Written by Michael Crichton 1984 (Telarium Corporation)
        Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Disk Version)

In this four-sided, high-resolution adventure based on Michael
Creighton\'s novel your mission is to find the Lost City of Chak
and its cache of dark emeralds which will revolutionise computer
technology.  The last expedition was wiped out by unfriendly
natives.  You suspect foul play when you find the Professor, who
had the map to the city, murdered in his laboratory.  Bravely, you
carry on without the map, but with the late Professor\'s talking
parrot, Paco.  In the Amazon, you encounter headhunters,
alligators, earthquakes, erupting volcanos, freezing mountains,
and (most amazing of all), corrupt government officials.
Occasional graphics screens and B-grade arcade games add to the
fun.  There are three levels of difficulty.

Played as NOVICE
1.   See Walk Through.
1.   At customs as a Seasoned Adventurer, TURN ON COMPUTER (after
  you\'ve been robbed), 072, GIVE BELT.
2.   Second Antechamber as a Seasoned Adventurer OPEN 132, head
  south and get in the chopper.
1.   Somewhere in jungle as Expedition Leader, just after landing TURN ON COMPUTER
  EXAMINE JACKET, TAKE PAPER, W, W, FLY PACO, N, W (you fall in a pit of snakes), SMILE, E
2.   In fron of the cave, after being captured by the Kemani
     N,N, W, N, N (south slope of volcano - you are shivering)
3.   Clearing in Jungle as Expedition Leader, from where you see
  parachute dropped, E, E, N, E, S, S, E.
4.   When you find parachute and carton, also GET RIFLE. Later after HIT ALLIGATOR WITH OAR,
     you USE RIFLE to get to the shore.
5.   Second antechamber as an Expedition Leader OPEN 132, head
  south and get in the chopper.
6.   Third antechamber as expedition leader, OPEN 348, OPEN 159,
  OPEN 267, head for the chopper and safety.

Walk Through
(Start in NSRT awaiting a satellite communica	tion from the
Amazon), WAIT (the message comes in), GO TO OFFICE (you are in
Murphy\'s office – “What\'s your name?”, …………… (type your own name –
“Check name.……….”), YES, (“Scared?”), YES, (“You leave tonight
O.K”), YES, (“How much experience do you have?), …………… (answer
here as you wish, it doesn’t make any difference - you are given a
letter), GO TO AIRPORT, OPEN LETTER (tells you where to go), GO TO
GATE, MIAMI (you board the plane for Miami... you arrive in Miami Airport
and hail a taxi... “Where to?”), GO TO THE INSTITUTE (the driver
says \"It doesn\'t open until 9.00 a.m. Do you want me to take you
to a hotel?”), NO (you arrive at the archaeological institute to
see police cars and an ambulance), ENTER INSTITUTE (a policeman
blocks your way), SHOW LETTER (he reads it and lets you through),
ENTER INSTITUTE (“What\'s your name?”) ....………. (type whatever you
stated earlier – “You\'re too late, the Professor has been
murdered, have you come for his notebooks?”), YES.

it), REMOVE DRAPE (the parrot asks “What is your name?”),
...………….. (type whatever you stated earlier), OPEN CAGE (the
parrot hops on your shoulder and says he is hungry), OPEN
and says \"Did you know they were after his map?”), YES (he offers
to take you to the lost city – “Okay?”), YES (“I hate water,
Okay?”), YES (“You are planning to fly?”),YES, SAY PACO, 
OPEN CUPBOARD, EXAMINE CUPBOARD, GET FOOD (Paco’s - there\'s a glimmer
of metal from the back), EXAMINE GLIMMER, GET GUN, EXAMINE GUN (a
dart gun), LEAVE OFFICE (you are outside the office where the
director arrives and says \"Paco is a valuable research animal, we
can\'t let him go”), BRIBE DIRECTOR (he says “$20,000, Okay?”), NO,
(“$15,000 then?”), NO, (“$10,000?”), NO (he settles for $5,000).

you...?”), YES, GET BACKPACK (you go to the boarding gate),
INVENTORY (your backpack contains cigarettes, money, an envelope,
belt, dart gun, some food, rations, some medicine, a parka,
goggles, a laser, a computer, a note, tickets), READ NOTE (once in
the Amazon contact NSRT with your computer - standard code 969),
BOARD PLANE (you are on your way to the Amazon… you wake up lying
on the ground with a headache not knowing where you are), SIT UP
(you remember you parachuted into the jungle… follow the
directions Paco gives you), N, W (he then looks confused),
ACTIVATE COMPUTER (you are asked for input code), 969, W (path in
the forest), N (a jaguar leaps at you but you dodge), N, N, W
(stream - an arrow whisks past you and a Kemani steps from the
jungle), SMILE (he takes you to his village), OFFER CIGARETTES
(you have made friends... they offer you dinner), YES (they lead
you to the mouth of a cave).

N, N, N, N (to where government soldiers are), WAIT (they capture
you and take you to their camp), WAIT (the captain comes in with
your backpack... he asks what you are doing here), WAITING (he
says he will kill you unless you can pay), YES (“Where - I don\'t
see any money?”), LOOK IN PACK (it is gone... the soldiers stole
it... he leaves… it is now night and you hear Paco), SAY PACO
(he enters the tent and unties you), GET BACKPACK, W, WEAR GOGGLES
(you now see an exit north), N (you escaped into the jungle),
REMOVE GOGGLES, ACTIVATE COMPUTER (input code), 072 (“Anything
wrong”), YES (“We will lead you out”), OFF COMPUTER, W, WEAR
GOGGLES, N, REMOVE GOGGLES, E (you are lost in the jungle),
ACTIVATE COMPUTER (input code), 072 (“Anything wrong?”), YES (“We
will lead you out”), W, N, N, N, N (you have reached a safe
campsite... rest until morning).

N, N (south slope of volcano - you are shivering), WEAR PARKA, N,
N (you are in a blinding snow storm and visibility is zero),
ACTIVATE COMPUTER (input code), 969 (you are told the summit is
clear), N, N, E, E (“You are near the summit... Go north and when
you find a protected camp contact us”), N, N (summit of Mt.
Macuma),  ENTER TUBE (lava - you are sheltered for the night...
Paco says \"How about some grub?\"), OFFER FOOD, ACTIVATE COMPUTER
(Input code), 969 (to read bulletins), SLEEP.

N, N, N (you are lost in the jungle), N (you come to a clearing
and hear a plane overhead... a carton is dropped by parachute), E,
E, E (you see a carton and parachute), GET PARACHUTE, OPEN CARTON
(it contains a powerful rifle, a telescoping oar and an inflatable
raft), GET OAR (leave the rest), N (you are by the banks of the
river but night has fallen and you can\'t see very well), WEAR
GOGGLES (a hippo is here), FREEZE (the hippo moves away), W, W (to
bend in the river - a native boat is here), EXAMINE BOAT (it has a
hole in the bottom), REPAIR BOAT (“Good idea, What\'ll you use?”),
USE PARACHUTE, SHOOT PACO (with the dart gun - he collapses – this
is the only way to get him into the boat and across the river),
ENTER BOAT, CROSS RIVER (as you reach the middle currents buck the
boat wildly... sensing your distress alligators arrive), HIT
ALLIGATOR WITH OAR (they depart... you paddle and reach the far
shore), WAIT (you set up campsite, sleep and awaken), ACTIVATE
COMPUTER (input code), 969 (“Better run an inventory and call us
back... There are tiny footprints in your tent and everything is
missing”), INVENTORY (you are carrying a computer), ACTIVATE
COMPUTER (input code), 969 (they have a micro-transmitter in your
pack and will track it), N, N, N, N (it\'s no good the monkeys are
too fast... play the game using a joystick - you eventually
recover your pack).

E, E (you are at the west end of a suspension bridge... Paco
doesn\'t want to cross), USE GUN (the threat is enough... Paco hops
on your shoulders and says \"You talked me into it\"), E, E (east
side of bridge), S, S, S, W (entrance to the lost City of Chak -
your computer is beeping), ACTIVATE COMPUTER (input code), 969
(you are told the Huni attack at night and to be in camp by 6.00
pm...), S (campsite - night has fallen), ACTIVATE LASER AND WEAR
GOGGLES (the Huni are attacking - play the game), SLEEP.

N (entrance to Lost City of Chak), GO IN (to a room with many
windows), N, N, E (temple), N, PUSH WALL (one stone pivots
revealing an inner recess with a lever), PULL LEVER (one of the
floor slabs lifts revealing stairs going down in the temple), D
(the entrance closes and you can\'t go back), W, U (vast hall), W,
N (north wall of a tiny room), GET KEY, S, E, N (a door with a
(in code - your computer is beeping), ACTIVATE COMPUTER (input
code), 969 (Roger\'s last message is translated), W (to first ante
chamber), W, OPEN 132 (the three doors are here... you go
through... there is an earthquake but you just make out a passage
to the south), S (into a vast hall), S (the earthquake has opened
the floor revealing a secret passage south), S, S, U (there is
another earthquake as you climb into the pit room), W (entrance to
the Lost City - it is collapsing before your eyes... you have been
rescued), ENTER HELICOPTER (you\'ve made it!).

    Despite your lack of experience and your novice rating, you
 entered the wilds of the Amazon and survived!  You\'ve done well!
     Murphy just snorted and said \"It could have been worse\".
         That\'s as much of a compliment as he ever gives.
                   Even Paco thinks you\'re good.
  He just informed us, \"Squaak! This person\'s no turkey! Squaak!\"
                              THE END