Unlock Alternate Costumes:
The following code requires two players and controllers. Simultaneously hold L1 + L2 + Up + Select + L3 on controller one and R1 + R2 + Triangle + Start + R3 on controller two. A short sequence of music will confirm correct code entry. Press R3 on controller one to change the value of the numbers that appear on screen then start a new game or resume a saved game to view the corresponding costume. 

Effect   -   Code 

A male pirate in a purple suit with a big hat - 1
Black bikini with thigh high black stockings - 1000
Brown vinyl bikini top with pants - 1010
Dominatrix 1 piece - 1001
Fuschia bikini with blonde hair - 110
Kat in a dark orange bikini - 10
Kat in a neon yellow/orange bikini - 100
Same bikini with blonde hair - 101
Same bikini with blue hair - 11
Silver bikini with blue hair - 111
Silver pant suit with bikini top and purple hair - 1011 

Cheat Codes:
All codes entered while playing. 

Effect   -   Code 

Advance to Katarina's Next Sword - Hold R1 + R2 and then press R3, Select, L2, L3, Square, X, L1, Circle, L3, Triangle 

All Treasure Chest Keys - Hold down R1 + R2 and press Circle, Select, X, Square, R3, L1, L3, L2, Triangle, L3 

Alternate Glacial Gulf Music - Hold R1 + R2 and then press L1, X, Triangle, L2, Square, Circle, L3, Select, R3, L3 

Extra Gold - Hold down R1 + R2 and then press Triangle, R3, L3, X, Square, R3, Select, L1, Circle 

Funny Voices - Hold R1 + R2 and press R3, Circle, Select, X, R3, Triangle, L1, Square, L2, L3 

High-Pitched Voices - Hold R1 + R2 and then press R3, Circle, Select, X, R3, Triangle, L1, Square, L2, L3 

Invincibility for Katarina - Hold R1 + R2 and then press X, Circle, L3, Triangle, R3, Select, R3, L1, L2, Square 

Invincibility for the Wind Dancer - Hold R1 + R2 and then press Select, Triangle, L1, X, R3, L2, Square, R3, Circle, L3 

Kane Poison Head - Hold R1 + R2 and press Triangle, L2, L1, Square, L3, X, L3, Circle, R3, Select 

Reveal All Treasure Chests - Hold R1 + R2 and then press R3, X, Triangle, L3, Circle, L1, Select, L3, Square, L2 

Reveal Buried Treasure Locations - Hold R1 + R2 and then press Circle, X, Square, Triangle, L1, Select, L3, L2, L3, R3. 

Unlimited Items - Hold down R1 + R2 and then press Triangle, L1, Select, L2, R3, L3, Square, X, R3, Circle. 

Unlimited Wind Boost - Hold R1 + R2 and then press Select, L1, R3, Circle, L2, Triangle, X, L3. 

Wild Dancer Galleon Upgrade - Hold R1 + R2, then press L2, Triangle, R3, L3, X, Square, R3, Select, L1 and Circle.