
(also known as \'Labyrinth\' by Shaun Richard Southern)

Walkthrough and maps by Pier Luigi Pau (Eregil)
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goods (these don\'t take space in your inventory):

FRUIT (four kinds): increase your energy by 10.
AIR: increases your air supply (air reduces energy loss rate when in water).
GOLD: opens silver gates (opening one also increases your energy by 50).


KEYS: blue, yellow, green, red. They open same-coloured gates.
KEYCARD: opens any gate except silver gates.
GUN: needed to go past certain walls, see walkthrough for instructions.
ROPE: needed to reach gold in Section 5, see walkthrough for instructions.

\'dinosaur items\':

NUGGET: tames orange dinosaurs.
CROSS: tames the dark grey dinosaur.
BUCKET: tames the blue dinosaur.
FLAG: tames the red dinosaur.
BELL: tames the yellow dinosaur.
CANDLE: tames the white dinosaur.
DIAMOND: tames the light grey dinosaur.


Your inventory can hold up to 5 tools and dinosaur items. The leftmost item in your inventory is considered \'held\' in your hand, 
meaning that it\'s the item you\'re currently using; e.g. to open a gate, put the same-coloured key in the leftmost position 
and pass through the gate; to \'tame\' a dinosaur, put the appropriate \'dinosaur item\' in the leftmost position. 
In the walkthrough, I refer to this by \'holding\' a certain item. To switch the \'held\' item, 
press the spacebar repeatedly until the intended item is in the leftmost position.

When your inventory is full, taking any item (including goods) \'discards\' the rightmost item, 
which is left in the field where the taken item was. In the walkthrough, 
by \'discarding\' an item I mean that you may leave that item in the field like this, and not take it back, 
for you don\'t need it any more.

As for \'dinosaur items\', \'tame\' is terminology from the in-game instructions; 
it actually means that rocks thrown at you by the dinosaur will be slower, enabling you to duck and jump to avoid them.

Also note that there is more than one orange dinosaur, so you will need the nugget more than once; 
however, you\'ll find more than one nugget in the game, therefore you *can* choose to discard a nugget after using it, 
keeping in mind that if you do so, you may have to find another one in the next section(s) of the game. 
All the other dinosaur items can be discarded forever once past the appropriate dinosaur, 
because you won\'t find another dinosaur of the same colour.

Some items are missable, i.e. if you jump into a hole and don\'t have that item in your inventory, you can\'t go back and take it. 
Sometimes this gets you stuck in a section of the maze, without a way to escape and beat the game. 
In other cases there will still be a way to proceed. Be careful to avoid the former case. :)

You can think of the game as divided into five sections. In each section you have to find the gold, 
and then use it on the silver gate to proceed to the next section; 
beyond the 5th silver gate is the professor you\'re supposed to rescue.

As a rule of thumb, every item you need in each section is found in the same section, 
but there *are* a few exceptions. At the end of each section, I\'ll list items needed in the following section(s). 
Make sure you have them before you step beyond the silver gate.

About keycards: it should be obvious that using a keycard on a gate for which you have the appropriate key 
is (usually) a mistake. You\'re supposed to save keycards for those gates, for which you can\'t get the \'right\' key. 
The walkthrough will include tips on when it is a good idea to use keycards. 
Note that there is a total of three keycards to be found, and it will be necessary to use at least two to beat the game.

Last note: I will not remind you to get fruit; just grab it when needed. 
It restores 10% strength, so if you are over 90% you might want to wait until you go below that value. 
If you get fruit when your inventory is full, you\'ll leave an item; remember to take it back if you still need it.


I will not give directions to each item, because the maze can be rather complex (especially in the last sections). 
Please consult the maps.


Get the NUGGET before jumping down.

Get the YELLOW KEY and open the YELLOW GATE.

Get the KEYCARD and use it on the GREEN GATE (this is required, as there is no green key to be found).

Optionally, get the BLUE KEY before jumping down.

Fight the ORANGE DINOSAUR, holding the NUGGET for an easier fight.

If you have the BLUE KEY, open the BLUE GATE and jump down. Otherwise, go up and follow the path through three pools, 
which goes around the blue gate and will land you beyond it; jump down.

Get two AIR items, then dive and find the GOLD (in the lower left area).

Take a rope in the lower right area to emerge, and open the SILVER GATE. Be careful: when opening the silver gate, 
DO NOT hold any item, otherwise you\'ll lose it in the process. This applies to every section, 
and will be particularly important when you do need to carry items to the next section.


In the first part, be careful NOT to jump in any pool or hole, otherwise you may become stuck!

First, climb the rope all the way upwards and get the GREEN KEY and the CROSS.

Carefully navigate to the YELLOW KEY, making sure you get it before diving.

Dive directly to the left of where the yellow key was.

Navigate your way in the water rightwards to find a rope. You\'ll find a keycard right next to the rope when you go up. 
You can ignore it for now, unless you\'re missing the yellow or green key, in which case you should take it.

Find the RED KEY and, if you didn\'t save one from section 1, the BLUE KEY. You may discard the nugget.

With the four keys in your inventory, go open the BLUE, RED, GREEN and YELLOW GATES 
(for the sake of simplicity, ignore the air item for now). If you missed the yellow (green) key, 
use the keycard on the yellow (green) gate. If you missed both, or use the keycard on the wrong gate, you\'ll be stuck.

DO NOT go past the gates; when you have opened them, turn back.

Now get the AIR in the top left part of the section, then collect the dinosaur items: a NUGGET, a CROSS, and a BUCKET. 
If the keycard is still there, you can still safely ignore it. With the three dinosaur items in your inventory, 
go back to the screen where the three gates were, and finally go past them.

Following the long route, hold a CROSS to fight a DARK GREY DINOSAUR, a BUCKET to fight a BLUE DINOSAUR, 
and finally a NUGGET to fight an ORANGE DINOSAUR. Get the GOLD.

Before going to the silver gate, if you left the KEYCARD, track your way back to it and take it.

You don\'t need to save any item from this section, other than the keycard, if you have it. 
Go past the SILVER GATE, again, without holding any item.


(At this point you should have a CROSS, a NUGGET, a BUCKET and optionally a KEYCARD in your inventory. 
You can discard the CROSS and the BUCKET at any time, because you won\'t ever need them again. 
You can also discard the nugget - in this case, you\'re going to need it again, but you can find another one in this section.)

Go get the BLUE KEY first.

Before going through the blue gate, find the FLAG in this part of the maze, since you won\'t be coming back. 
There is a NUGGET too in case you need it.

Now open the BLUE GATE using the blue key. Do not use a keycard!

Go upwards and take the KEYCARD (mandatory if you don\'t have one, optional otherwise).

Also note the AIR in the left side of the maze. Get it before proceeding downwards.

If you have two keycards, you can just use one on the green gate, if you want to skip this tricky part 
(but you have to be careful not to fall :). If you only have one keycard, you do need to get the GREEN KEY. 
Follow the path in the lower-left area counter-clockwise to reach it (note the AIR on the way).

Open the GREEN GATE, either with the green key or a keycard.

Beyond the green gate, go down and follow the spiral, fighting an ORANGE DINOSAUR with a NUGGET. 
Get AIR on the way, the GOLD at the end of the spiral, then turn back.

Before going through the SILVER GATE, make sure that you have these items that are needed in Section 4, 
but not found anywhere in that section: at least one KEYCARD (or a green key) and the FLAG (optional). 
As usual, don\'t hold any item when opening the silver gate.

SECTION 4 - with a shortcut

First, don\'t go straight past the silver gate - go up the rope and follow the longer path, through three pools, 
to find a YELLOW KEY and use it immediately on the YELLOW GATE to the right. Do not use a keycard on the yellow gate.

Now, take a close look at the map. There is a shortcut in this section - if you use the keycard 
(or green key from Section 3) on the green gate in the upper part, you can skip the long way which includes three dinosaurs! 
We\'re going to do so. In fact, there is a problem about the long way: the green key can\'t be taken, 
because the yellow gate can\'t be opened, since there isn\'t ground to the right of it. 
This prevents you from walking through it. Therefore, you\'re going to use the key from Section 3 on the green gate anyway, 
so you might as well take the shortcut.

The FLAG from section 3, which I told you you\'d need was, well, just in case. 
If you blunder, you may have to go through this section the long way, 
and you\'re going to need the flag on the way to fight the red dinosaur. 
Once past the three dinosaurs, instead of taking the green key, you just go and use the keycard (or saved green key) on the green gate.

Now, you\'ll note that the gold is beyond a wall... no sweat. You need the GUN from the upper left corner of this section. 
Go and take it, preferrably after opening the GREEN GATE with the key you brought from previous sections.

Going back after taking the gun can be tricky especially if you haven\'t played \"Hero of the Golden Talisman\" 
where this trick is often needed. :) This is how you do it: when you\'re in the pool, swim leftwards and up to the only rope. 
Climb it all the way up. Jump rightwards and stay on that platform. 
Now position yourself carefully on the left edge of the platform, and jump rightwards. 
You should land beyond the pool, ready to go back to where the green gate was.

Holding the gun, shoot the wall that blocks you from getting the gold. It will collapse, 
allowing you to jump (carefully) and take the GOLD, and then go down the rope to the fourth SILVER GATE.

You don\'t need to save any item, but if you went the long way, you might have saved a yellow key. 
Skip to section 5 if you managed to open the silver gate.

SECTION 4 - the long way

Either because you blundered or because you want extra score, you want to complete section 4 the long way. 
Here\'s the course of action, then.

In the lower part of the map, get the AIR and collect the BELL, the NUGGET 
(if you don\'t have one from previous sections) and the RED KEY.

Fight the ORANGE DINOSAUR holding a NUGGET, then open the RED GATE.

Fight the RED DINOSAUR holding the FLAG, and the YELLOW DINOSAUR holding the BELL.

Get the BLUE KEY and optionally the YELLOW KEY 
(you don\'t need it in this section and those needed in section 5 will be found in section 5 anyway); open the BLUE GATE.

Ignore the yellow gate and green key (but get the air if you want) and navigate your way to the GREEN GATE, 
using a KEYCARD to open it. Continue like in the \'shortcut\' explanation.


First, take the RED KEY and the NUGGET (if you don\'t have one).

Go right and fight the last ORANGE DINOSAUR holding the NUGGET (which you may discard afterwards).

Proceed rightwards and go up, take the BLUE KEY. Then take the YELLOW KEY if you don\'t have one from previous sections.

With the three keys in your inventory, take the long tunnel to the left. Take the CANDLE on the way. 
Open the YELLOW GATE and the BLUE GATE.

Hold the CANDLE to fight the WHITE DINOSAUR, then open the RED GATE.

Proceed upwards and through three pools, taking AIR on the way. Before jumping in the fourth pool, go beyond it and take the GUN.

Now is where you\'re really going to have to look at the map a lot. This underwater maze is very complex. 
You need to track the way to the ROPE ITEM first. Once you\'ve taken that item, navigate to the DIAMOND item 
(take it without jumping rightwards and down!). You can always go back (as far as to the gun!), 
but it requires a lot of energy, so you\'re better off taking the items in the intended order.

Now be careful. You should be where the diamond was. Hold the ROPE ITEM, and jump rightwards from the edge of the platform, 
as if you wanted to jump onto a rope. This should make the rope disappear from your inventory and appear in the map. :)

Do not jump down the rope, but tread carefully downwards until you can see the gold. Jump rightwards. 
Hold the GUN in your inventory and shoot the wall, then take the GOLD.

If you blundered, and jumped down without the gold, you\'ll have to go and get the RED KEY first, 
then the YELLOW KEY beyond the RED GATE and the BLUE KEY beyond the YELLOW GATE, so you can open the BLUE GATE and try again.

When you have the gold, proceed to the bottom right tunnel, fight the LIGHT GREY DINOSAUR holding the DIAMOND, 
and finally open the fifth SILVER GATE. Run to the PROFESSOR.

Congratulations, you have rescued the professor. Enjoy the ending!