* Sent by Decimal Cat                       *
* Found at http://solutions.c64.org/        *

I reccomend using an emulator to play this game, so you can save your
progress. getting to the demogorgon level and then dying isnt fun. :)

When you start the game you\'ll be in the forest. (The game is in \"Practice
mode\" until you press F7, meaning no monsters will come, so no worries. Use
Joystick port 2.)

Press and hold down the fire button to adjust your sights--the little bars
on the side of the screen move up and down to illustrate the trajectory of
the arrow. Firing the arrow is a little tricky. Press to the direction you
want to fire the arrow and press the button. Tricky, but you\'ll get the hang
of it sooner or later.

Every time you kill a monster the diety will come down and give you a golden
arrow. If you die, and you have at least 2 golden arrows, you can be
ressurected, but you will lose 2. If you die and all your arrows are lost,
you will turn to stone.

In the forest, when you\'ve got 4 golden arrows, press F1 to show them (you
can do this at any time) and then F3 to descend to the underworld.

If using an emulator, save after every successful kill.

Now, press F7 to start the mayhem.

The first monster you\'ll get will be the scorpions. They\'re ground based and
pretty easy to avoid, set your sights as low as you can.

Try to get into chasing one of them to the right (I\'m right handed and
right-oriented, so right works best for me) and fire arrows at them. If it
turns and comes at you, turn and run, descend deeper into the forest, circle
around, and get behind him again. Rinse and repeat.

Once you shoot him enough times he\'ll become pixelated and dissapear, and
the golden arrow music will start. Sit back and watch, this is a cool part.
:) Don\'t drop the joystick though, you\'ve got more fighting to do.

Next you\'ll get the orange worms that come out of the ground. Trick here is
to keep moving, so you\'re hard to get. I\'ve never been caught moving by one
of these things.

Just keep moving at the far front of the screen (archer appearing as close
to the screen as possible) and turn to fire at the worms as needed. May take
time, but you\'ll get them eventually.

Next you\'ll get the fly-mosquito-type thing. Set your sights slightly higher
then center (about an inch) and fire when it looks like you\'ve got a good

FInally, the last thing you\'ll get are the gorillas. They\'re the hardest one
in this part to deal with. run from them like hell, moving back and forth
into the forest to dodge them. fire off a shot when you can, it won\'t take
many on them, probably designed as an offset to how hard they are to deal

Now descend to the underworld, and part 2.

The first thing you\'ll have to deal with down here is most likely the most
annoying part of the whole game--bats. Keep moving, and don\'t let the bats
hit you too much. Dodge into caves when you need to. Don\'t worry about the
black bats too much--shooting at them is useless--you want the red one. He\'s
hard to hit, and all I can really suggest about this part is to just try
your best to hit him. THere\'s just an element of pure luck involved.

WHen you\'re done with the bats, proceed to the far left until you can\'t go
any further, and go into the cave.

You\'ll come out in the Hydra room. Run like hell around behind him for cover
temporarily, and line your sights up with his head(s). Run out in front of
him and shoot each one of his heads once. Be careful of the fire so as to
avoid assuming the role of a hamburger.

Once you\'ve done this, his heads will flail like crazy and he\'ll turn to
stone in a few seconds. And you now can move extra-fast. :)

Proceed to the right of the screen and you\'ll end up in the demogorgon\'s
room. Run to the right, and then back. In a moment the demogorgon will
appear, but if you\'re safely behind him he can\'t do anything to you.

Line your sights up with the heart in his chest cavity, run out, and fire.
If you\'re lucky, you\'ll get it on the first try, if you\'re not it\'ll take 2
or 3 or maybe even some lives. Careful of the hole in the ground.

Note: When Paul Norman wrote this game, he messed up the trajectory on the
arrows a little bit, probably to make it a tad more realistic. The arrow
will actually strike slightly BELOW where the sights are, especially at long
range. THe reason I waited until now to mention this was because on the
other levels it isnt too bad, but on the Demogorgon level it\'s horrible.
Just put the sights up a tad above his heart instead of right on it, and it
should work. Make sure you\'re directly in front of his heart and in line
with it when you fire, and don\'t stand around there too long.

When you kill him, the big red spurt comes out of his heart.. and the rest
of the ending appears. :)

congratulations, you just killed the demogorgon.