The hobbit melbourne house

Open door/E/N/N/Wait (till day dawns)/S/Get key/N/Unlock door
Open door/Go door/Get rope/Get sword/S/S/Se
Say to elrond\"read map\"/E/N/Ne/N/Se/D/D/D/D/E/Get key/U/N/W/S/E/N
Wait(till you\'re captured)/Dig sand/Break trapdoor with sword/Get key
(when you\'re alone in the dungeon WAIT till thorin or gandalf is with you)/Say to thorin(gandalf)\"carry me\"/Say to thorin\"open window\"
Say to thorin\"go window\"/Sw/(now search in the maze for the ring.when
you have it go to the exit goblin\'s backdoor)/E/E/Open curtain
Open cupboard/Get/Ne/E/E/W/W/Wait(till you\'re captured)
Wait(till someome opens the red door)/Go door/N/Wait/S
(repeat this till the butler opens the trapdoor and throws a baarrel through it)/Jump barrel/E/Say to bard\"go carefully north\"/N/N
Wait(till the red dragon appears)/Say to bard\"shoot dragon\"/U/N/N/N
Get treasure/S/S/S/D/S/S/Wait(till the woodelf comes)
Wait(till someome opens the red door)/Go door/N/Wait/Wear ring
Read magic door/Look door/Wait(at a certain moment the door opens)/W
Smash web/Sw/W/W/W/W/Nw/W/Go door/Open chest/Put treasure