
                         Dan Dare


 Make your way to the reeds and cut them down. Enter the
 subterranean lake and swim to the left, using the reed as a
 snorkel. Keep going until you hit a submerged object and
 pick it up — it\'s a highly useful crowbar. Once it\'s safely
 in your possession, swim right and keep aging until you
 reach a ladder. Climb up the ladder and walk right until
 you reach the steps. Go down to enter the underground cave
 system. Walk left and keep going until you find a location
 with two vines.
 Climb down the longest vine, cut off the vine to the left
 and tie it to the piece on the right. Climb down the tied
 vines and when you reach the bottom walk to the right and
 open the hatch with the crowbar. Collect the fruit and
 climb back up the vine.
 Walk right, until you come to a passage \'too narrow for you
 to pass through\'. Throw the fruit. Stripy will chase after
 it and return bearing the torch, which he will duly give to
 you. Go back to the vine room and climb down the vine
 again. Enter the hatch swrtch on the torch and climb out
 Climb up to the top of the vine and cut it down, then walk
 to the vine on the left and climb down until you can go no
 further. Tie the two vines togother, then climb down again.
 Walk left until you find the hatch you opened earlier, then
 go through it to enter the Treen\'s underground complex.
 Climb down the long ladder and walk right. Climb down any
 one of the three ladders and walk left to find a Treen
 guarding a closed door. Use the crowbar to open the door,
 then walk left. Kill any Treens you encounter to get
 special pass cards (you need three of them). Make your way
 down the network of ladders and gantries until you come to
 an unlit room. Use the torch to find your way about, then
 go down until you come across two cells which you should
 open with your pass cards to free your friends. Make your
 way back up to the darkened room and walk to the left—you
 should now be standing in front of a large laser. Don\'t use
 it just yet.
 Walk left until you enter a compiex of interchangeable
 mirrors. There are three main reactors hidden in the
 complex. You must set the mirrors so that when the laser
 beam is fired by the cannon, it is deflected by the mirrors
 to the hole in front of the reactor. Remember to destroy
 the reactors in order (look at the numbers stamped on the
 side of each one). Once you\'ve blown up all three
 computers, go up to the third computer where you will find
 a door has opened. Walk left, killing any Treens as you
 make your way to the Mekon\'s lair. Lob ten grenades at the
 Mekon, avoiding his bursts of laser fire.
 Once you\'ve disposed of the green bonced one you are given
 two minutes to escape. There\'s an easy way out, but that\'s
 the bit you\'ve got to figure out for yourself...