BROKEN SWORD III ? The sleeping dragon

Hello, I'm Maria (I'm from Greece) and I wrote this walkthrough just to help you 
guys and girls enjoy this game as much as I did. I tried to make my text detailed and 
even 'easy to read' and I think that (even though its my first!) it is a very good 
walkthrough! I hope you find it useful.
If you have any questions or suggestions you can, freely, contact me to the e-mail: 
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There are some notes about the game following, before the description of the game 
actions, that I want you to have in mind. I had much fun playing "Broken Sword III" 
and I hope you enjoy it, too.

In the third part of "Broken Sword" there are often references to the previous parts: 
meet known persons, visit same places, you can even come across some objects you 
had use then! So, if you haven't play them take a look at the reviews you'll find in the 
These who did play previous "Broken Sword" are going to (yes, yes, enjoy seen 
around these known things and...) notice some important adds. First of all this one is 
3D (!!!) and then the hero can do more things like climb and jump and ... be more 
than one! Oh, and in this one you don't use maps to move from place to place, you 
just ...? 'talk' to the doors (and the streets)!!!
Anyway, before we start here are some indications.
First, often in this walkthrough I'm going to use action descriptions like press 's' key 
or 'up arrow' key, ect, these are according to the default controls of the game.
Second, remember that the game is 3D, which means that the right side of the hero 
may not be the same as the right side of the screen. So when I say "to your right" or 
"to his right" ... I mean the right side of the hero, if I want to refer to the right side of 
the screen I'll say so.
Notice, also the "page up", "page down" keys at the controls referred as 'pick next 
object'. You might find them useful when you can see two or more interactive able 
objects (having stars over them) very close to each other but the hero can see only one 
(the one with the brighter star on it)!
Oh, I almost forgot, when you're talking to someone try to use all the conversation 
lines you have available, before you go.
Finally,  (as you already noticed) there are parentheses with my comments all through 
the text!

Let the game begin...


Into the plane 

You (George) are in the plane right after the crash. 
 - 	Unfasten your seatbelt (using the action "s" key). 
 - 	Head for the pilot' s room. 
Ok, that was a dangerous move, don't do it again!
You have to move more weight to the back of the plane. Walk around (the door at the 
back is stuck and it won't open. The window next to your seat is no use, either, all 
you can do is take a look at the view outside), you shall see a crate and a bottle of beer 
on the floor next to it. 
 - 	Take the beer, 
 - 	a buckle and a strap are holding the crate, 
 - 	release them and 
 - 	push the crate at the back of the plane. 
Now you can go to meet your pilot! He is unconscious, leave him for now and take a 
look at the cracked front glass, you're going to come out through it. 
 - 	Take the fire extinguisher below and 
 - 	use it to the glass to break it (you may have a problem doing that, cause George 
puts the extinguisher on the floor again when you press the action key! If you do 
try that: while you're holding the extinguisher use "page up" key to select the 
glass, then press action key). 
 - 	Use the broken glass to try to get out. 
 - 	Oops, you can't yet!
 - 	You have to wake up Harry (the pilot) to help you. You can try to talk or slap him 
but it won't work, 
 - 	so try to search him. 
 - 	Take his bottle opener 
 - 	combine the bottle opener and the bottle of beer to open it. 
 - 	Use the beer on Harry, it wakes him up. 
 - 	Talk to him and he will go to the back. 
 - 	Now you can get out

... how stupid can Harry be!!!

Climbing the mountain

Try to get close to Harry, so 
 - 	jump across (go to the edge of the rock and press "s" key) and 
 - 	climb close to Harry. 
 - 	After the talking walk to the other edge, watch the cracked rock under your feet. 
It's ok to fall from this one, but 
 - 	you have to run and quickly press "s" key to jump away from next cracked rock.
Harry goes to the other way, ... so what? Let him go! 
 - 	Go close to the rock-wall, press "s" button to stick to it and walk to the other side 
(press "s" key again to walk away from the wall again) 
 - 	climb down, 
 - 	get close to the waterfall, 
 - 	jump, 
 - 	climb up, you can see a cave. That's where you have to go, but you can climb to it 
from here. So, 
 - 	climb down and jump to the rock you were standing before. 
 - 	Climb down from the edge to your left, 
 - 	climb down once more and 
 - 	jump behind the waterfall, 
 - 	climb up from the other side, 
 - 	walk a little bit. 
 - 	Now you have to hang from the edge of the rock and 
 - 	go to the other side by hanging from the slot on the rock-wall to your right (you 
may have to use the "up arrow" or "down arrow" key to move while you're 
 - 	Get down on your feet when you can do so. 
 - 	Walk heading to the right side of the screen, 
 - 	stick to the rock-wall and walk that way to the other side. 
 - 	Unstuck from the wall and 
 - 	climb up, 
 - 	then jump across, 
 - 	climb up, 
 - 	walk ahead a little bit and 
 - 	climb up, 
 - 	climb up again (to the right side of the screen), 
 - 	climb up (to George's left), 
 - 	climb up once more and then 
 - 	climb down to the next rock. 
 - 	Stick to the rock-wall and go around, 
 - 	climb up twice and 
you're there. Watch Cholmondely getting shot, he's the reason you were going to 

In the mean time...


Nico at hacker's apartment

Hey, she doesn't look that evil, now! ... and she wears a longer blouse, ah, too bad, I 
liked the tattoo!
Ok now, you can't go in from the front door, there was a gun shoot, remember?!?
 - 	Take a look at the board next to the door
 - 	Take the pencil from the board
Walk around, you can listen to the TV from the opposite apartment, but nobody is 
willing to open the door.
 - 	There is also a window to the balcony, open it and go out.
 - 	You have to pass the railing, to go to the hacker's balcony
 - 	Pull the pillar close to the railing (pull it, get on it and then down from the other 
side and push it)
 - 	Get on the pillar (you can't jump across)
 - 	There is a drainpipe over Nico and to her right. Hang from the pipe and go to the 
next balcony.
 - 	The door there doesn't open, either, so 
 - 	Hang from the rail and go, that way, to the next balcony
 - 	Look at the door there,
 - 	Use the press card to the door and then open it
 - 	Take a look around the room. There's nothing interesting in here (!!!), 
 - 	so open the door to Vernon's (the hacker) apartment. He is already dead
 - 	search Vernon to take his business card.
 - 	On the floor right behind you (next to TV set) there is a shiny shell casing, take it.

Now it's time for some action:

Fighting in the kitchen: 

 - 	Walk to the kitchen (over the rug). The floor under the rug crackles as you walk 
over it!
The fake Nico (her real name is Petra) who killed the hacker is still here and you have 
to fight her. So, keep your eyes open and be fast. As the video plays you can see a pan 
close to Nico.
 - 	While Petra is saying: "... when I've killed you" quickly use the pan (just press 
action key) to hit her (when she says "time is up" it's already too late!)
 - 	The video goes on with a little fighting. Be ready to hit her again!
 - 	Right after Nico' s thoughts (she's wondering why she doesn't remember seen 
Petra at the past) use the fridge door (just action key)

Oh, well ... I still like the tattoo!!!

After the killer has gone: 

Ok now, Petra has gone away, but you don't really have to follow her (you can't make 
it in time anyway!). So,
 - 	Get back into the apartment
 - 	There is a telephone on the table. Listen to the messages. You can also call the 
Newspaper and Andre, if you like (but don't overdo it with the phone calls, after 
all you're in a dead guy's place !!!).
 - 	Search the guy's trash (there is a trash can at the corner next to the sink) and take 
the bank statement you find in there.
 - 	Pull the rug to uncover the loose floorboard (you heard the floor under it crackle, 
as you ender the kitchen before a while, didn't you?)
 - 	Lift it up. You find a hidden safe there, with an electronic lock on it. You have to 
find the right number to open it.
 - 	Try to unlock the safe using the number on the bank statement... oh no, it's not 
the right one!
You have to find that code number, but there's nothing else around so let's get out 
and you'll come back later!

At the neighborhood: 

 - 	Get out from the kitchen's back door again
 - 	Go down the 2 ladders to get to the road
 - 	There's nothing into the trash cans, but you can take the sheet of news paper that 
lies nearby (use "page up" key if you have problems picking the news paper)
Don't go away, yet, you have to climb up the wall opposite of Vernon's building. You 
can try the drainpipe, but it easily brakes, so it's no use! So,
 - 	Walk close to the wall and you'll find a part that you can climb up.
 - 	Get into the small area.
 - 	Walk ahead and take the dark wig that lies there,
 - 	If you look at the wig (after taking it) you find blond hair in it!
 - 	Climb back to the street (same way you got in)
 - 	Go around Vernon's building (to "RUE de SEINE"). Don't bother about the doors 
in the neighborhood, cause none of them opens.
 - 	Talk to the old lady.
 - 	Around the corner (to "RUE de FRANCE") you see a skateboarder walking 
around, go close and talk to him
As far you should know that Petra left driving a E-type red Jag and the Jag's 
registration number (you should know that into the Jag there was a theater mask, too). 
If the old lady and skateboarder haven't given you this information, yet, talk to them 
 - 	Go to the other end of "RUE de FRANCE", but don't talk to the traffic warden 
 - 	Go to the gardens.
 - 	Talk to the young woman sitting on the bench. She is Beatrice, Vernon's 
girlfriend (you heard her message at his answer machine, earlier). She will run 
away as soon as you tell her about Vernon.
 - 	Now it's time to talk to the traffic warden. Use all the dialogues you have and 
don't worry when you hear the police coming ... they'll just arrest you, it's not a 
big deal !!! ?


George into the cave

 - 	Walk ahead, Cholmondely (old man) is still alive, but not for long!
 - 	Search him, to take his id card.
Behind you there is a giant omega-shaped door and a workbench. Take a look at the 
 - 	Take the postcard (it's the Glastonbury Tor, send to Cholmondely by Bruno)
 - 	Take the magnifying glass, too.
Next to the workbench, there are a few huge packing cases, and a crate. Next to them 
there is a door and close to it, at your right, there is a pressure pad (on the floor)
 - 	Push the crate on the pressure pad to hold the door open.
 - 	Walk through the door.
 - 	Walk ahead to get close to the machine (gas cylinders on your right are of no use).
 - 	Push the red button on the console in front of the machine
 - 	Pull the lever beside the console. That causes an explosion.
 - 	Take the metal rod that fell by the machine.

Getting out of the cave

 - 	Go close to the door you came in (there is no way to open the other one)
 - 	Put the metal rod to the hole on the wall near the door
 - 	Use it once (that keeps the door open even when you push the crate away from the 
 - 	Take back the rod
 - 	Go to the crate and push it to the left side of the machine, where you can see an 
opening on the rock-wall
 - 	Climb up to the crate
 - 	Now you should be able to climb up to the opening
Don't walk away, yet, on your right there is a small opening with a bird's nest in it.
 - 	Use the metal rod (you didn't forget it on the hole by the door, did you?) to reach 
the nest.
 - 	Take the nest that is now lying on the floor.
 - 	Follow the walkway 
 - 	Stick to the rock-wall and go around
 - 	Hang from the slot above and go left
 - 	Jump across
 - 	Follow the narrow passage to the opening
 - 	Climb up and walk out
 - 	Walk ahead, close to the dragon's head statue. Under the hill you can see Harry 
and the ... bad guys
 - 	Use the nest on the statue and then
 - 	Use the magnifying glass, to put fire in the dragon's mouth!
Watch the video and be ready for some more action.
 - 	You have to run toward Harry's car (it's a taxi actually) and 
 - 	quickly jump into it (pressing "s" key) as he drives away.


 - 	Talk to the man walking around (He is Colonel Butley. You're going to meet his 
daughter Melissa, soon).
 - 	Then talk to the man sitting on a bench outside a bar near the end of the road (He 
is Eamon O'mara, Irish BBC reporter. You're going to need his help a couple of 
 - 	Visit Zazie's Kiosk, opposite of the bar.
 - 	Talk to madam Zazie
 - 	Visit Cosmic Faerie store, two doors next to Zazie's Kiosk.
You can take a look around, if you like. There is a card stand having same cards of 
Glastonbury Tor as the one you got! Notice a star-shape gizmo in the case near the 
front door. You can see also some charts on the walls and bookcases around. On the 
main counter there are some poet books having silver coins on their cover that might 
be useful. But you can't take any of these things yet! There are also some stairs at the 
left back of the store, but you can't go upstairs, yet, either.
 - 	Talk to the hippy guy that owns the store, Tristram Hillage.
 - 	Read some poetry from the books! Do it two or three times so you can keep 
talking with Tristram till he let you have one of the poet books.
 - 	Go talk to Eamon (you still remember the reporter you meet before, don't you?) 
about Tristram.
 - 	Now you're in the store again. Tristram and Eamon keep talking, giving you the 
chance to go upstairs and meet Melissa.
 - 	Talk to Melissa.
 - 	Talk to Tristram, again, till he gives you Bruno's boxer!!!!!
 - 	You don't need anything else, so leave the store.
 - 	Combine metal rod with poet book to get the silver coins.
 - 	Go to madam Zazie, again.
 - 	Talk to her but don't give her the coins, unless she asks for them.
 - 	Give her Bruno's boxer
As you're getting out from the kiosk, you notice smoke and flames coming out from 
the opposite building, behind the bar. Madam Zazie was right!
 - 	Try to open the wooden door at the left side of the bar. You can't open it alone, so
 - 	Ask for Eamon's help.

Into the flaming building's yard

You must go into the building to save Bruno. The only way is to climb up the open 
window. You have to use the crates, you see around, to do so.
 - 	Push the two single crates, so that they line up with the wall and the double crate.
 - 	Go around and push the upper crate twice towards the wall (you can push it the 
first time from the ground).
 - 	Climb up the upper crate and then to the window.

Fighting with the fire !!!

 - 	Run ahead and you will see Bruno lying on the floor.
 - 	Help him to get up (action key)
 - 	Run and climb on the window, you came in, to get out. Don't worry Bruno will 
follow you on his own. Talk to Bruno (after the video). He'll tell you stories about 
dragons and the Tor!


To Nico's apartment

You can take a look around if you want. You'll find some interesting things. Even the 
clown's nose is still there!!! You can also hear your phone messages and make some 
phone calls. 
 - 	Go back to Vernon's (you can do so if you try to open the door).

Back to Vernon's

 - 	Hear the ladies talking at RUE de SEINE.
 - 	Talk to the one you didn't meet last time (she's the one living at the apartment 
opposite to Vernon's).
 - 	Go to Vernon's apartment (from the back door, the way you left last time)
 - 	Oops, the door is locked! Don't go away, that's the only way in (the easiest at 
 - 	Use the newspaper on the door
 - 	Then use the pencil
 - 	Pull back the newspaper (select it using "page up" key, if you have to)
 - 	Now you have the doors key, so ... use it.
 - 	Use the door once more to open it
 - 	Go close to the trash can, there is a box of tissues near by.
 - 	Take a tissue (... yea, yea girls always need one!)
 - 	Remember the door to the other side you got in the first time? Go close to it and 
you'll hear Beatrice crying.
 - 	Get in and try to talk to her. She'll tell you to go away, but you won't,
 - 	give her the tissue, instead.
 - 	Now she talks to you! She's going to tell you her birthday (October 23rd). Aha, 
that's the safe's code number!
 - 	Go to the safe and use Beatrice birthday to open it.
 - 	Take the hand-drawn diagram and the dvd.
 - 	It's time to go home. Use the back door (always).
 - 	DANGER: as you walk around the corner to get to the main street (RUE de 
FRANCE) a red car tries to run you over ... it's she again! You must press the 
action key ("s" key) immediately to save Nico.
 - 	When you get through with it, go to the end of the street (or around the first right 
corner) to go back home.

Back to Nico's apartment

 - 	Use the dvd on the TV (next to the phone) and watch the video to get some 
information about the manuscript and the diagram.
 - 	Call Andre and ask for his help and he'll come to your place.
 - 	Talk to Andre
 - 	Call the Newspaper and talk to Candice about the theatrical mask. She tells you 
about the Heiroglyphe Theatre at Ile St' Louis.
 - 	Leave for the theatre (let Andre waiting for you!)... Watch Nico quitting her job at 
the video that follows!


Nico at the Theatre

Nico is standing in front of the theatre's front door, which you can't (of course, when 
could you?) open. You can look through it, though ... nooo, it's too dark in there! 
Anyway you have to find an other way in:
 - 	Walk around the building: go right and then turn left. You can see now a ladder to 
the backside of the theatre (on your left) which you can't reach, either.
 - 	Go to your left, to the opposite building and try to find the netting free area so you 
can climb up.

On the building with the netting

 - 	Go up the ladder,
 - 	Walk ahead, then turn right,
 - 	Before the end of the walkway climb up,
 - 	Walk two steps ahead and climb up again
 - 	Walk ahead, then turn left,
 - 	Walk to the end of the walkway and climb down
 - 	Go up the ladder behind you,
 - 	Walk ahead two or three steps and climb up
 - 	From here you can see the top of an advertising billboard, go close and use it 
(don't wait to see anything happening, yet).
 - 	Go back to the top of the first ladder using the same way.
 - 	Go right next to the ladder and jump across
 - 	Walk ahead
 - 	About one or two steps from the end of the walkway turn around and climb up.
 - 	Walk ahead
 - 	Pull the crate 3 times
 - 	Go up on the crate and then climb up
 - 	Go close to the advertising billboard
 - 	Use it to loose the metal clips at the bottom
 - 	Now you can walk across to the theatre-building

On the theater's roof

 - 	Go up the small ladder behind you leading to the roof (you van look around if you 
like, but there's nothing there to find).
 - 	Walk left to find an other ladder
 - 	Go down the ladder
 - 	Open the door on your side

Into the theatre

 - 	Walk downstairs and turn left
 - 	Follow the corridor, walk down the stairs and open the door
 - 	There is nothing into the small room ahead so go to your right
 - 	Head left to the popcorn stand ... oops...

PARIS 2 - George

George and Bruno in Paris

You have to find a way into the old building (actually it's a library close to the 
 - 	Walk ahead until you see a gate on your right (next to the repository door)
 - 	Walk in and turn right. There are some trash cans: a huge one to the right corner 
having its lid open and a crate to the left.
 - 	Push the crate to the corner right beside the huge can.
 - 	Go up on the crate
 - 	Use the lid to close it
 - 	Climb up the closed lid
 - 	Notice the broken glass to the window next to George.
 - 	Use it twice to open it.

Inside the library

 - 	Walk ahead passing the crates
 - 	Open the door
 - 	There are a lot of interesting books in here, but nothing else
 - 	Open the door next to the filling cabinet (the other one is locked)
There is a double crate on your right. Behind the upper crate there is a light switch. 
You have to move the crate and turn on the light. You need two more single crates to 
do that. You have one right next to the double. Let's go find the other one.
 - 	Walk ahead towards the window
 - 	You can see a crate on your left. Go close to it
 - 	Pull it twice towards the book case
 - 	Now you can pull it to get it close to the double one.
 - 	Push it to line it up with the double and the first single crate
 - 	Now get on it and pull the upper crate once. Get on the upper crate go down to the 
one that's single now, turn over and push the upper to get it on the left single 
 - 	Turn on the light
 - 	You can see scratches on the floor under the middle crate. Pull it back twice
 - 	There was a trap door under it! Use it.
 - 	Now you're in the tunnel under the trap door.
 - 	Follow the tunnel to a ladder. Go up
 - 	There is an other ladder in front of you. Go up that one, too.
 - 	Wow, you're into the theater!

George into the theater

 - 	In here you need to walk carefully and stay in the shadow. That way they can see 
you. If the fat guy (Flap) sees you he shoots you right away.
 - 	Head to the opening at the right side of the stage (stay close to the wall as you 
walk down to the stage, always in the shadow)
 - 	Go up the ladder on your left (be careful: the ladder not the stairs)
 - 	Head to the right and go close to the wall.
 - 	Pull the rope  (don't worry about the noise)
 - 	Hang from the lighting rig and go to the other side (using the "up arrow" key)
 - 	Follow the walkway to the next broken section.
 - 	There are two sandbags near by. Use them (the one, right after the other one) to hit 
... so they meet again! ...

George and Nico

Now you control George and Nico just follows. You may ask for her help, if you need 
to, by talking to her or select her from your inventory! As long as you stay on the 
stage notice the different floorboard at the center and the hot lights on the front side of 
the stage floor.
 - 	Go down the stairs at the left side of the stage.
 - 	(don't walk away) turn left and go down the next stairs

The first basement under the stage

 - 	Follow the left corridor
 - 	Turn to the second opening you find on your left (at the end of this corridor there 
is a door leading to the second basement, but we have to do some more things 
before we go down there)
 - 	There is a box of theatrical grease paint on the crate at your right. Grab a stick
Behind you there is a kind of elevator. You can use it by pressing the button on the 
left. It will get you right up the stage! But you don't need to use it yet. If you do, 
make sure to get it back down cause you're going to need it after a while.
 - 	Go back to the stairs and follow the other corridor
 - 	Open the door on your right (the only door at this corridor that opens)
Take a look around. Under the dresser there is a safe, which you can't open. Notice 
that the floor crackles as George getting close to the safe.

Upstairs again

 - 	Go back upstairs to the theatre's corridor.
 - 	Walk ahead passing the seats. At the end of the corridor there is the ladder George 
used to get in before. You can't use it, yet.
 - 	Go to the other side. The door on your right leads to the control room (there's 
nothing useful in there).
 - 	Go to the door at your left.
 - 	Go behind the popcorn stand (where Nico was before) and
 - 	Take the "guilty" paper cup. There's nothing else useful there but you can play 
around with the popcorn buckets, drink machine and the other stuff.
 - 	Go back on the stage.
 - 	Combine the paper cup and the grease paint stick
 - 	Then use the cup on one of the hot stage lights. Now you have melted grease 
 - 	Go downstairs at the basement, again.
 - 	Follow the left corridor
 - 	Open the door at the far left end of the corridor.
 - 	Go downstairs to the second basement (don't worry about the incident with the 
gun shoot and screaming!)

The second basement

 - 	Follow the corridor in front of the stairs.
 - 	Open the first door that you find on your right. Take a look around. There is a 
support strut at the middle of the room which you can't push
 - 	Use the melted paint on the strut, you still can't push it
 - 	Ask Nico to help you (select her from your inventory) ... Now you have the safe 
open on the floor
 - 	Take the key card and 
 - 	the crystal artifact
 - 	walk out from the door you came in
 - 	head to your right
 - 	turn right at the end of the corridor (the dead guy has nothing to give you)
 - 	use the card to the hole next to the door (it's an elevator that goes down)

The third basement (what the ...?! How many basements are there?)

 - 	follow the corridor ahead
 - 	you'll find a strange carved stone, leave it there and head for the machine beyond 
the end of the corridor.
 - 	It is beautiful indeed! Go take a closer look (notice the elevator on your left, as 
you walk toward the machine)
 - 	Take the stone from inside the energy column
 - 	Ok now, when you feel ready for action walk back the way you came

Avoiding Sussaro and Petra

Sussaro and Petra are coming up on the elevator. You can't run ahead nor back 
because Petra sees you and shoots you. 
 - 	As soon as you can run (using "down arrow" key) to the other edge of the 
walkway and
 - 	immediately press "A" key to hang from the edge (Nico has already done the 
 - 	while hanging from the edge go close to Nico
 - 	(when you feel ready) climb up behind Petra
 - 	now you have to run all the way back to the elevator. You have to run really fast 
but carefully. If you hit to the wall by mistake, you're dead! Tip: Do not panic at 
the start. Wait until George turns totally to the way he has to run, at the same time 
the camera change, too. If you try to run before that specific moment the camera 
will change (and so will do the control keys) and you'll definitely get confused 
and hit at the walls around!

Getting out of the theatre

Nico is holding the elevator door
 - 	use the bottle opener on the elevator door (on the door itself not on the card hole)
Now you're ready to go out (ah, at last!)
 - 	head back to the stairs, and go upstairs to the first basement. There are guard at the 
stairs leading to the theatre room
 - 	use the elevator to the stage (... you were playing with that before, remember?)
 - 	you're on the stage now, climb down
 - 	run up to your right and
 - 	get out from the ladder George had use to get in the theatre at the start.

At Nico' s apartment

Just talk all the dialogues you have


In the video at the end of the previous level, someone hits George and take the artifact 
that appears to be "The key of Solomon". But an other artifact fell from the guy's 
pocket, so now you have a "stone cylinder key" instead.
... ha, it's Harry, again!
 - 	Go to the door where Nico waits
 - 	Look at it ... aha!
 - 	Ask Nico to help you
 - 	While she is pushing, use the metal rod on the door
 - 	Go inside and head for the giant omega door
 - 	Use omega stone on the slot to open the door

The room with the spikes

 - 	Walk in carefully. There are different patterns of floor-stones ahead. There are 
spikes at their sides, notice the dead guy ahead! If you make the mistake to walk 
on them Nico is going to save you, but only once!
 - 	Go close to the rock-wall on your left and hang from there
 - 	Go across that way. There will be an earthquake but don't worry, George can 
make it!
When you are at the other side notice the pair of cogs around the corner just in front 
of you and the carved blocks behind you. Now you have to help Nico come across 
and (of course) search the dead guy!
 - 	Pull the first block (the one at the corner) 3 time
 - 	Then push it toward the spikes 4 times (you didn't try to pull it that way, instead 
pushing it, did you?)
 - 	Ok now, push it 2 more times (but only 2!)
 - 	Take the other block and push it between the spikes, making sure to leave some 
space between the two blocks!
 - 	Get on the block and down from the other side. Now you can push the first block 
again. Push it twice to get it between the next spikes.
 - 	Now you can safely go close to the dead guy and search him
 - 	Take the ancient scarf
 - 	Look the scarf (from your inventory) to take the metal plate.
 - 	Go back where you saw the cogs
 - 	Use metal rod on the cogs.
 - 	Now that you have Nico with you, you can walk to the next room

The room with animal carved tiles

As you enter the room, there are 4 carved tiles (they are carved with animal features: 
scorpion, snake, bird, fish from the left to the right) on the floor just in front of you. 
There are many more at the rest of the room, some of them carved with the same 
animals as the 4 tiles in front of you, and some of them aren't carved at all. If you step 
on one of the 4 tiles it lights and so are the tiles with the same animal all over the 
room. If you step on any other tile, except from the blank ones ... the roof will fall on 
your head! You can try it once but only once! So you can pass to the other side of the 
room only stepping on either blank or lighted tiles and you're going to need Nico's 
help for that.
 - 	Ask Nico to step on the fish
 - 	Walk carefully to the next blank
 - 	Ask Nico to step on the scorpion (talk to her by selecting her from your inventory)
 - 	Walk to the next blank tile (not the last blank!)
 - 	The next moves are: snake,
 - 	fish,
 - 	bird,
 - 	scorpion,
 - 	snake (walk to the left of the screen, towards Nico)
 - 	bird,
 - 	fish,
 - 	scorpion,
 - 	snake
 - 	Now you can climb up to the other side!
 - 	Head for the next room

The room with no floor

The floor of the room has been collapsed. You have to climb down there.
 - 	First, climb down to the pillar at the corner at George's right
 - 	jump across (to George's right)
 - 	climb down (to George's right)
 - 	hang from the slop to go to the next pillar (using "up arrow" key and then "right 
 - 	climb down to your right
 - 	climb down to the bottom
 - 	walk to the opening

The room with the balance stone

As you enter the room there is a large flat stone above. You can climb to one edge. 
There is an opening opposite to the other edge, but you can' t reach it unless you 
balance the stone. You're going to use the blocks you can see around (you don't have 
Nico to help you this time!). You have 3 blocks at different levels so we'll call them 
the bottom block, the middle block and the upper block. The upper block is at the 
same level as the balance stone. There are also some crystals around but you can't 
have any of them, so...
 - 	push the middle block over the bottom block (there is enough space from behind 
to do so)
 - 	then push it close to the upper block
 - 	push the bottom block close to the other two
 - 	push it twice into the opening in front of the upper block to get it to the corner
 - 	push the middle block right beside the upper
 - 	climb on the middle block and pull the upper 3 times. There is an opening behind 
 - 	push the middle block into the opening
 - 	push the upper 3 more times
 - 	push the bottom and then the middle block where they were at the start (close to 
the balance stone)
 - 	push the upper block, over the middle one, to the balance stone
 - 	now you can jump to the opening

The room with 4 huge machineries

Wooow, take a look at these huge machineries! They are parts of an ancient 
mechanical device. Aren't you anxious to put them together and see what's it doing?
On the first machinery you saw as you enter the room there is a touch sensitive panel, 
inactive for the moment. At the center of the cavern there is a hole full of crystals and 
an energy beam is coming out of it. Walk around the room to find the control panel.
Each machinery has cylindrical protrusions and hollows with crystals at each end. 
You have to combine them to attach all 4 of them to one piece! You can move a 
machinery by using the control panel. The machinery moves at the course of the 
beam. You can change the course of the beam by using the arrows of the control 
We shall name the 4 machineries after their position as you see them from the control 
panel. So there is the right machinery, the far right machinery, the left machinery and 
the far left machinery. First we're going to attach the right machinery to the far right 
machinery, then the far left machinery to the other two, and last the left machinery. 
Here we go:
 - 	turn the beam and move the right machinery to the center of the cavern (first turn 
the beam using the arrows of the control panel so it has the right course and then 
press action at the control panel)
 - 	while the machinery is at the center, use the arrows of the control panel to turn the 
beam to flow to the far right.
 - 	press action, to attach the machineries
 - 	turn the beam and move the left machinery to the center
 - 	turn it over and move it back where it was before (at the left side)
 - 	move the far left machinery to the center
 - 	turn the beam to attach it to the other two (at the far right side)
 - 	move the left machinery (the last one) to the center and then attach it to the others 
... done!
Excellent! As far we know that the beam can either push or pull objects, depending on 
its course. The touch sensitive panel is now working and you can use it when you 
wand to change the beam course. Leave it as it is for now and follow the beam to the 
next room.

The room with the 8 crystals 

You can see 8 crystals tall enough to meet the beam. They can reflect the beam and 
you can rotate each of them to change the beam's direction. You can see also a door 
with the lighting sign above (yes, you're about to get out through it!), one more 
machinery (this one is broken) and behind the machinery there is a control panel. If 
you try to use it you'll see that it lights only half of the lighting sign but there is an 
other control panel block at the other side of the machinery. So what you have to do is 
push the machinery away. You're going to direct the beam, using the crystals, to 
the machinery. It is very difficult for me to describe the way to do that with words so I 
made a diagram: see crystal.gif (
The numbers are the crystals, as you see you use only the 5 
of them, the other three are the '0' and the 'x' is the missing crystal. They are 
numbered after the series you have to use them and they are positioned as you see 
them when entering the room. All you have to do is rotate the crystals to send the 
beam from one crystal to the next and finally to the machinery (just follow my 
 - 	now the machinery is pushed at the back, blocking the first control panel (if it 
didn't move go back to the machine and change the beam course).
 - 	Go up the stairs (you found Nico!)
 - 	Go downstairs again
 - 	Talk to Nico
 - 	Use the control panel (it lights the next half lighting sign)
 - 	Talk to Nico again. She is ready to use the panel.
 - 	Go to the machine (at the other room) and
 - 	use the touch sensitive panel to reverse the beam and free the first control panel at 
the room with the crystals
 - 	go back and use the control panel. Nico is using the other one and ... !
 - 	now free Nico (change to beam course once more)
 - 	go to the next area
 - 	follow Nico
 - 	walk into the small gate

The room with lighting sign on the floor 

You have to open the door ahead. On the wall, to your left, there is a hole with the 
light sign carved in it.
 - 	Use the metal plate on the hole and the door opens ... oops it popped out.
 - 	Take the metal plate from the floor (it is warm)
 - 	Use the plate on the hole again and immediately use the scarf (Nico is willing to 
hold the plate for you)
 - 	walk into the open door. There is an energy machine same as the one in Paris.
 - 	Take the stone from inside the energy column (now you have the two of them ... I 
don't really wand to scare you, but you have to find the third one as well!)
 - 	Go back to Nico and then go back the way you came

Running away from Petra, again

I don't have any advises to give you here, just act quickly and remember that this time 
you have to deal with Petra and the earthquake, too.
 - 	Run following Nico, passing the 2 huge rocks falling from above (running fast and 
carefully is the only way. Otherwise the rocks are either falling on George or 
blocking his way leaving Petra to finish her job!)
 - 	Turn to the corner
 - 	Quickly run and jump across ("left arrow" key and then "s" key). Don't waste 
time cause Petra is after you. 
 - 	Aaah, that was it. Follow Nico outside, Harry is still waiting for you!


Nico at the theater, again 

Nico is back at the theater to find out where in Prague Sussaro might have taken 
 - 	Go down to the first basement. The door leading to the second basement is locked 
so you have to find an other way in:
 - 	go to the room where you have found the safe
 - 	climb down from the hole on the floor under the dresser where the safe was 
 - 	get out of the room and then go left around the corner to the room where you have 
heard the shooting (the door at your right)
 - 	notice the vase at Nico's left, you can take a look, if you wand, at the briefcase at 
the corner, but there's nothing more than paper.
 - 	Go to the next room and be prepared to deal with Flap:
 - 	press action key ("s" key) to hit Flap with the vase (if you don't know exactly the 
right moment to do that, just keep pressing the "s" key many times and it'll work 
when the time is right).
 - 	Now you can go to the room. Search the papers on the huge desk ahead to find a 
photo of Sussaro's castle in Prague.


 - 	Talk to Nico,
 - 	go to the closed gate. There is a button on your right that rings the doorbell, push 
it and the guard comes out and tells you to leave.
 - 	Ask Nico to push it again.
 - 	Quickly hide behind the wall at the left. Wait there till the guard go near to the 
car, then walk bending (pressing "left ctrl" key) to the open gate (don't worry if 
you don't make it the first time, you can try again ... actually you may try doing it 
many times and see Nico kissing the guard just to help you get 
inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is she helpful or what?!?)

Inside the yard 

 - 	Go ahead to the walkway been careful not to be seen by the guards and the dog 
(one guard is standing to the right and the other one is walking around along with 
his dog)
 - 	When the guard with the dog stands close to the stairs at the left (he is about to 
walk even farther) walk bending (pressing "left ctrl" key) to the area at your left 
and hide in there for a while (he can see you even in there so try to stay hidden)
 - 	climb up the wall at the left and then quickly climb down to the other side
 - 	wait there (do not move around) until he goes close to the building's front door
 - 	walk bending (pressing "left ctrl" key) up the stairs and head left been careful to 
stay away from the searchlight, too (stay close to the walls)
 - 	go close to the trash cans (always staying close to the wall) and search into them 
to take a string and a burger. You can go close to the building if you like, and take 
a look through the windows, the door doesn't open
 - 	go around to the other side (the right area as you going up the stairs)
 - 	the door there is locked, too, but there is an area above without railing
 - 	use the crates to climb up there (push the upper crate on the single one, then push 
the crate that is now single around the double close to the wall, then push the 
upper towards the wall)
 - 	climb on the double crate, then on the wall and then climb down to the other side
 - 	head right to the end of the walkway
 - 	climb up, and follow the narrow walkway
 - 	climb up and then down the low wall to get above the front door
 - 	take a look through the window and walk to the other side
 - 	 climb up and then down the low wall to get to the next narrow walkway
 - 	follow the walkway to the end
 - 	go around the corner and climb down. The guard can't see you as long as you stay 
in the shadow
 - 	walk bending to the opposite corner
 - 	walk through the gate and quickly hide in the shadow because there is an other 
guard near (he doesn't have a dog)
 - 	you have to go to the area at the right passing through the area with the guard: 
walk bending near the stairs (don't go up the stairs because there is a guard there, 
too) and head to the opposite area.

At the area with the crates

There are a lot of crates here but you can move only the small ones. You could climb 
up the wall near the 4 movable crates, if you could push one of them close to the wall.
At first the crates are like this: see suscrates.gif (

 - 	Pull the crate '4' back once
 - 	Pull '3' to the right once
 - 	Push '2' to the front once
 - 	Now you can push '1' to the wall
 - 	Climb up the wall
 - 	Climb down and run behind the container where the guard is. The dog is barking 
and the guard is looking at the dog.
 - 	Walk bending behind the guard heading to the gate (while walking stay close to 
the wall and don't try to open the small door, it doesn't open)
 - 	When passing the gate stay close to the wall at the right (there is a guard at the 

The yard with the helicopter

 - 	Walk to the right staying close to the walls. Keep walking until you find Nico 
waiting outside a rail gate. You need to find the remote control to open the gate 
and let Nico in.
 - 	Keep walking at the same direction, pass the containers, pass the small door (it 
doesn't open anyway), pass the small fenced area
 - 	Go near the cars at the other side.
 - 	Look inside the jeep and take the remote control
 - 	Go back (same way) to open the gate. Use the remote control on the gate.
 - 	Now that you have Nico with you go to the fenced area you saw
 - 	Use Nico to press the red button at the fenced area side
 - 	Go through the door into the small area
 - 	Take the metal handle that keeps the doors ahead together
 - 	Take the piece of coal near your feet at the right
 - 	Go to the jeep again (near the jeep there is a room with crates, there is nothing in 
there so you don't have to go)
 - 	Use the metal handle on the car jack
 - 	Look inside the jeep and release the handbrake
 - 	Push the jeep from behind (just use it) ... 
 - 	Ok, now it's close enough to the wall! Climb onto the jeep and then up to the wall
 - 	Now you are on the roof, use the drainpipe at the left

 - 	Take the bracket from the floor
 - 	climb down to the yard again (same way that George climb up before)
 - 	go near the car at the corner (not the one next to the jeep)
 - 	climb up to the front of the car and take a look at the window
 - 	use drainpipe bracket on the window
 - 	go into the building through the window you just opened

Into the building

Into the room there are barrels and an old armor
 - 	go up the stairs and open the door to the next room
 - 	go upstairs (there are stairs right behind you)
 - 	walk ahead and then turn right to the corridor above the guards
 - 	(she hides behind the plant) walk bending to the other side, passing carefully the 
 - 	go into the corridor with the red carpet
 - 	follow the corridor to its end around the corners
 - 	open the door to Petra's room
 - 	(take a look around) open the large luggage case near the bed
 - 	take the hair dryer (if she can't take the hair dryer walk around the case to find the 
right point)
 - 	go behind the floor screen next to the bed
 - 	open the second luggage case you find there
 - 	take the wig
 - 	look at the case to notice the hallow base
 - 	look at the case again to notice the small button
 - 	use the pencil on the button
 - 	woow, knives! Take the sharpening stone (grind)
 - 	go back downstairs the way you came (you haven't see Petra's bathroom yet (!), 
but you'll come back later)
 - 	walk bending into the room with the guards and head (to Nico's) right, staying 
close to the wall
 - 	open the second door you find (around the corner) to the kitchen
 - 	talk to the chef ... what a rude man! ...
 - 	give him the grind stone
 - 	walk around the room to find a bottle of industrial bleach on a shelf
 - 	go upstairs to Petra's room again (don't forget to take the bleach with you before 
you go)
 - 	walk into the bathroom
 - 	use the wig on the ornate hand basin
 - 	then use the bleach on it. Now the wig is blond and ... wet!
 - 	Use the hair dryer on the wig (while it's still into the basin) and ... hello blondes! 
I bet George is dieing to see her that way!
 - 	Now you can walk around freely. Try to go downstairs to the guards!

SUSSARO 2 ? George 

 - 	Walk ahead. There is a crate. You can climb up there but the door is locked so you 
don't really have to do this.
 - 	Push the crate to the opposite side and climb up there
 - 	go up the stairs (the door there doesn't open)
 - 	go to the right
 - 	there is a carved gargoyle (like a dragon statue), push it twice
 - 	follow the walkway around the corner
 - 	stick to the wall and keep walking
 - 	when you see a balcony below, hang from the edge and climb down to the balcony
 - 	hang from the pipe above to your right and go to the other side
 - 	go in the open window.
Into the room you can see a door at the left (it doesn't open), there are crates at the 
right and on the wall opposite of the window there is an old ornate oil lamp. If you 
turn the knob the oil starts dripping, turn it again to stop the dripping.
 - 	Go close to the crates and walk to the back. You can see an opening behind them. 
Let's move them:
 - 	Push the upper crate towards the opening
 - 	Push the crate that is now single to line it up with the others
 - 	Go onto the crate and pull the upper crate once or twice
 - 	Pull the crate at the corner that is now single (the one in front of the opening) to 
free the opening
 - 	go into the opening
 - 	head to George's left around the corner
 - 	go downstairs to a small yard (the door doesn't open)
 - 	walk ahead and go to the narrow walkway
 - 	at George's left there is an old drainpipe. Take the tin cup you find there.
If you walk back and go behind the tree you find an old iron grate on the floor. Try to 
open it ... if only you had something to loose the hinges, hmm, how about some oil?!
 - 	Go back upstairs to the room with the crates, where you found the oil lamp
 - 	Use the lamp so the oil starts dripping
 - 	Use the cup on the lamp to collect some oil
 - 	go downstairs again to the grate
 - 	use the cup filled with oil to the grate to free the hinges
 - 	use the grate again to open it and get in there

SUSSARO 2 ? Nico

Nico blonde

 - 	Talk to the guard sitting at the desk
 - 	look the security door behind him and try to use it
 - 	talk to him again
 - 	he asks if you saw the security sergeant, answer "No", ... aha
 - 	go outside, from the front door this time, to find him
 - 	head to your left (if you like you can talk to the other guards and the dogs, too, but 
that isn't necessary)
 - 	walk down the stairs, noticing the guard ahead
 - 	walk ahead and pass through the narrow opening close to him
 - 	walk ahead and talk to the next guard you see there
 - 	he is the security sergeant and he gives you Petra's security card (it is invalidated)
 - 	go back inside
 - 	head left and open the door you find
 - 	you're now into a room with many computers. Talk to the woman there
 - 	she will validate your card (emm, Petra's card I mean!)
 - 	walk out of the room. Don't forget to take back the security card from the desk
 - 	go to the security door
 - 	use the card on the card reader next to the door (select it using "page up" key)
 - 	walk downstairs, around the corner there is Bruno's prison but he isn't there
 - 	follow the corridor. Notice the fire extinguisher...
SUSSARO 2 ? George 

George into the laundry room 

Take a look around. You see washing machines, there is an old one among them, you 
see also huge packages of washing powder, an old trolley and a small door that you 
have to open.
 - 	Push the washing machine on the trolley
 - 	now push the trolley toward the door ... yeah, it worked!
 - 	Follow the corridor around the corner
 - 	turn to the second corridor on your right
 - 	notice the security door on your left and keep walking ahead to ... meet Nico

George and Nico together

 - 	go to the security door you saw before
 - 	use Nico to open it with 'her' card
 - 	open the door
 - 	there are lockers with guard uniforms, put one on!
 - 	Get out of this room and go to the corridor where Nico was before meeting her
 - 	walk ahead to meet the guard
 - 	follow the corridor, notice the security door (you can't open this one, it needs a 
numeric key code to open). Keep walking and you'll find an other prison
 - 	go into the prison and listen the talking, notice the small grille-window above on 
the left. You'll use the crates to reach the window:
 - 	first line them up to pull the upper crate
 - 	then line them up again below the window and push the upper crate toward the 
 - 	climb up and look through the window ... 
 - 	use the silver coin to the window
 - 	use Nico to climb up the window
 - 	go to the security door with the numeric pad (Nico unlocked it from inside) and 
get into the room
 - 	search the desk to find the secret button under the edge (near the seat)
 - 	push the button and walk outside from the secret door that opened.


Do you remember Montfaucon from the previous Broken Sword -  Yeap, it is the 
manhole leading to the catacombs! You're going to open it but you'll need some stuff 
to do that so let's go find them first.

Near the toilets

 - 	Head right to the building that is under construction
 - 	next to it there are ... toilets (pissoir). Talk to the old lady
 - 	use the toilet (go from behind)
 - 	go around and try to climb up to the building which is under construction:
 - 	climb up from the side
 - 	go up the ladder
 - 	walk to the end of the walkway
 - 	jump across
 - 	walk ... oh, no she saw you!
 - 	You're down again, go talk to her and she'll go to check the toilets
 - 	Climb up the building again, to the point you were before,
 - 	go to the end of the walkway
 - 	climb down from the edge
 - 	walk ahead
 - 	take the rope
 - 	get down from the building (the same way you climbed up) and go to the manhole 
behind the yellow truck.

Opening the manhole

You need a sewer key to open the cover of the manhole. You can see one into the tool 
bag nearby but the worker (Flobbage) wont let you have...
 - 	talk to him ... hey he remembers you, but he still don't let you have the sewer 
 - 	Go behind him and turn off the compressor
 - 	as long as he yells to his copartner (Alphonse) in the truck you're free to borrow 
his sewer key
 - 	combine the rope with the sewer key, then use it on the manhole
 - 	talk to Alphonse (if nothing happened, try to talk to Flobbage and Alphonse again 
and again...)
 - 	now that the hole is uncovered you can climb down into it


 - 	walk on the small wooden bridge to get to the other side
 - 	walk to the end of the walkway to find a door with a skull on it
 - 	use the stone cylinder on the skull to open the door
 - 	walk ahead (don't walk to the end of the corridor cause there are guards) 
 - 	turn right to the first corner you find
 - 	follow the blood traces on the floor (take the left turn when you need to choose 
 - 	walk ahead to the end of the corridor ... oops there is a guard there, too!
 - 	Walk back and go into the open door on your left
 - 	Sussaro has killed the knights. Search the one behind the door to take his key

Escaping from the guard

 - 	Take a look around to find the microwave oven, use it and be ready to run!
 - 	Run to the door and then quickly cross the corridor to hide in the opposite room, 
before the microwave makes noise (the guard will come to check about the noise, 
if he finds you in the corridor he'll kill you ... if he does just try it again)
 - 	When the guard walks into the room and goes near the microwave, quickly go and 
close the door behind him and immediately use the key on the door to lock him in!
 - 	Walk to the end of the corridor where the guard was sitting before
 - 	(take a look around if you like) follow the corridor at the right to a room with 
bookcases and wine racks
 - 	follow the blood traces

The "5 bottles of  wine" enigma

Take a look at the wines. There are 5 bottles of wine that you have to pull with the 
right order to open a secret door. You choose different bottle using "page up" or 
"page down" key. The right order is:
 - 	Israel wine (the green one)
 - 	Italian wine (the left red)
 - 	German wine (right red)
 - 	French wine white
 - 	 French wine blue
Walk in the secret passage.

Into the secret passage

 - 	walk up the stairs
 - 	walk ahead
 - 	open the secret wooden door
 - 	walk ahead, notice the broken clock
 - 	open the door at the left

Passing the guards into the temple

You have to go to the door you see at the other side of the room without disturbing the 
 - 	wait until the guard goes to the other side and then walk bending and go up the 
stairs at your right (notice the large Bible on your left)
 - 	keep walking bending and hide behind the wooden floor screen (or what ever it is) 
at the middle of the area
 - 	wait until the guard stands downstairs close to the door you came in
 - 	run to the right corner (be careful to head as right as you can because there is 
railing around the stairs and you mustn't stay there for long), then run down the 
stairs and around the corner to the door
 - 	open the door

The room with the 3 carved statues of templar knights

 - 	take a look at the clock to the right. Try to use it, hmm you have to set it to the 
right time, but you don't know what it is.
 - 	Look the round plaque at the bottom of the middle statue. A chapter of the 
revelation is written on it.
 - 	Go back to the temple the same way you came to find the chapter in the Bible 
(you saw the Bible when we were going up the stairs near the door you got in the 
temple at first. Just go there and look at the Bible, you'll find out that the words 
written below the statue are from the chapter one, verse three in the book of 
revelation. After you read it, go back to the room with the statues, the same way)
 - 	Use the clock, again, to open the secret door behind the middle statue, and meet 
the original templar knights, knights of St. Stefan's chapter! Guess what? They're 
going to give George the third alphabet stone and ... knight him!!!! Woooow, I 
salute you Sir Stobbart of Idaho... that was a great moment...

PARIS 1 ? George

 - 	Talk to Nico, she shows you the dvd with the map of Northern Africa.
 - 	Use phi stone on the map
 - 	Use omega stone
 - 	Use alpha stone
Now you have the location of the Armillary


You see Nico sneaking around and go behind the building with the guards. Try to do 
the same.
 - 	Go hiding behind the walls to the closest wall to the building at the left and hide 
there. It ok when the guard stands close to you, he can't see you, as long as you're 
close to the wall
 - 	Wait until he and his dog pass the building's front door looking at the other side 
and run behind the building to meet Nico
 - 	Notice the different part at the wall behind Nico, go close and look at it. Use the 
car jack handle to the wall
 - 	Walk in the secret door that opened
Watch Anubis hologram tells you about the two tests you must pass: authority and 

The test of authority

The first test of the authority is to open the door ahead:
 - 	 Go close and look at the symbols on the door, use the three alphabet stones on the 
door to open it. Walk in to the next room.

The test of wisdom

Watch Anubis at the video telling you a story, which is the second test. You have to 
pass the three men (the killer, the brother and the witness) across the river using 
Horus at only 7 crossings. You can't leave the killer with the witness alone neither the  
killer with the brother alone ... remember no cheating...
 - 	go to the right side of the machine and press 's' key to start the "game"
 - 	pick the 'killer', and then pick the 'panel' so Horus take him across
 - 	pick 'panel' to get Horus back
 - 	pick 'brother', then pick 'panel'
 - 	pick 'killer', then pick 'panel'
 - 	pick 'witness' then pick 'panel'
 - 	pick 'panel'
 - 	pick 'killer' then pick 'panel' ... exactly the 7th crossing of the river
You've passed the last test. Walk into the door that opens

The room with the globe

The door closes behind you making noise. You have to deal with Flap and Sussaro
 - 	quickly press action key ('s' key) to avoid Flap shooting you,
 - 	immediately press 's' key again to take the gun ... emm, to hit Sussaro who took 
the gun
watch the video ... oh, Grand Master is still alive! ... and he has Petra with him. But 
they don't have time to kill you, they found the place were the power is going to come 
and there are only 24 hours left.

After Grand Master have gone

 - 	talk to Bruno and Nico, you have to find a way out
 - 	first take the key of Solomon from the panel
 - 	walk around to find the stairs
 - 	walk upstairs, there is nothing to your left, so
 - 	walk to your right to find an opening on the wall. Be careful, there is a bomb in 
 - 	quickly jump down (pressing the 's' key) ... oh, that was close!

Finding a way out

There is cracked floor around the panel. You can see a carved stone block into the 
crack in front of the panel. Walk to your right to find an other one (we'll going to 
name this one the 'upper' block), a little bit farther. You have to push the upper block 
to the corner near the panel, where you can see sunlight passing through the walls.
 - 	Pull the upper block once (using 'left arrow' key)
 - 	go around and pull it 4 times ('up arrow' key) to get it onto the green floor
 - 	push it toward the panel 4 more times
 - 	now push the other block into the crack to get it below the upper one
 - 	pull the upper block to the area with the panel and push it to the back, passing it in 
front of Nico and Bruno, until you can push no more
 - 	push it toward the wall with the sunlight. There is the crack below
 - 	pull the other block into the crack to the corner behind the panel (pull it there until 
you can pull no more, leaving it just one 'block' away from the corner)
 - 	push the upper block over the other one, to pass it to the other side
 - 	push the upper block to the corner below the tall marble pillar
 - 	go onto the block
 - 	climb up the pillar
 - 	climb up the opening on the wall

Into the room with the test of wisdom again

There is no way out of here so go the panel and use it to take one of the man away... 
that means cheat ... oh, seems to me that Anubis wasn't only a recording!


 - 	You have to go to the Tor, so walk to the end of the road (you can talk to Nico if 
you like)
 - 	Go through the gate at your right to an area with ... crates (of course crates again, 
what else! ? !). Notice the opening at the top of the wall (to the left side of the 
screen). You have to climb up there.
 - 	There are six moveable crates. Here is a diagram of the crates (the '6' crate is the 
one on the top): see glcrates1.gif (
 - 	Pull crate '2' and '4' to line them up in front of crate '3'
 - 	Pull '3' once to get it on the '2'
 - 	Now we're trying to line up crates '1', '4', '5' with the crate '2' and the wall with 
the opening. So,
 - 	Push '4' next to the wall you see at the diagram (not the one with the opening)
 - 	Push '1' between '4' and '2'
 - 	Pull '5' once to the back
 - 	Pull '4' once to the back
 - 	Pull '5' once toward crate '1'
 - 	Push '4' back where it was, now the position of the crates must be like this (crate 
'3' is on top of the crate '2'): see glcrates2.gif (
 - 	Push '3' on the crate '5'
 - 	Push '4' to the position where crate '5' was at the start (between crate '6' and the 
wall with the opening)
 - 	Pull '2' once to the right
 - 	Push '1' next to '4'
 - 	Push '3' on the '1'
 - 	And then push '3' on the '4'. Now crate '3' must be between crate '6' and the 
wall with the opening.
 - 	Climb up to '3', then to '6' and then to the wall at the right
 - 	Push '6' on crate '3'.
 - 	climb on '6' and then climb to the opening

Under the Tor

 - 	walk downstairs
 - 	take a look at the knight and his sword wedged to a stone nearby
 - 	use the key of Solomon to the impression below the sword
 - 	take the sword ... now you have the power to kill the dragon!

Fighting the dragon

 - 	run to the right and hide behind the wall
Next you need to go and hide behind the wall at the left in front of the dragon. Don't 
try to run directly to the wall! Try this way and remember that when you aren't hide 
don't ever stop moving and never run directly toward the dragon, never ever:
 - 	run all the way to the left, directly to the left and don't stop for any reason until 
you reach the edge,
 - 	quickly (do not waste a millisecond!) run to the opposite direction,
 - 	continue going zigzag until you reach to the wall in front of the dragon
 - 	hide here for a while, when you feel ready run again zigzag to go close to the 
 - 	go as close as you can and
 - 	immediately (when you can do so) press action key ('s' key) to use the sword!!!

aaaah ... THE END ...

Hmm, yeah, get real, did you expected a hand to come out of the water and take the 
sword ... wow, what was that ?!?!

--------->> Oh, do save the game after the ending to be able to see the Specials whenever you 

This guide has been researched and developed by me, Maria Papadimitriou (e-mail address: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written 
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violation of copyright, and it is strictly prohibited.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective 
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Copyright ©2004 By "Maria Papadmitriou".
All Rights Reserved.