                              HOW TO BE EVIL GUIDE
                                  Version 0.9
                           Written by : Crisis
                          First Created:07.04.2001
                          Last Updated:12.7.2001
                   E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

         Software (c) 2001 Lionhead Studios Ltd. Black & White,     
        Lionhead and the Lionhead logo are trademarks of Lionhead 
                                Studios Ltd. 

             All strategies and advices are welcome just e-mail me.

I.    Disclaimer
II.   Version info
III.  How to be Evil 
IV.   Basic Strategies 
    * Misc. Info

V.    Islands
     -  Island 1
      * Strategy
      * Quests
    -   Island 2
    -   Island 3
    -   Island 4
    -   Island 5
VI.    Choosing your creature
VII.   Raising your creature
VIII.  Changing Creature by "cheating"
IX.    Strange things
X.     Credits
XI.    About the author

Sections marked with * are sub-sections

                            I. DISCLAIMER 

This faq is made for personal use only.You can post this faq
to other sites as long as it remain unchanced and proper credit
is given to me.This faq is copyright Crisis 2001.

                           II. VERSION INFO

For next update date check about the author section.

Version 0.1 , Date 07.04.2001  :
First version of this faq,some basic info and strategies
was included.

Version 0.2 , Date 09.04.2001  :
Corrected some typing errors,Added Credits section,Added
basic strategies send by Brian772.

Version 0.3 , Date 15.04.2001  :
Corrected lots of typing errors,Added strategies and Misc.

Version 0.4 , Date 24.4.2001
I am tired of spamming messages (meaning those awfully spelled street
lanquage messages that tell me "oh... friggin man you can't write"
and " GeT YoUr nEwBiE a** OuTa h3rE " this day on they will be ignored and 
deleted without reading.Of course if someone disagrees with some fact that 
is written in this faq messages will be read .

Added new section system,Added couple sections...

Version 0.5 , Date 10.5.2001

Some minor corrections..

Version 0.6 , Date 15.5.2001

Added some strategies for second island.

Version 0.7 , Date 3.6.2001

Spotted that i forgot to post these versions to
and will fix that in next version.

Version 0.8 , Date 25.6.2001

Biggest update this far...

Version 0.9 , Date 12.7.2001

                       III.HOW TO BE EVIL

Being evil in Black & White is much more harder than many would thought.Kill 
everyone and you will end up restarting the level

You want to be evil? 

Instead of killing your people you should sacrifice little children,
make your people suffer,Starve your followers,Be the most sinister god that 
has ever lived , be creative...

Just read this guide if you want to be evil...
                       IV.  BASIC STRATEGIES

These are some basic strategies for being evil.Currently these are send by 
many people all over the world.I will add my own strategies in later 

Please send more.New strategies are always welcome

My strategies :

1. Sacrifice is good,You should sacrifice many little children
   since they give you lots of prayer points ( near 16 000 ).

2. Breeders are the key for success.More breeders -> more little kids
   -> more people to sacrifice.

4. Looking after farmers is also very important,because if there
   are too many people won?t starve.You should have 1 farm for
   30 people.

5. Teach your creature following miracles fireball,lightning   
   (increased or extreme version if possible) and Megablast.
   These spells should be enough for your creature.

6. Good way to get your people believe more in you.Make some shields
   ( Spiritual or Physical ) they give you near 100 belive points per

7. A good way to impress opponents villages is to release a flock of
   wolves or bats in there since these spells give you lots of points
   you can impress his/her village very fast.

8. Good way to make your temple look evil.Is to download a custom 
   skirmish map called playground from PlanetBlack&White.Once the
   custom map is installed,start it and use extreme megablasts to 
   destroy the village.Do this until your temple looks evil.

These strategies are send by some readers of this Faq ;

 Send by Raul Alexe
I send my creature with the leash of agression in the village I want to 
conquer.This is after my creature knows:Fireball and Lightning Bolt maybe 
even Storm Extreme and any destructive spells.You can realize what 
happens.Then I tell my creature to eat people and when they get scared and 
run their houses I tell my creature to destroy their houses.And that's about 

 Send by Brian772

An effective way of taking over enemy villages the evil way is to first set 
fire to their totem so the enemy god doesnt get points, then set fire to their 
food/wood holder, then send in your  
creature to capture and sacrifice them until they see you are their new god. 
Oh and lightning helps to set more fires also. 

 Send by Grant 2

Gather some trees 3 or 4 and a rock or 2, put them on top of each other, now 
get the Fireball miracle & cast it on the trees & the rock now the rock(& 
the trees) should be on fire, you now have a Rock On Fire and can toss it 
at enemy villages (or you're own) and gain belief. This tactic is good if 
you need to take over an enemy village, toss the rock it will crush/burn their 
village a very good. 

 Send by Eli Tayrien 

This isn?t a purely evil technique of taking over villages, but i have found 
that if i have influence in a villiage, sometimes i can get up to 300 belief 
by "dribbling" fireballs - i cast one fireball, and then just click the right 
mouse button really fast, dropping it and catching it... the more people you 
do it around, the better. 

                           * MISC. INFO

This section contains  information about many things in game for exsample 
silver scroll solution,misc tips & tricks etc.
Just read and find out....

These are send by readers of my faq...

 Send by Mystic1999

- One thing that some people have not seemed to notice is that in   
  boulder throwing, you can throw the man that watches you too. 

- You can also beat your creature for being scared instead of 
  stroking him. 

- And for the drowning fishermen, I immediately threw the woman into 
  the water. 

- After Nemesis showed up, another silver scroll appeared by the 
  beach. It was some guy and girl yelling at me for killing their  
  sister when she only wanted me to help them. They screamed that 
  they won't forget this. Regardless to say, they were thrown into 
  the ocean along with their sister. 

- Oh yeah, one more thing... the miracle flock is good to teach your 
  creature because it gives good belief, and when you are evil it  
  releases bats rather than doves. 

 Send by Richard Watson

- In the opening when lots of little black, white, and grey dots 
  swirl around and form either the Lionhead logo or your "godly 
  symbol". well if you move your mouse during this time you can 
  disrupt the sequecnce, as in where ever the mouse cursor goes, it 
  drag little dots with it. 
- You'll have to confirm for yourself, but when i played land three i 
  place 3 combined scafolds next to a field of grain and got a 
  miracle dispenser (which should have cost me 6) this field WAS NOT 
  under construction.The same has happened when i place 3 scafolds 
  next to other "high scafold cost" buildings....

- You do know that man made miracle dispensers only act as a meat  
  packageng plant for your own miracles, they don't create new ones 
  like they did in land 1 
- Read the read me notes in the game directory, they have helpful 
  hints with custom logos and vilager names and stuff. 
C:Program FilesLionhead Studios LtdBlack & 
WhiteProfilesYourprofilenameSaved Gamesvortex.txt 
- This is an interesting text file, i have not messed with it yet but 
  inside it is a list of parameters describing everything i have 
  chucked into a vortex....

- I think with a little 'cut -n- pasteing' you could load up a map  
  with several hundred beach balls, of megablast one shots in it...  
  attempt at own risk. 
- In land three you know that invulerable guy who can't die, feed him  
  to your creature and he gets "pooed" out a few mins later, i'm not 
  sure but i think you can kill/banish to the void this guy by 
  tossing him in the vortex. you'd think he'd pop out on the other 
  side but when i got there.
- I didn't hear his smart ass comments, but then again i didn't look 
  real hard. 
- Suggestion for raiseing an evil creature. initially choose the 
  chimp he will learn and grow the fastest. then once you have the 
  basics learnt (and don't require as much intellicence) do a brain 
  swap with either the sheep creature (although it'd require doing 
 'good' in order to get it) or find a creature CD download and get a 
  leopard or ape 
- When killing large/tall buildings find a big rock, carefully 
  position it on the VERY TOP of the building and let it fall, it 
  does more bang for the buck in terms of effort. 
sorry about writing so much, hope some of it is enlightening...

 Send by Ross Campbell
- on the boulder throwing quest... instead of just crushing the 
  house, use the man standing outside it to knock the boulder off the 

- And when getting the gatestones, don't kill the woman and her 
  brother, just kill the brother and show the woman his corpse, after 
  destroying her house that is.... 

 More by Richard Watson

- For looking in on your creature's developement not all of the i
  important information is in the same place. in the creature cave   
  amoung other things check your creature's strength, realize  
  this will go down if you don't give your creature lots of rocks to 
  hold. When you press the 'Esc' key, click on the statistics tab, 
  then on player stats and scroll down. you can see your  
  creature's alignment change as well as your creature's growth (the 
  percentage of its full size reached). Under creature stats the only 
  important thing to note is the creature's alignment shown in 
  numeric form (ranged from +1.00 (100%) to - 1.00 (-100%)), the rest 
  you can get from the cave or by foucusing the creature.  
- Remember, if you as a god do a good deed, and do it while your  
  creature is not looking, you WILL NOT corrupt your creature with 
  the harmful knowledge of benevolence. also its easy for you as a 
  god to undo any 'goodness' you spread. 
- Don't forget, when you swap creatures you will loose some of its 
- in level two 'The Sea' silver scroll, bite the bullet and save the 
  kids, the enlarge creature miricle dispenser is worth it. Once you 
  have that enlarge your creature and make it hold and carry the  
  largest rock you can find. as long as your creature is moving when 
  it shrinks to normal it will  
  still carry the large rock, a rock to big for it to usually carry. 
  have your creature carrying around a mega rock (for its size) 
  should increase its strength rateing. 
- IMPORTANT!! when slaping your creature aim for the legs and slap it 
  hard and fast. If you do it right you can litterally knock your 
  creature flat on its back. Also PLEASE slap your creature  
  around when ever it gets scared, the last thing you need is a mega 
  monster thats 100% evil and afraid of the dark. 
- Try and increase the creature's evil rateing by training it to use     
  the lightning blot on fish, yes fish. It is possible (as well as 
  birds) with alittle luck and skill and it has little chance of 
  hurting you by mistake. 
- When you first start the game and are going to your village run 
  ahead of the villagers as fast as you can, you might be rewarded 
  with a temple that starts out looking evil ( at least I was). 
- You can teach your creature how to use fireballs with only 1 one- 
  shot miricle. with the leash of learning on drop the fire ball on 
  the ground close to the creature, and don't set anything on fire.  
  then quickly 'catch' the fire ball (pick it back up with the action 
  button). the creature (if it paid attension) has ow had a light 
  bulb go off over its head, wait for that to disappear and for your  
  creature to stop pointing. then recast it and catch it again.  
  (repeat for awhile) 



Now it is time to begin....

These strategies will guide you through each of the islands in
game.Just read forward to find out what would be the most evil
way to solve all the quests in the game.


* Completing Strategy :

Just follow gold story scroll instuctions.Nothing more really..

Also when the woman asks you to bring his brother back crush her house with 
boulder and kill both her and her brother by throwing them to the lake..

When your creature throws Sable the trainer be sure to praise your 
creature,when Sable has taught you everything eat her with your creature or 
just kill her thats the evil way..


Just before following the big animal to the mountain,go back
to your village and use lightning bolts to make destruction in the
village.Also by doing this your creature will slowly learn to
use lightning miracle.

At this point destroying your village doesn?t matter since Nemesis
is going to come and destroy it anyway so go on and kill & grill.


Throwing Boulders ( Practice )
Pick up the boulder aim it carefully to the house..Throw and
crush the house and people who are living inside it.

You will get a Beach Ball for the reward of this quest.

Drowning Fishermen
Let fishermen drown also throw the woman who gave you the
quest to ocean.

You will gain one time miracle dispenser "Creature Strenght".

Circle of Stones
Once you have taken the quest crush/burn the the house of the man
who gave you the quest and then eat him with your creature.

You will gain nothing by doing this.

Building a ship
Bring your creature near the singing sailor pick them up one
by one and eat them with your creature.

You will see a scene after killing them nothing more...

Kidnapped Children ( Dead piper is the best piper )
This is a must complite quest since the reward is so good.

Follow the piper with your creature pick him up eat him,him no 
matter what there is only one fact the Piper man must DIE ! 

Once he is killed you will get lightning bolt miracle dispenser.

The Hermit
Use your creature to throw a boulder to his house thus crushing
it,Hermit will now try to set a fire in your village but before
he has time to do eat him with your creature..

You will gain one shot water miracle when you kill/eat him.

When your creature learns to fight this quest appears beat
Sleg ( Ogre ) take treasure and get out...

You will get yet another beach ball and healing miracle

Farmers lost sheep 
Burn the farmers house,eat his sheeps and finally throw him 
until he is dead or drown him.Just use the most sinister way
that you can imagine

You will get nothing from doing so except your alignment goes 
to more evil.


                   * SECOND ISLAND

* Completing Strategy :

Conquer villages of Kahzar first then you should go for
Lethys.Remember to manage your villages or else you will
lose faith and infuence area.. 


Lethys will abduct your creature after this land , remember
to destroy Temple of Lethys here.


Plague in Indian village 
Ahh... chemical weapons , dont cure anyone here and dont do anything
about the plague , just wait until they die and then you should start
throwing the green looking food to other villages and spread the plague..

No reward..

Indians sacrifice
Sacrifice his child , then his wife and finally the shaman himself.

Reward is lots of prayer points.

Music Puzzle 
Play the stones in following order from left to right :

Reward is resurrection ring.


                   * THIRD ISLAND

* Completing Strategy :

Manage your town then conquer some more , more and more.
Remember to do follow Guru quest as soon as possible.At
the end of this island you get a chance to kill Lethys,
do it...

Killing all people from towns work pretty good here, kill 
all enemy villagers then send a missionary there and village
is yours...


                   * FOURTH ISLAND

* Completing Strategy :

Here you must destroy three guardian stones in order to remove
Nemesis curses from this land.

First impress japanise village near one of those guardian stones
then the village elder comes and helps you with the puzzle..
just click the bells in right order and guardian stone is yours,
now the fireballs stop.

The second guardian stone is guarded by Orge named Sleg ( have i 
heard it somewhere before ? ), Fight and defeat him.. Guardian 
stone is yours , now the lighning bolts stop.

Final guardian stone , you need to reunite Keiko with Adam , but
kill Keiko and speak with Adam who loses all his faith and gives
you the last guardian stone.

Then you must get part of greed from skeleton village, extend your
area of influence there , then you need to raise both totems at the
same time, so you will raise one and your creature raises other 
( your creature needs to know how totems work ) 

                   * FIFTH ISLAND

* Completing Strategy :

Not much tips for this island , It is the final island in game
so you should find out how to complite it yourself.

                    VI.CHOOSING YOUR CREATURE

First you should choose what creature you will be using in the game
here is the list of creatures that will fall to the path of evil more

For better creature info you should check out Masked Moogle?s
creature faq available in

Creature    :  Lion
How to get  :  Island 5 ,complite lion puzzle
Good things :  Very aggressive/Violent,Learns quickly since he has   
               high intelligence,Good in battle..

Bad things  :  You get it in island 5,unless you hack him....

Creature    :  Wolf
How to get  :  Island 4,complite blind woman quest
Good things :  Pretty average fighter,learns fast,
Bad things  :  Almost impossible to get without hacking,Looks ugly.

Creature    :  Tiger
How to get  :  You can choose it on the island 1
Good things :  Pretty good in fight and looks cool
Bad things  :  Absolutely stupid creature ( learns slow )

Creature    :  Leopard
How to get  :  Download it,Then you can find it on island 1 and 4
Good things :  Good fighter,very fast

Bad things  :  Dumb creature not much intelligent than tiger but   

Creature    :  Gorilla
How to get  :  Download it,Then you can find it on island 1 and 4
Good things :  Excellent fighter,
Bad things  :  Likes to smash your town

Creature    :  Brown Bear
How to get  :  Complite the "clean up forest" quest in island 5
Good things :  Average in everything..
Bad things  :  No bad sides except you get it so late in game...

Creature    :  Ape
How to get  :  You can choose it on the island 1
Good things :  High intelligence.Good to begin with and then change
               some other...

Bad things  :  Not so good fighter.

Creature    :  Ogre
How to get  :  Hack the game to get him
Good things :  Good fighter
Bad things  :  Impossible to get without hacking.

After choosing your creature it is time to teach him a trick or two.
More is coming in next update :

1. Teach your creature to go walk with a large stone in its hand
   when it does this,It will gain more strength.

2. Making your creature goes walking, it prevents your creature to
   become fat.

3. Remember to beat up  your creature when it is scared.

4. Teach your creature to eat little kids or adults,they boost
   alignment very much to the bad way of course...

5. Remember to praise your creature when it wants to sleep,since
   your creature grows better when he rests it is good to make 
   him rest.



This information is Ripped straight from Voodoo Extreme.I just
thought to pass it along : 
Dustin L. shot us off the following email regarding "Functing with files in 
Black and White". Of course, I think you've heard of Black and White (call 
it a hunch). Check it out (Kind of a plump bastard, but oozing with 
I was messing around with some files in the Lionhead dir and came across the 
creature files. I then figured out how to change your current creature to 
any other creature in the game. Even the Orge! All the files you need to mess 
with are in the DataCRT directory. Make sure you back it up just in case. 
Lets say you are the Cow. Your creatures file is bcow.CBN.  
Now lets say you want to be the Wolf. All you do is delete your current file, 
which is bcow.CBN and rename bwolf.CBN to your old creature, which was 
bcow.CBN. Start the game and you have a Wolf running around. 
I'm going to explain it again. To be the Orge you do the same thing. Lets 
say you still have the Cow. The Orge's file is bgreek.CBN. Simply delete 
bcow.CBN and rename bgreek.CBN to bcow.CBN I have noticed one thing odd... 
The first creature I changed to was the Orge from the Madrill. I have tried 
most of the other creatures and have noticed that their foot prints no longer 
change. They are stuck at the Orge's foot print. 
Also the Rhino is there, but I have yet to try him. My Tortise running around 
land 1 is so cool! Changing creatures like this seems to have no effect on 
you or your creatures alignment. Their current stats stay the same regarding 
damage and food. Scars and bruises also seem to disapear. 
As always, make sure to wrap your rascal if you try this (back-up your files, 


                        IX. STRANGE THINGS

These are some strange things that have occurred while i was playing.

1. I have spotted that your creature can eat rocks/stones/boulders
   and even like them.

2. Also my creature likes to eat beach balls,i wasn?t watching in
   the first island my creature ate his beach ball.I thought he ate
   a human so i praised him ever since it has been eating beach      


                   X. CREDITS / SPECIAL THANKS

This section is filled with names of people who have helped
me making this faq.

Following people have helped me to make this faq :

Brian772 ,Grant 2 ,Mystic1999 ,Richard Watson ,Ross Campbell ,
Eli Tayrien and all the others who have send some usefull tips...

! Special Thanks !

Lionhead Studios   - For making the game

GameFaqs ( CJayC ) -  Thanks for publishing this faq on your site.

Petri Rantala      - He helped me to complite the game.Couldn?t have       
                     done it without his help..

                     XI. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

This is third faq i have written.
My Faq?s are:

Black & White
- How to be Evil guide
Format:         PC
Version:        0.9
Language:       English
Next Update:    Unknown

Omikron:The Nomad Soul 
- Character Guide
Format:         PC
Version:        Final ( 2.00 )
Language:       English
Next Update:    None

DiscWorld Noir 
- Walkthrough 
Format:         PC / PSX             
Version:        Final ( 1.0 )
Language:       English
Next Update:    None