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                             Quests information
                                version 1.08
                                by  Savior82


This document (c)Jukka Peltola. This guide can not be used or distributed for
commercial use. It is forbidden to distribute this FAQ without permission
from me. This guide must be posted in it's entirety, no pieces can be removed
and / or copied to another location for public use.
Sacred is (c)2004 Ascaron Entertainment.

Only the following sites are allowed to post this guide:

In addition www.sacred-fans.net is allowed to use the Quest data in their site.
Also, the game developers can use the data on their own pages, after all, they
made this wonderful game. :)

If you find this document elsewhere, please notify me.


Table of Contents

a. Version history
b. Game information
c. Quest listing
d. Contact information
e. Thanks to all contributors


a. Version History
******** As of now, this document is based on Sacred version ********

Contributor list added.
New site added to the list who have permission to use this file.
Added 1 quest.
Current count: 182
Added some quest notes.
Added 3 submitted quests.
Current count: 181
Started updating data for Sacred version
Added quest submit form to the contact information section.
Fixed couple typo's.
Added some help to 'Battlefield at Wyvern Pass' quest.
Few additions and fixes.
Current count: 178
Minor fixes, no new quests.
4 main quests added, all main quests are in this document now.
Current count: 176
4 quests added.
Current count: 172
17 more quests added. All character's starter quests are in.
Edited 'Bah Spider!' quest.
Current count: 168
2 quests added. Continued with story a bit.
Current count: 151
5 quests added.
Current count: 149
20 quests added.
Current count: 144
Added character class to the Main quests in the beginning.
4 quests added. 'The Lost Experimental Beings' quest still unfinished.
Might need to wait till later on in game.
Current count: 124
14 quests added. Couldn't finish 'The Lost Experimental Beings' yet though.
Current count: 120
A lot more quests added.
Current count: 106
4 more quests added.
Current count: 89
Locations added to all quests.
Current count: 85
Added 2 quests. Also beginning to input quest locations.
Current count: 84
More quests added.
Current count: 82
Added couple quests and quest counter.
Current count: 66
Even more quests added, fixed rewards in couple.
Added quite a lot of quests. Quest names are now marked if they're main quest,
subquest or random quest.
They also have who you get the quest from.
Started working on this FAQ. Very rough version.


b. Game information
Sacred is an unique addition to RPG adventure games. We all probably have seen
Diablo II, Baldur's Gate or even Ultima series. This game resembles a lot of
each of them plus it adds it's own twirks. Result is an impressive game which
every RPG fan will enjoy.

The world is huge, really huge. Climates change from deserts to icy mountains.
There is a vast amount of enemies, and even more items for player to discover.
Quests are also numerous, in fact, there is about 30 main quests plus over 200
sub-quests and random quests.

c. Quest listing
Couple notes: Every quest name has a letter besides the name.
(M) means Main quest, (S) for Sub quest and (R) for Random quest.
Main quests must be passed to proceed with the story. Sub quests and Random
quests are optional. Random quest logbook entries vary a bit each time, so I
have marked the places that change with ****.

Quest rewards do not have experience / gold amounts because they vary a bit
depending on your level.


Simplified quest list

'A dish eaten cold' (S)
'A reject from Hell' (R)
'Abducted' (S)
'Abduction of the women of Slater's Grave' (S)
'Adelina' (S)
'Alchemy' (R)
'Ancarian snow' (S)
'Animated death' (R)
'An Officer and Gentleman' (S)
'Arachnophobia' (R)
'Arm of the Black Priest' (S)
'Arogarn's sword' (S)
'Arogarn the forest ranger' (S)
'Art Robbers' (S)
'Assassins in the Family Crypt' (S)
'Bah Spider!' (S)
'Blackrobes' (S)
'Blockade breaker of the Trade Embargo' (S)
'Bloody punishment' (R)
'Bloodhounds' (M Vampiress)
'Blood money' (S)
'Blood trail' (R)
'Books, owls and salamanders. A test of magic.' (M Battle Mage)
'Boris Richfield' (S)
'Bright blood from deep wounds...' (M Gladiator)
'Brother of the Dragon' (S)
'Building owner' (R)
'Buried slaves' (S)
'Call to arms' (M Seraphim)
'Captain Pigface' (S)
'Cattle rustlers' (S)
'Childbirth' (R)
'Compromising Situation' (S)
'Confidential documents' (R)
'Dead Flesh' (R)
'Demon Food' (S)
'DeMordrey's Dogs of War' (R)
'Dragonslayer' (S)
'Dragon Scale' (S)
'Dream Songs' (M Dark Elf)
'Dreamer of Winters' (S)
'Egg Thief' (S)
'Elendiar' (M Wood Elf)
'Elesium' (M Seraphim)
'Elven Art Stealer' (S)
'Escape from Mascarell' (M)
'Escort' (S)
'Escorts' (R)
'Escort to the thieves' district' (S)
'Evacuation' (S)
'Examina Magica' (M Battle Mage)
'Family ties' (S)
'Forbidden Love' (S)
'For King and country' (M Battle Mage)
'For King and country' (M Gladiator)
'For the crown of Ancaria' (M Dark Elf)
'For the crown of Ancaria' (M Wood Elf)
'For the crown... again!' (M Vampiress)
'Glubba-Jar' (S)
'Groom on the run' (S)
'Goods Messenger' (S)
'Hidden merchant' (S)
'Hireling' (R)
'Hunters of the night' (S)
'Hunter and Hunted' (M Wood Elf)
'Hunt for Poachers' (S)
'Ilim Zhurag-Thalir' (S)
'Inquisition plans' (S)
'In the Shadows of Death' (R)
'It tastes like chicken...' (R)
'Jacquaire's battle uniform' (S)
'Kalim-Khor' (S)
'Law and Justice' (S)
'Love token' (S)
'Magical Thistle' (S)
'Magician' (R)
'Marauder' (R)
'Messenger' (S)
'Missing!' (R)
'Missing son' (S)
'Moca, the Minotaur' (S)
'Mothers Powder Cup' (S)
'Night Prayers' (M Vampiress)
'Nucquam Astralis' (S)
'Off to Braverock' (M)
'Of princes, magicians and demons' (M)
'Of stones and rocks' (R)
'On a diplomatic mission' (M)
'Orcs!' (S)
'Orc Slayer' (S)
'Panem et Circensis' (S)
'Poisoned wells' (S)
'Pure water' (S)
'Rascals' (S)
'Ravenous beasts' (S)
'Revenge' (R)
'River pirates' (M Seraphim)
'Robber Baron' (S)
'Ronin' (S)
'Runaway Virgin' (S)
'Scout Post' (S)
'Settlers of the Desert' (S)
'Shaddar' (M)
'Shaddar-Nur' (M)
'Shakura' (M)
'Shining Light' (S)
'Sign of the times' (M Gladiator)
'Silver Blossoms' (R)
'Songs of death' (R)
'Swords and magic' (M Battle Mage)
'Swords and Muscles' (M Gladiator)
'Sword Sister of the Crown' (M Seraphim)
'Tax Collectors' (S)
'Terrible crime' (S)
'The artist' (R)
'The anvil' (R)
'The assassin' (R)
'The assault' (M)
'The battlefield at Wyvern Pass' (M)
'The Books of Wisdom' (S)
'The brave little tailor' (R)
'The brother's shield' (R)
'The Camp of the Undead' (S)
'The cow' (R)
'The cowardly dog' (S)
'The dams of the dwarves of Gnarlstat' (M)
'The Elements of Ancaria' (M)
'The eye of hell' (S)
'The father's sword' (R)
'The Female Dragonslayer' (S)
'The Forge of the Ancestors' (M)
'The Gallow of Hedgenton' (S)
'The gargoyle' (R)
'The Gypsie Camp' (S)
'The Heart of Ancaria' (M)
'The horned death' (R)
'The howl of the wolf' (M Dark Elf)
'The Lady's maid' (R)
'The Library of the Elder' (M)
'The lost Daughter' (S)
'The Lost Experimental Beings' (S)
'The Lost Settlers' (S)
'The Lych-Leader' (S)
'The magic cure' (R)
'The medic' (R)
'The medic and the precious beast' (R)
'The Merchant of Slater's Grave' (S)
'The mistress of dance' (R)
'The narcotic Witch' (S)
'The old veteran's battle axe' (R)
'The Outlaws of Slater's Grave' (S)
'The painting' (S)
'The path to the Abbey in Ice Creek Valley' (M)
'The Plans of the Brotherhood' (S)
'The rebel base in the sewers' (M)
'The Regentium Silver Blossom' (S)
'The Rescue of a Noble Lady' (S)
'The robbers' camp' (S)
'The royal garrison' (M Gladiator)
'The Scroll of Mhic'Dar-Mon' (S)
'The servant' (R)
'The soul of the demon' (M)
'The Spider Monster of Moorbrook' (S)
'The steed' (R)
'The Tournament' (S)
'The Tree of Life' (S)
'The unknown warrior' (S)
'The way to Wyvern Pass' (M)
'The woodworm' (R)
'Toothpick for a Dragon' (S)
'Traces of the forest rangers' (S)
'Valor's plans' (M)
'Vengeance' (R)
'Vilya, Baroness of Mascarell' (M)
'V' Taro es Victor' (S)
'Where is the blacksmith?' (S)
'Whisky supplier' (S)
'Whispers in the wind' (S)
'Wilbur' (M)
'Wolf's Blood' (S)
'Wolf's eyes' (S)
'Wyverns are not dragons' (R)

------------------------------------ A ----------------------------------------


'A dish eaten cold' (S)

Location: Torffingen

Given by: Rutia the Old

Kill Wyn'gar of the Dark Elves.

An old widow of Highmarsh is mourning the loss of her husband through the hands
of the Dark Elf Wyn'gar. Wyn'gar has no regard for her mourning or her loss
though. The widow has asked me to avenge her dead husband and to bring her
Wyn'gar's head.

Wyn'gar is dead. I will now need his head.

I have Wyn'gar's head and should take it to the widow.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Merchants sell a bit cheaper.


'A reject from Hell' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Destroy the ghoul.

The citizens need my help.

A ghoul is wandering about these parts. I will find it and kill it.

The tracks lead to ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: random


'Abducted' (S)

Location: Shop in front of the abbey near Bellevue.

Given by: Novice Imue

Objective: Rescue the abducted Novice Nimues from the robbers' cave.

The robbers seem to be more interested in flesh than gold. My holy sister
Nimues has been abducted.
I must free her from the robbers' cave at Silver Creek before she suffers a
fate worse than death.

The black sorcerer has gone to feed the worms. He cried out 'ilim sakarra'
before I could finish him off.
But what is the connection between all these slave catchers and the sorcerers?
At least his death has freed Novice Nimues. I ought to go and make sure that
she is all right.

Novice Nimues is free and has returned to the abbey. I think her sister Imue
will rejoice at her return.
Should I visit her again?
And what was that about the 'silver blood of the Seraphim' which Nimues told me
about? Is there a place where a Seraphim is to be sacrificed?

My bloody work is done, but it will be some time before the abbey at Bellevue
recovers from the woulds inflicted by the robbers.
But who were these slave catchers? Who were they working for?

Very straightforward quest, from Novice Imue, go west until you reach a river.
You should find a cave in the beach wall quite fast. Inside the cave is a
thieves' hideout, dispose of the thieves inside, and you can free the novice

Reward: Gold.


'Abduction of the women of Slater's Grave' (S)

Location: Slater's Grave

Given by: Mayor of Slater's Grave.

Save the wives of Slater's Grave from the soldiers' cave.

A group of DeMordrey's renegade soldiers has attacked the village of Slater's
Grave and abducted some wives for an unaffordable ransom.
I must release them within three days, or else the marauders will do their

The women are being held in a prison cell. The key is being carried by the
leader of these outcasts. I will punish him for what he did to the young
Magdalena and get the key for prison cells from his dead corpse...

The leader of the outcasts has died. I have found his key to the prison cells.

The women of Slater's Grave have been freed and are following me back to
Slater's Grave. I must protect them from any further danger.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Adelina' (S)

Location: Silver Creek

Given by: Count Markus of Silver Creek

Find Adelina in the ruins.

Adelina, the daughter of The Count of Silver Creek, has failed to return from a
ride. The girl has an adventurous spirit, which does not befit one of her
Adelina has been drawn to such adventures since she returned from the Baroness
of Mascarell's court, where her father sent her to be brought up.
She seems ot have become more argumentative and confrontational and has even
begun to hunt with a bow and arrows.
I am to start my search in the old ruins to the south of Silver Creek, as it
seems she likes to hang around here.
A dangerous passion, as many wolves have been seen in this area, affected by
the sickness which I heard about in Bellevue.

I have found Adelina. She and her Mascarellian horse Markuelka were attacked by
rabid wolves, which carry the same disease as the animals in Bellevue.
The beautiful Adelina is brave, but slightly injured, so she has asked me to
escort her back to her father.
But I wonder whether we should make a slight detour and perhaps have one or two
more adventures together, as we have adventure in our blood.

Head towards southwest from Markus, Adelina is in the forest. But if you see
wolves running towards south there, HURRY! They're going to attack Adelina, and
will kill her quickly if you don't dispose of them. If you managed to save her,
escort her back to Count Markus. You will be attacked by 3 more wolves on the
way back.

Reward: Gold, Experience


'Alchemy' (R) (Submitted by Smaug)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the Alchemist.

The Nobility needs my help.

I am to find an alchemist and bring him here.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Ancarian snow' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Fabrizio DaCorda

Smuggle illigal goods into the thieves quater and protect the messenger.

A merchant with a doubting reputation has asked me to deliver a package within
one day to the Thieves' Quater. He also warned me about Captain Bergonix, who
is after this scoundrel.

The delivery to an unpleasant person was made according to plan. I am to bring
this throat cutter savely to the Guild of Thieves, followed by the bloodhounds
of Captain Bergonix.

The path of destiny has now led my thieving companion to his grave. He took
this path, which ultimately led to Captain Bergonix, a long time ago! I shed no
tears for him...

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


'Animated death' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Destroy the skeletons.

The peasants need my help.

Skeletons called up by magic are stalking this place. I am to crush their bones
to dust.

My target is also in possession of an object that does not belong to him.

I am to start my quest at ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'An Officer and Gentleman' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Ancala da Andelina Fintaria

Duel the Officer of DeMordrey.

A young lady with noble blood is being followed by a DeMordrey Officer. In her
name I will duel him.

The danger has been averted. This pathetic officer and his followers will now
burn in hell. I should find the young lady.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'Arachnophobia' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the poisonous spider.

A soldier needs my help.

I hate spiders! A monstrous spider is wandering about here somewhere...
for good or ill, I will have ot destroy the spider.

My target is also in possession of an object that does not belong to her.

I am to start my quest at ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Arm of the Black Priest' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Gericam, Agent of the Crown

Slaughter the Cult of dark Priests and free the prisoners.

An agent of the crown has asked me to track down the Black Brotherhood of
Sakkara, break it up and free the prisoners they have taken.

This arm of the Cult of Sakkara has been cut off. The royal agent will be

This Cell is locked. I need the key carried by the Cult Leader.

The prisoners are ready to follow me out of their prison. I will take them to
the agent of the crown.

Reward: Gold, Experience. Belt, Gloves, Shield.


'Arogarn's sword' (S)

Location: Through dungeon in the southeast from Hedgenton.

Given by: Arogarn

Bring Arogarn's sword back.

The feeling I had did not deceive me.
Arogarn is stuck somewhere in the forest teeming with the wild animals. I must
take him the sword that he lost further to the north when he was fleeing from

Arogarn has got his sword back and he set straight off on his way home when I
gave it to him.

You will encounter him only if you have done 'Arogarn the forest ranger' quest
earlier in the game. He lost his sword, it's on the north exit, guarded by
ghosts. Kill them and return the sword to him.

Reward: Experience.


'Arogarn the forest ranger' (S)

Location: Forest in south of Bellevue

Given by: Agitated farmer

Bring a dispatch to Arogarn.

A farmer asked me to take a despatch to Arogarn the forest ranger. I will very
probably find Arogarn in the Dancing Seraphim tavern.

I have handed over the dispatches and Arogarn has set off on his way. Somehow I
have the feeling that I will soon see him again.

Extremely easy, Arogarn is waiting in the pub, just talk to him and he'll be

Reward: Experience.


'Art Robbers' (S)

Location: Hedgenton

Given by:

Objective: Find the Art Piece in the Robber's cave.

A merchant in the southern part of Hedgenton had a valuable Art piece stolen by
a bunch of robbers. He has asked me to return this piece from the robbers, who
are probably hiding in the caves nearby.

I have found the object of deside and should return it to my contractor.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


'Assassins in the Family Crypt' (S)

Location: A bit south from Hedgenton

Given by: Lady Turrica of Baz

Save the noblewoman's husband from assassins.

A noble lady from the southern part of Hedgenton has asked me to save her
husband from a group of assassins. The husband, a diplomat, who stopped the
peace talks in a split town has hidden himself in the family crypt. I must find
him before the Assassins do.

I have found the scared Diplomat, the husband of my contractor and I will
escort him back to her.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


------------------------------------ B ----------------------------------------


'Bah Spider!' (S) *Must be done before undead appear*

Location: Farm near Bravesbury

Given by: Roger

Take the love message to the Witch on the stone circle.

An old peasant from Bravesbury has forfeited the favor of his loved one,
a witch. Now she is plaguing him with spiders, to punish him, but the good man
has seen the error of his ways and wants to win back the object of his desires.
I am to go and find the witch in an ancient stone circle in the forest and tell
her that he wants to make an honest woman of her.

I have delivered the peasant's message, whereupon the lady disappeared in a
trice. I think that I had better run back and speak to my client.

Just head south from the farm, you should soon reach the stone circle where the
witch is. There are several Tarantula Medialis' there also, kill them and talk
to the witch.

Reward: Gold.


'Blackrobes' (S)

Location: Shires Pen

Given by: Martin

Save the peasant's daughter from the Sakkara priests.

The priests of the Sakkara Brotherhood have abducted a peasant's daughter to
sacrifice her in a stone circle. I must find the girl and save her, before
anything happens.

The Sakkara priests are sleeping in the maw of their demon, I hope...
Now that these black-robed scoundrels are dead, I can return the peasant girl
to her family.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Blockade breaker of the Trade Embargo' (S)

Location: Hedgenton

Given by: Boboid, Smith of Hedgenton

Objective: Get raw iron and break through the trade embargo.

The blacksmith from the southern part of Hedgenton needs ten units of raw iron.
I am to buy it from an errant merchant who is outside the southern part of

Head north and out of the town, the merchant is right next to the road. He'll
give you the iron. Upon heading back to the blacksmith, you'll get attacked by
the guards when you cross the bridge, but they shouldn't pose much of a threat.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'Bloody punishment' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Face the nobleman.

A soldier needs my help. Revenge against a nobleman is my mission. I am to get
rid of the ruthless scoundrel.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Bloodhounds' (M Vampiress)

Location: First floor of starting house.

Given by: Novice Itaria

Escort the novice to Commander Romata at the Bellevue garrison.

Her scent rises excitingly in my nostrils stirring both my blood and my fears.
But I shall renounce this lust on my quest for forgiveness and give in to the
girl's pleading.
Tormented by sweating men, slave catchers and black-clad priests serving
infernal divinities, I shall be ready to quench my thirst for their blood if
they are so stupid as to waylay us on our way to the headquarters.
I shall show no mercy to these wicked villains, who do not even pause at the
holy body of a Seraphim, nor the desecration, killing and imprisonment in
hidden lairs.

Escort her to Commander Romata, just head towards west from the mansion and you
reach him quickly.

Reward: 'For the crown... again!' quest.


'Blood money' (S)

Location: Timberton

Given by: Teleri, Agent of the Crown

Kill four criminals at the forest camp.

Teleri, an agent of the crown, has ordered me to find four escaped criminals in
the forest camp and to provide evidence of their whereabouts.
Holman the barbarian, Bagrat the Ogre and Gutdug the Minotaur are followers of
the wicked magician Ansonmular. I don't think that they will give themselves
What sort of evidence will Teleri think is suitable? When I saw that strange
glint in her eye, it seemed that some personal destiny linked her with this

I have the hand of the magician Ansonmular. Never again will his black claw
bring injustice upon the just.

I have the horn of the minotaur Gutdug, which will never again gratify his

I have the eye of the ogre Bagrat, which will never again look upon the horrors
he has caused.

I have the scalp of the barbarian Holman, the whicked profaner and braggart.
The women of this barony will be safe from them now.

Head towards southwest, then to southeast from the first intersection. You'll
reach the criminal camp. Talk to the mage, and they will attack you. Then just
bash their heads in.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Blood trail' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a furrier.

The citizens need my help.

I have to find a furrier and bring him here.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Books, owls and salamanders. A test of magic.' (M Battle Mage)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Speak to your mentor Alcalata.

My studies at Star Dale fortress have taught me a great deal. From the
decryption of the old texts to the handling of accomplice animals such as owls
and salamanders.
Now here I am at Bellevue at the stone circle of the Dancing Dead: trained as a
magician of the fighting brotherhood and ready to save the world, just as I
have read about so many hundreds of times in the library at Mystdale Castle.
Well then, creatures of darkness, now is the time to tremble, for here is a
magician who is able to bring about your demise both with the sword and with

I should speak to my mentor Alcalata and begin the last test.

Speak to Alcalata and kill the Troll. Simple.

Reward: 'Examina Magica' quest.


'Boris Richfield' (S)

Location: West from Faeries Crossing

Given by: Angelica

Fight Boris the Knight at the bridge over the river!

Boris Richfield, the itinerant knight, has occupied a bridge and is challenging
me to a duel! He wont let the peasants pass without a fight.

I have defeated Boris Richfield in a fair duel. I must speak to my pretty
(soaking wet) leader, to let the peasants know that they can now pass.

Talk to Boris and accept his duel. Then just teach him a lesson.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Bright blood from deep wounds...' (M Gladiator)

Location: Inside arena

Given by: Julius, Master of Combat

Fight in the arena.

Julius, the Master of the Gladiators, has given me the task of beating the
other gladiator in the arena. If I win, I shall have gold and my much sought
Steel against steel and flesh against flesh, for the last time... Bright blood
on hot sand, for the last time. Then at last I can leave these dark catacombs
of death.

I am victorious again! My opponents lie cold in the dust, though it surprises
me that Julius sent this Orc against me.
I must speak to Julius to get my reward and leave this place of death as a free
man, at last.

Enter the arena and kill the opponent there. Another opponent runs in, kill
that also. Then return inside.

Reward: 'Sign of the times' quest.


'Brother of the Dragon' (S)

Location: Drakenden

Given by: Loromir, Protector of Honor

Find four Knights and bring them to the Training Ground.

Loromir needs four Knights as students to whom he can teach the ways of the old
Knighthood. I must find the four Knights and bring them to him.

I have found one of the four knights.
He will follow me to Loromir.

I have now found two of the four Knights.

Three we are now but one Knight is missing for Loromirs Brotherhood!

Four they should be and four they are, who are ready to follow me to Loromir to
learn from him. I should bring these four to Loromir before I become as well
doing as they are!

Reward: "Orbus Dracus" item.


'Building owner' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a master builder.

The nobles need my help.

I need to find a master builder and bring him here.

I am to seek out ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Buried slaves' (S) *BUGGED* Quest doesn't finish

Location: Dungeon in the land of Zhurag-Nar

Given by: Slave leader

Objective: Help the slave with the release.

They will keep themselves slaves.
Their leader asked me to let him out of his cell and to escort him to the
armory so that he can take weapons for himself and his captive friends.

We have reached the armory. The slave wants me to go with him to the kitchen,
where the Dark Elves are 'holding' the women.

I have promised to bring the women out of Zhurag-Nar. It will be enough if I
bring them to the entrance.

The women have reached safety. They don't have far to go to reach Torfingen or

Reward: Experience.


------------------------------------ C ----------------------------------------


'Call to arms' (M Seraphim)

Location: Abbey near Bellevue

Given by: Senior Novice Leandra

Speak to Commander Romata at the Bellevue garrison.

Commander Romata, a faithful servant of King Aarnum, sent for me while I was
fighting the river pirates.
I am to go and see him straight away, because the Order of the Seraphim serves
the kingdom as Guardian of faith and justice.

Follow the road, you can take the portal, then go southwest. Romata will be
waiting there.

Reward: Gold, 'Sword Sister of the Crown' quest.


'Captain Pigface' (S)

Location: Crow's Rock Castle

Given by: Leah Joyce

Kill Captain Pigface and deliver his head to Leah Joyce.

A rebellion at Crow's Rock castle reports of a DeMordrey Captain which they
have called 'Pigface' in defiance!
You are to kill him and to deliver the head of Captain Pigface to the

Head north, Captain Pigface will be there with his crew. Kill all of them, then
return his head to Leah Joyce.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'Cattle rustlers' (S)

Location: Porto Vallum

Given by: Irina

Escort the peasant girl to the robbers' lair.

Robbers have stolen this young peasant girl's cows. I am to escort her to the
robber's lair and get the cows back.

Head towards west, you'll reach a ruined house with thieves wandering around.
Kill all the thieves and score the quest reward.

Reward: Experience, Skull


'Childbirth' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a midwife.

The nobles need my help.

I am to find a midwife and bring her here.

I am to start my quest at ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Compromising Situation' (S)

Location: Shires Pen

Given by: Sir Fabio DeSabreze

Return Dame Dana's necklace.

The young nobleman Fabio DeSabreze has asked me to bring back the love token
from his sweetheart Dana, before her husband obtains evidence of her
I must hurry, because the cuckolded husband suspects and is throwing a party to
expose his wife, at which she should wear the jewellery.
If she does not receive the precious necklace before the party, the couple will
be done for.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Confidential documents' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Bring the documents back.

The nobles need my help.

My task is to find some important documents, and return them.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


------------------------------------ D ----------------------------------------


'Dead Flesh' (R) (Submitted by Smaug)

Location: random

Given by: random

Destroy the Mummy.

A soldier needs my help.

Undead horrors are wandering about here! A Mummy creeping out of its grave. I
will make sure that it goes back there again.

My target is also in possession of an object that does not belong to him.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Demon Food' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Captain from Braverock

Find the source of the small Demons.

The land in front of the gates of the Capital of Castle Braverock is being
sought home by small demons. A Commander has asked me to find the source of
these demons.

The cult of black demon worshipers is spreading further into the kingdom.
Like an ulcer it is eating itself into the flesh of people. These priests
however are worm and maggot food. I should speak to the Commander and report to
him the activities of this cult.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'DeMordrey's Dogs of War' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Avenge the daughter and kill the DeMordrey soldier.

The peasants need my help.

I am to kill a DeMordrey soldier for his terrible deeds.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Dragonslayer' (S)

Location: Alkazaba noc Draco

Given by: Eletria, Holy Lady of the Dragon

Face the Dragonslayers of the Highgrounds.

The High Priestess of Alkazaba noc Draco has asked me to dispose of a group of

My polite approace found less resonance than my affectionate reaction to the
attack by the dragon slayers.
The scoundrels have gone to feed the lizards on the plateau and won't cause any
more trouble. The high priestess ought to be satisfied.

I have found the place of the taken girl in the camp of the dragonslayer. She
will follow me and I will take her to the Priest of the Dragon Cult.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item. Experience, Random item from Inumiel.


'Dragon Scale' (S)

Location: Alkazaba noc Draco

Given by: Parim, Smith of Alkazaba noc Draco

Find the Dragon Scale on the Highgrounds

The smith of Alkazaba noc Draco harbors a deep grudge against the dragon whom
his daughter was sacrificed years ago.
He will help me in my imminent fight against the beast, if I take him one of
the dragon's scales.
Dragon scales can often be found around wyverns, if they have been fighting
with dragons.

I have found a dragon scale. It feels heavy and pulsates in my hands. I should
take this to the Blacksmith of Alkazaba, so he can smith it into a weapon or

Reward: Scale of a Dragon, can be socketed into item.


'Dream Songs' (M Dark Elf)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Talk to the Wood Elf Maegalcarwen.

The blood of the initiation would have been as sweet as its heavy aroma which
hangs in my nostrils, but I have left the ways of the elves of Zhurag-Nar
Instead of killing the beautiful elf Maegalcarwen, and drinking her blood, I
freed the forest ranger, who had haunted my dreams for many moons.
But ever since we left the dark fortress, we have been pursued by the Elendiar,
the young assassins of my people, who want to prove themselves in battle.
The Elendiar want to taste the blood of the elf while her body still has life
in it.
But since that disturbing siren call has been stirring me, I have sworn by my
own blood to protect her. It is almost as though she has bewitched me...

I should speak with my elf escort.

Reward: Maegalcarwen as hireling.


'Dreamer of Winters' (S)

Location: To the West from Torffingen

Given by: Valoria the Dreamer

Kill the Cult and the demon.

A Dark Elf by the name of Valoria Winterdream wants to join me in my fight
against the Black Brotherhood of Sakkara.
This sect is currently in an ancient stone circle summoning a minor demon. We
should work together to stop them.

The Demon and Priests are dead. It seems that I must now part from my strange

Reward: Experience.


------------------------------------ E ----------------------------------------


'Egg Thief' (S)

Location: Alkazaba noc Draco

Given by: Malfaniel, Spokesman of Alkazaba noc Draco

Find the Merchant and bring the stolen egg back.

An errant merchant has stolen an egg from Alkazaba. I am to find this merchant
within ten days and return it to the Mayor.

The errant merchant was a wizard wanting to do terrible experiments on the egg.
The wizard is no more though and I can bring the egg to the Mayor...

Reward: Gold, Experience, Battle art rune.


'Elendiar' (M Wood Elf)

Location: On the ledge in the start

Given by: Laurelinad

Escort Laurelinad the Dark Elf to Commander Romata.

A group of Elendiar, murderous hunters of the Dark Elves of Zhurag-Nar, have
been following my companion Laurelinad and me for days.
But we are close to our destination: Laurelinad and I must get to Commander
Romata at the Bellevue garrison. I fear, though, that our pursuers are hot on
our heels.



'Elesium' (M Seraphim)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Speak to Senior Novice Leandra.

The years of learning with my Sisters of the Sword at the monastery fortress of
Ice Creed Dale seem so far back in the past now. Today there glows in my veins
a noble power that one day will allow me to call down 'favors from the gods' in
the form of thunder and lightning from the heavens.

I have recently arrived at the temple of Bellevue, where the novices of the
order of the Seraphim have given sanctuary, since this region is unsafe.
Bands of robbers who wander the paths at night are not uncommon in these days.

I should speak first with novice Leandra.

Reward: 'River Pirates' quest.


'Elven Art Stealer' (S)

Location: Wolfdale

Given by: Maegalinor of Tyr-Hadar.

Steal an elven masterpiece from the villa.

An Elf has asked for my help. In an estate in Wolfdale there is a stolen elven
masterpiece of Tyr-Hadar. I need to break in there and steal it back.

I have found the hey to the treasure chamber. Could it contain the Elven

The masterpiece has been found. I should return it to my elven contractor.

Reward: Experience, Combat art rune.


'Escape from Mascarell' (M)

Location: Mascarell

Given by: Vilya, Baroness of Mascarell

Escort the Baroness of Mascarell to Valor's forest fortress.

DeMordrey's influence is growing by the hour! He intends to snatch the throne
of the dying Aarnum! DeMordrey's troops, who have taken control of the kingdom,
have placed Vilya, Baroness of Mascarell, under house arrest.
The Baroness reports that Prince Valor is alive and has withdrawn to a
forgotten fortress in the forest of Tyr-Fasul.
To ensure her safety I shall escort her there when she has changed in her

Reward: 'Valor's plans' quest.


'Escort' (S)

Location: Silver Creek

Given by: Jakob Noxtrax the Humorous

Escort the merchant Jacob to the West Bridge on the border river at Porto

Jacob, a rich merchant, requests an escort to the West Bridge on the border
river at Port Vallum.
A long and dangerous journey through areas with hordes of bandits, marauders
and soldiers who have deserted from the battles against the Orcs.

We have crossed the bridge over the border river. This is where the borderlands
of Porto Vallum begin, where brave pioneers from the steppes are claiming new
But the land is as harsh and dangerous as the Orcs who pillage here.
I must speak to my traveling companion about my pay.

Reward: Gold, experience.


'Escorts' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

The path leads to ****location****.

The nobles need my help.

I am to take this person safely to ****location****.

Reward: Random.


'Escort to the thieves' district' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Sarevokk the Successful

Escort the Trader to another Trader in the Thieves Quarter.

A merchant requires an escort for a meeting with another merchant. It looks as
if this meeting is closely connected with supplying the royal troops in the
south of the kingdom. I shall escort the merchant to the thieves' district in
the town.

The Trader has reached his contact.
These people no longer concern me. I hear though that the DeMordrey Trade
Cartell will not like this. I should speak to this Trader about my reward.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Evacuation' (S)

Location: Oasis of Ahil-Tar

Given by: Mario Kani, Commander of Ahil-Tar

Cover the retreat of the settlers through the portal.

Undead are coming to the oasis of Ahil-Tar. I will cover the retreat of the
settlers until they have been brought to safety through a magical portal.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'Examina Magica' (M Battle Mage)

Location: Stone Circle of Dancing Dead.

Given by: Alcalata the Wise

Defeat the risen monster.

My last test. I am to kill an Ancarian troll in the ancient stone circle of the
dancing dead. I must not leave the stone circle until I am victorious. Let's

Ensign Weston, a valiant young man from the King's army, is ready to escort me
to the Bellevue Garrison, after I have completed my test.

Reward: 'Swords and magic' quest.


------------------------------------ F ----------------------------------------


'Family ties' (S)

Location: Faeries Crossing

Given by: Roland Gnaror

Find the niece and take her to her uncle.

A nobleman and his niece became separated while riding. The girl lost her way
in the woods. I must look for her and take her back to him.
But I don't like this sort of thing. I must be on my guard...

I have found the girl. It is strange but she seems absent... I should speak to
her uncle.

The alleged uncle was a wicked sorcerer who has tricked me so that he can use
the girl for his nefarious experiments. I must speak to her and find out
whether the spell was broken when he died.
The system of abduction is slowly becoming clear to me. Priests and sorcerers
are looking for innocent blood. But to what purpose?

Reward: Experience, Combat art rune.


'Forbidden Love' (S)

Location: Hedgenton

Given by: Sir Beecy, Margrave of Hedgenton

Face the bards, who are following the Daughter of the Noble.

A noble from the northern part of Hedgenton has asked me to expell the Barde
Lute, who likes to roam near a group of trees in front of the Gates of
Hedgenton, from the region.

Lute has convinced me to free Kitty, the daughter of the Margrave of Hedgenton,
and to bring her here to him, so both can escape their father.

Kitty, the daughter of the Margrave of Hedgenton wants to escape the clutches
of her power hungry father and is willing to accompany me to Lute.

Reward: Experience, Random item, Random item.


'For King and country' (M Battle Mage)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Commander Romata

Go and find Sergeant Treville at Porto Vallum.

I have been offered an honorable task.
To fight under Prince Valor for King and country! I must go and find this
Sergeant Treville in the southern borderlands, as soon as my studies permit.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possibly Battle art rune.


'For King and country' (M Gladiator)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Commander Romata

Go and find Sergeant Treville at Porto Vallum.

A strange fate has led me out of the dark chambers of the arena and into this
world. The crown seems to need my help.
Rumor has it that there is unrest in Ancaria: King Aarnum is old and weak, and
the power-hungry barons are plotting to seize power.
Prince Valor, the king's son, is fighting against the Orcs of Khorad-Nur in the
south and needs brave fighters who have no fear of bloodshed.
So, go and find this Treville, who is stationed at the Fortress of Urkenburgh
in the southern borderlands.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possibly Battle art rune.


'For the crown of Ancaria' (M Dark Elf)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Commander Romata

Go and find Sergeant Treville at Porto Vallum.

Maegalcarwen, the troublemaker, has played me into the hands of the Human King.
Now that I am uprooted and homeless, I should just laugh at the goddess' joke
and follow the path of my fate.
In the distant borderlands lies the Fortress of Urkenburgh, once Uruk-Nar,
built by my people's slaves.
This is where I should seek a human warrior called Treville, who serves the son
of the King.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possible Battle art rune.


'For the crown of Ancaria' (M Wood Elf)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Commander Romata

Go and find Sergeant Treville at Porto Vallum.

The hand of fate is strange: Now that Laurelinad has gone, my thoughts are
confused but the crown needs my skills as a forest ranger.
I shall go right away to this soldier Treville, who, along with Prince Valor,
is fighting the dreadful Orcs of Khorad-Nur at the Fortress of Urkenburgh in
the borderlands.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possible Battle art rune.


'For the crown... again!' (M Vampiress)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Commander Romata

Go and find Sergeant Treville at Porto Vallum.

The crown seeks fighters for a just cause.
Prince Valor, descendant of the line of Aarnum I, at whose side I fought the
Dark Elves for the Fortress of Mhurag-Nar, is now fighting the Orcs, once
slaves in the realm of shadows...
I shall find Sergeant Treville at the old Fortress of Urkenburgh, once Uruk-Nar
and serve my prince.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possible Battle art rune.

------------------------------------ G ----------------------------------------


'Glubba-Jar' (S)

Location: Castle of Shaddar

Given by: Glubba

Lead Glubba to place of his birth.

What an odd companion. Glubba, a dim Ogre, pressed into the service of the late
Shaddar, but friendly in his way, is following me like a puppy until I have
taken him to his birthplace, somewhere in the distant swamps to the north of
the Enclave of Mystdale...

Reward: Nothing.


'Groom on the run' (S)

Location: Mascarell

Given by: Serena

Find the runaway bridegroom and take him to his bride!

The nervous groom has left his young bride standing at the altar of the Temple
of Mascarell. The humiliated bride asked me to find her future husband and
'persuade' him to return to her!
I shall accomplish this with sympathetic arguments or a few constructive blows
on the back of the head.

The young lad has given up all resistance and is ready to return to his bride,
who is still standing at the altar in Mascarell.
Will this prove to be his undoing?

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Goods Messenger' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Henno the Trader

Take goods to the traveling merchants in East Street.

A Merchant of Braverock Castle has asked me to bring some ominous goods, within
three days, to an errant trader.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


------------------------------------ H ----------------------------------------


'Hidden merchant' (S)

Location: Cave near Porto Vallum

Given by: Merchant in a cave near Porto Vallum

Take the merchant to his market stall.

A merchant has hidden from the Orcs in a cave. I am to take him to his market
stall, which is in the square in the middle of Porto Vallum.

My companion has arrived safely.
Now I have one more merchant in Porto Vallum.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Shop.


'Hireling' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for hirelings.

The peasants need my help.

I need a few hirelings. I must find them.

Footprints lead towards ****location****. I should be searching there.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Hunters of the night' (S)

Location: Florentina

Given by: Kerinar, Gamekeeper of Florentina

Kill the rabid wolves!

The gamekeeper of Florentina reports of a pack of rabid wolves attacking the
deer in the Mascarellian forest. I have agreed to hunt down the pack and it's
But I am suspicious about this, because these shy animals have been acting
strangely in Bellevue and Silver Creek.
What is the reason for their behavior, which is reminiscent of the Wargh from
the breeding chambers of the Dark Elves of Zhurag-Nar, which are rarely seen so
far from their hunting grounds?

The wolf pack and its leader are dead. The danger to the animals of this forest
has been averted. I must speak to the gamekeeper.
But I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye, because even these
wolves have scars like the ones the Dark Elves inflict during training,
although they do not have breeding marks.
Be that as it may. I don't believe this is natural...

Reward: Gold, Experience


'Hunter and Hunted' (M Wood Elf)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Speak to the Dark Elf Laurelinad.

Because of the debt of blood that the elves of Tyr-Hadar owe to the human king,
I became a forest ranger in the service of the Crown.
An elvish errand led me to the Dark Lands where my disloyal brothers and
sisters of Zhurag-Nar lived.
I became their prisoner, but under them was one who called to me in his dreams
and who wanted to follow the ways of my people. He was Laurelinad.
He followed the call of his heart, went in search of his elvish roots and
forsook the ghastly blood culture of those beings of darkness.
Laurelinad's animal, almost murderous instincts made me shudder with horror
until he refused to kill me, and spat in the face of the matriarch before
separating the High Priestess's head from her body and then rescuing me from
the sacrificial altar of initiation. Since then we have been on the run to the
garrison of Bellevue, pursued by a group of the Elendiar, the young Dark Elves
who intend to win their honour by taking our heads back home with them.

I should speak to Laurelinad, my Dark Elf companion.

Reward: 'Elendiar' quest.


'Hunt for Poachers' (S)

Location: Bravesbury

Given by: Galadoriel, Elven Ranger

Find and kill the poachers.

It seems as if a group of wild people are brutally hunting and killing the
animals of the woods for fun.
Together, with the rangers of this region will we put an end to this.

The wild people have murdered for the last time. Now crows and flies may feast
on their corpses, while I will drink of the glory.

Reward: Experience.


------------------------------------ I ----------------------------------------


'Ilim Zhurag-Thalir' (S)

Location: Bravewall

Given by: Celdrahil, ranger of Bravewall

Find and kill the units of Dark Elves.

A forest ranger of the king has reported that units of Dark Elves are attacking
the settlers' farms on the other side of the Bravewall border river. I am to
find the Dark Elves and neutralize them!

A strike force of Dark Elves has arrived.
I am to tell this to the Royal Ranger.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Inquisition plans' (S)

Location: Crow's Rock Castle

Given by: Quinn, Agent of the Crown

Swap inquisition documents.

Quinn, an agent of the crown, needs me to swap DeMordrey's inquisitors' plans
in the headquarters.
None of the inquisition guards must see me.

I have swapped the documents.

A glance at these documents tells me that the intrigues of DeMordrey's court
are far-reaching.
Deals have been done with the Dark Elves of Zhurag-Nar on the purchase of
several Wargh wolves, lingering poisons and various contacts with those black-
clad sectarians.
Who is the organ grinder here and who is the monkey?

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'In the Shadows of Death' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Destroy the zombie.

The peasants need my help.

A zombie is attacking these poor people. I am to find it and destroy it.

Footprints lead towards the ****location****. I should be searching there.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'It tastes like chicken...' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing chicken.

The peasants need my help.

I am to find the missing chicken.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


------------------------------------ J ----------------------------------------


'Jacquaire's battle uniform' (S)
You must have passed 'Unknown Warrior' quest first

Location: Braverock

Given by: Jacquaire

Bring Jacquaire's equipment back.

I have met Jacquaire again in a tavern in Braverock. He told me that his
equipment was stolen on the way to Braverock. He followed the robber as far as
the thieves' quarter. I have to go and have a look around there.

The thief who robbed Jacquaire of his equipment said that he had already sold
part of it. The armor and the helmet are now with a trader who has a stall at
the eastern end of the market place. The shield is in the possession of a
stolen goods handler who loiters about at the Braverock arena.

I have collected the equipment together. I must take it to Jacquaire to earn my

Reward: Experience.

------------------------------------ K ----------------------------------------


'Kalim-Khor' (S) ***BUGGED***

Location: Bravewall

Given by: Daniellus Montagnus, a medic

Find an antidote in the fortress of the Dark Elves.

The Commander of Bravewall has been wounded by a poisoned blade in a skirmish
with a group of Dark Elves.
I must break into the Dark Elf river fortress of Kalim-Khor and look for an
If I do not take it to the Bravewall commander in time, the brave warrior will

I was able to take the Antidote from the Leader of the Dark Elves. I must now
take this Antidote to the Medicus of Bravewall!




------------------------------------ L ----------------------------------------


'Law and Justice' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Adamanta

Revenge on Judge and Scoundrels.

A maidservant was questioned by Judge Schrull after her assault. Schrull let
this felon run, because he was befriended to this pack. The maidservant would
her two assaulters killed.

The offender who raped the maidservant is dead.

The Judge who covered this horrible offence was judged.

Where there was no justice for the maidservant, the justice of blood was served
I should speak to the maidservant...

Reward: Experience, Battle art rune.


'Love token' (S)

Location: Porto Draco

Given by: Markus of Porto Draco

Take a message to a soldier's sweetheart.

A young soldier has asked me to take his sweetheart Danielle a message, as he
is on his way to the distant borderlands of Urkenburgh, to fight against the
invading Orcs.

Danielle is overjoyed to receive news of her beloved. If I ever see him again,
I have a surprise for him. Danielle cut off a lock of her hair, which I can
give to him.

Reward: Experience

------------------------------------ M ----------------------------------------


'Magical Thistle' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Likara the Herbalist

Find some magical thistle for the ill merchant.

A merchant withers away. His herb witch needs a magical thistle to heal him. I
need to search the wilderness in front of the town for such a thistle and give
it to him within three days.

I have found the magical thistle and should quickly deliver it to the herb
witch of the merchant.

The power of the magical thistle has saved the merchants life. I should speak
to him about a reward.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


'Magician' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the magician.

The nobles need my help.

I am to kill an evil magician who wants to use the daughters of local folk for
his bizarre experiments.

Broken branches lead ****location****. I should search for clearings there.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Marauder' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Hunt and kill this marauding robber.

A soldier needs my help.

I am to kill a robber.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Messenger' (S)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Sandra Lintari

Take the message to those waiting at Silver Creek.

I must deliver a message to a contact in Silver Creek within three days.

The message was delivered in time and I hope that Lady Sandra Lintari is all
right. Perhaps I should visit her one day, should I return to Bellevue.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Combat art rune. Some more experience if you return
to Bellevue and talk to Sandra Lintari.


'Missing!' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing daughter/son.

The citizens need my help.

I have to find the missing daughter/son.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Missing son' (S)

Location: South of Bellevue arena

Given by: Worried mother

Bring the missing son back.

A mother who feared for her son asked me to find him and to bring him to her.
Before the wolves find him, of course.

The boy has arrived safely back with his mother.

Reward: Experience and 2 health potions.


'Moca, the Minotaur' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Celdragil, Master Gladiator of Braverock.

Catch Moca, the escaped minotaur.

The Master of the Gladiators of Braverock has asked me to find Moca, his
escaped minotaur, in the caves of this region and return him.

Moca the minotaur has begged to live his life in freedom. Who am I to refuse
him this?
I shall take Moca's slave ring to his old master, with Moca's best wishes.
How will he take it?

Reward: You get to kill the Gladiator Master


'Mothers Powder Cup' (S)

Location: Torffingen

Given by: Sir John the Warmhearted

Find the powder cup in the gave of monsters.

A young Noble of Highmarsh has asked me to find the powder cup of his mother, a
prided heirloom, in the giant, monster infested caves.

I have the powder cup from 'Mum' and should deliver it to the Nobles for a nice

Reward: Gold, Experience


------------------------------------ N ----------------------------------------


'Night Prayers' (M Vampiress)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Speak to the novice on the ground floor.

What fickle fate has led me to this?

I am... was... a female knight who, over a millennium ago, stood beside King
Aarnum as he occupied the fortress of Mhurag-Nar. But lurking in the depths of
that god-forsaken Dark Elf fortress was the monster that wooed me with blood-
soaked kisses and consigned me to the realm of shadows.
As a whore of Darkness and a willing accomplice of Hell, I haunted the land for
many centuries until... yes, until my lips tasted the blood of a Seraphim.
Burning agony though the hated light of the Sun was, it gave me my soul back
and allowed me to turn back into my human form even during the day and under
the light of the Sun without being burned up.
But this soul is housed inside the bestial body of a Vampiress, the beast who
loves the thrill of blood so much!
But now I am resolute and seek forgiveness in my knightly form, while at night
I fear the breaking out of the beast once more, the wanton elf of nocturnal

I can hear screams and footsteps outside. And on the ground floor of my villa,
the heart of a frightened girl is beating frantically...

Reward: 'Bloodhounds' quest.


'Nucquam Astralis' (S)

Location: Porto Draco

Given by: Lord Guido of Porto Draco

Kill all the evil spirits in the villa at Porto Draco.

The noble Guido of Porto Draco and his wife Katjana have asked me to clear
their property of spirits.

(Accept) Catch the murderers of Lady Janina.

The ghost of Lady Janina has told me that my 'noble' client murdered her out of
wicked greed. She has asked me to avenge her death and catch her murderer.

The murder has been avenged. The dog Guido and his wicked witch Katjana have
paid for their deeds...
I must tell Lady Janina so that she may finally rest in peace. (/Accept)

(Accept) Reward: Experience, possible Battle art rune.

(Reject) Reward: Battle art rune.


------------------------------------ O ----------------------------------------


'Off to Braverock' (M)

Location: Khorad-Nur

Given by: Orc shaman

Look for signs of Valor at Braverock Castle, in the capital.

I found a horn of the body of an Orc shaman which does not appear to be of this
What could be its connection with these hordes of undead who have risen from
their cold graves?

At least the reason for the Orcs' panic seems clear to me now. The undead are
driving them on to the territory of the kingdom.
I must find Valor at Braverock Castle in the capital.
But how? Will whores, beggars and spies be able to show me the way?

Reward: 'The rebel base in the sewers' quest.


'Of princes, magicians and demons' (M)

Location: Sewers under Braverock

Given by: Prince Valor

Consult the sorceress Shareefa.

Prince Valor is very happy with my discovery of the demon horn. Shareefa, the
Prince's Court Sorceress, will know what we should do with it.

Reward: 'The path to the Abbey in Ice Creek Valley' quest.


'Of stones and rocks' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a geologist.

The peasants need my help.

I have to find a geologist and bring him here.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'On a diplomatic mission' (M)

Location: Urkenburgh

Given by: Prince Valor

Report to Baron DeMordrey at Crow's Rock Castle.

Baron DeMordrey, the supreme commander and the King's chief strategist, lives
at Crow's Rock Castle. DeMordrey is a close confidant of the King in matters
military, although the people hate him.

Wilbur and I are to take him a message so that he and his troops will support
Prince Valor in the imminent battle at Wyvern Pass. Valor's weakened forces
will not be enough against such masses and he needs reinforcements urgently.
It is said that DeMordrey maintains a personal guard of first-rate swordsmen,
the Shakura, at his seat, Crow's Rock Castle.

The best route seems to be across Faeries Crossing into the Barony of
Mascarell. Wilbur and I should not stay here too long...

Reward: 'Shakura' quest.


'Orcs!' (S)

Location: Farm near Porto Vallum

Given by: Approaching a farm next to Porto Vallum.

Protect the farm from the marauding Orcs.

Orcs are attacking a farm. If the farmers are to be saved, the Orcs will have
to be killed quickly.

The Orcs are dead and father and daughter are well. I ought to speak to them

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Orc Slayer' (S)

Location: Porto Vallum

Given by: Sergeant Quinn Dexter of Porto Vallum

Kill Urgalook, the ogre leader of the Orcs.

More and more marauding hordes of Orcs are flooding into the kingdom.
The king's troops are low in number, as many soldiers are deserting in order to
fight on their own.
I am to kill Urgalook the ogre, in order to weaken the Orc troops.

Urgalook has gone to feed the worms. The morale of these Orcs has been weakened
although I think that this has been nothing but a drop in the ocean.
I must speak to the officer from Porto Vallum about my pay.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


------------------------------------ P ----------------------------------------


'Panem et Circensis' (S)

Location: Arena in Gloomoor

Given by: Vladimir, Lord of Bloodgames

Fight the monsters in the arena.

The Master of Gladiators of Gloomoor has offered me fights as a Gladiator. I
can fight monsters for gold as soon as I enter the Arena.

I will fight in the arena again, to double my current winnings.

Reward: Gold, Experience. You gain more if you fight many battles.


'Poisoned wells' (S)

Location: Faeries Crossing

Given by: Deylen, Agent of the Crown

Find the antidote and take it to the agents.

The 'Agent of the Crown' at Faeries Crossing urgently needs an antidote.
Political assassins have poisoned the wells in a strategically important
settlement. The agent thinks the assassins are hiding in a robbers' cave.
I have to look for the antidote there.

I have killed the leader of these robbers. But he fought more like a soldier
than a base thief.
Be that as it may. The dog was carrying the antidote and I have to take it to
the agent at Faeries Crossing.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Pure water' (S)

Location: Moorbrook

Given by: Claror Smashhand, Captain of Moorbrook

Find and capture the Moorbrook whiskey smugglers.

The Parish of Moorbrook depends on it's excellent whiskey. A particularly
delicious deliver was stolen recently. I am to catch the robbers for the
captain of the local garrison and bring back the consignment of whiskey.

I have found whiskey bottles. This must be the stolen loot...

The stolen whiskey for the House of Mascarell will certainly have been
poisoned. The danger is past and I must speak to the captain at Moorbrook.

Reward: Gold, Experience.

------------------------------------ Q ----------------------------------------

------------------------------------ R ----------------------------------------


'Rascals' (S)

Location: Shires Pen

Given by: Captain of Shires Pen

Capture the leader of the robbers in the cave.

The captain of Auerhofen has ordered me to track down a fugitive robber in
these caves and hand him over to the jurisdiction of the crown.

I have struck a deal with the robber.
He will give me gold and fabricate evidence of his death by cutting off one of
his ears, which I must then deliver to the Captain of Shires Pen.

Reward: Gold.


'Ravenous beasts' (S)

Location: Florentina

Given by: Kitt

Save cattle from wolves.

These strange attacks by wolves are continuing. A herd of cows belonging to a
farmer at Florentina was attacked by a pack of wolves. I have to find the herd
before the wolves kill them all.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Revenge' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the leader of the Orcs.

The nobles need my help.

I am to slay the Orc leader.

Footprints lead towards the ****location****. I should be searching there.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'River pirates' (M Seraphim)

Location: Bellevue abbey

Given by: Senior Novice Leandra

Fight the robbers as they land.

Wicked villains, robbers, cut-throats and thieves who have no shame or mercy
have landed on the riverbank to the north of the abbey.
They are intent on evil, these villains, they plan to feast upon the flesh of
the Sisters of Light!
Through the justice of my sword, I shall teach them a lesson they will never
forget and protect the young novices!

The river pirates have been brought to justice for their impudence. I must go
to First Novice Leandra and tell her that danger has been averted.

Reward: 'Call to Arms' quest.


'Robber Baron' (S)

Location: Hedgenton

Given by: Timotheus, Agent of the Crown

Obtain documents from the ronins.

A DeMordrey Ronin, who has a hiding place in the caves around Hedgenton, has
contacts to the Nobles and blackmails them. I am to find documents of this
person for the crown so his contacts can be found.

I have gained the documents from the claws of the dead Ronin. It is time to
bring these to the agent of the crown.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Ronin' (S)

Location: Faeries Crossing

Given by: Commander of Faeries Crossing

Defend the Faeries Crossing bridge against the ronin.

The Commander of Faeries Crossing has asked me to immediately head towards the
river bridge, as ronins of DeMordrey are invading Mascarell.
Time is pressing!

I ought to speak to the captain about my reward.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Runaway Virgin' (S)

Location: Behind Alkazaba noc Draco

Given by: Isabella

Escort the Virgin from the High Plains of Alkazaba noc Draco.

A high priest of Alkazaba noc Draco seems to have lost a virgin who was
supposed to be sacrificed to a Dragon. The girl, Isabella, is not ready to be
eaten by the Dragon though and has asked me to escort her away from the high

I have savely brought Isabella to the Plateau of the Dragon plains. I should
speak with her, before my paths part...

Reward: Experience, Random set item.


------------------------------------ S ----------------------------------------


'Scout Post' (S)

Location: Oasis of Ahil-Tar

Given by: Mario Kani, Commander of Ahil-Tar

Find the scouts and give them the order to return to the base camp.

The Commander of Valor's troops in the Oasis of Ahil-Tar has asked me to find
three of his scouts and to ask them to return to base camp.

The scout has reported to me about a huge armee of undead, who are now in the

The scout has made a disturbing discovery. It seems that a fiery monster is
walking these lands and that the undead are following it. Entire groups of orcs
and ogres are fleeing in panic from the undead.

The poor scout saw a demon? And when the demon had passed by, the undead arose
from their centuries-old graves?

Valor and the Captain of Ahil-Tar must hear of this.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Settlers of the Desert' (S)

Location: Oasis of Ahil-Tar

Given by: Mario Kani, Commander of Ahil-Tar

Find the settlers and escort them back to the camp.

A group of settlers has lost themselves in the desert. I am to find them and
return them to the camp, before the orcs or undead find them!

The settlers speak of his entire family and friends who were taken. This
information should be heared by the Captain. I will bring this fool to the

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'Shaddar' (M)

Location: Braverock Castle

Given by: Alcalata the Wise

Find and destroy the evil magician Shaddar.

Shareefa is Shaddar and Shaddar is Shareefa... How could we have been so blind?
And he has the Heart of Ancaria in his clutches, giving him power over life and
I shall hunt down the beast Shaddar and stop his filthy game. I shall start my
quest in the Enclave of Mystdale Castle.

The dog is at Mystdale Castle. The sorcerer Alcalata has joined me, to
accompany me to the Enclave.
But black wizards of the Enclave seem to be supporting Shaddar.
A bloody battle with black magic awaits us there...

Reward: The End.


'Shaddar-Nur' (M)

Location: Mystdale Castle

Given by: Shareefa

Find the fifth element and the Black Book of Sakkara Shaddar-Nur.

The abandoned tower of the magician Shaddar lies in the Southern wastelands,
where even the Orcs do not dare to venture. The Orcs and Ogres whisper its name
with fear...
Shaddar-Nur is thus my next goal, that dark tower of the evil magician Shaddar,
whose name is whispered with fear around the Orc and Ogre campfires.
This is where I should find another element which can deprive the demon of its
evil powers so that we can destroy it.
I must also find the 'Black Book of Sakkara' here, which will allow Shareefa to
summon the demon and bind it.

Glubba, a rather dim ogre who seems almost likeable, appears considering
himself to be the new master of Shaddar-Nur, following the demise of Shaddar.
He is in possession of the 'Black Book of Sakkara'.
He is prepared to give it to me, if I clear the demons out of his 'cellar'...

The ritual chamber was full of demons... apparently the spawn of the Sakkara
demon, which this fool Shaddar conjured up.
Well, it has been cleansed and is free of demons now...

I have found this remarkable stone. It feels impure, as if it was possessed by
infernal energy.
I must take it to Shareefa at Braverock Castle as quickly as possible.

Reward: 'The assault' quest.


'Shakura' (M)

Location: Crow's Rock Castle

Given by: DeMordrey

Find the elite troops at Ice Creek Pass.

Baron DeMordrey has given his full cooperation and sent us to a unit of his
best Shakura warriors, merciless elite troops, who have set up their camp near
the old abbey at Ice Creek Pass.
The Shakura could turn the tide, for these soldiers are very experienced and
battle-hardened. Their reputation for mercilessness and brutality is said even
to exceed their efficiency.
We shall be on the lookout, as dark looks from the shadows in the barony make
me shudder.

Reward: 'The way to Wyvern Pass' quest.


'Shining Light' (S)

Location: Silver Creek

Given by: Avengarius, a drunken veteran

Search for the drunken veteran's treasure.

Avengarius, a drunken old veteran of the Mascarellian army, has given me a
treasure map. I wonder if there's anything in the old soldier's ramblings?
I ought to take a look at these caves, when I have time.

Reward: Piles of gold, experience if you give some gold to Avengarius.


'Sign of the times' (M Gladiator)

Location: Inside arena

Given by: Julius, Master of Combat

Kill Julius, the treacherous Gladiator Master!

Julius, Master of the Gladiators and my mentor for many years, has broken his
word and will not release me.
What a cruel betrayal - he trained me from when I was a boy and yet I was
always just a slave in his greedy eyes...
But his betrayal is a sign of the times. I can see his true wickedness and will
send him to meet his maker.

Reward: 'The royal garrison' quest


'Silver Blossoms' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Collect silver blossoms.

The nobles need my help.

I am to find the leaves of the silver blossom bush and bring them here.

I am to seek out ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Songs of death' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the harpy.

The *random* need my help.

I am to kill the sneaky harpy.

I am to seek out ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Swords and magic' (M Battle Mage)

Location: Stone Circle of Dancing Dead

Given by: Alcalata the Wise

Speak to Commander Romata at the Bellevue garrison.

Ensign Weston and I are to go to the Bellevue garrison, where Commander Romata
awaits me impatiently.
It looks like the journey will be adventurous, as I have heard of unrest.
It seems that both the abbey and the town are threatened by robbers, while some
Dark Elves from Zhurag-Nur have sneaked in from the south.
Am I tempted to make a diversion to this area with the good Weston or should I
go straight to the commander?

Reward: 'For King and country' quest.


'Swords and Muscles' (M Gladiator)

Location: beginning

Given by: Intro

Talk to Julius, the Master Gladiator

What fateful destiny has led me to the arena?

As a young fellow I was sold out of the poverty of my parents' home, somewhere
from the far east, into the slavery of the arena. But whilst my slave brothers
and sisters fell, I survived fight after fight and I learned my trade well.
I learned the art of fighting with the knife, the pike, and the axe, with bow
and arrow and with the sword, and I learned how to make the crowds love me
while entertaining them with my bloody business.
Yes, it swells my chest with pride to hear the cries of the women while my
sword sinks into the innards of my opponent. But now... I have to fight one
last time and then I will be granted my freedom!

I should speak to Julius, Master Gladiator!

Reward: 'Bright blood from deep wounds...' quest.


'Sword Sister of the Crown' (M Seraphim)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Romata, Commander of Bellevue

Go and find Treville at Porto Vallum.

The King's soldiers are fighting valiantly against the Orcs of Khorad-Nur in
the southern borderlands. It seems that the King's son himself will need my
The washerwomen are gossiping about marauders and deserters, as many soldiers
from the noble families are deserting from their units to take part in
lucrative robberies rather than get caught in political intrigues.
We live in troubled times, but if the will of the gods sends me to Urkenburgh,
I shall find this Treville.

Reward: 'Wilbur' quest, possible Battle art rune.

------------------------------------ T ----------------------------------------


'Tax Collectors' (S)

Location: Wolfsdale

Given by: Jaquo, Mayor of Wolfsdale

Collect gold from the Tax collectors and escort the messenger to the hiding

The Mayor of Wolfsdale has asked me to hunt down the DeMordrey Tax Collectors
and give it to a rebel in the woods.

I have the Taxmoney and should now bring it to the Rebel who is in the
direction of the Woods.

The gold is safe and I should collect my reward from the Mayor.

Reward: Experience, Combat art rune.


'Terrible crime' (S)

Location: West of Bravesbury

Given by: Lars Holgerson

A crime has to be reported.

I found a young man from Bravesbury in the forest. He told me about evil
priests who have abducted a young girl. He says he will go to the Bravesbury
Commander in order to report the deed. I am to accompany him there.

I took the hero to the Commander's office. The Commander isn't there. He will
wait for him and I can get going.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The artist' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for an art expert.

The citizens need my help.

I am to find an art expert and bring him there.

The tracks lead to the ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The anvil' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a smith.

A soldier needs my help.

I have to find a smith and bring him here.

Strange sounds where heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The assassin' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Face the murderous Dark Elves.

The citizens need my help.

I am to kill a hired assassin from the Dark Elves of Zhurag-Nar.

I am to seek out ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The assault' (M)

Location: Sewers under Braverock

Given by: Prince Valor

Storm the place and capture the traitor DeMordrey.

While the good Shareefa starts to prepare the weapon to use against the demon,
Valor and I and our loyal followers will throw the swine DeMordrey off the
The road to the palace will run red with the blood of the wicked...

The dog DeMordrey is dead. I should speak to Prince... I mean King Valor.

Reward: 'The Forge of the Ancestors' quest.


'The battlefield at Wyvern Pass' (M)

Location: Wyvern Pass

Given by: Michaelius, dying Valor soldier

Find water for the dying soldier.

DeMordrey's treachery... The battle, lost... Corpses of Orcs are royal soldiers
as far as the eye can see.
A dying soldier begs for water. I ought to find him some, to relieve his
suffering... and then he can tell me what happened here...

I have found a water bottle. I had better take it to Michaelius right away,
before he expires in the scorching desert sun.

Notes: If you have trouble finding the water bottle, or it simply isn't there,
open up the game console by pressing ~ or whatever button is next to 1 in your
keyboard. Then type 'wasser' into the console, without the 's. That should
spawn the water bottle there so you can continue questing.

Reward: 'Vilya, Baroness of Mascarell' quest.


'The Books of Wisdom' (S)

Location: Silver Creek

Given by: Zaman, combo master of Silver Creek

Bring back the stolen books.

The Master of Combos of Silverbeck has given me the mission of locating and
returning his books, believed stolen by goblins.

I have found the book. It is splattered somewhat, probably with orc blood, but
at least it is not burned... you can still read it... if you look hard.

The Master of Combos has been very generous. Besides the pile of gold he also
presented me with a precious rune. Such value do books have in the right hands.

Reward: Gold, Combat art rune, can learn combo's now.


'The brave little tailor' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a tailor.

The citizens need my help.

I have to find a tailor and bring him back.

The tracks lead to the old tombstones in the caves.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The brother's shield' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Bring the brother's shield back.

The citizens need my help.

The family shield has been stolen.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Camp of the Undead' (S)

Location: Khorad-Nur

Given by: Orc Gate-Keeper

Destroy the undead encampment at Khorad-Nur.

A stinking Orc said I couldn't get into the town without spilling blood and I
was to destroy the encampment of undead that had been established to the south
of Khorad-Nur. The Orc warned me about a dragon that leads the undead. So, we
have to be careful.

I have been able to overcome the undead, but now I wonder whether this Orc will
really let me into this town.

I have to be able to win the trust of a few Orcs. They will not attack me any
longer on my way out of the desert. These Orcs don't seem to be too bad at all.
I wonder whether I could win more allies if I do more for the Orcs?

Reward: Entry to town.


'The cow' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing cow.

The peasants need my help.

I must find the missing milk cow.

I am to start my quest at ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The cowardly dog' (S) ***BUGGED IN***

Location: Khorad-Nur

Given by: Orc client

Take the cowardly Orc home.

A despairing Orc woman has asked me to bring her husband back to her. It looks
as though he is so cowardly that he did not even leave his house in Normad-Nur
when the city was overrun by the Undead hordes.
I will bring him home, or a sign of his fate. If he has not long since been
eaten by the zombies or now leads an unholy life as a member of the damned.



'The dams of the dwarves of Gnarlstat' (M)

Location: Near Verag-Nar

Given by: Loknor the peat cutter

Find the dam of the Gnarlstat dwarves.

The dwarves, long gone from the face of Ancaria, have placed an evil weapon in
the hands of Zhurag-Nar.
Huge dams, which are now in the old fortifications.
I must find these dams and close them, to gain access to Verag-Nar.

Reward: Access to Verag-Nar.


'The Elements of Ancaria' (M)

Location: Library of Wisdom

Given by: Shareefa

Find the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth.

I must find the four elements which make up the soul of our world.
Shareefa said that I would find the element of the wind in the abandoned Ice
Palace of Frostgard, the element of fire near Alkazaba noc Draco in the far
south and the elements of water and earth on the territory of the Dark Elves of
Zhurag-Nar and Verag-Nar.
The heart of the world is made of these elements. Earth... fertility and the
grave... the beginning and the end...
Water... the source of life, but treacherous and poisonous in its many forms...
Air... the breath of life, but suffocating and raging with enormous force...
and fire...
the soul which drives all life on, burning and demanding...

I have found the element of the wind!

I must steal the element of fire from the claws of the dragon of Alkazaba noc

I have found the element of fire!

I must find the element of the earth in the Fortress of the Dark Elves at

A locked door is blocking the way. I need to find the High Matriarch and
'persuade' her to hand me the key.

The matriarch is dead and in my hands is the key for the Element of the Earth.

Reward: 'Shaddar-Nur' quest.


'The eye of hell' (S)

Location: South from Gloomoor

Given by: Leader of Sakkara Priests

Find the key for the demon portal.

The leader of the Brotherhood of the Black Priests of Sakkara has opened a
portal into hell and intends to recruit an army of demons to conquer the
kingdom, a kingdom much weakened by the Sakkara demon intrigues.
I must stop them and find a way to close the portal. The leader must have a key
of sorts, which I shall prise from his dead, lifeless hands.

The self-appointed leader of the Brotherhood has breathed his last. I need the
rune to close the transfer portal, or should I visit this bizarre world and
look for treasure?

I have inserted the right rune in the transfer portal and closed it.

The demonic rune is now in my possession, and I wonder, can I insert it in a
transfer portal to open a path into hell? Where would I go, if I dared to do
I have a bad feeling about this, yet undreamed treasures beckon!

Reward: Short trip to hell.


'The father's sword' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Return the family sword.

The peasants need my help.

The family sword has been stolen.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Female Dragonslayer' (S)

Location: Drakenden

Given by: Loromir, Protector of Honor

Bring the female dragonslayer to the dragon Loromir.

Loromir, the old dragon and Dragons' Lair, has apparently fallen in love with a
princess. She stupidly desires his leathery skin.
I am to find the good lady at her dragon-killing camp and take her to him, so
that she can see for herself that he is harmless.

The dragonslayers of the Princess will need some time to recover from their
bruises. In the meantime I should bring the Princess to Loromir, my

Reward: Experience.


'The Forge of the Ancestors' (M)

Location: Braverock Castle

Given by: Prince Valor

Escort Shareefa to the Forge of the Ancestors.

The traitor DeMordrey is dead and can do no more evil.
Shareefa has completed her preparations to create a weapon for me to use
against the Sakkara demon.
Deep below the place is the Forge of the Ancestors, a place where old Aarnum I
fought the Dark Elves of Mhurag-Nur and later built the capital Braverock on
the ruins of the Dark Fortress.
I shall bring Shareefa safely to the forgotten place of the old powers.

Reward: 'The Heart of Ancaria' quest.


'The Gallow of Hedgenton' (S)

Location: Hedgenton

Given by: Angelica

Find the evidence to prove the innocence of the Bow-maker.

A young bowmaker in Hedgenton is to be hanged because of the murder of a child,
but the evidence is not substancial and his wife has begged me to save him by
finding evidence to prove he is not guilty.

The young bowmaker has said that he found the child and saw a shadow running
towards the old crypt caves.

The Dark Elf was hired as a murderer. But as a murderer he would only be a
puppet. His contractor was the Noble Charo von Govica, who is after the wife of
the bowmaker. I should speak to her and warn her.

Charo von Govica is dead... a shame! I would have prefered seeing him hang.
Now, the case has been solved! The person who hired the murderer is food for
the worms and maggots and the innocent can be freed. I should speak to the

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item, Random item.


'The gargoyle' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Destroy the gargoyle.

The nobles need my help.

A gargoyle is making the region unsafe. I am to face and destroy it.

My target is also in possession of an object that does not belong to him.

I am to start my quest at ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Gypsie Camp' (S)

Location: South from Crow's Rock Castle

Given by: Drusa the Restless

Save gypsies from DeMordrey's soldiers.

A Gypsie has asked me to help her kin against marauding DeMordrey soldiers! She
will lead the way.

The soldiers who wanted to drive their steel into the flesh of the weak are now
food for the worms and maggots...

Reward: Experience, Skull.


'The Heart of Ancaria' (M)

Location: Forge of the Ancestors

Given by: Arriving there

Create the Heart of Ancaria from the elements.

Shareefa has done the impossible. The five elements have combined to form the
Heart of Ancaria... It is the essence of the world, which combines all that is
living and dead, the future and the past.
I shall finally be able to destroy the Sakkara demon by using this essence.

Reward: 'The soul of the demon' quest.


'The horned death' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the Minotaur.

A soldier needs my help.

I am to kill the bestial Minotaur.

My target is also in possession of an object that does not belong to him.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The howl of the wolf' (M Dark Elf)

Location: Ledge in the hill South from Bellevue

Given by: Maegalcarwen the Forest Elf

Escort Maegalcarwen the Forest Elf to Commander Romata.

The thrill of the chase makes my blood course through my veins. Since I saved
Maegalcarwen the Forest Elf from the sacrificial chambers of Zhurag-Nar, we
have been hunted by Elendiar, young Dark Elves which want to prove themselves
in the blood sports.
Like rabbits, we have taken refuge in a cave, and they now want to dig us up
like wolves.
But I will not allow my brothers to lay a hand on this beautiful being.
Maegalcarwen and I are sure to find this soldier Romata, then we shall see what
fun the gods have in store for us.

Reward: Gold, 'For the crown of Ancaria' quest, Maegalcarwen leaves party, you
can now cross the bridge to Silver Creek.


'The Lady's maid' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing lady's maid.

The peasants need my help.

I am to find the missing lady's maid.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Library of the Elder' (M)

Location: Monastery at Ice Creek Dale

Given by: Maegving Telari

Find the entrance to the Seraphim' library.

Ice giants have attacked the abbey and now control the access to the inner
fortifications, caves and the teleporter to the Library of Wisdom.
We shall have to fight our way free.

Reward: 'The Elements of Ancaria' quest.


'The lost Daughter' (S)

Location: Torffingen

Given by: Babuschka

Find the daughter of the old female farmer.

A strange old mother has asked me to look for her daughter in the woods.
My neckhairs are raised though...

I have found the daughter of the old female farmer. She seems confused but will
follow me to her mother.

The old scarecrow was a demon, who used me to get a young girl. I should speak
with the young lady.

Reward: Experience.


'The Lost Experimental Beings' (S)

Location: Mystdale Castle

Given by: Ragnar duh Rok

Find and kill the escaped monsters and bring their brains to the contractor.

A Wizard from Mystdale Castle has lost some of his monsters. I am to find four
of the creatures in front of the gates of Mystdale Castle and return their
brains to the Wizard so he may investigate them.

The beast is dead and it's brain rests in my backpack.

This brain has also been recovered.

Three brains I have now, I must find just one more.

All four brains of these monsters are now in my possession. The danger has been
adverted and I should bring this strange cargo to my contractor to get my

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'The Lost Settlers' (S)

Location: Oasis of Ahil-Tar

Given by: Mario Kani, Commander of Ahil-Tar

Free the taken settlers from the clutches of the orcs.

A few settlers have been taken prisoner by the orcs. I am to free them and
return them to their camp, before the orcs have chance to use their skin as

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The Lych-Leader' (S)

Location: Gloomoor

Given by: Heribert

Destroy the Lich Prince in the old burial chambers.

The farming community of Gloomoor is being terrorised by a lych, who has
changed the cows into undead beings. I should find the lych in the old
cryptcaves and destroy it.

The Lych-Leader has been destroyed and will no longer harm anyone. I should
speak with the representative of the farming community of Gloomoor to receive
my reward.

Reward: Experience.


'The magic cure' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Find the elixir.

The nobles need my help.

An elixir has been stolen.

I am to start my quest at ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: random


'The medic' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a healer.

The citizens need my help.

I am to bring a healer here.

I should be searching in the direction of ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The medic and the precious beast' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for an animal healer.

The peasants need my help.

I have to find an animal healer and bring him here.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Merchant of Slater's Grave' (S)

Location: Slater's Grave

Given by: Franca

Take revenge against the merchant.

A rich merchant in Slater's Grave is abusing his power and violating young
girls for his lewd games.
The sister of one of his victims seems bloody revenge!

It is done! That merchant, the one with the Lady Brianna on his conscience,
will not be able to harm an innocent again. I should speak to Brianna's sister.

I have found other girls who have been abducted. I will rescue these girls, who
are no more than children!

Reward: Gold, Skull. Experience if you talk to girls.


'The mistress of dance' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a dancer.

The citizens need my help.

I have to find a dancer and bring her there.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The narcotic Witch' (S)

Location: Moorbrook

Given by: Sir Jost of Moorbrook

Find and free the girl from the clutches of the Moorbrook Witch.

The young Noble has told me that his love was taken by an evil witch who wants
to take all her beauty. I am to find his wife before something happens to her.

The beautiful Wife of the Noble has touched my heart. The deeds of the witch
must be stopped. I must take the cell key from the witch and free the girl.

The beautiful citizen is free and the witch is worm food. I should bring the
girl to her Noble lover...

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The old veteran's battle axe' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Bring back the grandfather's battle axe.

The citizens need my help.

The family battle axe has been stolen.

I am to seek out ****location****...

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Outlaws of Slater's Grave' (S)

Location: Slater's Grave

Given by: Commander of Slater's Grave.

Confront the Outlaws of Slater's Grave.

The commander of the troops from Slater's Grave has hired me as bounty hunter
to catch the outlawed bandit Robert.
When Robert is dead, I must cut a lock of his hair, to give the commander
something to boast about.

The outlaw Robert has persuaded me to become a freedom fighter against the
unfair taxes in DeMordrey's barony.
He has given me a lock of his hair to take to the commander of Slater's Grave,
as false proof of his 'demise'.

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The painting' (S)

Location: Mascarell

Given by: Janosch the Businessman

Break into the house of Baz, the art thief, and get the painting back.

Baz, the art thief, stole a painting from a Mascarellian dealer and collector.
I have to pay a visit to Baz and his henchman.

Baz, the art thief, gave me the stolen painting willingly, after I threatened
to make some artistic changes to his head. I must return the painting to it's
rightful owner.
I am strangely moved by this painting, which seems to reflect my darkest
What sick mind has produced this nightmare?

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The path to the Abbey in Ice Creek Valley' (M)

Location: Sewers under Braverock

Given by: Shareefa

Escort the sorceress Shareefa to the Abbey of the Seraphim in Ice Creek Valley.

While Valor leads his rebellion against the traitor DeMordrey, Shareefa and I
will go to the old Abbey of the Seraphim in Ice Creek Valley to look for
references to the Sakkara demon in the old library. This is what is behind the
undead who are driving the Orcs into the kingdom.
These demons come from the realm of the dead and their mere presence in the
mortal world makes the dead rise from their dark, dank graves. If the demon
continues to wander through the Kingdom of Ancaria, the gates of hell will open
and the horrors of the underworld will flood into this world like a plague of
In the north-west of the kingdom lies the ancient Ice Creek Abbey of the
Seraphim, to the north of DeMordrey's lands.

Reward: 'The Library of the Elder' quest.


'The Plans of the Brotherhood' (S)

Location: West of Bravesbury

Given by: Elitha

Rescue the maidservant from the Brotherhood of Black Priests.

A maidservant just escaped an assassination attempt by devious Cult and has
asked me to escort her to her father in Bravesbury.

The myrmidons of the brotherhood has been stopped... this one at least. One day
I must find the leader of this cult, before these fools raise an army of these

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The rebel base in the sewers' (M)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Pry, spy for the Prince

Find Prince Valor in his secret hiding place.

Prince Valor has set up a base for his loyal followers in the sewers of the
I should look for him there...

Reward: 'Of princes, magicians and demons' quest.


'The Regentium Silver Blossom' (S)

Location: Mystdale

Given by: Kata Cis

Find the Silver Blossoms near the Ruins in front of Mystdale Castle.

For one of the countless Wizards of Mystdale Castle I am to find a Regentium.
The requested Silver Blossom only grows near old ruins, around the Mage's

The Silver Blossoms are save in my backpack. I should bring this precious
Regentium to my contractor, to get rewarded.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'The Rescue of a Noble Lady' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Martha

Free the lady from the clutches of her hated husband.

An old servicemaid has asked me to free her mistress from the clutches of her
husband and deliver her to her lover in front of the east gates of the town.

Zaphod DeFaltar is dead and now I have the key to the prison of his Wife.

Lady... or rather, Widow, De Faltar is willing to follow me to her beloved, who
is waiting for her with horses at the east gate of the town.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Battle art rune. Random item from Lady Enait Sir'hc.
Random item from Martha.


'The robbers' camp' (S)

Location: Porto Draco

Given by: Silvio Dala, Mayor of Porto Draco

Kill the robbers in their lair.

The Mayor of Porto Draco reports a band of marauding robbers pillaging the
village and trying to gain a foothold here.
I must find their camp and avert this danger.

The leader of the robbers is dead. But it is remarkable that he is wearing a
DeMordrey tunic. This smells of deception and intrigue.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Amulet


'The royal garrison' (M Gladiator)

Location: Inside arena

Given by: Killing Julius

Take Rochéford to Commander Romata.

The traitor Julius burns in hell! I mourn the mentor and spit on the traitor.
But the question now is, how do I get out of here, as the exists are locked?
I should speak to my unknown helper...

My new companion's name is Rochéford. He seems well-versed in breaking in and
out. He is an agent of the crown who tried to expose Julius' slave dealing with
the Bellevue gang.
We are trying to reach the Commander of Bellevue, even if we bump into other
robbers or other obstacles.
And who knows - perhaps the Commander will do something for me in my new-found
freedom, once I have delivered the spy to Romata.

Reward: 'For King and country' quest


'The Scroll of Mhic'Dar-Mon' (S)

Location: Khorad-Nur

Given by: Gulak, the Master of Ceremonies

Find the Scroll of Mhic'Dar-Mon in the catacombs below the ruined abbey.

A mighty Orc shaman persuaded me to recover an old scroll for him. I must
search the vaults below the abbey ruins.

I have the Scroll. I can feel the power inside of it. I must take it to the
shaman quickly.

The shaman has used the Scroll to invoke the forces of the earth, to grant me
wisdom. What a strange feeling that was.

Reward: Experience.


'The servant' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing servant.

The nobles need my help.

I have to find the missing servant.

I am to start my quest at ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The soul of the demon' (M)

Location: Forge of the Ancestors

Given by: Shareefa

Kill the demon, after Shareefa has summoned it.

Shareefa told me that she would summon the demon, once I had placed the Heart
of Ancaria on the stone.
Then I shall know to kill the beast.

The demon is dead and its essence has been absorbed by the Heart of Ancaria.
But the worst thing is that Shareefa is really Shaddar, who has stolen the
impure Heart. I shall ask the King for his advice.

Reward: 'Shaddar' quest.


'The Spider Monster of Moorbrook' (S)

Location: South from Moorbrook

Given by: Magician

Find and kill the Spider Monster of Moorbrook.

A Wizard of Moorbrook has asked me, no, commanded me to kill a Giant Spider who
calls the place of Moorbrook it's home. The Wizard is also very interested in
the brain of the Beast.

What dark power games! The mage has planted the spirit of a girl inside the
nervous system of the beast. I have agreed to save the spirit of the girl by
getting the spider brain into the lab of the mage so he can extract it...

I have the key to the lab of the mage.
I must free the girl he is holding...

The spirit of the girl is confused. I must find a tool to return her spirit
from the spider brain.

Reward: Experience, Random item.


'The steed' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for the missing steed.

The nobles need my help.

I am to find the missing horse.

I am to start my quest at the ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'The Tournament' (S)

Location: Braverock

Given by: Captain Cinu

Fight against DeMordrey's soldiers in Braverock arena.

King Aarnum's troops have rented the arena. Captain Cinu of the Royal Guard has
asked me to fight on the side of his unit in a tournament against DeMordrey's
ruffians. I must defeat all DeMordrey's warriors within three days!

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


'The Tree of Life' (S)

Location: Timberton

Given by: Vim, leader of the woodcutters

Escort Vim the lumberjack to the Elves' spokeslady at the Tree of Life.

Vim, leader of the lumberjacks, reports attacks by Elves, wild animals and even
enchanted creatures. The Elves are resisting every attempts at dialogue.
I am to escort the leader of the lumberjacks to a wise Elf and persuade her to

Vim the lumberjack and the wise Elf are prepared to negotiate. My mission is

Reward: Gold, Experience.


'The unknown warrior' (S)

Location: Sidepath on the way to Tyr-Fasul.

Given by: Unknown warrior

Help the unknown warrior to reach a safe place.

I helped a warrior to deal with some angry bears. He was pretty exhausted and
asked me to bring him out of the forest or to a safe place.

I have brought the warrior to Tyr-Fasul. As soon as I finish my work here, I
could see whether he wants to get out of this forest again.

I have brought the warrior to the edge of the forest. He told me that his name
is Jacquaire and that he is on his way to Braverock.

Reward: Gold, Experience upon arriving Tyr-Fasul. Experience after talking to


'The way to Wyvern Pass' (M)

Location: Ice Creek Pass

Given by: Wilbur

Look for Valor's troops at Wyvern Pass.

DeMordrey is a traitor. The baron's signet ring which we were to take to his
Shakura warriors was a murderous trick, saying that we were an obstacle to his
plans and should now die.
Wilbur fell victim to his treachery and I must hurry now to warn my prince
about the serpent which is trying to sink its fangs into Ancaria's throne.
I must find Prince Valor's troops at Wyvern Pass!

Reward: 'The battlefield at Wyvern Pass' quest.


'The woodworm' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Search for a master carpenter.

The citizens need my help.

I have to find a master carpenter and bring him here.

Strange sounds were heard from ****location****.

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Toothpick for a Dragon' (S)

Location: Drakenden

Given by: Princess Lara Aimée

Find the Giant Diamonds and let the Blacksmith make a Diamond Pike.

Loromir, the Dragon of Dragons' Lair, needs a diamond lance as a toothpick.
I must track down this giant diamond in the caves of the monster.

I have found the diamond. The Princess said that the Blacksmith of Drakenden
could create a Diamond pike out of it. I should bring the diamond to him.

I have the diamond plant, Loromirs Tootpick and should bring these to the

Reward: Gold, Experience, Battle art rune, Random item.


'Traces of the forest rangers' (S)

Location: Timberton

Given by: Nilannun, forest ranger of Timberton

Find the missing forest ranger.

Two comrades of the Timberton gamekeeper, who were following Orc tracks, are
missing. It seems that small groups of Orcs from Khorad-Nur are fleeing north.
Never mind. I must look for the two forest rangers in the depths of the forest,
or at least find traces of them.

One of the two forest rangers is dead. I have his amulet and must show it to
the forest rangers at the lumberjack's settlement.

I have found one of the forest rangers alive, but injured.
He has asked me for medicinal herbs and cannot follow me without them.

I have found the medicinal herbs for the injured forest ranger.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Random item.


------------------------------------ U ----------------------------------------

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'Valor's plans' (M)

Location: Tyr-Fasul

Given by: Prince Valor

Go and find Shareefa the sorceress.

Prince Valor is overjoyed that his beloved Vilya has been rescued. But whilst
he intends to fight DeMordrey with a resistance movement, he has sent me to a
sorceress called Shareefa, whom I am to serve...

Go to the Orcs' fortress at Khorad-Nur.

Shareefa the sorceress has ordered me to go to the territory of the Orcs of
Khorad-Nur, where I am to find out the reason for the Orcs' unrest. The Orc
shamen will be able to tell me more... or I shall steal their possessions from
their dead bodies...
Khorad-Nur lies to the south of the border the Fortress of Urkenburgh.
However, I heard that Valor has also stationed some of his trusted men at the
oasis of Ahil-Tar. Perhaps this might be a good base for me.

Reward: 'Off to Braverock' quest.


'Vengeance' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the brutal Ogre.

The nobles need my help.

I am to slay the brutal Ogre.

Broken branches lead towards ****location****. I should search for clearings

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


'Vilya, Baroness of Mascarell' (M)

Location: Wyvern Pass

Given by: Michaelius, dying Valor soldier

Ask Baroness Vilya of Mascarell about Prince Valor.

Treville is dead. Just another victim of DeMordreys political intrigues.
However, this honourable soldier told me with his last breath that the baroness
of Mascarell, the Lady Vilya, might know where the prince might be... if he's
still alive.
I should pay her a visit...

Reward: 'Escape from Mascarell' quest


'V' Taro es Victor' (S) (Submitted by Smaug)

Location: Porto Draco

Given by: Mayor

Liquidate DeMordrey's occupiers in their lair.

The Mayor of Porto Draco sends word of attacks by DeMordrey's occupiers, who
are terrorizing the village. I must find their camp and avert danger.

The leader of DeMordrey's terrorists is dead. I shall give the DeMordrey Tunic
to the Mayor as a symbol of the fight for freedom, so that he can start his

Reward: *Need to check this*


------------------------------------ W ----------------------------------------


'Where is the blacksmith?' (S)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Anurf

Find the missing blacksmith.

A peasant came to me and asked me to find the blacksmith. He wanted to meet
with someone. I shall ask his wife where this meeting should take place.

The blacksmith's wife told me that her husband wishes to meet next to the old
stone circle. I should take a look.

I have found the blacksmith. Surrounded by wolves he saw his doom approaching,
until I saved him.
He was attacked as he journeyed home. His new sword has also been stolen.
I should attempt to find and return this to him.

I have found the stolen sword. It has fine runes on the blade. It radiates a
feeling of magic. I am still too weak to use this blade, so I should take it to
the blacksmith.

I have brought back the smith's sword and have been rewarded with a noble

Reward: Unique sword 'Hack', Smithing allowed.


'Whisky supplier' (S)

Location: Moorbrook

Given by: Whisky dealer

Deliver a barrel of whisky from Moorbrook.

A merchant from Moorbrook has asked me to bring a barrel of whisky to the
tavern at the crossroads in Drakenden.

The innkeeper is very happy about the delivery.

Reward: Gold, Experience


'Whispers in the wind' (S)

Location: A bit North from Florentina

Given by: Sisaya Rei, Mistress of Herbs

Fetch goldberry fruits from unholy soil for the witch Sisaya Rei.

The herb witch Sisaya Rei, who is in Florentina, has asked me to bring the
fruit of a goldberry bush. This plant grows in old temple ruins, which seems to
scare the witch...
What sort of place is this, here in this beautiful Barony of Mascarell?

I have the fruit of the goldberry bush, which I must take to Sisayah.
As far as my vision is concerned, this was the strangest vision I have ever
The things that emerged from the fires of the cave bode ill for the future.

Reward: Experience, Ring.


'Wilbur' (M)

Location: Porto Vallum

Given by: Sergeant Treville

Free Wilbur from the Orc camp.

The realm of King Aarnum, Valor's father, is in uproar. Aarnum is dying and
greedy vassals have set their eyes on the throne. The opposition on the Barons'
Council sees the constantly increasing number of attacks by the Orcs as a sign
of the King's weakness.
It almost seems that the Orcs are invading Khorad-Nur, as they are on the
rampage with fire and sword, and only Prince Valor at the Fortress of
Urkenburgh is stopping them.
But now a horde of Orcs has traveled the transfer portal at the besieged border
fortress and plundered the supplies.
Wilbur, a trusted servant of the Prince, was captured in the skirmish.
I shall find the Orcs' camp and free Wilbur, before they turn him into

I have found Wilbur, Prince Valor's agent, in the Orc camp, and am to bring him
safely back to Urkenburgh.
His reports on the Orcs are devastating, because they are preparing to invade
through Wyvern Pass. Yet they don't appear to be attacking the kingdom out of
their usual blood lust, but more because they are in a mindless panic. They are
like hunted animals, wild and unstoppable, destroying anything in their path.

Reward: 'On a diplomatic mission' quest, Wilbur as a hireling.


'Wolf's Blood' (S)

Location: Wolfdale

Given by: Wrendeghast, Landowner of Wolfdale.

Kill the leader of the wolf pack in the caves.

The owners of a farm are being terrorised by a wolf. I should search the caves
for the Pack leader and kill it.

A family tragedy! My master seems to be a mean double-crosser who is haunted by
his nephew Harry, a wizard of metamorphosis. I shall accompany him to his uncle
so that he can avenge the death of his father.

The foul deed of fraticide has been avenged. The uncle of Harry the magician is
dead and I must speak to him.
But the evil of the rabies epidemic is all-pervasive here. DeMordrey's henchmen
have acquired these beasts from the Elves of Zhurag-Nar and caused panic across
the land.
But why? To weaken the king's position?

Reward: Gold, Experience, Ring.


'Wolf's eyes' (S)

Location: Bellevue

Given by: Victor Homa

Kill the rabid leader of the wolf pack.

Rabid wolves are devouring farmer Victor Homa's stock. I will find the leader
of the pack in the forest and kill it.
But it is strange, because these animals are generally shy. What sorcery could
be behind their strange behavior?

The leader of the wolf pack is dead. It was a wargh, bearing the Zhurag-Nar
breeding mark. What is such a fighting animal doing so far south?
Oh well, farmer Victor Homa's sheep at Bellevue are safe now. I must go and
find him there, to receive a suitable reward.

Reward: Gold, Experience, Combat art rune.


'Wyverns are not dragons' (R)

Location: random

Given by: random

Kill the wyvern.

The citizens need my help.

My task is to find a wyvern and hunt it down in its own hunting grounds.

I am to seek out ****location****

I have one day.

Reward: Random.


------------------------------------ X ----------------------------------------

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d. Contact information
If you want to contribute to this FAQ, or have any suggestions/questions,
you may e-mail me to address darksavior (at) saunalahti (dot) fi.
Please include words 'Sacred quests' in the subject line.
You can also send me a Private Message over the official english Sacred forums:
My account there is Savior82.

Quest submitters get their name mentioned with the entry.

Please use this form when submitting quest data:

*Begin submit form*

'Quest name' (Quest type)

Location: *location*

Given by: *who?*

Objective here, first line of the logbook entry.

The rest of the quest entry.

Tips and notes about the quest.

Reward: *reward* doesn't need to be accurate, just general info.

*End submit form*


e. Thanks to all contributors
People who have contributed to this quest list:

Smaug                                                                  3 quests

Your help is much appreciated!