                                                sCr/SAC!           ______/
     _/ \_  ____________   ________   ________/   ________       /     /
    _\___/__   _  _    \__  ____/___\_____    \__   _    \__    /    _/
   /      /     /  /     /______    \_     /     /     /     /     /        
 _/      /     /  /     /      /     /    /     /     /     /     /.      
       /     /__/     /     /     /    /     /     /     /     / :       \_
      /_____/  /______  ________/\_________/\__________/     /  |   \_____/
    /         .         /                             \_____/   |
    / - ------ | ------.     -  i  M  S  D  O  X   -    .-------- | ---- -
               _|___ __ | ______________________________ | __ _____|_
                :       |                                |         :
                     /  |            Far Cry             |  
 - --:- -----------//---`                                ---\-------- -:-- -
  _ _l                                                                   i_ _
   \_  Date   : March 16, 2004                  Cracked By : iMSDOX     _// 
     x  Size   :  1 x 5MB (idx-fcch)             Protection : N/A       x
     |                                                                   |
     .                    ____________/  _____________                  .
      ----- - -------- --;   Release    /    Notes    ;-- -------- - ---

    First off, move the DevMode.lua file to the main FarCry Directory 
    overwritting other file.
    Now Start game by adding the '-devmode' parameter, in game - use the 
    following hotkeys:
    F4        - Toggle No Clip Mode
    F2        - Move to Next Checkpoint
    o         - Gives 999 ammo
    p         - Gives all weapons
    F9        - Save Current Position
    F10       - Load Current Position
    F11       - Toggle Extra Information
    F1        - Toggles FirstPerson/ThirdPerson Camera Modes
    BackSpace - Toggle GodMode
    =         - increase speed
    -         - decrease speed
    F5        - Default Speed
    Note: I've added the GodMode cheat and enabled the speed cheat also..
    you will notice that once in devmode all the levels of the game are 
    also unlocked ;)
    Greets: [sheep], lokii   

          Greetings to  _____________/  ____________   our friends in:
      ---- - -------- --;              /            ;-- -------- - ----- 
    _|__      Divine, Confusion, Accession, Phase, Vite & Centropy     __|_
     : /__ _ ________________________/  _________________________ _ __ :