 W, search, take talisman, examine handle, wait, pull handle, e, wait, s, turn 
wheel, e, e, search, take silver coin, w, w, n, e, e, s, give silver coin to 
man, give talisman to man, n, n, w, n, take ring, fill bucket, s, s, e, e, 
extinguish fire, cut hole, enter hole, search, take stones, e, search, take axe, 
out, s, w, chop branch, take branch, w, knock three times, e, examine tray, take 
port, drop bucket, drop branch, take whisky, take halberd, w, s, give whisky, 
examine butler, examine chain, examine keyring, take key, n, unlock door, open 
door, n, drink port, drop axe, drop key, e, e, throw stones at crows, e, climb, 
s, nw, take rabbit, kill pedlar, take rabbit, n, nw, n, give rabbit to beggar, 
n, bribe guard, s, s, s, e, pawn ring, w, n, w, search, buy liquid, e, n, n, e, 
e, e, kill guard, show locket, n, n, n, extinguish liquid, take crystal, move 
altar, search, search, take oars, enter boat, row boat, s, s, w, n. END

 Read message, e, search, take screwdriver, w, s, e, take lamp, w, s, take 
pliers, cut wire, take wire, s, se, unscrew plate, put wire in, screw plate, 
press button, take crowbar, n, ne, n, open box, examine box, take broom, examine 
box, take hat, wear hat, s, sw, press button, press button, e, move boulder, e, 
in, s, take flint, n, n, drop broom, w, w, s, s, search, take vine, s, e, take 
stick, make axe, chop tree, take logs, w, s, make bridge, cross, s, s, s, s, s, 
wait five times, w, search, take rifle, s, search, take marks, n, e, s, e, buy 
tights, examine tights, w, n, n, n, e, e, say 4526, take crystal, w, w, s, s, 
wear tights, s, s, e, rob bank, take marks, w, s, e, buy ticket, say earth, s, 
e, in. END

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