Virtual Corporation

This walkthru is only one of a few possible walkthrus. There are several ways of
becoming President, depending on which job you start with and which gender you
choose for your persona.
Bold words or phrases are words or phrases you use in the game. You can press F1
and choose that item, or click with the left mouse button on the BrainStorm box
and select that item, or use the voice system to speak that item. Names/phrases
inside [ ] (e.g. [Gary]) are video sequences. In most cases, Use phone means
wait for phone to ring and then Use phone.
Logon as a new user and proceed to the government node. Pick the first female
persona from the left side that costs 5000 credits (you may need to scroll the
screen to the right/left?). Goto Pogodyne, Apply for job.
At interview (you will get a different job depending on your responses) answer
the questions in the following order: Yes, Yes, Business, A good job, Yes, A,
Yes, None (or anything). Once you get the email (you should have the
receptionist job): exit (or press ESC). Check your status.
Optional: Goto Net Police, Buy Anti-Virus (cost is 1000 credits). Goto Pogodyne,
Enter Elevator.
Use phone, [Gloria], Gary Boyle, Yes.
Use phone, [Gary].
Use phone, [Jerry Burns], No.
[Stephanie Owens conversation], Yes.
[News about pong virus].
Play pong virus (use the space key for Anti-Virus if you bought it) - unless you
are low on credits, it won\'t matter if you lose. Use phone, [Marnie], Yes.
Use phone, [Gary], No.
Use phone, [Ben], No.
[News about].
You\'ll now get promoted to Office Assistant - Adm\'.
After you save your game, check your status (more than likely you\'ll need energy
and a vacation). If not there Goto Pogodyne.
Enter elevator.
Use phone, [Bob], No.
Use phone, [Gary], No.
Use phone, [Bob], Yes.
Use phone, [Bob], Yes.
Email from Bob (read it!).
Email from Winston, 1 (send the information), email from Winston. Use phone,
Riddle man - you\'ll only lose credits if you fail to answer the riddle.
You\'ll now get promoted to Junior Clerk.
Save game and check status.
If not there Goto Pogodyne.
Enter Elevator.
Use phone, [Bob], I don\'t know.
Use phone, [Marnie].
Email from Bob.
Email from Bob.
Use phone, [Linda], Yes
Use phone, [Gary], Yes
Use phone, [Bob], Linda and Gary.
[News about artificial intelligence].
You\'ll now get promoted to Clerk.
Save game and check status.
If not there Goto Pogodyne.
Enter Elevator.
[News about googolplex].
Use phone, [Bob], No.
Use phone, [Linda], No.
Use phone, [Ben], No (if you say Yes here you will be able to marry him later).
Use phone, [Stephanie], Yes, 1 ([ctrl][alt][insert]).
Email from Stephanie.
Use phone, [Jerry], No.
[News about Netracker].
You\'ll now get promoted to Department Head.
Save game and check status.
If not there Goto Pogodyne.
Enter elevator.
Use phone, [Linda talks about Leslie\'s promotion], Yes.
Email from Leslie.
Email from Barnaby, 4 (Ask Tracy about ...), email from Barnaby, 1 (Tell them
...), email from Barnaby. Riddle man.
You\'ll now get promoted to Assistant GM - Operations.
Save game and check status.
If not there Goto Pogodyne.
Enter elevator.
Use phone, [Linda], Virtual Studio.
Use phone, [Marnie].
Use phone, [Linda].
Email from Winston, 1(Submit ...), email from Winston.
From now on you are on your own!
Good luck!

 Files    : 2, NeW:NONE, oLD:NONE
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:NONE