Solution for Metal Warrior


You start at Home (A), and you get credits by shooting the guys on the
street. Sometimes they leave credits, a first aid package or weapons.

The Map

   A+         A = Ian\'s Home
    |         B = Faustus
   B+C+       C = Goat
      |       D = Police
   D+E+FG     E = Phantasm
    |         F = Axes\'n\'Amps
  +H+I        G = Arms
  |           H = Hades
 EXIT         I = Bar

Part One

- Ask Faustus about Sadoe: He tells you about Hitmen
- Ask Goat about Hitmen: He tells you about Dethmaker
- Buy a Guitar (20 credits needed)
- Ask Phantasm about Sadoe. Now you are able to join the band.
- Go to the Bar, buy a beer (3 credits) and ask Dethmaker (the guy
  on the left) about Hitmen
- Ask Faustus about joining. Now you are in the second Part.

Part Two

After you are out of the Hades you will be Attacked. It is useful to use
a better weapon against the attackers (e.g. grenades is you have them).

- Go to the Bar, buy a beer and ask Dethmaker about the Attack.
  He will give you a Keycard
- Go out of the town (marked with \'EXIT\'). On your left you see a ladder.
  Go down the ladder and go right to the door. Go through the door and
  go right again until you reach the next door. As you have the Keycard,
  you are able to pass this door.

  It is useful to have a plasma gun to fight the members of the gang.

Other Hints by MikeC

They key is to spend a lot of time and stock up on your weapons. I 
planted myself in front of the gun store and just killed everyone as 
they came by and picked up whatever they dropped. I eventually stocked 
up on everything until I reach the limit of 99 units. It took quite a 
long time. I used the standard gun that your character starts off with 
since it has unlimited ammo. If you don\'t stock up completely, you just 
won\'t make it.

Later, you have to go to the gang\'s base, which is outside the city. I 
ended up using just about every single around of ammo just to win. I 
also used up much of the first aid / health. Also, don\'t get into fire 
fights when inside the base. Just keep moving ahead. The best way to go 
is right and up. There are some points where you do get the option of 
moving left up a ladder or something but just ignore it unless it is 
your only choice...sometimes it is. Eventually, you\'ll make it up to 
\"the end.\" I won\'t spoil it for you.

Solution done 1999 by Martin Brunner - added hints of MikeC in 2003.
Originally found at
If you have some more hints, please mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..