Written by George Knoedler
           Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)
walk the trail to the top of the cliff), EXAMINE BUILDING (see a
sign on the roof), READ SIGN (Crazy Lou\'s Trading Post), GO WEST
(trading post), READ SIGN (don\'t bother with the rowboat and oars
as you can\'t get them down the slope anyway and you can\'t afford
the mini-sub), TALK TO LOU, WHAT IS IN THE BOXES (hang gliders),
BUY HANG GLIDER, EXIT (you are back on the cliff top), ASSEMBLE
HANG GLIDER, JUMP OFF CLIFF (you float across to the island of
Sportta Sappa).

EXAMINE ROCK (you see an inscription), READ INSCRIPTION (note the
numbers), EXAMINE LOG (it is hollow), MOVE LOG (a skunk runs out),
FOLLOW SKUNK (into a cave), FEEL WALLS (you find a light switch),
FLIP SWITCH, EXAMINE WALLS (you find a box containing a ring of
keys), GET KEYS, EXAMINE KEYS (a ring of three keys each one
labelled with a number from one to three), EXIT (back to beach), GO
NORTH, GO NORTH (closer to base), EXAMINE FENCE (it is
electrified), EXAMINE POLE (you see a box near the top), CLIMB POLE
(you find a knife wrapped in a slip of paper), GET KNIFE (you slide
back down the pole), READ PAPER, GO SOUTH (back to beach).

EXAMINE PIPE (it\'s a vent), CLIMB IN VENT (you stop at an iron
grate), EXAMINE GRATE (a large rat has been following you and your
next action will provoke the animal to attack), KILL RAT WITH KNIFE
(it is now dead), EXAMINE GRATE, UNLOCK GRATE (with which key?), 3
(you enter the room where the vent pipe ends).

OPEN UTILITY DOOR (it\'s a janitor\'s closet), EXAMINE CLOSET (there
is a janitor uniform, a squeegee and some window cleaner), GET
UNIFORM (you pick up the window cleaning stuff and put on the
janitor uniform), CLIMB UP STAIRS (at the top two armed guards
think you are the janitor they were expecting and you are told to
wash the computer screens at the consoles... you are in the control
room), OPEN DRAWER (locked), UNLOCK DRAWER (with which key?), 2
(you find a book inside), EXAMINE BOOK (you find the security code
- note it), EXAMINE COMPUTER (you see the missile status screen -
note the target is Pawtucket... you are to change status input area
to change), BEARING (input new north bearing), N 17640, (input new
west bearing), W 74042 (note the target is now outer space), LAUNCH
CONTROL (it is now armed and requires two operators except for
manual override - note do not touch the self destruct or you will
not live to return to Pawtucket!), LOOK, EXIT (back to room where
the vent pipe is).

OPEN SILO DOOR (enter security combination), 99 78 18 15 80 (you
are inside the missile silo at last), EXAMINE MISSILE (note the
incorrect spelling - you see a hatch halfway up the side), CLIMB IN
HATCH (you climb up the side and make your way to the hatch),
UNLOCK HATCH (with witch key?), 1 (you have reached the inside of
the missile), EXAMINE CONSOLE (one of the buttons is marked \"Manual
Launch Override\"), PRESS BUTTON (immediately the missile begins to
rumble... it is carrying you and the atomic bomb aloft... tearing
open the emergency cabinet you find yourself a parachute and jump
out of the hatch... you float down to a recovery near a U.S. ship).
The atomic missile heads harmlessly to outer space.

                      CONGRATULATIONS HERO!!
 You have saved Pawtucket and brought the evil scum on the isle to
                           their knees.