Crazy Redd\'s Passwords: 

Ask and you shall: Be charged 
An open wallet: Is often empty 
Bottom dollar: Top dog 
Crazy Redd: Is 35 
Even robbers: Have safes 
Fan in one hand: Cash in other 
Foot in the door: Eye on the prize 
For my fans: Shop here again 
Get an education: Or win it big 
Give 2 cents: Ask for change 
Head in the sand: Find something 
Hot and cold: Money makes it 
I\"m all alone: But I have cash 
Life exectancy: Redd is 35 
Look at people: Wallets full 
Look back: What did you miss 
No money: Means no fun 
Roses have: High prices 
Rough childhood: Lax adulthood 
Spoiled rotten: Bean curd 
Talk is cheap: So is Redd 
The grass is greener: On my side 
The pen: is cheaper 
Tom Nook: One ugly fellow 
What smells?: Bean curd 
Whats inside: Is fabulous 
When the cat\'s gone: Mice shop 
Why buy the cow: Buy milk here