Drak is a good looking game in the mould of maniac mansion. But its quite a messed up, unpolished game:
 - the lexer simply takes the first two letters from each word.
 - some commands work where they shouldn\'t (eg *Open Panel in the plant room, and Throw Cap cap be done anywhere).
 - there are very few clues given by any of the noun verb combinations that don\'t directly solve puzzles.
 - when you *complete* the game, the game crashes, and you get dumped back to the flashing blue cursor :)

As such I will try to make sense of this 
 (Ex)amining (CL)ock will reveal a panel. (GO) (PA)nel will take you a dark smelly passage. If you walk to the far right,
 you can (GE)t (MA)tches, then go back to the far left and (LI)ght (TO)rch. This will reveal the binding rope,
 and you can (GE)t (RO)pe. You can exit the tunnel through the doorway by (GO)ing (BA)ck whilst standing infront of it.

You will emerge in the tool shed, where you can (GE)t (HA)mmer. (OP)ening (DO)or to your right reveals Egor laying on a
bead of nails. If you (BI)nd (EG)or, then it will bide you some time when you invade his lair. Also note the coat rack.
Now you need to get to the library, which you can get to by going back to the toolshed, then (OP)ening (DO)or to your left, 
(GO)ing (FO)rward and (OP)ening (DO)or to your right. In the library you can (GE)t (GA)rlic and (GE)t (CA)p. If you head
left, (OP)ening (DO)ors as you go, you will end up in the room of the hungry man-eating plant. (EA)ting (GA)rlic will
render you inedible to the plant, and this leaves you free to (GE)t (KE)y, which is just to the left of the plant.

If you now go right, then (GO) (BA)ck, then go left, (OP)ening (DO)ors as you go, you will find two new rooms, and will be
able to (GE)t (BO)ne in one room and (GE)t (PH)oto in the other. If you were wondering what you needed the key for - its
to open the door the room where the photo is. Now at this point you pull off the most vexing command in the game: TH CA.
I believe this is meant to be (TH)row (CA)p on the coat rack (remember in Egor\'s room?) but you can do it in any room!

This takes you to a different dark smelly passage. Again walk infront of the tunnel and (GO) (BA)ck. You will wind up 
in the cellar, where you should go left, (OP)ning (DO)or along the way, until you reach the dog. (DR)op (BO)ne in front of 
the dog to allow you to pass, then keep walking left (OP)ening (DO)oors twice, until you reach the cross. (GE)t (CR)oss - it
will protect you from Egor especially in the next corridoor. Now head to the far right, (OP)ening (DO)ors as you go until there 
are no more doors, in which case you type (GO) (BA)ck.

You will find yourself in yet another dark smelly passage. You can walk to the far left of this smelly passage, and when
you (GO) (BA)ck you should find youself in a room with a crowbar. (GE)t crow(BA)r and then start heading all the way to
your left, (OP)ening (DO)ors as you go. Eventually, you will find yourself in a room with a coffin and a window.

(SM)ash (WI)ndow - you need to have picked up the hammer to be able to do this. Then (OP)en (CO)ffin, you need to have 
picked up the (CR)owbar to do this. 

Now sit back and watch the closing sequence...The flashing blue cursor. 

  Legend:  /\\ result of GO BA     [  ] Door which can be opened

           || result of GO FO     [X] Door which never can be opened.

     _______________________________________________\\/___________________   .
    |            |             |             |             |             |  .
    | (PH)oto   [L]	(BO)ne    [ ]           [ ]  (HA)mmer [ ]  (IG)or    |  .
    |            |             |   /\\        |             |             |  .
S   |____________|_____________|___||__  ____|_____________|_____________|  .
T   |            |  (PL)ant    |       ||    |                           |  .
A ->|   (PA)nel [X] (KE)y     [ ]      \\/   [ ]    (GA)rlic	     (CA)p   |  .
R   |            |             |             |                           |  .
T   |___  _______|_____________|_____________|___________________________|  .
        ||       //                                                         .
     (OP)en     /(OP)en *                           .........................
     (PA)nel   //(PA)nel                          /\\
    |                                                                     |
    |    (TO)rch            DARK SMELLY PASSAGE                 (MA)tches |
    |    Binding (RO)pe                                                   |
    |             |             |             |             | (WI)ndow    |
    | Crow(BA)r  [ ]           [ ]           [ ]           [ ](CO)ffin    |
    |   /\\        |   /\\        |   /\\        |   /\\        |   /\\        |
    |___||________|___||________|___||________|___||__  ____|___||________|
    |                                                 ||                  |
    |        DARK SMELLY PASSAGE 3                    \\/                  |
    |                                                           /\\        |
    |_________________________________________________  ________||________|
    |             |             |             |       ||    |             |
    |  (CR)oss   [ ] (WO)man   [ ]  (DO)g    [ ]      \\/   [ ]            |
    |             |             |             |   /\\        |             |
    |_____________|_____________|_____________|___|| _______|_______  ____|
    |                                             .                 ||    |
    |        DARK SMELLY PASSAGE 2                .                 \\/    |<- When you TH CA, you end up here.
    |                                             .                       |
    |_________________________________________________  __________________|
                                                  .   ||
                                                  .   \\/
                                                   . .