*                                     * 
*    How to solve  \"The Institute\"    * 
*                                     * 
*             Solved by               * 
*      Ctrl-Reset & The Intern        * 
*                                     * 
*      Written and compiled by        * 
*             Ctrl-Reset              * 
*                                     * 
*       Several fixes made by         * 
*     Ville Nurmi / www.C64hq.com     * 
*           on 2004-09-16             * 
*                                     * 

OK, to start off with, \'The Institute\' is the type of adventure where you 
do a lot of dashing from point \'A\', to point \'C\', maybe a quick stop-off 
at point \'B\', then back again.  This means, that there are a lot of moves 
required to solve this adventure (around 325). So since you can only save 
one game per disk, I suggest that you take the files \"VENSAV\" and \"VENLOD\", 
and place them on a few other disks so that you will be able to save more 
then one game. 

Next, I\'d like to point out that there are also a lot of moves that you 
would not need to do if you wanted to go a bit more faster through the 
solve. So, I have included an asterisk (one of these \"*\") in front of these 
moves. When you see one of these, you can either ignore it, or follow, but, 
if there are more then one them in a row, don\'t start in the middle or 
you\'ll  find something won\'t work. 

You should follow everything in brackets, and in parenthesis are comments 
or extra directions I might make. 


[Look](5 times), [Talk](4 times), [Look under bed], [Get mug], [E], [Break 
mirror], [Get mirror], [S], [S], *[W], *[Look wall], *[Listen], *[E], 
[Open], *[Talk], *[Fine], [Attack], [Listen], [Drop mug], [Look](6 times), 
[E], [S], [Open] [Look shelve](twice), [Get scalpel], [Open], [S], [Open], 
[Attack], [Cut pads] [Get rope], [Get water], [Look](6 times), [E], [S], 
[Open], [Get bottle], [S], [Eat powder]....OK, done with first part...might 
want to save... 

Now you should be in a dream...there are 4 seperate dreams you have to go 
throgh. This is dream #1.  From here on, never drop either the bottle, or 
the water, until I tell you to at the end.  Onwards:::> 

[E], [Throw rope], [Climb], *[Look telescope], *[Focus telescope], *[Look 
telescope], *[Look Earth], *[Look continent], *[Look metropolis], *[Look 
building], *[Look billboard], *[Look numbers](finally!), 
[Climb], [W](dear-old Dad is dead), 
[Talk], [The Institute], [Climb], *[Talk](3 times), [Pull trigger](made my 
day), [Open], [S], [Look base], [Get glue], [E], *[Talk], [Peace], 
[Kick midget], [Climb], [Put glue on shoe], [Drop glue], [Climb], 
*[Look log], [Go hole], [Look], [Get shovel] [Get bronze key], [Climb], 
[Climb],[W], [W], [W](at statue door), [Shafla], [Unlock door], [Drop 
bronze key], [N], [N]. Ok, now you must continue to [Drink stream] until 
you turn >Bright green<, not just green...this could take about 10 times. 
After turning bright green, [S], [E], [Climb], [Climb], [N], *[Talk], 
[Open], [Look natives], [Get umbrella], [N], [Cut strips], [N], [Talk], 
[Show mirror], [Go crack], [Look](doesn\'t that always happen to you when 
you wake up from a dream, I mean the sounds and all???), [Eat powder]. 

[Open umbrella], [Look](5 times), [Look deck](Gulp!), [Drop scalpel], [Drop 
mirror], [Get preserver], [S], [Look](3 times), [Jump], [Jump], [Dive], 
[Get crowbar], [Dive], [Eat powder]. 

[Water plant], [Climb]. 

[Eat powder](obviously addicted by now), [S], [Look stream], [Move rock], 
[Drop preserver], [Get lizard], [Wake up], [Eat powder].    

[Climb], [Open], [Drop shovel], [S], [W], [Drop crowbar], [N], [E], 
[Climb], [Climb], [N], [Open], [N], [N], [Go crack], [Look], [Eat powder]. 

[Open umbrella], [Look](5 times), [Get scalpel], 
[Get mirror], [S](before you go on, make sure you have the mirror, the 
lizard, and the scalpel!), [Look](7 times), [Eat powder]. 

[Open], [Sacrifice lizard](someone call the SPCA!), [Drop scalpel], 
[Climb], [Hold breath], [Climb], [W],[Show mirror] [Listen], [Listen], 
[Get steak] (for a, hah, laugh, [Look throne], [Pull handle]...I told you 
it was a scream) [E], [Climb], [Eat powder]. 

[Throw steak], [E], [Open chest], [Get screwdriver], [Wake up], [Eat 

[Climb], [Open], [S], [E], [Climb], [Climb], [N], [Open], [N], [N], [Go 
crack], [Look], [Eat powder]. 

[Open umbrella], [Look](5 times), [Open], [Unscrew painting], 
[Get small key], [Wake up], [Eat Powder]. 

[Climb], [Open], [Drop mirror], [Get shovel], [Dig plant], [Drop shovel], 
[Get shrub], [S], [E], [Climb], [Climb], [N] [Open], [N], [Open], [Unlock 
box], [Open box], [Drop screwdriver], [Get wrench], [W], [S], [Open], [S], 
[Climb], [W], [W], [W], [Drop umbrella], [Get crowbar], [Open], [Look up], 
[Climb], [Push 56621](2 times)(# on billboard...remember?), [Open], [Pry 
cover], [Turn bolt](yeah...sure...),[Drop bottle], [Get gold key], [Wake 
up] (what a trip!). 

[N], [Open], [S], [Open],[Unlock door] [Open](hmm...), [Talk!!!](2 times)