Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)
(Start in the forest), EAST, CLIMB (climb what?), TREE (to a
large room where you see the golden key and take it – you also
see a piece of paper with “Chop ‘er Down” and an axe with the
word “Bunyon” on it), DOWN (back to large field), CHOP (chop
what?), TREE (*see a hollow tree stump), DOWN (to a long
passageway), OPEN (open what?), DOOR (it’s locked), BUNYON
(congratulations you have just entered the castle... you are in a
large hall with a door in front of you and you use the golden key
to open it... a ghostly voice says one of the doors has treasure
and the others monsters... which do you choose 1, 2 or 3?), 2.

              Well done.  You chose the right one.
               You have just become a millionaire.
Originally found on Dorothy Millard\'s site at