Virtual On Oratorio Tangram FAQ (ver 0.5) 12/16/99
Dreamcast Version Moves List
    This FAQ Copyright 1999 Jennifer Martin (aka NextJen)
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I\'m writing this FAQ out of the goodness of my heart.  I\'m an editor for an
online video game magazine (, and I just find joy in
giving a little help to gamers where I can.  In other words, be respectful 
my writing.  This FAQ is free and may be distributed in its entirety.  You
may not take the contents and pass them off as your own, and you may not use
this FAQ for your own financial gain.  If you would like to use any part of
this FAQ in your own document, website, or magazine, then just ask for my
permission.  I\'m sure it\'s not a big deal.

~~~~Table of Contents

-Version Info
-Dreamcast Controls
-FAQ Location


If you are interested in reading this FAQ, then I assume that you are like
me.  You have played Virtual On (hence forth known as VOOM), and you\'ve 
seen Virtual On Oratorio Tangram (commonly referred to as VOOT).  Now that I
have it on the Dreamcast, I\'ve found an enormous amount of moves that are
possible beyond the 3 primary weapons.  The learning curve for VOOT is 
high, and I found myself scrambling in battles for lack of knowing what 
to use and when.  I thought a reference sheet to what moves each Virturoid
will perform in what situations would be a good idea.  Better yet, why not
share this with the readers of our website.  Even better still, why not post
it a GameFAQs so everyone can get a head start in learning to play one of 
best games of the year.

~~~~Version Info

-0.5 Additional Characters
Added moves for Grys-Vok, Apharmd-B, and Balbados.  Also went back and added
jumping attacks to the melee sections of Temjin and Raiden.

-0.25 Melee, Controls, and Move Descriptions
Added melee attacks for the characters.  Added a section for the Dreamcast
default controls.  If there is anything else you can\'t understand in the 
because of the Japanese, just ask for it to be added to the FAQ.  Added
clarification of tracking in the Virturoid section.  I came to the 
that some descriptions of moves weren\'t very helpful so I added sections in
each Virturoid\'s moves list for more detailed explanations of moves.

-0.2 Additional Character
Added Raiden\'s moves.  Need to go back and put close combat attacks in
the list.  Suggested additions are welcome.

-0.1 First Rev
Testing the waters. If there is good response to this (read: you are
interested in what this FAQ contains), I will work faster to get more put
into it.  Right now, I only have the first cut at Temjin\'s moves.  I don\'t
see this being a strategy guide (so far).  I\'ll leave that to the seasoned
professionals. (*If anyone knows how to do that cool ascii art, I\'d
appreciate you taking a shot at one for this FAQ*)

~~~~Dreamcast Controls

These are the actions of the default configuration (Type A)

Left Trigger      = Left Weapon
Right Trigger     = Right Weapon
Both Triggers     = Center Weapon
Yellow Button (X) = Left Turbo
Blue Button (B)   = Right Turbo
Red Button (A)    = Guard
Green Button (Y)  = Jump

Analog Pad Left   = Turn Left
Analog Pad Right  = Turn Right
Analog Pad Down   = Arcade Start Button (used in specials)


LW  = Left Weapon         UF  U  UF
RW  = Right Weapon          \\ | /
CW  = Center Weapon       S - + - S
LT  = Left Turbo            / | \\
RT  = Right Turbo         DB  D  DB
T   = Turbo/Dash      (Directional Pad)
G   = Guard
J   = Jump
N/A = No Additional Effect
N/T = No Tracking
+   = Hit Buttons Together

Start = Arcade start button by pressing down on the analog pad (by default)
Turn  = Right/left turn by pressing left or right on the analog pad 

*  = More detailed move explanation provided
** = More detailed special move explanation provided


You can hold any of the standing weapons down for differing levels of rapid

+G Guard will always cause the Virturoid to duck while standing still and
to slide when dashing.  The +G column will only state the added effect of
pressing guard with the button(s) in the left column.  The +G column of 
attacks will always produce an un-guardable attack.  These attacks can still
be dashed around.

+J will state the added effect of being in the air while using the button(s)
in the left column.

((All shots in ALL columns have some degree of tracking, meaning the shot 
be fired at the enemy, unless otherwise noted.  After the shot leaves it 
also have varying degrees of following, tracking, the enemy, but that is not
represented here at the present time.))

-----===== Raiden 

:Ranged Attacks:
LW        sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball
CW        dual shoulder beams (N/T)     +G N/A          +J N/A
RW        single small missile          +G 4 shots      +J 4 shots

LW+LT     bouncing electric ball        +G high toss*   +J N/A
LW+RT     disc mine side explosion*     +G N/A          +J electric ball
CW+LT     electric cage (N/T)*          +G N/A          +J N/A
CW+RT     dual shoulder beams (N/T)     +G N/A          +J N/A
RW+LT     5 small missiles              +G N/A          +J N/A
RW+RT     2 big missiles*               +G N/A          +J single shot

U +T+LW   sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball
UF+T+LW   sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball
S +T+LW   sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball
DB+T+LW   sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball
D +T+LW   sliding disc mine             +G N/A          +J electric ball

U +T+CW   2 quad shoulder beams         +G 1 shot       +J N/A
UF+T+CW   2 dual shoulder beams         +G 1 shot       +J N/A
S +T+CW   4 alternating beams           +G 3 shots      +J N/A
DB+T+CW   4 alternating beams           +G 2 shots      +J N/A
D +T+CW   electric cage                 +G N/A          +J N/A

U +T+RW   3 missiles                    +G N/A          +J 2 shots
UF+T+RW   4 missiles                    +G N/A          +J 3 shots
S +T+RW   8 rapid missiles              +G 5 shots      +J 6 shots
DB+T+RW   3 missile swarms*             +G N/A          +J N/A
D +T+RW   3 missile swarms              +G 2 swarms     +J 2 swarms

:Melee Attacks:
LW        left hook           +G right hand sweep       +J overhand smash
CW        electric shock      +G uppercut with gun      +J butt smash
RW        right hook          +G low punch              +J overhand smash

LW+RT     forearm smash
CW+RT     electric punch
RW+RT     overhand punch

[Purge Armor] Jump, Start **

*Move Details:
[LW+LT+G] The high toss electric ball explodes in the air a short distance 
from where you are standing.

[LW+RT] Raiden throws the mine with a little skip to it.  When it reaches 
enemy or a boundary, it explodes like normal, but it also sends a series of
explosions to the side in column form (like Apharmd-B\'s LW).

[CW+LT] This applies to all electric cages thrown.  Raiden shoots out a 
of beams in an upside down horseshoe shape.  They extend from just in front 
you to the edge of the playfield effectively trapping your opponent inside.
If they touch the cage, they take damage and are temporarily frozen.

[RW+RT] The two big missiles leave Raiden slowly then accelerate quickly 
a high degree of tracking.

[DB or D+T+RW] Start off as 3 regular missile shots, but they break up into
a huge missile swarm.

**Special Move Details:
[Purge Armor] Raiden destroys his armor to increase speed, but is left with
very little health.

-----===== Grys-Vok 

:Ranged Attacks:
LW        column grenade (N/T)*     +G 4 mini nukes*    +J N/A
CW        2 shoulder missiles       +G 4 missiles       +J 4 missiles
RW        rockets                   +G N/A              +J 8 rockets

LW+LT     machine gun*              +G N/A              +J N/A
LW+RT     torpedo*                  +G major arsenol*   +J 4 mini nukes
CW+LT     2 shoulder missiles       +G 4 missiles       +J 4 bouncing nukes*
CW+RT     6 missiles                +G nuclear bomb*    +J missile swarm
RW+LT     machine gun (N/T)         +G N/A              +J N/A
RW+RT     4 hand missiles           +G N/A              +J N/A

U +T+LW   column grenade            +G N/A             +J N/A
UF+T+LW   column grenade            +G N/A             +J N/A
S +T+LW   dual column grenade       +G N/A             +J N/A
DB+T+LW   column grenade            +G N/A             +J dual column
D +T+LW   column grenade            +G 3 nuke planes*  +J N/A

U +T+CW   4 shoulder missiles       +G nuclear bomb    +J N/A
UF+T+CW   4 shoulder missiles       +G N/A             +J N/A
S +T+CW   4 shoulder missiles       +G N/A             +J N/A
DB+T+CW   4 shoulder missiles       +G 8 missiles      +J N/A
D +T+CW   4 shoulder missiles       +G N/A             +J N/A

U +T+RW   6 hand missiles           +G N/A             +J 8 missiles
UF+T+RW   2 hand missiles           +G N/A             +J 4 missiles
S +T+RW   2 swarm missiles          +G N/A             +J N/A
DB+T+RW   2 swarm missiles          +G N/A             +J N/A
D +T+RW   2 nuke planes             +G 3 planes        +J 2 rockets

:Melee Attacks:
LW        left hook         +G left arm sweep       +J left hand smash
CW        spin punch        +G double arm sweep     +J body splash
RW        right hook        +G right low punch      +J right hand smash

LW+RT     bear hug
CW+RT     bear hug
RW+RT     overhead smash


*Move Details:
[LW] The column grenade is dropped right in front of your mech.  It causes a
series of cylindrical explosions in a straight line, one after another, all
the way across the screen.  Not hindered by obstacles.

[LW+G] The mini nukes are fired high like mortars, and they fall a short 
away from Grys-Vok.  They are somewhat spaced out and have a large combined

[LW+LT] The left hand machine gun fires a ton of bullets and they track 
well to the area in front of you.  If the enemy is moving, it effectively
sprays bullets all over the screen chasing him.

[LW+RT] This weapon is launched and looks like a torpedo running along the
ground.  It explodes on or near the enemy.

[LW+RT+G] Wasn\'t sure what to call this.  Grys-Vok basically unloads all the
cool weapons at once.  A column grenade and 4 bouncing nukes are released.
The bouncing nukes travel further than the mini nukes then explode.  After 
explosion, 4 missiles emerge and track the enemy.

[J+CW+LT] The bouncing nukes have a similar explosion to the mini nukes, but
they bounce further across the screen.

[CW+RT+G] Launches a huge nuke straight up in the air.  It\'s out of sight 
a few seconds, then it comes down towards the head of the opponent.  Huge
nuclear explosion ensues.  It moves really slow.

[D+T+LW] While dashing backwards, little planes are left behind to track the
opponent.  They move slowly to the destination and explode on impact.

**Special Move Details:

-----===== Temjin 

:Ranged Attacks:
LW        short toss grenade (N/T)   +G rolls on ground   +J straight line
CW        wide sword shot*           +G N/A               +J N/A
RW        single rifle shot          +G 3 shots           +J 4 shots

LW+LT     bouncing grenade toss      +G straight line     +J straight line
LW+RT     high toss grenade*         +G straight line     +J bouncing
CW+LT     shark wave*                +G N/A               +J N/A
CW+RT     wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A
RW+LT     machinegun shot*           +G N/A               +J N/A
RW+RT     straight beam (N/T)*       +G N/A               +J N/A

U +T+LW   medium range grenade*      +G N/A               +J short range*
UF+T+LW   medium range grenade       +G N/A               +J short range
S +T+LW   medium range grenade       +G N/A               +J short range
DB+T+LW   medium range grenade       +G N/A               +J short range
D +T+LW   medium range grenade       +G N/A               +J short range

U +T+CW   wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A
UF+T+CW   wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A
S +T+CW   wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A
DB+T+CW   wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A
D +T+CW   wide sword shot            +G N/A               +J N/A

U +T+RW   2 beam rifle shots*        +G N/A               +J N/A
UF+T+RW   3 beam rifle shots         +G N/A               +J 2 shots
S +T+RW   4 beam rifle shots         +G N/A               +J N/A
DB+T+RW   3 beam rifle shots         +G 2 shots           +J 2 shots
D +T+RW   3 beam rifle shots         +G N/A               +J 2 shots

:Melee Attacks:
LW        sword swipe      +G leg kick sweep     +J jumping sword slice
CW        sword swipe      +G sword sweep        +J jumping sword slice
RW        sword stab       +G crouching stab     +J jumping sword slice

LW+RT     diagonal slash
CW+RT     spinning sword sweep
RW+RT     flip slash

dash+CW   sword swipe      +G low sword swipe

[Surfboard] CW at 100%, Jump, U+T+CW **

[Spinning Sword] Turn+CW **

*Move Details:
[CW] The wide sword shots are all disc shaped shots that are formed from
Temjin slashing his sword horizontally.

[LW+RT] The high toss grenade explodes in the air a short distance from 

[CW+LT] Releases a shot that looks like a shark fin sticking out of the 

[RW+LT] A chain of small bullets.  Not the same as the bigger rifle shots.

[RW+RT] Very powerful beam fired in a straight line across the screen.

[dash*LW] Lower trajectory than normal grenade toss.  Travels a little 
in the air.

[J+dash+LW] Temjin doesn\'t throw the grenade at the enemy like the J+LW.  He
more or less drops it a short distance away.

[U+T+RW] Definite potential to knock down.

**Special Move Details:
[Surfboard] Rides his sword towards the enemy with slight tracking ability.

[Spinning Sword] Spins 3 times with the sword extended while moving forward.
This move delays a little at startup.

-----===== Apharmd-B 

:Ranged Attacks:
LW        column grenade (N/T)*     +G N/A (N/T)        +J N/A
CW        2 tongfer swirls*         +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade*
RW        uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A

LW+LT     2 bouncing grenades       +G straight shots   +J arched
LW+RT     soccer grenade*           +G goalie throw*    +J bicycle kick*
CW+LT     tongfer swirl             +G long tornado     +J tongfer blade
CW+RT     short tornado             +G long tornado     +J 2 tongfer blades
RW+LT     uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A
RW+RT     short uzis*                +G N/A              +J N/A

U +T+LW   grenade                   +G N/A              +J N/A
UF+T+LW   grenade                   +G N/A              +J N/A
S +T+LW   column grenade            +G N/A              +J N/A
DB+T+LW   column grenade            +G N/A              +J N/A
D +T+LW   bouncing grenade          +G grenade          +J grenade

U +T+CW   tongfer swirl             +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade
UF+T+CW   tongfer swirl             +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade
S +T+CW   tongfer swirl             +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade
DB+T+CW   tongfer swirl             +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade
D +T+CW   tongfer swirl             +G short tornado    +J tongfer blade

U +T+RW   uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A
UF+T+RW   uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A
S +T+RW   uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A
DB+T+RW   uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A
D +T+RW   uzis                      +G N/A              +J N/A

:Melee Attacks:
LW        tongfers             +G tongfer sweep     +J flip kick
CW        tongfers             +G tongfer sweep     +J flip kick
RW        overhand smash       +G leg sweep         +J flip kick

LW+RT     tongfers
CW+RT     dragon uppercut
RW+RT     spinning back kick

[Jet Powered Drop Kick] CW at 100%, Jump, U+T+CW **

*Move Details:
[LW] The column grenade is dropped right in front of your mech.  It causes a
series of cylindrical explosions in a straight line, one after another, all
the way across the screen.  Not hindered by obstacles.

[CW] The swirls are disc shaped projectiles that are formed from Apharmd\'s
tongfers.  Similar to the CW discs that Temjin fires.

[J+CW] The tongfer balde is akin to the swirls, but these spin vertically.

[LW+RT] The first in a series of soccer attacks.  Apharmd-B kicks a spiked
grenade like a soccer ball with a slight arc.

[LW+RT+G] Chucks the spiked grenade low to the ground.

[J+LW+RT] Does a soccer style bicycle kick high in the air sending a spiked
grenade toward the enemy.

[RW+RT] The short uzis only travel medium range before self-exploding.

**Special Move Details:
[Jet Powered Drop Kick]
Apharmd-B jumps up and flies straight ahead with a rocket powered kick

-----===== Balbados 

:Ranged Attacks:
LW        floating mines          +G 3 bouncing mines    +J 4 mines
CW        overhead attack*        +G energy field*       +J converging 
RW        rings                   +G 6 rings             +J 4 rings

LW+LT     detach left arm*        +G left thigh*         +J N/A*
LW+RT     5 big floating mines    +G 1 mine              +J 4 floating mines
CW+LT     dual laser beams (N/T)  +G N/A                 +J N/A
CW+RT     overhead attack*        +G reflecting lasers*  +J 4 straight 
RW+LT     detach right arm        +G right thigh         +J N/A
RW+RT     spiral shot             +G thigh rings         +J ring spread shot

U +T+LW   1 big floating mine     +G N/A                 +J N/A
UF+T+LW   3 big floating mines    +G 3 bouncing mines    +J N/A
S +T+LW   5 floating mines        +G 5 bouncing mines    +J N/A
DB+T+LW   3 floating mines        +G 3 bouncing mines    +J N/A
D +T+LW   4 floating mines        +G 4 spiked mines      +J 8 floating mines

U +T+CW   straight shot*          +G claw attack*        +J N/A
UF+T+CW   straight shot           +G claw attack         +J N/A
S +T+CW   overhead attack         +G 6 rings & 8 mines   +J N/A
DB+T+CW   overhead attack         +G 6 rings & 8 mines   +J N/A
D +T+CW   fireworks               +G trip wire           +J N/A

U +T+RW   6 rings                 +G N/A              +J 4 rings
UF+T+RW   6 rings                 +G N/A              +J 4 rings
S +T+RW   6 rings                 +G N/A              +J 4 rings
DB+T+RW   3 rings 3 way fire      +G 4 rings 3 way    +J 5 rings straight
D +T+RW   5 rings                 +G 4 rings 2 way    +J N/A

:Melee Attacks:
LW        arm claw              +G leg claw           +J jumping claw
CW        dual claw             +G dual leg claw      +J jumping claw
RW        dual light sabers     +G leg light saber    +J jumping claw

LW+RT     multiple claws
CW+RT     quad light sabers
RW+RT     rocket punch

[Pyramid] Detach all 4 limbs, CW+RT+G **

[Laser Storm] Detach all 4 limbs, Jump, CW+RT **

*Move Details:
[CW] Arms detach from Bal, fly over and attack above the enemy\'s head with

[CW+G] Thighs detach from Bal, fly over and create a damaging energy field
over the enemy.

[J+CW] Arms detach in the air and fire to long converging laser on the 

[LW+LT] Detaches Bal\'s arm from his body.  The arm stays in the position the
move was intiated at.  From there it can fire as if it was still attached.
Start switches the weapon fired from rings to mines.

[LW+LT+G] Detaches Bal\'s thigh from his body.  The thigh stays in the 
the move was intiated at.  From there it can fire as if it was still 
Start switches the weapon fired from rings to mines.

[J+LW+LT] The arm will detach and stay high in the air.

[CW+RT] All limbs detach and fire lasers over the enemies head.

[CW+RT+G] All limbs detach and fire lasers straight ahead.  These lasers 
reflect off a wall at a 90 degree angle.

[U+T+CW] Arms detach and fly forward before shooting.

[U+T+CW+G] Thighs detach and attack up close with laser claws.

**Special Move Details:
[Pyramid] All 4 limbs create a pyramid shape laser field around the enemy.
With the enemy trapped inside, you can fire any of the 4 limbs\' weapons.

[Laser Storm] The 4 limbs converge and create a steady fire of powerful 
towards the enemy.

~~~~FAQ Location

Where can I find the current version of this FAQ?
(Make sure you check out Hardcore Gaming for a great multi-platform game 


-Dangohead at Gamefan for your maniacal fanaticism of VOOT and generating a
lot of hype for the game over here in the states.

-All my boys at HG for giving me the space to speak my mind on games.

-CJayC for hosting this at GameFAQs.

-Kris, my sweetheart, for understanding the free time I need to play the
ridiculous number of games I have.


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