Virtual Pro Wrestling 2  (N64 import)

This faq will cover the following:

1.	Wrestler List
2.	Secrets (hidden moves, objects)
3.	Secrets (hidden wrestlers)
4.	Guide to shoot fighting 
5.	Edit mode hints and secrets
6.	Major Players 

1.	Wrestler List

AJPW 1                  AJPW 2                        AJPW 3

Giant Baba              Toshiaki Kawada               Big Van Vader
Mitsuharu Misawa        Akira Taue                    Stan Hansen
Yoshinari Ogawa         Takao Ohmori                  Johnny Ace
Masahito Kakihara       Yoshihiro Takayama            Mike Burton
Kenta Kobashi           Hiroshi Hase                  Gary Albright
Jun Akiyama             Jun Izumida                   Johnny Smith
Kentaro Shiga           Maunakea Mossman              Giant Kimala

IWGP 1                  IWGP 2                        IWGP Jr.

Shinya Hashimoto        Masahiro Chono                Jushin Liger
Tatsumi Fujinami        Keiji Mutoh                   El Samurai
Kensuke Sasaki          Hiroyoshi Tenzan              Kendo Ka Shin
Shiro Koshinaka         Satoshi Kojima                Dr. Wagner Jr.
Manabu Nakanishi        Hiro Saito                    Shinjiro Otani	
Yuji Nagata             Scott Norton                  Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Kazuo Yamazaki                                        Koji Kanemoto
Tadao Yasuda

FMW, ECW, Garbage       Michinoku Pro                 RINGS

Hayabusa                The Great Sasuke              Kiyoshi Tamura
Masato Tanaka           Jinsei Shinzaki               Tsuyoshi Kousaka
Hiromichi Fuyuki        TAKA Michinoku                Bitsadze Tariel
Mr. Gannosuke           Gran Naniwa                   Volk Han
Jado                    Super Delfin
Gedo                    Magnum Tokyo
Mike Awesome            Shima Nobunaga
Genichiro Tenryu        Dragon Kid

Pancrase                PRIDE                         Battlarts

Masakatsu Funaki        Nobuhiko Takada         Yuki Ishikawa
Yoshiki Takahashi       Kazushi Sakuraba        Alexander Otsuka
Minoru Suzuki           Rumina Sato             Daisuke Ikeda
Kengo Watanabe          Enson Inoue             Minoru Tanaka
Semmy Schilt

Legends 1			Legends 2			Legends 3

Jumbo Tsuruta           Andre the Giant         Antonio Inoki
Mil Mascaras            Akira Maeda             Tiger Mask
Terry Funk              Aleksandr Karelin       Naoya Ogawa
Dory Funk Jr.           Rickson Gracie          Riki Chosu
Terry Gordy             Mark Kerr               Don Frye
Dr. Death               Bas Rutten              Atsushi Onita
Bruiser Brody           The Great Muta          Yoshiaki Fujiwara
Abdullah the Butcher    Ultimo Dragon

2.	Hidden moves, objects, etc.

After you have powered your game on approximately 20 times, you will 
see a black silhouette of Goldberg doing the jackhammer.  This means 
you have unlocked the moves from WCW/NWO Revenge, for use in Edit Mode.  
Don\'t flip your power switch like a madman, because you paid way to 
much for this cart to ruin it.  

After you have powered the game on for about the 40th time, you will 
see Mankind doing his mandible claw.  This means you have unlocked 
hidden moves from Wrestlemania2000, for use in edit mode.

As you unlock hidden wrestlers, their moves will also be available in 
edit mode.

Andre the Giant is classified as a superheaviweight.  This means you 
can\'t give him many of the normal moves.  Meaning that in the 
animations you will really struggle to give him a back suplex, and 
you\'ll fall down after you bodyslam him.  Excellent animations here.
There\'s a new move series added in VPW2.  When you run towards your 
opponent, normally you would just hit B and do a striking move.  The 
new move (and very cool) is this:  run towards your opponent and press 
the A button to do a running grapple move (you pick the move in edit 
mode).  You can do two moves (on with the d-pad, or one without the d-
pad).  Very sharp, especially Akiyama\'s suplex.

3.	Hidden Wrestlers (unless specified, wrestlers are unlocked in RRS 
(career) mode)

Unlock            Use, How

Abdullah          Anyone, any mode, when someone bleeds
Great Muta        Keiji Mutoh, play 10 exhibition mode matches
Ultimo Dragon     Tokyo, Shiima, Dragon Kid, Play 15 exhibition matches
Jumbo Tsuruta     Anyone, Win RRS mode
Terry Funk        Anyone, Win tag tourney, special match
Dory Funk         Anyone, Win tag tourney, special match
Terry Gordy       Anyone, Win Real World Tag, special match
Andre the Giant   Anyone, Win battle Royal
Mil Mascaras      Any Junior (cruiser), Beat July
Bruiser Brody     Stan Hansen, Beat May
Akira Maeda       RINGS, Win RRS mode
Aleksandr Karelin Akira Maeda,Beat January
Rickson Gracie    RINGS or PRIDE, Beat August
Mark Kerr         PRIDE, Beat October
Bas Rutten        Pancrase, Beat May
Antonio Inoki     NJPW, Win RRS mode
Tiger Mask        NJPW Jr. or Michinoku Pro, Beat January
Naoya Ogawa       Shinya Hashimoto, Beat July
Ricki Chosu       NJPW 1 or 2, or Onita, Beat January
Don Frye          Chono, Inoki, Ogawa, Beat May
Atsushi Onita     Chono, Sasaki, Muta, or FMW, Beat August
Yoshiaki Fujiwara Inoki, Pancrase, BattlArts,Beat October

4.	Guide to shoot fighting

Shoot fighters can\'t throw or be thrown into the ropes.  They can\'t do 
specific moves from a strong grapple, and they can\'t jump off the 
ropes.  They can\'t pin their opponent either.

Short grapple + A:  this is the same as normal wrestlers.  You usually 
have a belly to belly suplex, a knee strike to the body, repeating knee 
strikes, and a choke take down.

Short grapple + B:  this will do a combo.  Push your D-pad in different 
directions and press B to do different striking moves.  Pressing the A 
Button during the combo will cause you to do a short grapple move.

Long grapple:  If you are successful with your grapple, you will 
automatically take down your opponent, and mount him for punches to the 
face.  Press your B button rapidly to continue hitting your opponent.  
Your D-pad can be used to control where you hit your opponent (face, 
ribs, side of head).  If you punch your opponent long enough, he will 
turn over, and you can begin punching him in the back of the head.  If 
you press your A button while mounted, you will start fighting to get 
an arm lock.

Short grapple, then R button:  Hitting the R button shortly after a 
successful grapple will cause you to automatically go behind your 
opponent and take him down with a rear naked choke.

Long grapple to opponents back:  You will take your opponent down from 
behind, and mount him while he\'s face down.  Press B button rapidly to 
begin punching him in the back of the head.

To do your special: when your spirit is up, do a short grapple then hit 
the toggle stick.

When your opponent is on the ground: press the L button to mount him 
and begin punching.

Good Luck and Happy Playing!


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