stronghold is the heaviest fortification available for 
defending your colonies from ground assaults." Cost 50,000. Energy 2000. 
Workers 550. Garrisons 12 vehicles. Research as Admiral. 

Fleet Support: 
- Military Spaceport: "Military spaceports allow the construction and support 
of military spaceships. They also can provide some local System Defense Boats 
to aid in protecting the colony from attacks." Cost 75,000. Energy 3000. 
Workers 310. Allows capital ships to be deployed, and fighters and tanks to be 
added and removed from fleets. Also allows fighters to be added as system 

Morale (buildings that specifically raise colony morale): 
- Bar: "A social space where colonists bond with one another through the 
shared ritual consumption of perception altering substances such as NeoPro 
Brandy, bars raise colony morale." Cost 6300. Energy 700. Workers: 410. 
- Church: "Spiritual Indoctrination Centers, Churches foster the belief in an 
ephemeral spiritual reward for worldly suffering, increasing colony morale at 
very low cost." Cost 4000. Energy 100. Workers 90. Churches are cheap, small 
and effective, making a Church a good early addition to a new colony. 
- Park: "Parks provide a physical reminder of the colonists homeworld. These 
pleasant, relaxing oasises of faux-nature raise colony morale." Cost 14,000. 
Energy 200. Workers 100. Cannot be built on Desert, Frozen, Cratered, Liquid 
or Neptoplasm planets. Can only be built on Earth type and Rocky planets. 
- Recreation Centre: "The Recreation centre provides such healthy 
entertainments as Hyperpool, FlashPong, and Billiards. These entertainments 
improve morale on the colony." Cost 7500. Energy 500. Workers 230. 
- Stadium: "The stadium provides a location for performances and sporting 
events to be put on for the colonists. Full Contact Arcturian Rules Football 
has proven very effective at raising morale." Cost 50,000. Energy 1000. 
Workers 350.