Mindfighter - The Solution

Admin storage room - See \"Shelves\".
Alison - Say \"yes\" when she asks  you   a   question - you will need
her undivided attention later.
Apple (in store room) - Eat it.
Basement - See \"Pipes\"
Bathroom - Open cabinet to find pills, soap and towel.
Bargate - Scene of public punishments.
Barren park - See \"Blanket\" and \"Newspaper Clippings\".
Barren  parkland -  Start  of  part   three.  See  \"Moss\"  and  \"War
Blackened metal - Examine it.
Blanket (in barren park) - Wear it.
Bottle (in medical  room) -  Eat  penicillin  capsule  inside  it to
restore health.
Brass key - In waste tip building. Locks doors in same location. See
Bright Light - Head south towards it. Use no other direction.
Cabinet - See \"Bathroom\".
Canvas bag - Start of part two. Ignore it.
Cardboard box (in lounge) - Take file from box, and see \"File\".
Cell One - East from sector seven. Needs keys. See \"Jimmy\".
Cell two - Empty, ignore it.
Cemetery - See \"Wood\".
Chair (in lounge) - see \"Matthew\".
Chisel (found at baths) - See \"Step\".
Clothes -  Keep  everything  you  start  with,  including  coin  and
lighter, or you will be stuck in the future. See \"Ruined bedroom\".
Coach station - See \"Vehicles\".
Coat - See \"Lighter\" \"Coin\" and \"Clothes\".
Cobwebs (inside waste tip) - Break them to find brass key.
Coin - No use. See \"Coat\" and \"Clothes\".
Crumbling avenue - See \"Blackened metal\".
Crates - See \"Docks\".
Daryl - See \"Snowstorm\".
Dead rat - No use.
Diagram (in small hall) - Read it.
Docks - When ship arrives at  docks  go  to  crates and change to an
eagle. See \"Trance\" \"Eagle\" and \"Yabushi\'s cabin\".
Document - See \"Shelves\". Read it.
Dog (found at rubble path) - Give it to foxes at crates.
Drip - See \"Trance\".
Drum (in store room) - Ignore it.
Eagle - You do not have to  give  commands  once you are the eagle -
just change (see \"Trance\") when  you  are  in  the right places and it
will do the rest. See \"Fence\", \"Grilles\" and \"Docks\".
Easel (in Robins bedroom) - Ignore.
Envelope - See \"Kettle\", \"Photo\" and \"Letter\".
Fence (electrified) - Do not attempt  to  touch,  cut or climb. When
you have destroyed the ship go  to  any  section  of the fence and fly
over it. (See \"Trance\").
File - Examine it a few times and an envelope falls out.
Foxes - See \"Dog\".
Gas mark - See \"Shelter\". Wear it to enter gas wasteland.
Glass fragment  - Forget it.
Going home - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
Grilles - From part two, at start,  go  E, W, change into eagle (see
\"Trance\"). You are now in  the  ventilation  system. Don\'t go north or
south. Go W, N, N. Change into  the  eagle  here and you can enter the
medical room to the east  (see  \"Uniform\"  and \"Bottle\"). Go west back
into vent. S, W, W, E, N and change into eagle once more.
Guards - Avoid unless wearing uniform. See \"Medical room\".
Harry - Ignore.

House rubble - Go  up  into  ruined  bedroom.  See \"Ruined bedroom\",
\"Tag\" and \"Twisted metal\".
Helen - See \"Letter\", \"Phone number\" and \"Photo\".
Interrogation rooms - Ignore.
Jeans - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
Jerry can - In shelter. Contains petrol.
Jetty - Where you land after leaving ship.
Jimmy - Open first cell and he\'ll thank you. Don\'t wear uniform.
Kettle - Press switch, wait, steam envelope. See \"Phone number\".
Keys (in guards rest room) - Unlock all doors.
Killing Ayatola - After phoning Helen (and after Matthew has had his
idea) return to lounge, sit and  wait  until nine o\'clock or until the
end of the game, whichever is longer.  At that time, if everything has
been done correctly, he will die.
Kitchen - Ignore all except kettle.
Letter - About Helen.
Lighter (in coat pocket) - Don\'t drop  it. See \"Yabushi\'s cabin\" and
\"Ruined bedroom\".
Lounge - See \"Television\" and \"Cardboard box\".
Magazine - See \"Shelves\". Read it.
Main hall - See \"Portrait\".
Matthew - Must be watching news  to  get  an  idea. Sit in chair and
wait. See \"News\".
Matthews bedroom - Ignore.
Medical room - See \"Grilles\", \"Uniform\" and \"Bodies\".
Moss - Ignore.
News - On TV at 6pm.
Newspaper clipping - In barren park. Read it.
Officer - Avoid unless wearing uniform.
Old wall - Location of rag. See \"Yabushi\'s cabin\".
Page - See \"Shelves\". Read it.
Parchment - See \"Shelves\". Ignore it. Written in Chinese.
Park Remains - See \"Blanket\" and \"Newspaper clipping\".
Penknife - Ignore.
Petrol - In jerry can. See \"Yabushi\'s cabin\".
Phone number - Ring Helen after news. Go to phone in hall, dial 0101
725 1426 (examine envelope to find  number), then return to lounge and
sit. See \"Killing Ayatola\".
Photo - Photo of Helen.
Pills - See \"Cabinet\". In packet, eat when tired.
Pipes (in basement) - See \"Value\" and \"Wire\".
Pliers - Cuts wires on generator - wires are in same location.
Portrait (in main hall) - Can examine it.
Professor Fergere - No importance.
Rag - See \"Old wall\" or \"Yabushi\'s cabin\".
Ring - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
Robert - Ignore
Robin\'s bedroom - See \"Easel\" and \"Wardrobe\".
Rubble (in civic centre) - Examine it. See \"Shelter\".
Ruined bedroom - To go home you must have the coin, lighter (in coat
pockets) and be wearing shoes,  jeans,  sweatshirt, boxer shorts, gold
ring and coat. You must not be  carrying anything found in the future.
the enter trance.
Ruined building - Has steel tub with water. see \"Water\".
Ruined shops - Location of wrench. See \"Wrench\".
Samurai sword - The best weapon. Found in Yabushi\'s room.
Shelter - Down from rubble.
Shelves - In admin storage room.
Ship - Yabushi\'s ship, arrives at 3pm  on Wednesday June the 30th at
the jetty. See \"Docks\".
Shoes - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
Shorts - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
Sign One (on fence) - In Chinese, incomprehensible.
Sign Two (in ruined flats) - says \"Golden Grove\".
Sign Three (on wall in sector three) - Read it.
Small book (in hallway) - Ignore it.
Small hall - See \"Diagrams\".
Snowstorm - Found in waste tip building. Give to Daryl.
Soap (in bathroom) - You can wash your hand with it (if you like).
Steel rod (in gas wasteland) - Second-best weapon.
Step/Stairs - In waste tip  building.  Loosen whilst carrying wrench
and chisel.
Store room - See \"Drum\" and \"Apple\".
Sweatshirt - See \"Clothes\" and \"Ruined bedroom\".
System building - To enter see \"Grilles\".
Tag - Read it.
Tall guard - Avoid unless wearing a uniform.
Television - Turn it on. See \"Matthew\".
Towel (in bathroom) - Ignore.
Trance - To enter a  trance  -  inhale,  hold breath, exhale. repeat
this to leave trance. While in trance, PORTRAY EVENTS THROUGH EYES. To
change into  an  eagle  METAMORPH  INTO  EAGLE  while  in  trance. See
Tub - See \"Water\".
Uniform (in medical  room) -  Wear  it  and  the  men  in the system
building won\'t attack you unless you attack them first. Remove it when
rescuing Jimmy or he will attack you.
Unshaven guard - Avoid.
Valve - On pipes in basement. Turn  valve  and go (once you have the
keys) S, S, S to finish part two.
Vehicles - Examine them.
Viewpoint - Starting place.
Wardrobe - Ignore.
water (in tub) - Don\'t drink - radiation sickness.
Wire (in basement) - See \"Pliers\".
Wrench - Third best weapon. See also \"Step\".
Yabushi - System leader of this  part  of  the country. Avoid unless
wearing uniform.
Yabushi\'s cabin - When you land on the  ship  go S, D, S, empty can,
take lighter from pocket, burn rag, then.... see \"Fence\".
Yavitsa - Avoid unless in uniform.
Yellow paper - See \"Shelves\". Read it.
Yabushi\'s room - See \"Samurai sword\".