v1.02, 16 February 2004
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                     |  Creation   of   a   New   World   |
          Anno 1602 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ/Strategy Guide)




1. Preface
- 1.1 Notes 
- 1.2 Credits and Legal 
- 1.3 Version 
- 1.4 Most Frequently Asked Questions 
2. Introduction
- 2.1 What is Anno 1602? 
- 2.2 Who developed Anno 1602? 
- 2.3 What are the minimum requirements? 
- 2.4 "Anno 1602" or "1602 AD"? What are NINA, the Gold Edition and 
Konigsedition? How many different versions are there? 
- 2.5 Where can I get demos and patches? 
- 2.6 What expansions and addons are there? 
- 2.7 Can I run the game on Linux? 
3. Gameplay
3.1 Essential Concepts 
- 3.1.1 How are resources revealed? 
- 3.1.2 How is territory gained? 
- 3.1.3 What limits how I develop colonies? 
- 3.1.4 How does cashflow work? What costs are there? 
- 3.1.5 Must I keep my people happy? 
- 3.1.6 Is territory important? 
- 3.1.7 How do service areas work? 
- 3.1.8 How do roads and carts work? 
- 3.1.9 How does production work? 
3.2 Setup and Interface 
- 3.2.1 Where is the manual? 
- 3.2.2 What are the differences between continuous play difficulty settings? 
- 3.2.3 How do I pause? 
- 3.2.4 How does the game end? 
- 3.2.5 Can you change the names of colonies and ships? 
- 3.2.6 Is there an undo button? 
- 3.2.7 How do I meet a 'balance' objective? 
- 3.2.8 Can I see the objectives during play? 
3.3 Resources 
- 3.3.1 Where do I get Tools or Ore from? How do I mine? 
- 3.3.2 Why does my mine not extract ore from a deposit? 
- 3.3.3 Where did my gold or ore deposit go? 
- 3.3.4 Where is the gold? 
- 3.3.5 Can I have Aristocrats without Gold? 
- 3.3.6 What are north and south islands? 
- 3.3.7 How do islands vary is in size? 
- 3.3.8 Why are my crops dying? 
- 3.3.9 Why do wild animals die? 
- 3.3.10 Are patchy green/brown areas of land less fertile? 
- 3.3.11 Can I clear mountains or rocks? 
3.4 Colony Buildings 
- 3.4.1 How do can I build a ...? 
- 3.4.2 How do I demolish buildings? 
- 3.4.3 What do Gallows do? 
- 3.4.4 How do I get a monument? 
- 3.4.5 What do Palaces, Arches of Triumph and statues do? 
- 3.4.6 Do I need Schools if I have Colleges, Chapels if I have Churches, and 
- 3.4.7 What are the advantages of stone roads and squares? 
- 3.4.8 Why can I not build across a river? 
- 3.4.9 How do I build Warehouses? 
- 3.4.10 What do docks do? 
3.5 Colony Development and Events 
- 3.5.1 What does a question mark above a building mean? 
- 3.5.2 Why aren't my houses developing? 
- 3.5.3 Do I need housing on production islands? 
- 3.5.4 How much of ... will my population need? 
- 3.5.5 What can I do about plague? 
- 3.5.6 Why do fire carts not come to put out fires? 
- 3.5.7 Why do opponents not advance? 
- 3.5.8 How much is buried treasure worth? 
- 3.5.9 What triggers bankruptcy? 
3.6 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 3.6.1 How to set transport routes? 
- 3.6.2 What does the 'check your trade routes' message mean? 
- 3.6.3 What are wagons for? 
- 3.6.4 How many market wagons can I have? 
- 3.6.5 How do I trade with Free Traders? 
- 3.6.6 What do Free Traders sell? 
- 3.6.7 Can I trade more from a larger Warehouse? 
- 3.6.8 Why are am I being attacked? 
3.7 Pirates and Natives 
- 3.7.1 Where do pirates come from? 
- 3.7.2 How do you bribe pirates? 
- 3.7.3 Can pirates steal ground units? 
- 3.7.4 What do native curses do? 
- 3.7.5 How do I trade with natives? 
- 3.7.6 Is it normal for natives to walk around my town? 
3.8 Ships 
- 3.8.1 How can I order soldiers to get into and out of ships? 
- 3.8.2 How do I build ships and supply shipyards? 
- 3.8.3 Can I buy ships from other players? 
- 3.8.4 Why does nobody buy the ships I sell? 
- 3.8.5 How can I get more than 33 ships? 
- 3.8.6 How do I repair ships? 
- 3.8.7 How do I mount guns? 
- 3.8.8 Can cargo be retrieved from sunken ships? Can I pirate or capture 
- 3.8.9 Can ships be sunk by sea-life? 
- 3.8.10 Can I attack Free Traders? 
- 3.8.11 How can I set a patrol around an island? Can I escort ships? 
3.9 Combat 
- 3.9.1 How can I order soldiers to get into and out of ships? 
- 3.9.2 How do you build ground units? 
- 3.9.3 Is there a limit on the number of ground units I may have? 
- 3.9.4 How do you heal troops? 
- 3.9.5 Why don't groups of troops work? 
- 3.9.6 How do I retire soldiers? 
- 3.9.7 Can I destroy trees? 
- 3.9.8 Why don't my towers shoot? 
- 3.9.9 How do I conquer enemies? 
- 3.9.10 Why can't I delete old roads on an island I have conquered? 
- 3.9.11 Why do I lose money when I take over another players' city? 
- 3.9.12 How do I invade an enemy that keeps on rebuilding walls? 
- 3.9.13 Can I garrison troops? 
3.10 Multiplayer 
- 3.10.1 How can I find online games? 
- 3.10.2 Can different versions be used by different players in multiplayer 
- 3.10.3 How do you load a multiplayer saved game? 
- 3.10.4 How do you chat? 
4. Scenarios
4.1 Tutorials 
- 4.1.1 Overview 
- 4.1.2 Explore 
- 4.1.3 Settle 
- 4.1.4 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 4.1.5 Naval battle 
- 4.1.6 Land battle 
4.2 The End of a Long Trip 
- 4.2.1 Objectives 
- 4.2.2 Resources 
- 4.2.3 Map 
- 4.2.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.2.5 New concepts 
4.3 One Lone Settlement 
- 4.3.1 Objectives 
- 4.3.2 Resources 
- 4.3.3 Map 
- 4.3.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.3.5 New concepts 
- 4.3.6 Secondary colony 
- 4.3.7 Florinz 
4.4 The Search for Ore Deposits 
- 4.4.1 Objectives 
- 4.4.2 Resources 
- 4.4.3 Map 
- 4.4.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.4.5 New concepts 
- 4.4.6 The mission does not finish when using the Dutch version. Why? 
4.5 Peaceful Reign 
- 4.5.1 Objectives 
- 4.5.2 Resources 
- 4.5.3 Map 
- 4.5.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.5.5 New concepts 
- 4.5.6 Mixed trading and colonization strategy 
- 4.5.7 Minimal trading strategy 
4.6 The Test (The Trial) 
- 4.6.1 Objectives 
- 4.6.2 Resources 
- 4.6.3 Map 
- 4.6.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.6.5 New concepts 
4.7 Little Land 
- 4.7.1 Objectives 
- 4.7.2 Resources 
- 4.7.3 Map 
- 4.7.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.7.5 New concepts 
4.8 New Discoveries 
- 4.8.1 Objectives 
- 4.8.2 Resources 
- 4.8.3 Map 
- 4.8.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.8.5 New concepts 
- 4.8.6 Land grab 
- 4.8.7 How do I get a 500 trade balance? 
- 4.8.8 One AI player does not settle. What happened? 
4.9 Good Neigbors 
- 4.9.1 Objectives 
- 4.9.2 Resources 
- 4.9.3 Map 
- 4.9.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.9.5 New concepts 
- 4.9.6 I have enough money, goods and the right people, but the largest other 
island is stuck at 9xx inhabitants. What did I forget? 
- 4.9.7 Does it matter which neighbour I help? 
4.10 Dark Clouds on the Horizon 
- 4.10.1 Objectives 
- 4.10.2 Resources 
- 4.10.3 Map 
- 4.10.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.10.5 Colony development 
- 4.10.6 Early combat strategy 
- 4.10.7 Trading strategy 
4.11 Competition 
- 4.11.1 Objectives 
- 4.11.2 Resources 
- 4.11.3 Map 
- 4.11.4 Strategy overview 
4.12 The Monopoly 
- 4.12.1 Objectives 
- 4.12.2 Resources 
- 4.12.3 Map 
- 4.12.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.12.5 What is a trade balance? 
- 4.12.6 Can I share an island with another player? 
- 4.12.7 Why did I get deposed? 
4.13 Cooperation 
- 4.13.1 Objectives 
- 4.13.2 Resources 
- 4.13.3 Map 
- 4.13.4 Strategy overview 
4.14 The Alliance 
- 4.14.1 Objectives 
- 4.14.2 Resources 
- 4.14.3 Map 
- 4.14.4 Strategy overview 
4.15 A Plague of Pirates 
- 4.15.1 Objectives 
- 4.15.2 Resources 
- 4.15.3 Map 
- 4.15.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.15.5 Pirates 
- 4.15.6 Economy 
4.16 The Intruder 
- 4.16.1 Objectives 
- 4.16.2 Resources 
- 4.16.3 Map 
- 4.16.4 Strategy overview 
4.17 The Fortress 
- 4.17.1 Objectives 
- 4.17.2 Resources 
- 4.17.3 Map 
- 4.17.4 Strategy overview 
4.18 NINA Campaigns and Scenarios 
- 4.18.1 What is the order of the NINA campaigns and scenarios? 
- 4.18.2 New Horizons: Halfway There: How do I get started? 
- 4.18.3 New Horizons: To Each His Own Island: Why can't I build an Iron mine? 
Why can't I get tools? 
- 4.18.4 New Horizons: To Each His Own Island: Why does the game not finish? 
- 4.18.5 New Horizons: Appearance can be Deceiving: How do I finish? 
- 4.18.6 Trust No One: Humility Is a Virtue: How do I keep the other players 
- 4.18.7 Trust No One: Humility Is a Virtue: How do I find the Gold needed to 
create 1200 Aristocrats? 
- 4.18.8 Trust No One: The Thief: How to get started? 
- 4.18.9 The Magnate: Gold Rush: How to finish? 
- 4.18.10 The Magnate: Spice Monopoly: What's the objective? 
- 4.18.11 Unfriendly Neighbors: Break the Spice Monopoly: What's the 
- 4.18.12 At His Majesty's Service: Veni, vidi, veci: My trade balance is 
above 500. Why does the game not end? 
- 4.18.13 At His Majesty's Service: At all Costs: How to get started? 
- 4.18.14 Delusions of Grandeur: How to get enough Aristocrats? 
- 4.18.15 Fireland: How to get Tools? 
5. Strategies
5.1 Colony Planning and Building 
- 5.1.1 Initial colony building 
- 5.1.2 City planning 
- 5.1.3 Ultimate city designs 
5.2 Industry Planning and Building 
- 5.2.1 Limited island resources 
- 5.2.2 Planning and construction 
- 5.2.3 Ultimate industry designs 
- 5.2.4 Ore and Stone 
- 5.2.5 Food supply 
- 5.2.6 Vines or Sugarcane to produce Liquor? 
- 5.2.7 Sheep farms or Cotton plantations for Cloth? 
5.3 Colony Management 
- 5.3.1 Tax 
- 5.3.2 Alternative uses for market wagons 
- 5.3.3 Fires 
5.4 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 5.4.1 Trade 
- 5.4.2 Trade routes 
- 5.4.3 War or peace? 
- 5.4.4 Alliances 
5.5 Pirates and Natives 
- 5.5.1 Dealing with natives 
- 5.5.2 Dealing with Pirates 
5.6 Military Units 
- 5.6.1 Ship choice 
- 5.6.2 Ground unit choice 
5.7 Military Tactics 
- 5.7.1 Economic warfare 
- 5.7.2 Defence 
- 5.7.3 Invasions 
- 5.7.4 Destroying towers 
- 5.7.5 Naval battles 
6. Cheating, Editing and Custom Scenarios
- 6.1 What are the cheat codes? 
- 6.2 How do I access all the scenarios? 
- 6.3 Are there other gameplay 'cheats'? 
- 6.4 Are there any trainers? 
- 6.5 Can I create scenarios and custom maps? 
- 6.6 Can I create custom islands? 
- 6.7 Where can I get custom scenarios and maps? How do I play them? 
- 6.8 Can I play custom scenarios without NINA? 
- 6.9 Can I create campaigns from scenarios? 
- 6.10 What are the editor codes? 
- 6.11 Can I open a saved game in the editor? 
- 6.12 Can I change the music? 
- 6.13 Can I place treasure using the editor? 
- 6.14 Can damaged ships or buildings be set in the editor? 
- 6.15 How do the editor's passivity and activity settings work? 
7. Technical Issues
- 7.1 Why does installation under Windows XP/2000 fail with file name too long 
or similar error messages? 
- 7.2 Does the game run under Windows XP/2000? Why does it crash during 
battles or after an hour of play? Got any troubleshooting tips? 
- 7.3 How do I backup the game prior to reinstalling? How do I move savegames 
between machines? 
- 7.4 Can I save more than 12 games? 
- 7.5 How do you take screenshots? 
- 7.6 Why can I not see the cursor in-game? 
- 7.7 Have you got any suggestions for dealing with CD-ROM problems? 
- 7.8 How do I play across a firewall? 
- 7.9 Why do online multiplayer games crash frequently? 
8. And Finally...
- 8.1 Don't you hate it when... 
- 8.2 That's odd... 
- 8.3 Ways you can tell that you play 1602 too much... 
- A. Building and Industry Data 
- B. Production Links 
- C. Population per Industry 
- D. Production Efficiency 
- E. Military Data 
- F. Final Score 
- G. AI Trade Prices 
- H. Keyboard Shortcuts 




1.1 Notes

This FAQ is based on the original United Kingdom English version, which was 
called "Anno 1602 - Creation of a New World". It does not specifically cover 
the new elements in the NINA expansion, which was included in the North 
America and Australia version "1602 A.D.", and the Gold/Kings editions. These 
later versions are all based on the original, and the core of the game is the 
same for all versions. Where possible, I have integrated information relevant 
only to the NINA expansion. For a full explanation of the different versions, 
see "Anno 1602" or "1602 AD"? What are NINA, the Gold Edition and 
Konigsedition? How many different versions are there? below. 

Anno 1602 is well documented in German, with many fan sites and a published 
strategy guide by Markus Betz. A basic German FAQ was written by stormbringer 
in 1998. It was translated into English by Manny and Neferankh, and can be 
found here, http://1602.2y.net/ . This FAQ attempts to take a slightly 
different approach: To pool a lot of knowledge found on forums into a single 
English language reference document, with a walkthrough, strategy guide, 
technical support notes, and lots of data. This FAQ was awarded the title "FAQ 
of the Month" for April 2003 by GameFAQs. Cool. 

You may notice that some names are used inconsistently. For example "Alcohol" 
is interchangable with "Liquor", and there are several different variations on 
"Fire Department". Some of these reflect laziness on the part of the author, 
some reflect inconsistency between the game and manual, others reflect 
translations of words from one language version of the game to another. Common 
sense should hopefully be sufficient to determine what names refer to what 


1.2 Credits and Legal

This FAQ was written by Tim Howgego (also known as timski), copyright 2003-
2004, unless otherwise stated. Errors and suggestions should be reported to 
tim (at) capsu (dot) org. Please put "1602" somewhere in the email subject 
field. This FAQ includes ideas and strategies posted on Sunflowers' forum ( 
http://www.sunflowers.de/cgi-bin/ubb/Ultimate.cgi ), the official site ( 
http://www.anno1602.de/ ), and found lurking on fan sites, especially 
http://1602.2y.net/ and http://www.anno-zone.de/Charlie/index.html (archive of 
http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kaufmann/ANNO1602/ ) - contributors 
are noted with the relevant text. Special thanks to prolific forum posters 
like FrankB, Budgie, Zomby Woof and Gunter, without whom this FAQ would be 
much less detailed than it is, and Manfred for (among other things) posting 
these words in December 2000: "There are so many questions and even more 
answers on this board, it'll take a life time to re-read all the posts and put 
them in a halfway decent order..." This FAQ is in the public domain: You may 
copy and repost this FAQ, but the content of the document, including the 
credits, must remain unchanged. Informing the author that you are hosting it 
is appreciated, but not mandatory. Ensuring you host the most recent version 
is also appreciated, but not mandatory. Trademarks and copyright are owned by 
their respective trademark and copyright holders. This is not an official FAQ. 
It is not endorsed by the game's developers or publishers.


1.3 Version

This is version 1.02, 16 February 2004. Added extra editor notes, Spice 
Monopoly, and a myriad of other changes and additions reflecting discussions 
over the last 8 months.
