written by GLC 
Version 2.01

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Copyright GLC, 1999; all rights reserved.

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f,b,d,u   joystick motions (forward, back, down, up); hold if capitalized
db...     diagonals (db,df,uf,ub); again, hold if capitalized
P,K,G     press punch, kick or guard buttons, respectively
+         buttons must be pressed together
,         move separator 
FC        execute from crouching position
OTB       \'on the bounce\', opponent is hit after he bounces from the ground

PKG       the senbon punch (P,K,G-cancel)
db+PKG    Kage\'s senbon swipe (db+P,K,G-cancel)

R:        requirements to hit
MC        major counter (interrupt)

As usual, damage is standardized to Wolf\'s giant swing being 100 points.
A combo requires 200 damage points to drain the whole lifebar. Some of the
combos requires dashes / crouch dashes for the respective move to connect;
I didn\'t list those places but you should be able to find out by yourself :)

(according to possible ->guaranteed<- combo damage)
 1. Lau Chan       238
 2. Kage-Maru      203
 3. Akira Yuki     185
 4. Shun-Di        182*
 5. Jacky Bryant   169
 6. Jeffry McWild  160
 7. Wolf Hawkfield 157
 8. Sarah Bryant   155
 9. Pai Chan       145
10. Lion Rafale    111

* Shun requires 8 drinking points to score such damage

>> b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> PKG -> df,df+P
   R: opponent not struggling (vs. Jeffry, damage: 100)
>> b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> PKG -> K-12G -> PKG -> FC,b,f+P
   R: none (vs. Akira, damage: 120)
>> f,f,f+P -> PKG (x3) -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC, closed stance (vs. Lion, damage: 120+)
>> K-12G (x3) -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Akira, damage: 135)
>> b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> K+G,G -> PKG -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: none (vs. Lau, damage: 140)
>> df,df+P -> PKG (x2) -> K-12G -> FC,b,d+P
   R: opponent hopping (vs. Pai, damage: 144)
>> K-12G (x2) -> PKG -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Jeffry, damage: 145)
>> b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> K+G,G -> PKG (x3) -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: none (vs. Pai, damage: 160)
>> K-12G -> PKG (x2) -> K-12G -> PKG -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Pai, damage: 165)
>> K+G,G -> K-12G (x3) -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC, closed stance (vs. Kage, damage: 165)
>> K+G,G -> PKG (x8) -> K-12G -> FC,b,f+P
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 185)

>> f+K -> PKG -> K-12G -> PKG -> G,P,K
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Lion, damage: 133)
>> b+K -> PKG -> K-12G -> PKG -> ub+K
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Lion, damage: 144)
>> f+K -> PKG -> K-12G -> PKG -> ub+K
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Akira, damage: 159)
>> f+K -> PKG -> K=12G -> PKG -> d+P -> ub+K
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Kage, damage: 169)

>> f+P+K -> PKG (x3) -> f,f+P,P
   R: MC (vs. Akira, damage: 140)
>> f+P+K -> PKG (x4) -> df+P,P
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Sarah, damage: 160)

>> b+P -> D,f+K -> d+P -> b+K+G OTB
   R: death float (vs. Jeffry, damage: 78)
>> uf+P -> ub+K+G OTB
   R: back hit, open stance, death float (vs. Jeffry, damage: 80)
>> b+P -> db+PKG (x4) -> P,P,P,K
   R: none (vs. Lau, damage: 118)
>> b+P -> db+PKG (x4) -> PKG -> P,P,P -> f,f+K
   R: none (vs. Kage, damage: 118)
>> b+P -> db+PKG (x3) -> PKG -> P,P,P,K
   R: none (vs. Jeffry, damage: 128)
>> b+P -> D,f+K -> PKG -> db+PKG -> PKG -> P,P,P,K
   R: none (vs. Pai, damage: 134)
>> D,f+K -> PKG (x10) -> b+K+G -> df+K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 202)
>> D,f+K -> PKG (x11) -> d+K+G
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 203)

>> d+K+G -> df,df+P,[P] OTB -> df+K OTB
   R: opponent backflipping (vs. Jacky, damage: 55+)
>> K+G -> df,df+P,[P] OTB -> df+K OTB
   R: opponent backflipping (vs. Jacky, damage: 65+)
>> [b,d+P+G] -> FC,df+P,P -> PG -> K+G -> df+K OTB
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 99)
>> uf+P -> df,df+P,P -> FC,df+P,P -> df+P,P -> df+K OTB
   R: MC, open stance, death float (vs. Pai, damage: 151)
>> df,df+P,P -> df,df+P,P -> P,P,P,K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 162)
>> uf+K+G -> FC,df+P,P (x3) -> P,P,P,K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 232)
>> [b,d+P+G] -> FC,df+P,P (x5) -> P,[P],P,d+K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 238)

>> uf+P -> df+P OTB -> d+K OTB
   R: back hit, MC (vs. Sarah, damage: 52)
>> uf+P -> f,f+P
   R: back hit, MC (vs. Sarah, damage: 85)
>> b,b+K -> TT D+P -> df+P -> d+K,K OTB
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 91)
>> b,b+K -> TT P,P,P -> d+K OTB
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 98)
>> b,b+K -> TT D+P -> f+K -> d+K,K OTB
   R: MC (vs. Lion, damage: 111)

>> b,d+P+G -> b+K+G -> uf+K -> uf+K OTB -> df+P OTB
   R: none (vs. Jeffry, damage: 98)
>> uf,K -> P,P -> P,P,P,K
   R: MC (vs. Sarah, damage: 145)

>> uf+P -> ub+K OTB
   R: back hit, open stance (vs. Pai, damage: 80)
>> f+P,K -> P,P,u+P -> PKG -> D,f+K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 104)
>> f+K -> P,P,u+P -> P,P,b+P -> ub+K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 155)

>> u+K -> df+K OTB -> d+P OTB -> d+P+K,K,K OTB
   R: MC, death float (vs. Pai, damage: 149 with 8 DP)
>> d,df,f+P -> PG -> d,df,f+P -> d+P+K,K,K OTB
   R: MC, open stance (vs. Sarah, damage: 161 with 8 DP)
>> f,f+K -> f,f+K OTB -> d+P+K,K,K OTB
   R: back hit, MC (vs. Sarah, damage: 166 with 8 DP)
>> d,df,f+P -> d,df,f+P -> df+P -> d+P+K,K,K OTB
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 168 with 8 DP)
>> d,df,f+P -> PG -> d,df,f+P -> df+P -> d+P+K,K,K OTB
   R: MC, closed stance (vs. Pai, damage: 182 with 8 DP)

>> b+P+K -> f+P OTB -> u+K OTB
   R: opponent backflipping (vs. Jacky, damage: 85)
>> f+K -> PKG (x3) -> f+K
   R: none (vs. Pai, damage: 102)
>> f+K -> PKG (x4) -> FC,d+P
   R: MC (vs. Kage, damage: 131)
>> f+K -> PKG (x5) -> f,d+K
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 135)
>> f+K -> PKG (x4) -> P,P,P
   R: MC (vs. Pai, damage: 157)

(c) GLC, updated 2000

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