Journey to the Center of Earth 

General note: When you are being threatened by a giant bug, you should 
(having the sword) \"Kill bug\". This may happen several times. 

N/N/Get ruby/W/W/W/Get wand/S/W/Get diamond/N/Get nugget/E/Drop nugget 
Drop ruby/Drop diamond/N/N/N/N/Wave wand/N/Get Sword/N/W/Sir alexander 
W/Get gold/Get necklace/S/S/W/W/S/S/S/W/S/Get parrot/N/W/Drop parrot 
Drop gold/Drop necklace/S/S/S/W/Get lighter/E/S/Burn hydra/W 
Get emerald/E/S/Get vase/W/Get silver/E/N/N/N/N/N/Drop emerald 
Drop silver/Drop vase/S/S/S/S/S/S/Get tools/E/S/Drop wand 
Get gonkulator/W/W/N/N/N/N/N/N/Drop gonkulator/Fix ship 

Solved by Rene van Hasselaar, Dennis Janssen and Marco van Slageren. 
Fixed for the C64 version by Ville Nurmi/ on 2004-09-18.