Notes :
-	If lethal force is permitted, try to shoot the head of your enemy. It will save your bullets and not give a chance to your enemy sounding the alarm. Use the quick save before shoot your enemy, so you can restore it when you can not make it at the first attempt.
-	Shoot the lamp if necessary. Shadow is your friend and guard can not see you in the dark (as long as you not bump by one of them). But be careful, shoot the lamp sometimes will alert the guards.
-	To disarm mine wall, close to the mine until the disarm menu show up. Wait until the lid turn green and interact to disarm.
-	If you see round metal things with red lid stick on the wall, be careful, that is a motion detector. Walk very slowly to pass it.
-	If you use your mighty whistle to summon guard, do it like this : whistle at point A and quickly move to the point B. Guard will check the source of the whistle to point A, so you can shoot or knock him from point B.
-	This is not a detail walkthrough, use this walkthrough as a guide if you stuck, not as an exact pathway. There are many ways to complete this game and my way is not always the right way. I just try to finish the game as fast as I can.
-	This walkthrough won¡¦t tell you if there is something useful in some room. You can find it by yourself. Come on, it¡¦s easy to find. Search any room that you can enter and search the body.
-	I finish this game without counting the casualties. You can say I am not a merciful and clean kind of gamer. I never try to finish any mission with minimum casualties, I tend to knock or shoot every person that I can (even though is not always necessary). So if you stealthy kind of gamer, this walkthrough is not for you.
-	I play with normal mode. I think the different between normal and hard mode is the alertness of the guards. Like the first Splinter Cells, this game quite linier.
-	Save a lot !! Trust me, A LOT !!
-	If you need any further help, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. But I am not promise you anything ?º
-	Enjoy the game. This is a good game indeed.

Mission 1 (Dili, Timor)

It¡¦s actually a short brief of tutorial. If you ever played the first Splinter Cell, this is a little bit bored at first, but the game will introduce you with some new techniques like shoot while hanging or slide from side to side while you peek.

Just follow the path and do what the tutorial said. After you cross the river, grab-knock out the patrolling guard and hide his body. Walk up, when you reach at the end, crouch, and grab the guard from behind. Interrogate him while you drag him to the side of the house (find the darkest spot). When you finished the interrogation, knock him out. Another guard will come out the house, wait until he back in to the house and close the door. You can knock him, but it won¡¦t be necessary (but it¡¦s fun). Go to the wall in front of the house and find the pipe at the end of the wall, climb up and drop to the other side. You arrive at embassy.

Find a ladder at your left and climb up. Climb the ladder at your right again and crouch while you walk until the end of the wall. Wait until the conversation end and only left one guard there. Walk slowly to the other end and climb up the pipe that at the other side of the wall (walk closely at the end until the menu for climb up show). Climb and shimmy to the right until the end and jump down. Climb to the balcony. You will see a guard interrogate someone. Slowly crouch to the guard, grab, knock and hide his body at the corner of the entrance. You can shoot the lamp if you like to make it darker. Talk to the person (which amazingly can release him self from the chair). You find Douglas.

There are two doors at this room. No matter what door you take, you eventually will go to the room hall with stair. So, explore this floor and knock any guard you find (you can hide the body, but it won¡¦t be necessary). You will arrive in the room with stair, take the stair down and crouch. There are three guards in the hall. Two guards are reading a map in the far end of the hall and the other guard patrolling the room. Wait until the patrolling guard stand close to the stair and his back turn on you. He will not see you. Try as fast as you could to grab him, knock him and hide his body. Now is up to you how to pass the other two guards. You can crouch and walk careful at the right side of the room and distract the guards so they will leave their spot and you can go to the end hallway or you can shoot all the lamps in this room, but this way you must play hide and seek until all the lamps goes off and you can knock the guards one by one or maybe you have other way to pass this guards. No matter what action you take, your destination is the hallway at the left end of the room. After pass the hallway, find the door at the right, open and enter the courtyard. This is a little bit tricky, because the guard at the top window cross the courtyard have night goggles and sniper weapon. Go behind the left bushes next to the stair, crouch ¡¥till you face the fence. Wait until the spotlight in front of you and dance your way under the light to the other side of the courtyard. Enter the door on your right, climb the stair, ignore the first door you meet and arrive at third floor. Knock the guard just for fun. Enter the only door. Talk to the woman in that room. You find Ingrid.

Go down stair and open the first door you see it before. Now you can shoot everyone you meet (well, only two guards around). Switch off the entire spotlight you meet, two spotlights actually. You don¡¦t have to crouch, just run, shoot and switch off until you arrive at pier and jump down to your boat. Mission Complete.

Mission 2 (Paris, France)

You arrive at the canal. I really wonder how Sam Fisher can get into this sewer. There is no way in.

Walk up and you will go down the hole. Walk and stop at the end of the wall. Walk slowly until the train pass by. You will see the guard walk towards you. Wait until the guards stop walking and shoot him. Hide his body (of course find the darkest spot to hide the body). Walk and enter the abandon train. Crouch when you walk until you face the barrels. Because the great Sam Fisher can not jump the barrels, you must hang to the above rail and softly jump down to the other side of the barrels and continue walking. You will hear two guards talking. Wait until they finish talking. One guard will patrol on the hall and the other will patrolling in the train. Now is up to you how to knock these two guards. What I did was knock the guards in the train while the other train passes by and shoot the other guards while he close to me. You can knock both guards or shoot both guards as long as not one of the guards sounds the alarm first. Now, move on along the path. Don¡¦t worry; there are no more guards in this part. You will face the fire wall, shoot both faucets above and walk to the door. Use your optic cable and wait until the guard move away from the door and enter the door. Shoot or knock the guard and hide his body. You can use the computer but will result nothing. Use your optic cable again on the end door there and wait again until the guards move away from the door. Enter the door and hide in the corner near the door. What I did here was turn off the light (the switch at the side of the door), wait until one guards walk to the switch (the other guards don¡¦t care about it), grab and drag him to the corner and knock him out. For the other guard, I just shoot him. Enter the door at the end. Keep going until you arrive in the big room (I think that is the lab). When you enter the room, don¡¦t move ! Keep hide until three guards come into the room and search the room. Wait until the guard said is clear and one of the guards leaves the room. Check beside the door, you will see a pipe there. Grab the pipe and climb up. When you hang on the pipe, don¡¦t move while the guard below nears you. When you reach the end pipe, jump down softly. Grab the first guard when he near you and knock him. For the other guard, you can whistle to summon him and you can shoot him or you can grab and knock him as well. Go to the next room and go to the double door. You will hear the conversation about destroying the computers. Open the door and wait until they finish shooting around and both of the guards face to the last computer there. I throw the gas grenade near the guards; wait until they pass out and the smoke disappear. Enter the room and use the computer. You access the database.

Be hurry !! Go out the room and go left. You will see the guard crouch in front of the door. You can shoot him and shoot the other guard when he gets out of the room or you can throw the gas grenade when both of the guard closes each other. After you finish them off, run to that door and lock pick the door. Enter the room and disarm the bomb. You find the bomb.

Go out the room, turn left and find the only door there. Open it and keep moving to the next room. There is one guard patrolling in this section. Grab and knock him out or shoot him. Do what ever it takes to take him out without sounding the alarm. Lock pick and enter the double door. On your left there is a door and on your right a door with keypad. Don¡¦t use your optic cable on the left door or you will trigger the alarm. What I did was shoot the below lamp near the door so it will make my surrounding darker. Open door and before you enter the room, make sure the above camera in front of you is looking at the other way. Move to the right close to the wall and use the computer. You access the database server.

Get out of the room (watch out for the camera). Open the door with keypad and you in the room with big-bright lamp light the door. Walk close to the door and shoot the lamp. Wait until the guard opens the door to check it out, shoot or knock him at sight. Get out of this room and go to the right door. Crouch slowly the stair, shoot the lamp if you like to make your move easier or you can crouch under the camera. Disarm the mine wall to get you pass. Climb the stair until you find a door and go into the hall and hide in the shadow. There are two guards patrolling this hall. When one guard enter the room beside the door you come in, follow him. When you close behind him, grab and knock him out. For the second guard, wait until he use the computer in the middle of the hall and grab-knock-hide him. Use the computer to get some information. Now back to room where you knock the first guard. Enter the only door there and you will find some brains. You find the client¡¦s brains.

Go to the opening in this room and you enter the frozen room. Watch out, there is an auto turret behind the second curtain. Walk closely to the second curtain on the left, there is a briefcase for turn off the turret. Crouch to the guard there and grab him. Knock him and don¡¦t bother to hide his body. Open the door and you enter another frozen room. On your left there is an opening. Go there and you will swing and sway. Be careful, there are some frozen sprays from the ventilation on your way. Make sure you not hit by one of the frozen spray. When you almost reach the end of your way the guards will noticed something wrong, don¡¦t worry about that. Just move and wait to the end opening. When the guards take at ease and the back turn to you, climb up and quickly (and quietly) move to the left opening. You can take the mine wall if you want. Open the door and enter the room. There is an open ventilation on the ceiling, jump in. The only way is turn left because at the end there is a frozen scolding. Jump down and talk to the man. You find the wounded guard.

Hurry !! Climb up where you come in and wait until the bomb explosive. In the ¡¥T¡¦ junction, turn left and you will see the frozen scolding have gone. Jump down and walk to the van. Mission Complete. (I think you can save the wounded guard by killing that three guards, try it and e-mail me).

Mission 3 (Paris-Nice, France)

Cool !! You arrive at the roof of high speed train. If you have high end computer with good video card and processor, you will feel the speed in this part.

Open hatch and jump down. There is a man in this room. Knock him when he noticed you. Find the hatch on the floor, open it and climb out. Move upward until you find another hatch, use your optic cable and wait until the person in that room get out. Open the hatch and climb in. if you move close the window, you can interact with it but I don¡¦t know what¡¦s for. Well, you better do it. If you move to the door, you will hear a conversation. After the conversation finish, open the door, turn left get into the room and open the left door. Climb out and shimmy to the right. Watch out while you move, make sure no one watch the window. Move until you find a door. Open the door and climb in. Open the right door. Walk the corridor to the second door (No. 18), don¡¦t worry if you spotted by the man in the first room. Use your optic cable on the door and use your thermal vision. Is him alright. Open door and talk to the man. You find Norman.

After he left, use the computer. Lambert will inform you that you must tap the conversation on the cell phone. Get out the room and turn right. I prefer run along the corridor and when you arrive at the connection door, crouch and open the door and enter the bar. Take your position on the right close to the bar; make sure you see the man at the far end. Use your laser mic and direct the circle to the rectangle view. You tap the conversation.

Wait until only one man in the bar. Distract the man by whistle or shoot near him so he will walk to your place. Knock and hide him. Open the end door. At this point, crouch is not your alternative. Just run and shoot. In the engine room there is a ladder, climb up and open hatch. Run upward and jump to the rope. Mission Complete. (Before you jump to the rope, turn around and see the helicopter blow).

Mission 4 (Jerusalem, Israel)

Welcome to Jerusalem. Like Sam Fisher said, this is where love and peace come from, but not for this mission.

Talk to Coen to get some information. Walk and climb the stair. Wait until the policeman walk away from you. You can shoot the lamp if you like (just to practice your shooting skill). Walk to the left road. There is an open door there. Hug the wall, peek and slide to the other side of the door. Quickly move from there. There is another cop there, so it will be two cops around the alley. Your destination is to the end of the alley. I just knock the last cop to make my move easier. After reach the end of the alley, there will be small alley there with swinging lamp. Wait until the cop gone and shoot the lamp. Find a bottle there and wait in the corner of the small alley. When the police come and wondering why the lamp is out, throw the bottle to the opening where you come. The police will walk and check out the spot where you throw the bottle. Grab and knock him. Now, there will be two men in the park, wait until they sit on the bench. Crouch your way to the left of the wall, until your reach another alley. Crouch and stay out of the light. At the end, you will see a man pass by. He will standing behind the box and takes a smoke. You must turn left. Before you turn left, make sure the cop isn¡¦t there. You can shoot the light if you like. You must reach the opening in the right end of the park (see your opsat for the Saul shop). My advice is to knock the police out, to makes everything easier later. Now, go to Saul shop. When you enter the basement, you will hear some voice. Two man pointing a gun on Saul. You can shoot them both or grab-knock the first guy and quickly shoot the other guy before he grab Saul (or shoot you). I can¡¦t manage to lost some health point to take them down, maybe you can. Hide all the body. Talk to Saul. You find Saul shop.

Take the gun, ring foil and sticky shocker. Follow Saul outside. Now, didn¡¦t I tell you to knock the police out? If you do that, then now you can walk easily in the park. Keep following Saul; be careful there is a cop around. After Saul stop, he will tell you how to use the gun. Just follow the drill, until Saul said someone coming. Walk to the left at the corner you will find another sticky shocker and ring foil (curious, how this thing just lying around there?). Shoot the police with sticky shocker when Saul said that and hide the body. You find SC-20K.

Walk back where you meet a cop on intersection. Grab, knock and hide the policeman. Turn right and follow the path (do some slide in front of the opening where there is a man sitting motionless), shoot the light if you like. There will be a one or two villagers passing by and wonder why the lamp is out, but is ok. Keep moving to the end stair. You will see two cops talking at the far end. Wait until two cops go away. Continue moving. In the next alley, your destination is the end of that alley and turns left. Is up to you how to move there but make sure you keep under shadow and as close as possible to the wall. Don¡¦t worry if they suspecting something moving as long as you not bump by one of them. I think you can knock them out, but I prefer left them alone and keep moving to the end. After you reach the end valley turn left and find a drain pipe. Climb the pipe and walk upward until you find rope cross to the other building. Jump and reach the rope, you will slide to the other building. Rappel down and talk to the woman behind the wooden wall. You find Dahlia.

Now you must follow Dahlia. I can manage to follow her without knock out anyone along the way. Take your time; she will wait for you if you left to far from her. I suggest you to run while crouching; it will help you move faster and quietly. Follow her until she knocks out a policeman. Hide the body if you like. Talk to Dahlia and she will leave you there. Turn right and wait in the dark. Time your move so no policeman see you run. At the end there is a policeman there, knock him out. Go to the small alley and climb up to the drain pipe and enter the room thru window. Now walk or crouch slowly to the left wall, so the couple won¡¦t see you there. Get out from the window at that room, turn right and climb the pipe. Find a small chimney and rappel down the wall. My advice is to jump while you climb down, it will make your move quietly. After you land down, hide and slowly follow Dahlia. When she talk to the policeman, grab-knock-hide the policeman. Climb the fence and continue follow Dahlia. Enter the lift and talk to Dahlia. You find the shop.

Lambert will inform you to shoot Dahlia. Shoot her quickly before your lift go down. The next part is easy. All you have to do is shoot every guard before you run out of health and bullets. Find a small laboratory and find an object that you can take. Now get out and find another lift (not the one that you just came in). You find biological agent.

After your lift stop, quickly shoot the nearest lamp so it will help you hide from the policeman. There are 4 policemen in this area. I think you can just knock out 2 or 3 policemen and go to the alley across the market, but I knock every policemen there to have some fun. What I did was whistle, so one by one the policeman will come to me and knock or grab-knock them out. After finish them off, go to the small alley cross the market. Mission Complete. (Try not to shoot Dahlia when Lambert said. You will get same ending but a little bit different way to pass the sewer part).

Mission 5 (Kundang Camp, Indonesia)

In this mission, I raise the alarm a couple of times, maybe you can complete this mission without raise the alarm at all.

Walk upward and talk to Douglas until he repeat himself. Go left and rappel down. Move quietly to the left opening and hide in the tent¡¦s shadow. The guard will start patrolling there. In my way, I¡¦ll wait until he sits down and shoot his head. The other guard maybe hears your shoot, so be ready and shoot the other guard when you have clear shoot. If the other guard not hears your shoot you can walk to the left and wait until the guard in front of you and shoot his head. Go into the guard house and take some useful item. Walk behind the truck and wall near the boxes. Wait until there is a guard patrolling around and kill him self when try to disarm a land mine. His friend will arrive and try to give him CPR. You can try to shoot his friend now or wait until he gives up and start patrolling. I shoot the guard with a sniper. Now walk up and use your thermal vision to see any land mine wire (is a thing with blue line). When you almost close to some kind of hut, you will see a guard patrolling. Snipe him and then move on. You will see a warehouse where the plane is. There are two guards there. I just shoot them both, hide them and plan the bomb. You have planned the bomb.

There will be a guard entering the warehouse and start patrolling. Finish him !! Get out from the opening at the other side of the warehouse. Go to the opening gate and wait until the guards finish talking. Grab the patrolling guard when he stop walking and near you. Go to the guard house and grab him while his back facing to you. Take some useful items there. Go out and move forward, quickly hide behind the plate on the left. A guard and a dog will patrol now. First I shoot the guard and then the dog, because the dog can not sound the alarm. Move forward. Wait until the guards finish talking and one of them go back to tent and one of them patrolling. You can shoot or knock him (I prefer knock him with a good timing). Go upward and climb the ladder on guard tower. When you reach the top, wait until his back on you and grab-knock him. Grab the zip line and slide to the other side. You infiltrate the village.

Walk upward and hide in the shadow from the hut, wait until the conversation end and only one guard in the courtyard. Finish him with your style (make sure he is far away from the hall where Sadono take or the guard close to you). Now is up to you what way you want to take, you can take the tunnel under the hall where the guard is patrolling or you can take the hall. If you take the hall you must shoot or knock the guard. Now move on until you reach a door and Lambert informs you to record Sadono¡¦s conversation to find out the number of his villa. Enter the door and go to the next area where Sadono enter the hut and a guard standing next to the door. Take him down and enter the door or make him move away from the door, quickly go to the gap behind the hut and enter thru the window. You can take knock out the guard watching TV. Get out to the next area and find a small gap between huts on the right side of the area. Slide with your back close to the wall. When you reach the end and you see Sadono stop walking and start talking to his man, quickly shoot the sticky-cam near him. Don¡¦t shoot to close or he will hear your shooting. You record the conversation.

After he leaves, you will notices that there are two guards on the courtyard and a dog standing in the far room. What I did was shoot the patrolling guard when he near me, snipe the standing guard and snipe the dog and everything is clear now. Go to the room and open the door. In the next area is a little bit tricky. After Sadono gone, there will be two guards in the courtyard. First I snipe the standing guard, which is will alert the guard to enter your room, then you can shoot him. But in weird case, I whistle to summon the patrolling guard, when I shoot him the standing guard sound the alarm before I can snipe him. Maybe it won¡¦t happen to you. Now move to the next room on the left and go down to the basement. You will get information to find the CIA pilot. After I enter the basement, I wait until a guard show up, whistle him and shoot him. Still with your gum aim, wait until his friend come and introduce him with your beloved bullet. Move down and open the only door there, shoot the lamp near the stair if you like. Climb the stair and you will see 2 guards and some worker here. You must go to the right door with the guard standing near it. Turn off the light (switch is near the stair). Quickly hug the wall and slide. By this time, the guard will walk away from the door. Open and enter the door quickly. Wait until the door close. There will be two guards in this room. I believe, I don¡¦t have to tell you how to finish them off. Use your favorite one as long as they not sound the alarm. Now talk to the man. You find the CIA pilot.

Use the keypad and open the door. Climb the stair and you back to the open area. There are two guards and auto turret in this area. If you like action, go face to face with the guard and use your flare to distract the auto turret and turn that thing off. If you like stealthy, go find the drain pipe and climb the pipe. Walk over the board and turn right, find the hatch and climb down. You will be in the shooting gallery and you already hang on the rail. Move until the end and you will be in the room with coughing-kick boxing man. Be careful, walk on the left wall and behind him, enter the next room. You will be telling to wait until the sun come down. After you see there is no light come in from that door, you can walk slowly to the door and quickly go left because there is a guard standing next to the right. Walking slowly and hide in the shadow. Shoot the left lamp above the gate. Wait until the guard walk away from the gate and enter the guard house. Open the other door and hide in the corner. There are some ways to by pass this area. If you still with me, you must to kill both guards. Not feeling merciful ? Good. Wait until the spotlight go to the right and the patrolling guard move away from the left side. Go to the left side and wait next to the black box and you can aim your gun between two stack boxes. Wait until the guard come in and face to you, shoot him and hide his body. Now, wait until the spotlight go to the right side and the guard on the hall walk away from the stair. Run cross to the right side and hide away from the spotlight. There is lantern here. Shoot this lantern will be summon the guard to check it out. Let it be, at least you will find a nice shadow to wait him and shoot him. Go to the stair and shoot the lamp above the door. Use the keypad and enter the door. You will hear Sadono on the phone. Follow him by slide from left to right. After he finishes talking, he will use the computer and left the room. Believe me, don¡¦t enter the room yet. Sadono will enter the room again and check it out. After he had gone for the second time. Shoot the light and the lamp on the table. Use the computer. You have trail Sadono call.

Get out from this room to the hallway where you come in. If you want see something interesting, try move to the double door in the next hall. Don¡¦t switch the handle. Move to the back of the house and open the door. Lambert will inform you to wait. When the shooting begin, you can start shooting all the guards or you can run as fast as you can straight to front opening. Mission Complete. (I just wonder why I have to set up the bomb on the plane, where Sadono never used it anyway. Is it because Sam warning the pilot ?).

Mission 6 (Komodo Island, Indonesia)

Once again, you start your mission in the opening field. Can you feel the breeze ?

There are two ways you can take, the left side or the right side. I take the right side it, but no matter what side you take it will end up in the same place. Ok, shoot the guard if you like, it looks like a nice person to shoot. Watch out, stay away from the auto sniper and auto turret. If you follow my way to the right, go to behind truck and walk carefully to the hut and find the right opening. Follow the path until the end (use your thermal vision). You will see two guards sitting motionlessly (sleep maybe?). Walk slowly and closely to the right wall, enter the hut and walk closely to the left side. Get out from the other opening of the hut and you arrive at the other part of the courtyard. Find a small alley between two hut, split-jump and jump to the right opening. Jump in to the opening. There is a guard watching TV and two doors on the back. Again no matter what door you take it will end up in the same place. Just wait until the guard finish practicing and be ware of the auto turret. Go to the hut with generator in it. Grab the guard and knock him out. There is a pole or pipe on the left wall. Climb up, slide and jump to the roof with hatch. Open the hatch and jump down. Be careful, there are 3 sensors on the wall. Crouch and move when the sensor is on the top. Jump down to the opening hatch. Keep moving (I don¡¦t have to tell you how to use left, do I ?) until you reach the basement. There is a switch lamp on the left wall, turn it off. It will summon the guard to turn it on. Sneak behind him and knock him out before he turns on the light. Go to the double door and sneak in, knock out the guard and grab the technician. Force him to use the computer and talk to the radio when someone asks about raising the sub. After it all done, knock him and hide him. Get out from that room, turn right and walk until the end. You will find a door at the end. Open the door and climb the stair. Use your optic to see the guard walk away, open the door and wait in the dark area. You infiltrate the cave.

Now, in this part of the mission, once again I shoot every guard that I meet. I love to snipe them from far away and watch them dancing to the death. Kill the first guard you meet and follow the path until you find the lift. You will see a guard with lamp cross the cave. Snipe him (don¡¦t you love it too?). Shoot the light in the lift, switch the button and get in to the lift. It will move slowly to the right. Suddenly, somebody shoot you. Use your thermal to find out and snipe him. After the lift stop, get out and turn left. Go down the stair until you reach an opening, hide and snipe the guard you meet. If everything is clear, quickly go to the hatch on the sub and climb down. You infiltrate the sub.

Ok, lethal force is not allowed here. Find an open hatch and go down. There is a guard here. When he walk away from you, follow him and hide in the corner. Wait until he comes back and stand. Knock him on the back and hide his body. Move on until you reach the bed room. Walk slowly, don¡¦t wake up the sleeping guard. In the next room, you will see a guard sitting in the kitchen. Hug the wall, slide to the other side and turn off the switch. Walk back to the other side, wait until he comes to the switch and knock him. You can of course leave him alone. Just turn off the light, walk in the kitchen, take the right side and quickly go to the next room. You will reach the room with a hole on the door. Peek from it and you will see a guard come in. Wait until he arrives and his back on you, grab but don¡¦t knock him. Drag him to the retinal scanner. After he uses the retinal scanner, drag him to the left opening knock and hide his body. Wait until a guard come out from the room and walk away. Enter the controller room. Knock the guard there if you like and go to the small room on the right. Use the computer. You trace the call.

Get out the room and turn right. Just climb up until you get out from the sub. Take the path and turn right. In this part, you must fight you way out. Shoot every guard you meet and go down the stair, you will find a boat there. Mission Complete. (How this boat can end up here? Why not Sam jump from the sub and swim to the boat?)

Mission 7 (TV Station Jakarta, Indonesia)

This mission is not difficult, but with multiple guards in every place, sensitive and deadly auto turrets, lightning and bright lamp, make this mission is very frustrating one.

This is the first frustrating part of this mission. Talk to Coen and climb down until you reach the land. Hey, there is a bajaj there. Well, this is really Jakarta. If you peek from the wall, you will see some one smoking. Wait until he leaves and climb the pipe on the corner beside the door. Now, you have three ways to get down from roof. I won¡¦t tell you all the way because I can¡¦t manage to pass the guard. Walk until you see the pipe on the wall and there is line to cross the other building. Climb the pipe and cross to the other building. Walk until you reach the end. Jump and grab the pipe and slide down. Watch out when you slide down, the guard can hear you landed. Is up to you how you handle all this guard in this area. In my way, I shoot the guard that patrolling close to me and quickly hide his body. Then I whistle to summon the next guard, shoot him and hide the body. So is the next guard. After finish the first three guards. Move to the alley, suddenly you will see a flash. There are two more guards to finish. You can quickly climb the ladder on your left, grab the zip line and go to the other building or having fun first killing this two guards and go to the door on the right side. Ok then, I assume that you manage go to the next area with an opening door. You can crouch while running to the right corner of the courtyard. In this area, you must be careful because the lightning can show your position. To know if there will be going any lightning, just hear the sound of thunder and second later the lightning will be strike. There are two guards in this area. Like the last effort, I use my mighty whistle to summon the guard. Luckily, even though there always more than one guard, every time I whistle only one guard will approach to my place. Finish all the guards in this area. On your right there is a driveway, but also the auto turret. This auto turret has a very sensitive sensor and can detect Sam in great distance. You can try to use your flare and run pass the auto turret. There is another way besides running pass the turret. Go to the end of the area where you finish the two guards. If you look at your right side, you will find a fence with no spikes on the top so you can climb it and drop to the park with greenhouse. I use the same technique here, hide and seek, whistle and shoot. Go to the center of the park and you will find manhole to go to the sewer. Climb down and you arrive in the sewer (I never know there is a clean sewer in Jakarta). Walk upward and you will see an opening on your right. Go in and wait in the right corner of that small room. If you patient enough, the guard will enter the room and stop at the opening you just enter. Quickly grab-knock-hide or knock-hide (the most popular combo move in this game) him. Now, move to the other part of the sewer. On you left there will an opening with highly super sensitive camera that can detect you even though you only peek a little. If you know that camera can not detect you in shadow, so shoot the lamp above you it will make dark spot in front of the opening. Now that the camera can¡¦t detect you, shoot the camera and if you ¡§lucky¡¨ enough, the guard from the other side will hear your shoot and come to investigate. You can shoot him when he is at your sight. If the guard not hears you shoot the camera, just whistle to summon him and give him the nice hot bullet. Continue your journey to the other side and jump to that ladder and you end up under the dish. Use your thermal vision and you will see planted mine fields around you. Your destination is on your left path, but is blocked by mine fields, so you must take the right field. You will see spotlight moving around. If you keep your self under the dish, the spotlight won¡¦t see you, so you have to go to the next dish. Time your move and crouch run to the next dish. Use thermal vision to see the mine field and don¡¦t let the spotlight find you. After you reach the end, climb the fence and unlock the door. You will see a guard stand there, whistle to summon him and shoot him outside that room. There are two guards at the other side of the room. If you stealthy kind of person, you maybe one to sneak out pass this guards, but I prefer kill them. This how I did, turn off the light and go to the corner beside the door and wait the guard come in and turn on the light. Quickly shoot him before he leaves the room and hide the body. Use the same technique for the other guard. Go out to the courtyard and turn left. Find a corner of the building with a plant, jump from that plant to the roof. Find a gap and do the split jump to the higher roof. You will see a broken dish and broken window roof. Shoot the broken window and rappel down. You can by pass a guard here or finish his worthless life. Go to the lift and go up. You infiltrate the TV station.

Ok, this is the second frustrating part of this mission. In this area, there are two guards, two deadly auto turrets that can kill you in one hit, a sensitive camera and plenty of lights. Let¡¦s the fun begin, shall we? Ok, is up to you which path you want to take. The basic idea is how to summon the guard one by one so you can kill them without sound an alarm. I take the left path, but first let¡¦s shoot that big bright logo so we can have a nice dart spot to hide. As you peek, you will see a turret and a guard patrolling there. Shoot the lamps at the wall when the guard far away from your place. It will make the turret go crazy for a while and alert the guard. If the guard closes to you, you can shoot him and hide between sofas. If the other guard is not investigating to your place, summon him by shooting the light or whistle him to your place. You can snipe the far lamp behind the turret. Use your flare to distract the turret and run quickly behind the turret and deactivate the turret. You will see a camera above the double door. Make sure you have shot the lamp so it will make the area darker and the camera can not detect you. Deactivate the other turret. If you take long time in this area to check every room, one guard actually will come out from the double door and investigate the area. Shoot him or knock him if you like. If you go to the double door before the guard come out, take the end corner of the hall, wait until he get out of the door and knock him. Open the first door where the guard sitting and face the room where Ingrid stand, knock him and turn off the light. Go to the room where Ingrid stands. Talk to her. You find Ingrid.

Finally the last frustrating part of this mission. Follow her and wait until she talks to the guard. I hope your sniping skill is good now. After the guard grabs Ingrid, snipe the two guards and wait until more guards come to your place. Snipe them one by one. If you good, you can kill them quickly without injure your self. Now continue follow Ingrid until she stop, talk to her if you like to gain more information from her. Go to the left and you will see another big bright sign and a camera above it. Shoot the sign so you will have a good dark spot. Shoot some light a long the way. A guard will patrol here, summon him and put him to sleep for eternity. Another guard will come also (or summon him with your favorite way). Now you can grab him or kill him. If you grab him, you can use him to open the door with retinal scan and knock him after that. You have two paths to go to the final stage, use that door or use my way. If you take that door, well this last part will no help you much, you are on your own now. But if you follow me, continue to the left and climb the pipe at the end. Shimmy to the opening and walk slowly to the other opening when you finally arrive at backstage. Climb down slowly and go to the left where you can see Sadono is about to start his broadcast. Save here, so you can restore it later if you make a mistake. There is a lot of way to grab Sadono and drag him to helicopter. What I did here is dirty and full of luck, I can¡¦t guarantee that it will be work for you. When Sadono start talking, sticky shocker the guard close to him. Sadono will start shooting. Quickly run and grab Sadono. At this point, every guard will aim at you and Sadono. The guard will shoot Sadono just to take you down, but if you not open fire the guards will only aim at you. Drag Sadono to the retinal scan. When you pass the door, the guard will start shooting, but only shoot the door. Keep moving to the other retinal scan and once again the guards will shoot the door. If you luck this far, drag Sadono to Ingrid and interrogate Sadono. Mission Complete. (I thought this is the last mission, but I was wrong).

Mission 8 (LAX International Airport, Los Angeles, California)

It¡¦s easy mission, easier than the previous one. The frustration one is that you got only one minute to finish the last part of the game.

You start outside the airport. You should jump the fence quickly and follow the truck, but I miss the truck so I will just explain you how to sneak in without the truck. Jump the fence and hide behind the car that closes to the opening to the garage. Shoot the lamp above the opening; it will make the guard investigate. Move behind the car. When the guard turn back on you, quickly move to him and knock him out. Hide his body in the guard house and turn off the light. Now enter the garage. There is a camera here, so make sure you keep your butt under the shadow. If you see in the distance, there is a guard with a dog. If the guard move away to the right, start sniping the light on the left wall but keep your distance far away. When the guard walk away to right again, do your run while crouch to the truck and hide there. You infiltrate the airport.

You must kill 10 terrorist now. When the dog finds you out, the dog will sniff to the truck. Don¡¦t panic, just wait until the dog close to the truck and make your way on the left truck behind the parking car and continue to the cornet near the guard house wait there. Time your move here, when the guard in the guard house move away from the side window and the guard with a dog not looking at you, quickly jump to the guard house roof and wait there. If you quickly enough, the dog will not bark at you (but if this happened, its ok). If you see with your thermal vision, you will know that the guard in the guard house is a terrorist. Now, wait until the guard with dog move away and the terrorist close to you or in the guard house or the terrorist standing in the shadow near the left corner. Snipe him! If the other guard seems not panic and keep patrolling again, then is safe to continue. 9 terrorist left.

Open the door next the guard house and open again the next door and hide in the shadow. Wait until the maid go to the restroom and turn off the light. You have to choices to go to the next area. You can enter the room where the guard comes out to turn on the light or thru the pipe in the restroom. If you take the path from the guard room, wait until the guard opens the door, quickly enter the room when the guard already outside and before the door close. Open the other door in that room and you end up in the gap where two people talking. Use your thermal vision and you will see which one is the terrorist. Snipe the terrorist if he walk near you. If you take the pipe from the rest room, after you turn off the light, walk to the sofa near the door where the maid go into the rest room. When the maid comes out, quickly and quietly goes into the restroom before the door close. Jump to the wasteful and get into the pipe. Walk until you find and opening and two men talking. Use your thermal vision to find out the terrorist. Shoot the terrorist when he below you and jump down softly. You can knock the other person if you like (I did it ?º). 8 terrorist left.

Go into the next room and turn left to hide in the shadow. In this room, there are three terrorist. If you use your thermal vision, one terrorist walking around, one terrorist sit under the light and one terrorist walking around above you. Summon the terrorist who is sitting motionlessly. Grab-knock-hide him and shoot him. Now move forward until you reach the corner near the locker where you can see an opening on the rail above near a room. Is about timing how you summon the terrorist above. If you see the guard standing in front of the stair and the terrorist above you close to you, whistle. The guard won¡¦t hear it, but the terrorist will. The guard will keep patrolling away and the terrorist will come to the opening in front of you. Shoot him when he standing in front of the opening. The guard will not see the body if you shoot exactly in the spot that I told you, because is hiding in the shadow. Grab-knock-hide the person who is walking around in this floor, because sometimes he can sound the alarm if you shoot the third terrorist. Now just snipe the third terrorist. The guard above you won¡¦t see it, but make sure you shoot the terrorist in the shadow. 5 terrorist left.

When the guard standing in front of the stair, wait until he start walking away. Quickly climb the stair and turn left. Go to the back door and enter the next area. You will see baggage conveyer. If you take the left conveyer, wait until there is a stack of baggage and hide beside the baggage so the guard can not see you. If you take the right conveyer, climb the pipe and jump into the rail above and jump down to the other side. There is no other way how to pass this guard. Just shoot with anything you have besides bullets as long as this guy knocks out. Shoot it from the opening window. Shoot the lamp to make it safe. Move on to the door and open it. Crouch slowly on the left corridor. Don¡¦t run or the passenger will sound the alarm. If you almost reach the end, wait until someone come out from the door and talking to the man in the booth and man and the booth walk to that door. Follow him quickly before the door close. After you can¡¦t see him, shoot the entire lamp in this area because there is a camera in the far end. Shoot the guard when you see him or grab and interrogate him then kills him later. Is up to you. 4 terrorist left.

Open the door and hide in the shadow. There is one fat terrorist here. If you spent a little time here, the terrorist will walk out of this room and you can kill him outside this room. Don¡¦t forget to shoot the lamp above you so it will make a nice dark spot to hide his fat body. 3 terrorist left.

If you walk in this corridor, when you almost reach the end, two guys will come out from the end door. So, I prefer walk back to the room when you first come in. The operator now will be sleep now. Open the other door from this room to move to the next room and walk close to the left wall where the shadow can hide you. Walk until you reach the door where two guys get out. Open the door and take the right stair. Walk closely to the right wall to hide from the camera. After you reach down stair, keep your body close to the wall and move to the balcony so you see down floor. Use your thermal vision and binocular to find out the last terrorist and Norman. Before you take the lift, shoot the entire lamp in the lift area and walk under the shadow so the cameras can¡¦t detect you. Take the right lift. The lift will stop, so you must find another way to go up. Shoot the ceiling (or you can just climb up). I am a little bit confuse how to describe here, just climb up until you reach the middle lift and open hatch to get into the lift. Knock the guy here (not necessary, just to calm him down). Jump up to the opening and find an opening on the wall to get the next area. You better save here. There is many ways to go to the platform where the terrorist walking around above you. If you want to follow my way, you can see on the left side, there is a long ladder to the top with big lamp above it. That¡¦s your destination to go to the terrorist¡¦s platform. There are three other innocent people in this area. Knock out all of them, to make your move easier. Try not to alert the terrorist before you get at least close to the terrorist or the timer will start and you only get one minute to kill the terrorists. Now, find you way to the ladder I told you before, shoot the lamp above the ladder. I believe the timer already starts by the time you reach the platform and the terrorist start shooting you. Shoot him quickly and run to the left opening and jump down the below platform. Pay attention here, you can see that the other two terrorist will shoot each other or stuck each other or worst, running and shooting panicky. I don¡¦t know this is only happened to my computer or it happened to you too because I had repeat three times and it still happened like that. It can be advantage to you because is make easier to kill the last two terrorist. You have killed the terrorists.

Now walk to the end wall in this platform where you can see the last device in the intersection platform and Lambert will panic. Don¡¦t worry, you can make it, just watch the ending. Mission complete.

The End

I can not help my self not to say the ending is suck. If they can make this game looks good like this, why don¡¦t they spent a little time to make a great ending. What kind of ending is this ? Well, but don¡¦t let it stop you finish the game.