Ghost Passwords
Enter in friends menu to unlock ghosts:

AK6ATR7ECD8N - Unlock Aaron.
MAPE5REPE4T5 - Unlock Ahriman.
LAXBU6GRA4U - Unlock Bash.
PASS3SU433KA - Unlock Behemoth.
P2KET4DTCW6 - Unlock Cait Sith.
CH4D9EN3A3TE3 - Unlock Death Machine.
SF5AUS5WUJ39Y - Unlock Fusuya.
GU3RK3UG4AMP - Unlock Gilgamash.
M8ATK2TCPAYA - Unlock Matoya.
MR3ZNNGXU72P - Unlock Ming-Wu.
H4NA53NJRE9 - Unlock Ninja.
8TA9CQQTAC - Unlock Oltoross.
6C6M6E6G6A6 - Unlock Omega.
RJAGH5UE6NA7 - Unlock Ragna.
6A3K2A538TS - Unlock Red Wing.
SME4SA39SFAH - Unlock Seifer.
469J3ELEVENWS - Unlock Shantotto.
FGR3ET5KKJC - Unlock Siegfried.
A3NASX6UXT7 - Unlock Steiner.
VTS3RAPLVKE3 - Unlock Vivi.
WRKA3KUMKRA - Unlock Wakka.
PASS3CH3GC45 - Unlock Yuffie.

Player Icons
At the main menu go to Multiplayer (4th option). Choose the third option then the 2nd option. 
You will be taken into your Friend Card edit menu. Go to the 4th character set by pressing select 3 times. 
Erase everything and insert these passwords:

SCHKJKDB3CH6C - Unlock a Chocobo icon.
7TY2AE6KLUL8 - Unlock a Final Fantasy Agito XIII icon.
TCAMABR3ADTQ - Unlock a Final Fantasy Agito XIII icon.
HEEBANRLTGS - Unlock a Final Fantasy Versus XIII icon.
NGAA3NMB3URGR - Unlock a Final Fantasy Versus XIII icon.
28C7KMT23M48 - Unlock a Final Fantasy XIII icon.
HK4A3ST6HA3S4 - Unlock a Final Fantasy XIII icon.
HMM48AC4JH3 - Unlock a Moogle icon.

Special Friend Card Password
Enter in friends menu to unlock it:

T1A9K7E5S0H6I1A9R0A8K1A2W1A8@SQUARE-ENIX - Get Golden Friend Card.

Unlock Special Yuffie Friend Card
At the main menu go to Multiplayer (3rd option). Choose the third option then the 2nd option. 
You will be taken into your Friend Card edit menu. Type \"PASS3CH3GC45\" (without quotes) 
using the fourth character set. There are two English character sets, 
but pick the second English one by pressing Select three times. 
This will unlock a Yuffie Friend Card, which includes a Lv45 Cloud ghost.

Unlock Characters
\"The Emperor\" Mateus - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Cloud of Darkness - Buy her for 500 PP in the shop.
Exdeath - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Gabranth - Complete his story mode. Then buy him for 1000 PP in the shop.
Garland - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Golbez - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Jecht - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Kefka - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Kuja - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Sephiroth - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Shantoto - Complete her story mode. Then buy her for 1,000 PP in the shop.
Ultimecia - Buy her for 500 PP in the shop.

Unlock Story Mode Bonuses
Distant Glory (Hero Mode) - By completing Shade Impulse.
Distant Glory (Villain mode) - By completing Shade Impulse.
Inward Chaos - By completing Shade Impulse.
Shade Impulse - Beat all hero\'s story.
Duel Coliseum - Complete Story Mode.

Unlock Additional Battle Music
Ever wonder if there are more tunes you can fight to? Well there are, and here is how to get them. 
Most of them just require beating Chaos first but a couple are more tricky:

FFI \"Town Theme\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFII \"Rebel Army\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFIII \"Crystal Tower\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFIV \"Red Wings\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFIX \"Dark Messenger\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFV \"The Decisive Battle\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFVI \"Dancing Mad\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFVII \"Bombing Mission\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFVIII \"Man with the Machine Gun\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.
FFX \"Fight With Seymour\" - Beat Chaos in Shade Impulse and purchase for 500 PP.

Unlock Characters
These are the tasks you have to fulfill in order get them:

\"The Emperor\" Mateus - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Cloud of Darkness - Buy her for 500 PP in the shop.
Exdeath - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Gabranth - Complete his story mode. Then buy him for 1000 PP in the shop.
Garland - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Golbez - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Jecht - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Kefka - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Kuja - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Sephiroth - Buy him for 500 PP in the shop.
Shantoto - Complete her story mode. Then buy her for 1000 PP in the shop.
Ultimecia - Buy her for 500 PP in the shop.