Sabrina: The Teenage Witch - Spellbound
    Walkthrough/Strategy Guide 
      written exclusively for 
       *Cheat Code Central*

The Guide to solving all the 7 puzzles
By: Mo
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This here is the guide to the Sabrina: The Teenage Witch game starring 
Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina), Nick Bakey (Salem, the Cat), including wise Aunt 
Zelda, wacky Aunt Hilda, Harvey and even Libby (ugh!)
here we have the solution to all the 7 puzzles, 
so lets begin the game.
Oh ya, if you want to use this solution on your website, magazine etc 
please e-mail me first and please give me credit for it by 
printing my name (or by giving me ca$h) =)
NOTE: if by any chance you want to visit The Other Realm, In Sabrina's room,
turn left, then instead of clicking on the stairs, turn right where it's
glowing, then click on the door.
1- Trick or Treat
Once you start the game, you will automatically begin the puzzle which is
"Trick or Treat". In this one, Sabrina is turned into a pumpkin, here is the
solution on how to bring her back...

The magical items you will have are:

- Monster Drops
- Time Ball
- Crazy Camera
- Magic Microphone

What you will need to find are:

- Ugly Mask
- Black Cat with Shades
- Magic Vacum
- Bag of Candy

Ugly Mask:
In Sabrina's room, turn right, you will see a mask, use the Monster Drops on
the mask, it'll become an ugly mask. Take the mask

Bag of Candy:
Go downstairs to the living room and turn right, you will see Hilda and Zelda
talking, after the conversation, the door bell rings, Hilda leaves and Zelda 
opens the door, 3 kids in halloween costums appear, use the Monster Drops on
Zelda, then take the bag of candy after the 3 kids run away.

Black Cat with Shades:
Once you enter the kitchen, you will see Salem practicing for a movies, use 
the Crazy Camera on him, a cat with shades will appear, the 2 cats talk, 
then the Cat with shades goes to sleep, click on him then take him.

Magic Vacum:
After taking the cat, turn right, open the store room door and use the time
ball on the broom, it will turn into a vacum, take the vacum.


2- Clothes Make Manneguin

Next chose Clothes Make Manneguin, in this one, Sabrina turns into a Dummy.
In this one, the magical items you will have are:

- Time Ball
- C3D Potion
- Magic Microphone
- Monster Drops

What you will need to find are:

- Tommy-Co-Figure Jacket
- Sunglasses
- Hairband
- Sweater

Tommy-Co-Figure Jacket:
In Sabrina's room turn left, you will see a magzine, click on it and use the 
Time Ball, the use the C3D Potion on the Jacket. Take the jacket.

Go Downstairs to the living room, you will see Zelda looking for her
sunglasses, use the Time Ball on the table, you will see a little movie,
then the glasses will appear, grab them.

Go to the kitchen and click right twice, you will see Salem and Hilda, 
Salem will be dancing, Hilda will then leave, use the Magic Microphone
on the Can Opener, then take the sweater.

Go to the school cafeteria by going out the front door, click on the left
door, it'll take you into the school cafeteria, you will see Harvey and
Libby talking to each other, use the Monster Drops on Libby then take
her hairband.

3- It's My Party, I'll Fly If I Want To!

Chose It's my party.... next. Sabrina will turn into a Pizza Pie. The
magical items you will have are:

- C3D Potion
- Time Ball
- Freeze Frame
- Switching Witch Mask

You will need to get:

- Hot New Dress
- Heavy Metal CD
- Wrapped Gift
- Birthday Cake

Hot New Dress:

In Sabrina's room, turn left, click on her wardrobe closet which is the 
closet left to the door, a dress will pop out, use the Time Ball on the
dress then a new dress will appear.

Wrapped Gift:

Go downstairs, click on the paper on the table, use the C3D Potion on 
Buster Beefcake, then take the gift.

Birthday Cake:

Turn Right, you will see Zelda baking a cake, when she puts it in the oven
you will have 2 choices, you can either wait 1 hour until the cake gets
ready or you can use the Time Ball on the timer. I think you're going to
go with the Time Ball =)

Heavy Metal CD:

Go to the school cafeteria, use the mask on Libby, then take the CD next
to Libby's bag.


4- Baby Sitting

In this one, Sabrina turns into a frame! The Magical Items you'll have are:

- Switching Witch Mask
- Truth Sprinkles 
- Magic Microphone
- Reverso Crystals

What you'll need to find:

- Bottle of Milk
- Feiko Watch
- Old Mice Aftershave
- Mother Moose Book

Mother Moose Book:

After the intro, you will see a kid jumping on Sabrina's bed, use the mask
on the kid then take the book.

Old Mice Aftershave:

Go down to the living room, use the Truth Sprinkles on Salem then take
the aftershave.

Bottle of Milk:

Turn left in the living room, open the TV, use the mic on the TV, then
change the channel twice, then get the bottle of milk (shouldn't it be
milk bottle or.. nevermind)

Feiko Watch:

Go to the school, go into the right door into the lab, use the crystals 
on the watch that Harvey has, then take the watch.


5- The Pet Flies

In this one, Sabrina turns into a Fish! Yikes!

The Magical Item's you'll have are:

- #10 Love Potion
- Switching Witch Mask
- Truth Sprinkles
- Magic Microphone

What You'll need to find are:

- Hamster
- Romantic Bird
- Overweight Fish
- Frog

Overweight Fish:

Turn right in Sabrina's room, use the mask on the phone, then take the fish.

Romantic Bird:

Go down to the Living Room, turn left, open the tv, use the mic on the tv,
then change the channel twice, or until you hear something on Romeo & Juliet.


Go into the kitchen, turn right twice, then use the #10 Love Potion on 
Hilda, then take the frog.


Go to the school, go into the lab (right door), then use the Truth Sprinkles
on Libby, then take the hamster.


6- The Sporting Life

In this one, Sabrina turns into a Soccer Ball.

The Magical Items you'll have are:

- C3D Potion
- Freeze Frame
- Time Ball
- Monster Drops

What you'll need to find:

- Play Script
- Black Belt
- Surf Board
- New Yearbook

Black Belt:

In Sabrina's room, turn left, click on Magazine, use the C3D potion on the
man, then use the Freeze Frame.

New Yearbook:

Go down to the living room, then turn left, you'll see a weird book on the
book shelf, click on it then use the time ball on it.

Surf Board:

Turn right twice, then use the time ball on Hilda, then take the surf board.

Play Script:

Go to the school, and in the hallway, you'll see Libby, use the Monster Drops
on her, then take the script on the floor.


7- Valentines Day

...and finally in this one Sabrina turn's into Cupid!

You will have the following Magical Items:

- Crazy Camera
- Freeze Frame
- Time Ball
- Truth Sprinkles

You will need to find: 

- Valentines Day Card
- White Rose
- Heart-Shaped Candy
- Box of Chocolate

Box of Chocolate:

Go down to the living room, use the truth sprinkles on Zelda, then turn
left and take the box of chocolate's in the bird cage.

Heart Shaped Candy:

Go to the kitchen, then use the freeze frame when candy goes wild, then take
the candy which was floating on top of Hilda.

White Rose:

turn right, then click on the paper with a rose on it next to the pot's, then
use the time ball on the dead rose.

Valentines Day Card:

Go to the school, go to the cafeteria by turn left, then use the crazy camera
on the card Harvey has, then click on it and use the time ball.

Well that was fun wasent it?
Now you've earned your Witches License!

Any questions, comments, or anything else concerning this strategy guide
should be mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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