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      ==  ====  ==        ===============================
      ==  ====  ==        AUTHOR: FLOWERPOT
      ==  ====  ==        E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      ==  ====  ==        WARCRAFT II FAQ VERSION 0.7
      ==  ====  ==        ===============================
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      ==  ====  ==        **Best viewed in Full screen**
      =    ==    =
Warcraft II- Strategy game of the Millenium FAQ
             Tides of Darkness & Beyond the Dark Portal edition

*Note* Sections 3-8,13 were direct copies from the Instruction manual (i added a 
lot) and were only added because most people do not own a copy of the manual and 
do not have the pleasure of reading the wonderfully written story by Blizzard. 
Read on!--


1    revision history
2    introduction
3    a brief history of the fall of azeroth
4    the history of the orcish ascension
5    clans
     a    nations of the alliance
     b    clans of the horde
6    legends
7    units
     a    human
     b    orc
8    structures
     a    human
     b    orc
9    campaign gifs
10   the ultimate multiplayer guide
11   building dependencies
     a    human
     b    orc
12   unit dependencies
     a    human
     b    orc
13   cheats
14   the aftermath of the second war
15   disclaimer
16   farewell/etc.

==========1 revision history===

12.05.99- Finished typing up section 14
        - Added section 10 thanks to a major contribution by RMC
        - Updated the Disclaimer with new credits
        - Campaign GIFS and campaign walkthroughs coming soon...
        - Huge e-mail error (nintendomail.com is dead) as did many people i 
know, so i had to change my e-mail address once again to 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Foward all e-mail here and i apoligize to all whose e-
mails were lost.

12.01.99- Brand Spankin\' new, baby!
        - Request: If anyone has useful multiplayer screenshots that show some 
useful tactics,                        submit them by e-mailing me at 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
        - Coming Soon: Campaign Walkthroughs! --12.20.99 Whoo Hoo!
        - After a few month long hiatus, I\'m back with 2 more faqs coming out!

==========2 introduction===

I don\'t think that their is one person one this earth, that does not love the 
games made by Blizzard. I like to call them the strategy gods. Warcraft, 
Warcraft II, Warcraft II Expansion, StarCraft, StarCraft: Broodwars, Diablo, and 
the yet to be released Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 (which is looking awesome). These 
people have more creativity inside their nostrals than Creative people on a good 
day. After providing us with years of single player fun, they went and made the 
best multiplayer experience ever, Battle.net. All this from one game developer. 

Please, Blizzard, don\'t stop spoiling us.

Warcraft 2, in my opinion, is better than StarCraft. I personally like fantasy 
more than the sci-fi genre but that didn\'t greatly affect my opinions. With 
various ground, air, and _water_ units... warcraft towers over its competition. 
The campaigns require thinking and the storyline is addictive. I always feel 
like killing some Orcs after school and then screaming, \"This is for Azeroth, 
you scum bags!\" for no reason whatsoever after a long day at school. And you 
probably do too. So, pop in this game, read this faq, and get ready for the 
strategy game of the millenium!

**NOTE** When you see the word Magiks, I didn\'t spell magics wrong, its the way 
that Blizzard spells it.**

==========3 a brief history of the fall of azeroth===
(as told by the Matriarch of Tirisfal)


My name is Aegwyn, and for over one thousand years I have wandered the realms of 
this world and endeavored to safeguard the peoples of its lands against the 
ethereal powers of the Great Dark Beyond. I have seen mighty kingdoms rise and 
fall. I have witnessed the deeds of high nobility and the lowliest of rabble 
both conspire to define the destiny of mankind.

It has been only recently that I have, regrettably, become directly involved in 
the matters of men. For countless ages it has been the charge of my Order to 
shelter and protect mortal man from the mysteries of the Great Dark, and the 
palpable, heinous evils of the realms beyond. To battle these dark forces of the 
Twisting Nether we were given considerable power. And longevity rivaling that 
even the ancient Elves. With this power came one grave burden -- The Guardian 
must not interfere with the affairs of men until the time comes when a seccessor 
must be chosen and the mantle of guardianship is passed to another.

Thus did I -- Aegwyn, last Guardian of the Order of Tirifal -- judge that my 
time had come. Forty-two winters had passed since i first came to the kingdom of 
Azeroth in search of the Conjurer Nielas Aran. It was he whom I had chosen to 
sire the heir of my powers. Nielas was exceptionally talented in the simple 
conjurative magiks of men, and I believed that he would be the perfect mortal 
father for my child... and so he was....

I gave birth to a son and named him Medivh -- or \"Keeper of Secrets\" in the 
ancient tongue of the elves - in the fall of the year 559. I transferred all of 
my knowledge and power into the infant, locking it deeply within him to manifest 
itself only when he reached physical maturity. Believing that my work on this 
world was done and seeing my son would be cared for by the Nielas\' people, I 
wandered across the fields of time, preparing myself for the passing.

I kept a distant, watchful eye on my son for much of his young life. I was 
assured that the deep-sided altuism of Tirisful would guide him in his trials 
and temper his heart and mind as to make him worthy of the Guardianship that 
was, I believed, his destiny.

On the eve of the making of his thirteenth birthday, the power locked deep 
inside of my son awakened. Unable to deal with the raw, cosmic energies surging 
inside him, Medivh suffered a massive phychic trauma. He was pacified by the 
good Clerics of the Northshire. They removed the youth to their sacred Abbey and 
for six years tended to his all but comatose body.

Eventually, Medivh awakened from his sleep seemingly in full control of his 
faculties and powers. Yet, underneath the confident and almost arrogant facade, 
I somehow knew that my son had become malevolent and corrupt. The wisdom and 
power that was his birthright had been perverted by distant forces within the 
Twisting Nether, altering the Human part of his soul and marking him with its 
evil touch forever.

It was not until the first wave of those wretched creatures known as the Orcs 
thundered through the dark rift that I realized how incedibly dangerous my son 
had become...

With his mastery over the arcane energies increasing almost by the moment, 
Medivh had set out to probe the extent of his ability to manipulate the world 
around him. Delving into the forbidden arts of Necromancy, Medivh began to 
unravel the mysteries of life and death. He took to consorting with Daemons from 
the lower planes, using their powers to argument his own. His hunger for power 
became stronger, and with every minor success Medivh fell ever deeper into the 
dark abyss of madness. He traveled far throughout the astral plane, exploring 
the infinate secrets of the Great Dark Beyond. It was then, in the midst of 
swirling chaotic hallucinations, that Medivh first encountered a world beyond 
his own and captured a glimpse of the aberrant, murderous denizens of that 

Here at last, was the tool that Medivh had been searching for...

Desirous of complete dominion over Azeroth, Medivh used the insights gained from 
the knowledge of Tirisfal to strike a bargain with Gul\'Dan the Warlock - the 
mightiest of the rulers of the dark, red world that haunted Medivh\'s visions. 
Communicating through deep trances and astral projection, Medivh told Gul\'Dan of 
an ancient tomb lost beneath the north sea that contained power beyond 
imagination. It was to this tomb that I had banished the ancient Daemonlord 
Sargeras after a long and exhausting battle eight hundred years before. Even I 
cannot say whether or not the power of Sargeras remains entombed their. The 
promise of incredible power tapped from a true monarch of the underworld was 
enough to make the insatiable Gul\'Dan agree to do Medivh\'s bidding.

Medivh agreed to furnish the location of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul\'Dan as well 
as an entire world to conquer. In exchange for his gift, Medivh required total 
destruction of the only force he believed capable of ascendancy to power - the 
great Kingdom of Azeroth.

Thus, in the year 583, the first of Medivh\'s unnatural Portals was opened 
between the world of Azeroth and the red world of the Orcs. Although the time of 
my passing had drawn near, I traveled to Medivh\'s mystic tower to reason with 
him and attempt to dissuade him from a path that would surely lead to his on 
destruction. The power that was once of Tirisfal had become so twisted inside 
him that my pleas seemed as nothing. I fought with what energy remained in my 
weakened body, but having given all my powers to him long ago, I was easily 
defeated and banished from his sight.

The arrival of Gul\'Dan and the Horde War Cheif Blackhand heralded a war that 
tore the realm of Azeroth asunder for nearly five years. The once rich kingdoms 
of the land were razed and left fallow my the merciless Orc armies. And yet, for 
all his craft and gile, Medivh did not survive to see his plans come to 
frutition. My son was killed by a bold Azerothien raiding party who broke into 
his tower and slew him in the very room where he first made contact with the 
Horde. Even the great War Chief Blackhand was eventually destroyed as his 
ultimate victory drew near, betrayed by his servant Orgrim Doomhammer.

The greatest loss to the peoples of Azeroth came when King Llane, their 
benevolant and just ruler, was killed as Stormwind Keep fell under the siege and 
was overthrown by the Orchish hordes. Only the valiant leadership of Anduin 
Lothar, Knight errant in the brotherhood of the horse and a hero in the war, 
allowed the survivors of Azeroth to escape from their decimated homeland with 
their lives. 

Even with Medivh and his vile magiks gone, the Portal continued to channel 
hundreds of Orcs into the human lands everyday. With the death of Blackhand, 
Orgrim was quick to seize control over the Blackrock caln - the most powerful 
Orchish force on Azeroth. While others still vie for supremacy over the rest of 
the scattered Orc clans, Gul\'Dan, the infamous warlock and chieftain of the 
Stormreaver clan, is rumored to be ammassing a great navy to find the legendary 
Tomb of Sargeras for himself. Rend and Maim, the barbarous sons of Blackhand, 
also have secured a strong following amongst the Orcs, and hope to wrest 
ultimate controls over the Horde away from the treacherous Doomhammer.

Although other factions grow stronger within the chaotic Horde, it seems certain 
that all the clans will follow Doomhammer\'s plans to hunt down and destroy the 
renegade Humans of Azeroth wherever they choose to run...

The Alliance of Lordaeron

With the arrival of the Azerothian refugees upon the shores of Lordaeron, King 
Terenas formed a council of delagates from each of the seven kingdoms under his 
rule. Recounting terrible tales of destruction and carnage wrought by the 
Orchish invaders in Azeroth, the Steward Lord Anduin Lothar convinced the 
soveriegn of Lordaeron to unite themselves against this great threat. Despite 
much quarreling and debate, the lords acquisced to Lothar and Terenas, and 
agreed to unite their armies under the general command of Lothar himself. As the 
shores of Lordaeron had already been savaged by small bands of Orc marauders, 
Lothar found a strong ally in his longtime friend Admiral Daelin Proudmoore of 
the seaside kingdom of Kul Tiras. Thoras Trollbane, lord of Stormgarde, was also 
quick to offer his support for the newly formed alliance, sensing that the time 
for glorious battle was at hand. These warriors were not the only ones to get 
ready for battle...
As the holy writ commandeth that the whole armor of rightousness by worn in the 
war against evil, Alonsus Faol - Abbot of the now destroyed Northshire Abbey - 
convinced the eccesiastic ministers of Lordaeron to grid their priests and the 
followers alike with weapons of war. As the guardians took up swords of light to 
defend the heavens, so must the hold men of earth be prepared to combat the dark 
tide that was approaching from the south. From the ancient subterranean halls of 
Khaz Modan came the stoic Dwarves of Ironforge, reporting that the Orcs had 
already begun to assualt their mountain kingdom. The Dwarves offered their 
support n arms and ingenious technoligies to the alliance, who assured them that 
the Orcs would be driven back at all costs. 
The reclusive Elves of Silvermoon ventured forth from the shadowy forests of 
Quel\'thalas to offer their services to the alliance. Their magiks, so closely 
tied to the forces of earth, had shown evidence that the Orcs had been defiling 
the very lands of Lordaeron as part of their sinister plans. The ill-bred 
prejudice that had existed for eons amongst the three races was put aside, and a 
bond was formed between these ancient neighbors. The bond would become a force 
known across the whole of Lordaeron as the alliance. 
Thus, united in arms against a common foe, the alliance stands upon the shores 
of destiny and awaits the coming of the tides of darkness.

==========4 the history of the orcish ascension===
(as told by Gul\'Dan, cheiftan of the stormreaver clan)

The Rise of the Shadow Council

Like an elemental force of havoc and destruction we thundered through the lands 
of Draenei devastating all that we beheld. Not one life was spared. No building 
was left standing. The only traces of their existance were the blood-soaked 
fields they had worked for nearly five thousand years and the rank, acrid smell 
of the huge victory fires that consumed the bodies of their young. The Draenei 
were a weak people - hardly worth the effort of our raiding sweep. In the end, 
however, even these simple victories serve to keep the inferior in their 

It has always been so with my kind. The savage, brutal tendencies of the masses 
are easily manipulated by those who hold true power. Power is the true force 
that drives the great destructive machine that is the Horde. Those who imagine 
themselves in the possession of this power rally around thier clan banners of 
violence. Yet without a common foe, even the leaders of the Orc clans blindly 
turn upon each other. The appetite for destruction that prevails amongst these 
fools drive the Horde; might and might alone is honored above all things.

I am Gul\'Dan - the greatest of all Warlocks and Initiate of the Seventh Circle 
of the Shadow Council. No one knows the dark, burning allure of the ultimate 
power better than I. 

In what passed as my youth, I studied Orc magiks through the tribal Shaman of my 
clan. My natural talent for channeling the cold, negative-energies of the 
Twisting Nether brought me notable standing amongst the other Shaman, and I knew 
that even Ner\'zhul, the greatest of my teachers, became jealous of me as my 
abilities grew even stronger.

My aspirations rose higher than those of my peers and masters alike, for I knew 
that the scope of their vision was limited by their devotion to the advancement 
of the Horde. I cared nothing for the Horde or its petty politics. I cared 
nothing for this world over which we had complete dominion. I cared only for the 
chance to fathom the spiraling mysteries of the Great Dark Beyond. I had begun 
secret explorations of energies far beyond the scope that my so-called tutors 
could possibly comprehend. It was at this time that i discoverd a being of 
immense power - the Daemon Kil\'jaeden. I was in awe at his heartless fury. To 
witness his awesome power was to be all but consumed. In the fleeting, fevered 
nightmares he brought me, I touched the essence of what lies beyond. Within me 
an unfathomable lust was sewn - a desire to wield the fury of etheral storms and 
to stand unscathed within the dying hearts of burning suns. 

Under the tutelage of Kil\'jaeden, I realized how limited even my understanding 
had been. Untold histories of ancients Daemon races and primal magical 
dimensions were made known to me. I learned that there existed worlds without 
numder, scattered throughout the darkness beyond the sky - worlds to which i 
might lead the Horde as only one of my abilities could. Though i remained with 
my people on the dark, red world of Draenei, I soon learned to project myself 
into the depths of the Twisting Nether, being driven nearly mad by the 
whispering chaos contained therein. Although it seemed it would mean my death, I 
was irresistibly compelled to continue my sojourn until, finally unbound from my 
cororeal existence, I understood the whispers. It was then that I first spoke to 
the dead...

Ancestral worship has long been at the heart of Orchish religion. While nearly 
all the Orchish Hordes believed that all our dead elders watched and guided us 
from the depths of some lost realm of chaos, I believed this notion to be a 
product of ritual and not reality. Within the Twisting Nether I discovered that 
the spirits of the dead do linger on, floating on the astral winds between the 
worlds. I learned that they kept their endless, silent vigil over the clans in 
hope of finding some escape from their lifeless torment. I knew that these 
spirits of the dead would be a useful tool for anyone who bind them to his will.

Years passed. My apprenticeship under Kil\'jaeden had allowed me to become the 
most powerful Warlocks had seen in many generations. My place in the Horde was 
as a respected leader, but as ever, tensions ran high amongst the clans. The 
destruction of the Draenei left nothing upon which the great beast of war - 
could feed. After centuries of violence and warfare, we had finally conquered 
the whole of our world. With no enemies left to crush and no new lands to 
conquer, the clans had fallen into a state of utter anarchy. Minor disputes 
between clans led to open battle and massive bloodshed. Those cheiftains who 
attempted to assume the position of overlord soon found themselves slaughtered 
by the ravenous legions of the disheartened Horde. I knew the time had come to 
claim the mantle of power that i had so long neglected.

I quickly gathered together the few warlocks who had shown some spark of passion 
and desire to rise above the petty quarrelling of the clans. To these Warlocks i 
bestowed the knowledge of the dead by leading them in secret rituals and 
communing with the spirits of the Twisting Nether. Those who were incapable of 
channeling this power were destroyed. After a time a pact was forged between the 
members of our circle and the dark spirits whose energies we had learned to 
invoke. I would use my place among the warlocks to shape the thoughts of others 
while, cloaked by a veil of secrecy, they would be immune to the caprices of the 
bloodthirsty masses. Thus did the Shadow Council come to be. 

Within a few short months the Shadow Council had its hand in all of the 
important political matters within the Horde. Nothing occured within the Horde 
that we did not know about, and many events took place by our design - so 
cleverly implemented that even the clan chieftains were oblivous to our 
manipulations. Before half a year had passed, we had assumed near total control 
of the inner workings of the Horde. Yet, behind all of our secret machinations, 
there loomed the silent and ominous shadow of the Daemon Kil\'jaeden.

In pursuit of furthering our magical resources, I opened a new school of magical 
discipline that became known as Necromancy. We began training young warlocks in 
the arcane mysteries of life and death. Again, with tutelage from the Daemon 
Kil\'jaeden, these Necrolytes delved into the dark arts, eventually gaining power 
enough to animate and control the bodies of the newly dead. Every victory - 
every success - left me with emptiness I could not fill. I came to realize that 
the Shadow Council could serve my purposes only to and extent, and thus I would 
require even greater power should I wish to become the true harbinger of our 

The Mastery of Forces - Medivh and Blackhand

Things were well within the Horde. Though the Shadow Council kept the warring 
clans pacified by the promise of escape from the dying world, I knew that the 
new order - much like the war against the Draenei - would provide only a brief 
respite if I could not find new lands for the Orcs to conquer. My contemplation 
on this matter was disturbed late one night when I was suprised by the sound of 
screams emanating from the warlocks\' tower. I arrived to find many of the 
apprentices locked in deep trances, their faces twisted with masks of pain. The 
warlocks, whom I questioned in detail, could tell me only that they had felt an 
unexplainable presence in their dreams. I returned to my stronghold, deeply 
puzzled by the fact that whatever it was that had contacted the warklocks, had 
made no attempt to reach me.

I sought the counsel of Kil\'jaeden about this presence. He also was touched by 
this power - a power that was beyond any he had ever experienced before. Whether 
it was the image of a force so awesome that it could cause this baneful daemon 
to actually feel fear, or my own trepidation, I fled - moving aimlessly through 
the Twisting Nether for what seemed and eternity.

It was during my fevered flight that the presence finally made contact with me. 
It radiated untold power, but it lacked the emotionless control displayed by 
Kil\'jaeden. My senses seemed to to take control over the dread that had engulfed 
me, and my mind began to cipher and reason. I knew if i could divine the desires 
of this force, no matter how powerful, I could use it to further my own ends. 
The presence identified itself as Medivh, a sorcerer from some far distant 
world. We communicated not in words, but in a guarded joing of minds. His mind 
seemed boundless, but his thoughts moved so swiftly that it was difficult to 
learn anything from him. All the while, I knew he was probing me - learning more 
and more about the Orcs and our magic. I could never learn as much from him as 
he would from me, and I soon broke contact with him.

I sought the counsel of Kil\'jaeden, but he refused to answer my summons. Somehow 
I knew that he had forsaken his students because he was afraid of this Medivh. I 
found myself again doubting my skills. Could I contend with a being who could 
intimidate my own master? I continued to venture into the Twisting Nether for 
serveral weeks, all but forgetting the disturbance that had caused me to 
question myself. Then one night, Medivh appeared to me in my dreams...

\"You fear me, for you do not understand me. See my world and understand my fear. 
Then fear no more.\"

I was powerless to resist what came next

...barren wastes...
...dark swamps, teeming with life...
...endless fields of emerald grasses...
...forests of magnificent trees...
...farmlands filled with rich harvests...
...villages of proud, strong people...

Images came, flashing much too quick to comprehend. And then...something. A 
fleeting picture that left a longing stirring inside of my soul...

...buried deep beneath the ocean; dark and ruined, but still breathing...
...still pulsing with the lifeblood of the earth itself...
...an ancient power...
...ancient and terrible...

I awoke. I embraced consciousness knowing all along that the dream had beem 
real. Medivh had shown me the wonders of his world, knowing that the Horde would 
not be content until his world was ours...

I met with the members of the Shadow Council concerning the visions that we had 
seen. Although their was much debate as to the true intentions of Medivh, I 
informed the Shadow Council that a way to escape from our world would soon be 
ours. I would seek the aid of Medivh in creating a way to get to his world, and 
then we would subjugate his race as we had done to all others who stood before 
us. Although he had appeared to many warlocks with these images of a new and 
fertile world, we agreed to keep the knowledge of this enigmetic message to 
ourselves. Those warlocks outside of the Shadow Council who had shared in the 
visions were killed; for if the secret were revealed before preparations were 
made, the Horde would tear itself apart. Weeks passed with no word from Medivh. 
My attempts to contact him were fruitless. It was as if he had erased any trace 
of himself from the Twisting Nether. Some members of the Council gave up any 
hope of the wizard ever returning.

...Then the rift appeared...

It took considerable time to expand the rift enough to send the massive frame of 
an Orc through. The first scouts to reture from the other side seemed to be 
driven completely mad by what they had seen. These early failures did not detur 
us, and subsequent quests confirmed that the world beyond this rift appeared 
similar to what was depicted by our visions. Witht he combined powers of the 
Horde\'s warlock clans and the Shadow Council, we were able to enlarge the 
mysterious rift so as to create a portal. This portal was used to move a great 
number of Orcs into this unknown land. A small outpost was quickly built on the 
other side of the rift, and Orc scouts were sent to explore the surrounding 

The agents of the Shadow Council reported that the denizens of this world were 
called Humans, and their land were known as Azeroth. We found that these humans 
were a weak race, farming their fields and living peacefully in the countryside. 
I feared that they would prove no more of a challenge than the Draenei, and 
would not appease the hunger of the Orchish war machine for long. The clan 
chieftains, quickly swayed for their lust of blood and war, agreed that it was 
time to leave this dying world and lay claim to the domains of Azeroth.

While the Shadow Council kept close watch over the workings of the Horde, the 
masses looked to the clan chiefs as their leaders. Two chieftains arose who were 
well respected and feared by various clans - Cho\'gall, the Ogre-Mage of the 
Twilight\'s Hammer clan, and Kilrogg Deadeye of the Bleeding hallow clan. These 
powerful leaders were expected to direct the Horde to a swift and savage victory 
over the Humans. Thus, as the Horde gradually channeled through the rift into 
Azeroth, Cho\'gall and Kilrogg began to plan their assualt against the Human 
stronghold of Stormwind.

The attack against Stormwind was catastrophic. Our armies, expecting to meet 
weak resistance, charged headlong into the enemy fortress. Suprisingly, the 
Humans soldiers held our forces at bay. Then they unleashed warriors mounted 
upon beasts of muscle and sinew to devastate our troops. The Humans forced our 
troops to retreat back into the swamplands surrounding our outpost and the 
portal where, only by the invoking the shrouding mist of shadow, were we able to 
escape. This decisive and humiliating defeat threw the Horde into chaos. 
Cho\'gall and Kilrogg blamed each other\'s incompetence for the failure, and the 
Orcs quickly polarized into factions that supported either chieftain. The Shadow 
Council desperately sought a remedy to the violence that was sure to follow, but 
the volatile nature of the Orcs made it difficult to appeal to reason of wisdom. 
I realized that the Horde needed a strong leader that could unify the clans 
under his control - and be kept in his place. Thus did I first learn of 
Blackhand the Destroyer...

Blackhand, chieftain of the young Blackrock clan and a Raider in the Sythegore 
Arm, was well honored by most Orcs within the Horde. More importantly, he was 
extremely lustful, and this made him easily corruptible. With the help from the 
Shadow Council, I set the eager Blackhand upon the horned throne of War Chief. 
To his credit, Blackhand was a ruthless dictator who inspired awe and terror 
from his warriors. While the Horde rallied under Blackhand and the other 
chieftains acquiesced control to him, it was I who dictated policy by 
blackmailing and bribing blackhand.

With Blackhand\'s ascension to War Chief, order was restored to the Horde. I was 
visited again by the visage of Medivh, who appeared more in control of his 
powers, but less in control of his mind. Petitioning the Horde to destroy the 
kingdom of Azeroth, but to make him ruler of its people, Medivh offered all 
manners of treasures and baubles to me. I assured him that his world was ours 
for the taking, and that he held nothing that could persuadet hat Horde to do 
his bidding. His face broke into a wicked sneer as he proceeded to show me the 
image of an ancient tomb upon which was etched the name of the Daemonlord 
Sargeras. The Tomb  of Sargeras! The Daemonlord who had instructed my own tutor 
Kil\'jaeden was entombed upon this pathetic little world! Destiny had chosen to 
lay the hand upon my shoulders alone, for Kil\'jaeden had told me the lost tomb 
contained power absolute - enough to make any who could control it a living god. 
Medivh pledged that he would grant me the location of the tomb if only I would 
use the horde to destroy his enemies...

Thus, the Orchish Hordes made war against the kingdom of Azeroth.

The First War of Orcish Ascension

We took the lands of Azeroth from the Humans and razed all that we surveyed. My 
personal assassin, Garona the Half-Orc, executed Azeroth\'s leader King Lane and 
returned his heart to me. Although the Horde dominated Azeroth and the pathetic 
worms who defended it, my own plans were badly hampered. 

A smalled band of Human warriors stormed Medivh\'s Tower and engaged the insane 
socerer in direct combat. As his body was slashed and torn by the swords of 
Azeroth, Medivh began to transmit telepathic waves of trauma across the astral 
plane which easily shattered even my formidable defenses. I attempted to reach 
into the socerer\'s mind and steal the location of the tomb from him directly, 
but before I could divest the location, Medivh was killed by the Azerothians. 
Having been in his mind at the moment of his temporal death, I suffered a 
massive psychic backlash and fell into a catatonic state.

For weeks I slept as if dead, closely guarded by my faithful warlocks. When I 
finally arose, I learned of the shift in the balance of power within the Horde. 
Blackhand had been killed. Without my magiks and counceling to aid him, 
Blackhand fell prey to a suprise attack launched by one of his strongest and 
most trusted generals - Orgrim Doomhammer. Orgrim was quick to consolidate his 
power within the Horde, justifying the assassination of Blackhand by securing 
false testimony that supported his claims of the Destroyer\'s incompetence as War 

It seemed that the hand of faith had struck me a harsh blow. Orgrim set out to 
uncover the inner workings of the Horde, leaving no stone unturned. Eventually, 
his spies captured my servant Garona and under intensive, agonizing torture, 
forced her to reveal the existence and location of the Shadow Council. She was 
weaker than I had expected.

Suspecting that the Shadow Council was a threat to his control of the Horde, 
Doomhammer led his Wolfriders in a suprise attack against my Citadel near the 
ruins of Stormwind Keep. The Warlocks, caught unprepared by Orgrim\'s assualt, 
held off the Horde as long as their magiks would last. Having no time to rest or 
replensih their energies, the warlocks fell before the wrath of Orgrim. In the 
end, the Doomhammer was victorius. Any surviving warlocks were branded as 
traitors to the Horde. The public executions were effective in weakening my 
position and strengthening his...

I was taken before Orgrim and questioned at length about my involvement in the 
Shadow Council. Being greatly weakened by the backlash of Medivh\'s death as well 
as the energies I had expended during the battle, I found I was in no position 
to either threaten nor harm the war chief. Orgrim made it clear to me that the 
Horde was under his control, and that he was not as easily swayed as his 
predecessor. The gleam in his eye and the steel at his side bespoke his 
intentions, but I would not be defeated so easily. While he may have held the 
upper hand, I reminded him that with the death of the warlocks, I was the last 
true socerer within the Horde. Orgrim, made impudent by his victory, agreed that 
perhaps I could prove useful, and agreed to let me live - by his good graces. I 
silently vowed that he would one day take those words to his grave.

Although his suspicions of me were never fully assuaged, I did succeed in 
convincing the War Chief that the Raiders were preparing to unite with the Sons 
of Blackhand in revolt against him. Although this claim was untrue, Orgrim was 
already suspicious of Rend and Maim and so disbanded the multitude of 
Wolfriders, sending them into the various arms of the Grunt forces. To 
demonstrate my \'loyalty\' to Orgrim and the Horde, I promised to create a host of 
undead riders that would be completely loyal to him alone. Although the 
Doomhammer did not fully trust me, the idea was sufficiently appealing, and so I 
was allowed to enter seclusion to create this new legion.

Even with the aid of my Necrolytes, I was unsuccessful in bringing forth this 
undead force. Failure and weakness were all that these undead minions could 
offer me, until I sensed that while their spirits were willing - it was the 
flesh that was weak. I summoned them to a great alter constructed of ironwood 
and Blackroot where, at the height of black incantation, I took the lives of 
every last one of them. In the bloody wake of their executions, the Necrolytes 
would then, at last, nourish my creation of the ultimate undead servant.

Using what few resources I still controlled within the Horde, I acquired many of 
the long-dead corpses of the fallen Knights of Azeroth. Into these twisted and 
decayed forms I instilled the essences of the greater members of the Shadow 
Council who were quite willing to return to the mortal plane to wreak terror and 
havok once again. I furnished each of the dark riders a jeweled truncheon 
through which they could better focus the unearthly powers they would brandish. 
Into these jewels were infused the raw, necromatic magiks of the freshly slain 
Necrolytes. Thus were the Death Knights born.

Orgrim Doomhammer was pleased with these Knights of Death. Although the spirits 
of the Shadow Council remained loyal to me, they feigned allegiance to the War 
Chief. Orgrim was well satisfied with the realization of my promise, and allowed 
me to go about my own affairs. 

I will be patient and bide my time, pretending to be the faithful servant until 
the time comes to show this presumptuous, boisterous upstart who is greater 
between us. My designs to discover the Tomb of Sargeras still remain. I have 
assembled the Stormreaver clan to be my support when the season finally comes to 
strike back at Orgrim for his insolent crimes against me...

That day draws near - and Doomhammer cannot know what terrors await him,

for I am Gul\'dan...

I am darkness incarnate.

I will not be denied.


==========5 clans===

____________________Nations of the Alliance

LEADER:       Regent Lord Anduin Lothar

BACKGROUND: Before the coming of the Age of Chaos when the portal was first 
opened, the kingdom of Azeroth was the mightiest of all Human nations. Ruled by 
the wise and just King Llane, Azeroth stood as a beacon of light and truth 
throughout the known world. After the first war, Azeroth and all of its land 
were devastated by the Horde. With King Llane dead, Sir Lothar took charge of 
the shattered armies of Azeroth and led the survivor across the great sea to the 
shores of Lordaeron. King Terenas, ruler of Lordaeron, agreed to support the 
landless Azerothians. The people of Azeroth settled near the Southshore region 
of Lordaeron, pledging their loyalty to the Alliance. Battle-hardened and brave, 
the last of the once great armies of Azeroth now seek retibution for the loss of 
their homeland.

LEADER:       King Terenas

BACKGROUND: Ruled by the benevolent King Terenas, the nation of Lordaeron stands 
as the last bastion of hope for humanity. The armies of Lordaeron were the first 
to heed the call to arms issued by Sir Lothar and the people of Azeroth. As 
patron of the Alliance, King Terenas has assumed the heavy mantle of leadership 
to protect all who abide in his domain. The armies of Lordaeron are deeply 
religous and are driven by the belief that humanity must stand steadfast against 
the blasphemous onslaught of the Horde. 

LEADER:       Thoras Trollbane

BACKGROUND: The kingdom of Stromgarde retains a strict martial philosophy which 
makes it a highly regarded addition to the Alliance. Situated amongst the 
foothills of the Alterac mountains, Stromgarde serves as a sentinel against any 
invasion across the Orc-controlled borders of Khaz Modan. Possessing a large 
history of warfare against the Trolls, the warriors of Stromgarde are well 
prepared to engage in open combat with all enemies of humanity. 

===Kul Tiras===
LEADER:       Lord Admiral Daelin Proumoore

BACKGROUND: Before the first war, the far ranging merchant ship of Kul Tiras 
made it the most prosperous nation in the known world. When the Orcs began to 
raid the coastal settlements of Lordaeron, Admiral Proudmoore took it upon 
himself to construct and armada of warships. At the behest of his longtime 
friend Anduin Lothar, Proudmoore has pledged the assistance of his merchant-
nation to the Alliance.

LEADER:       Genn Greymane

BACKGROUND: Despite the impending Orchish invasion, Gilneas has remained 
seperate from the Alliance of Lordaeron. as ruler of one of the strongest Human 
nations, Genn Greymane is convinced that his own armies can deal with any 
threat, and therefore remained unmoved by Lord Lothar\'s pleas for unity. Despite 
this apparent disdain for the Alliance, the denizens of Gilneas harbor no 
fondness for the Orcs or their allies and are prepared to meet them blade for 

LEADER:       The Kirin Tor

BACKGROUND: Dalaran is a small, magocratic nation ruled by a conclave of wizards 
known as the Kirin Tor. The capital of Dalaran is the Violet Citadel at Cross 
Island. This nexus of supernatural forces in home to the four great towers that 
sanctum to many of the land\'s greatest sorcerers. The Kirin Tor are strong 
supporters of the Alliance and to its cause have devoted the knowledge contained 
wihin their voluminous libraries as well as the power o their awesome magiks.

LEADER:       Lord Perenolde

BACKGROUND: Alterac is the weakest of the human nations and is only a minor 
contributer of troops and equipment to the Alliance. Although Lord Perenolde 
praises Lothar and Terenas for their ongoing efforts, he is beset by the fear 
that when the Horde comes, the Alliance will fail, and only the surrender of his 
forces and his sovereignty will save the lives of his subjects. Perenolde alone 
know whether or not - when the final call to arms is sounded - Alterac will 
fight alongside the other nations of the Alliance.

____________________Clans of the Horde

===Blackrock clan
CHIEFTAIN:  Orgrim Doomhammer
DOMAIN:     Blackrock Spire, Azeroth

BACKGROUND: Although years of war have reduced their numbers, the Blackrock clan 
remains the strongest within the Horde. Ruled for many years by Blackhand the 
Destroyer, the Blackrock clan rose quickly in power and was responsible for 
numberless victories against the humans in the first war. Orgrim Doomhammer - 
known also as the Backstabber - assassinated the ruthless, but careless 
Blackhand, and named himself clan chieftain and War Chief of the Horde. The 
Blackrock clan continues to dictate the course of the war, intimidating lesser 
clans withing the Horde into following Orgrim\'s lead. The forces of the 
Blackrock clan are fanatically loyal to the Doomhammer and will serve him with 
their lives.

===Stormreaver Clan===
CHIEFTAIN:  Gul\'Dan the Warlock
DOMAIN:     Stormwind, Azeroth and Balor, Azeroth

BACKGROUND: The Stormreavers are a small but powerful clan whose origins are 
fixed in the history of the Horde since its coming to Azeroth. As the last of 
his kind, the warlock Gul\'Dan maintains absolute control over his clan. Gul\'Dan, 
who secretly ruled the Horde through his unwitting puppet Blackhand, has found 
that the shrewd Doomhammer harbors no trust of fondness for him. This forced 
Gul\'dan to found the Stormreavers clan to protect himself from any action that 
Orgrim might take against him. With the support of his clan, Gul\'dan intends to 
find the lost Tomb of the Daemonlord Sargeras. It is legend that this Tomb 
contains unimaginable power - power which Gul\'dan means to possess.

===Twilight\'s Hammer Clan===
CHIEFTAIN:  Cho\'gall the Ogre-Mage
DOMAIN:     Northshire, Azeroth

BACKGROUND: Obsessed with the notion that the Horde is the harbinger of 
apocalyptic doom to all the lands that it ravages, the Twilight\'s Hammer feels a 
sacrosanct gratification in the destruction to all that it encounters. Led by 
the cunning Ogre-Mage Cho\'gall, the Twilight\'s Hammer has strong ties to Gul\'dan 
and the Stormreaver clan. Its loyalty to the Horde is not as strong as its 
belief in its sacred mission of oblivion.

===The Black Tooth Grin Clan===
CHIEFTAIN:  Rend and Maim, the sons of Blackhand
DOMAIN:     The Black Morass, Azeroth

BACKGROUND: The Black Tooth Grin clan was originally part of the Blackrock clan, 
but splintered off before the Horde\'s passing into Azeroth. After their father 
was deposed from his position as War Chief by Orgrim Doomhammer, Rend and Maim 
decided to gain control over their own faction within the Horde without directly 
opposing the Doomhammer\'s ascension to power. The Black Tooth Grin, noted for 
its custom of each member knocking out one of his own teeth to symbolize his 
loyalty to the clan, is charged with the protection and preservation of the 
dreaded portal. The unity of the Black Tooth Grin may be sorely tested should 
the opportunity arise for Rend and Maim to reclaim their father\'s station and 
avenge his death. 

===Bleeding Hollow Clan===
CHIEFTAIN:  Kilrogg Deadeye
DOMAIN:     Ironforge, Khaz Modan

BACKGROUND: The Bleeding Hollow Clan was one of the largest in the Horde before 
the passing of the Horde into Azeroth. Led by the aged Kilrogg, the Bleeding 
Hollow embodies the unrelenting savagery required for many long years of 
successful Orchish warfare. In accordance with their unequaled performance in 
battle, they have been given the honor of safeguarding the refinement operations 
in the occupied lands of Khaz Modan. Allegiant to the Blackrock clan, these 
veteran warriors place the needs of the Horde above all else.

===Dragonmaw Clan===
CHIEFTAIN:  Zuluhed the Whacked
DOMAIN:     Grim Batol, Khaz Modan

BACKGROUND: Led by the Shaman Zuluhed, the Dragonmaw clan is a small but elite 
faction within the Horde. With its legacy dating back into the time before the 
warlocks, the Dragonmaw was quick to become one of Blackhand\'s supporters in 
Azeroth. After his demise, the Dragonmaw honored its fealty to Blackhand by 
pledging itself into the service of his sons and the Black Tooth Grin clan. 
Using ritualistic magiks dowered by the ancient Shaman, the Dragonman clan was 
responsible for the capture of the Dragon Queen Alexstraza and the Horde\'s 
current subjugation of the Dragons of Azeroth.

===Burning Blade===
DOMAIN:     Nomadic

BACKGROUND: The Burning Blade is not a clan as much as it is an elemental force 
of nature. Chaotic and unpredictable, the burning blade is a brother hood of 
demented Orcs whose only objective is to raze and plunder with no regard for 
their own safety. This leaderless swarm is held in check by the Ogres - to be 
unleashed by the clans in times of urgent duress. The burning blade holds 
loyalty to no one and will attack all that they percieve to be a threat - even 
their fellow Orcs. 

==========6 legends===

Khadgar became a great hero in recognition for his valiant service and advice to 
the kingdom of Azeroth during the first war. On a quest to fathom the awesome 
magiks required to create the dark portal, Khadgar traveled to Dalaran to 
discuss the origins of the gateway with the mysterious Kirin Tor. Khadgar then 
returned to Azeroth following the Second war to oversee the ongoing study of the 
ruined portal.

The elusive Elven Ranger known as Alleria learned of the devastation the Horde 
could bring as she searched for the remains of her family amongst the ashes of 
the once glorious Quel\'thalas. Her all-consuming hatred for the Orcs led her to 
Azeroth where she leads and elite cadre of Rangers to hunt down the remaining 
Orc renegades of the Bleeding Hollow Clan.

A verteran mercenary captain in the Stromgarde militia and hero of the Second 
War, Danath made a name for himself as a great leader during the final battle 
for the liberation of Khaz Modan. Danath now resides at New Stormwind in Azeroth 
and acts as a Overseer of the camps that hold the Orc captives. 

Turalyon was one of the first Knights of Lordaeron to be trained as a Paladin by 
Uther Lightbringer. Although Turalyon is a firm believer that order can be 
maintained only through extreme martial discipline, he is honored by his friends 
and foes alike. Turalyon was among the forces that Lord Lothar led into ambush 
at Blackrock Spire, and secretly harbors a deep regret of his inability to save 
the great knight. 

The proud and belligerent dwarf Kurdran is one of the more notorious heroes of 
the Second War. Having slain nine dragons throughout the course of the war, 
Kurdran and his Gryphon Sky\'rie retain the reputation as being undisputer 
masters of the skies. Kurdran works for the Alliance forces in Azeroth as a 
scout and warrior to this day.

The Horde

The mighty chieftain of the Warsong clan is as ferocious as his battle cry. 
Hellscream has long awaited to venture into Azeroth and prove the dominance of 
the Warsong clan on the field of battle. Although Grom distrusts the shaman 
Ner\'zhul, he will lead his clan screaming onto the fields of bloody death.

A razor-sharp scyth setting in place of his severed left hand, Kargath is always 
willing to engage in frenzied combat. His ruthless tatics and single-mindedness 
have earned him the chieftainship of the feared Shattered Hand clan. Like 
Hellscream, Kargath waits only for the time his clan is unleashed upon 
unsuspecting humans to engage in massive bloodshed.

The ancient Orc spirit of Gorefiend writhes within the decaying body of this 
fallen Knight of Azeroth. Malicious and extremely cunning, Gorefiend desires to 
open his own portal from Draenor and claim a world for his own. Although the 
wretched Death Knight has discerned the true magikal nature of the dark portal, 
he would share that knowledge with Ner\'zhul for a price.

The Ogre-Mage Dentarg is a valued servant of Ner\'zhul and the Shadow Moon clan. 
Dentarg is often called upon to rally support from wayward clans and put them 
back in line should they oppose Ner\'zhul\'s absolute rule.

Second in power only to Alexstrasza herself, Deathwing is one of the greatest 
terrors in the known world. During the second war, Goblin alchemists adhered 
plates of adamantine steel to the black dragon. This made the Great Beast 
virtually invulnerable to almost any physical attack. Deathwing has taken 
control of a group of renegade Dragons and roosts with them upon his mountain in 
the Northeast of Draenor.

==========7 units===


----------O PEASANT
Strength: 1/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Mining, collecting, scouting, building
Description: Peasants are trained from the hard-working and stouthearted 
citizens that live in the numerous kingdoms of Lordaeron. By mining gold and 
harvesting lumber to meet the ever increasing need of the fighting force which 
must push back the unrelenting Horde, they are the backbone of the alliance. 
Trained not only in the construction and maintenance of the myraid buildings 
found in every community, but also necessary to wage war, they take great pride 
in the invaluble service they provide. Roused by tales of the Orchish atrocities 
in Azeroth, these Peasants have learned to use both pick and axe for their own 
defense if threatened. 

----------O FOOTMAN
Strength: 6/10
Speed: 4/10
Best Use: Fighting against Orchish Grunts, attacking small unprotected buildings
Description: Footmen are the intial line of defense against the Horde. Arrayed 
in hardened steel armor, they courageously wield broadsword and shield in hand-
to-hand combat against their vile Orchish foes. The valorous footment are ever 
prepared to heed the call to arms.

----------O ELVEN ARCHER
Strength: 4/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Can attack both air, ground, and close-to-island water units; w/ 
mediocre range
Description: Out of the mysterious forests of Quel\'thalas come the Elven Archers 
to aid the alliance in its darkest hour. Descendents of the elder race of 
Lordaeron, these sylvan woodsmen are unmatched in their use of the bow. 
Unencumbered by helm or heavy armor, Archers are keen of eye and fleet of foot. 
These elves have long been embroiled in a bloody conflict with the hated Trolls 
of Lordaeron and are swift to let loose a rain of arrows upon any foe, including 
those that attack from the skies.

----------O ELVEN RANGER
Strength: 6.5/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: All of an elven archers abilities only stronger and longer range
Description: Rangers are a special cadre of elven archers who are intimately 
bound to the wildlands of Lordaeron. Their pursuit of mastery in Longbow, 
marksmenship, and scouting make them more rugged and even deadlier than their 
brothers - traits for which they are greatly feared amongst their enemies. These 
secretive and elite warriors have never involved themselves in the affairs of 
Humans, but when the Horde onslaughts threatened to destroy the Elven homelands, 
they quickly offered their services to the alliance. Although their numbers are 
few, their presence could change the course of the war if they are deployed 

----------O KNIGHT
Strength: 8.5/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Against almost all Orc ground units (unmagikal)
Description: The Knights of Lordaeron represent the fiercest fighting force in 
the armies of the alliance. Protected by suits of heavy armor, they carry mighty 
warhammers with which to crush all who would threaten the freedom of their 
lands. Astride great warhorses, these honorable and just warriors serve as a 
symbol of order to the peoples of Lordaeron in these dark and chaotic times. 
Having learned of the fate the Knights of Azeroth suffered after the First War, 
they have sworn to both avenge their fallen brethen and free their homelands 
from the grip of the orchish Hordes.

----------O PALADIN
Strength: 8.9/10
Spreed: N/A
Best Use: Healing abilities and great strength; no horses :(
Description: Paladins are a hold order of warriors whose purpose is to defend 
and shepard the war-torn populace of Lordaeron. The Archbishop Alonsus Faol 
percieved that the pious Clerics of Northshire, who suffered such terrible 
suffering attrition in the First War, were ill-suited for the dangers of combat. 
Along with many of the surviving Clerics of Northshire, he sought those of only 
the greatest virtue among the knighthood of Lordaeron and tutored them in the 
ways of magic. Led by the crusading Uther Lightbringer, it now rests upon these 
Paladins - christened the Knights of the Silver Hand - to heal the wounds 
sustained in combat and to restore faith in the promise of freedom from the 
Orchish tyranny.

----------O BALLISTA
Strength: 10/10
Speed: 3.7/10
Best Use: Long range attacks against buildings; slow reloading; shoots over 
Description: Ballista launch steel-tipped bolts to impale all in their paths. As 
they require an awesome amount of force to be placed upon their tremendous 
bowstrings, these machines of war are reinforced with lumber from the precious 
Ironwood trees. The Ballista, a product of Human design and Elven craftmanship, 
is a symbol of the unity between all those who have allied themselves against 
the Horde. The Dwarves prove to be another valuble ally, in that they may be 
employed to design improved missles which make the Ballista the most devastating 
weapon of the Alliance.

----------O MAGE
Strenght: N/A
Speed: 6.8/10
Best Use: Large amount of magic spells; BLIZZARD-- devasting attack
Description: Once students of the Conjurers of Azeroth, this new order of Mages 
have been forced to discover untapped magical forces to command in their war 
against the ruthless Orcs. Although masters of their arts, the Conjurers who 
fell during the First war were unprepared for the rigors of warfare. Determined 
to avoid a similar fate, the Mages have undertaken a regimen equally demanding 
on the body and soul, thus dedicating thus dedicating themselves to the command 
of more aggresive and destructive magiks. Whether in their sanctum at the Violet 
Citadel in Dalaran or on the many battlefields of Lordaeron, the Mages are 
resolute in their efforts to defend the people.

Strength: 10/10
Speed: 8/10
Best Use: Blowing Stuff up; quick; 1 time use
Description: From the deep, subterranean halls of Khaz Modan, the Dwarven 
Demolition Squads come to aid the alliance in their crusade for the liberation 
of Khaz Modan. As masters in the handeling and arming of explosives, these 
squads are reowned for their ability to demolish any obstacle - from a might 
wall to a bulwark of solid stone. Reckless and bold, these Dwarves are zealous 
in their loyalty to the alliance and would not hesitate to donate their 
explosive payload should the situation turn grim...

Strength: 0/10
Speed: 7.6/10
Best Use: Scouting, finding submarines; can travel over all terrain
Description: The Gnomes of Khaz Modan have long offset their lack of physical 
strength with ingenuity and daring. As members of the alliance, they have 
continued to display their talents by inventing and piloting the unbelievable 
Flying Machine. Although having no armaments, these awkward contraptions can be 
used to survey vast areas of terrain, and detecting the otherwise hidden 
movements of underwater units (as all air units can), making them invaluble for 
discovering the movements of the Horde.

Strength: 9/10
Speed: 8/10
Best Use: Against ground unit w/o air attacks, scouting, attacking underwater 
units; bad in numbers because they tend to hit each other with their projectiles
Description: From the ominous and foreboding peaks of the Northeron come the 
Dwarven Gryphon Riders. Mounted upon their legendary beasts and wielding the 
mystic Stormhammers forged deep within the secret chambers of their Aviaries, 
these feral Dwarves fear no enemy - and rely upon no friend. They have allied 
themselves with the Elves of Quel\'thalas, distrusting their Dwarven cousins and 
Humans alike. When the call for battle is sounded, however, they can be counted 
upon to fight alongside any who oppose the Horde.

----------O OIL TANKER
Strength: 0/10
Speed: 5/10
Best Use: Building Oil platforms; collecting oil
Description: As the only ships which do not require oil to be built, Oil tankers 
make possible the construction of the alliance fleet. They are manned by hard-
working, dependable mariners who search for the rich oil deposits which lie 
beneath the waves. The crew of every tanker is skilled in building oil platforms 
and ferrying the oil back to a shipyard or oil refinery where it may be 
processed and put to use. 

Strength: 5/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Destroying Orc destroyers, oil platforms, and defending oil patches; 
attack air
Description: Elven destroyers are powerful warships from the fleets of 
Quel\'thalas. Crewed with highly skilled Elven seafarers, these swift-sailing 
vessels are prepared to engage the enemy whereever they may be found. Elven 
destroyers constitute a critical part of the alliance naval defense force as 
they can unleash their firepower upon the dreaded aerial forces of the Horde.

----------O TRANSPORT
Strength: 0/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Transporting ground units from one island to another; bait for naval 
Description: Transports are a vital part of the alliance war effort, for it is 
these sturdy vessels which allow troops to traverse various waterways to engage 
in battle. Designed to carry and deliver several ground units directly onto 
shore, transports are slow and unarmed, and thus rely upon protection from 
destroyers and battleships.

----------O BATTLESHIP
Strength: 9/10
Speed: 6.3/10
Best Use: Strong against naval units, shoots air, good protection, slow, slow 
reload!, can shoot outskirts of land outposts
Description: The alliance relies upon its great Battleships to control the seas. 
These hulking behemoths possess armor and weaponry far greater than that of any 
other alliance vessel. The combination of devastating weaponry and substantial 
armor that they brandish more than outweigh their somewhat slow speeds in 
waterborne combat.

Strength: 8.5/10
Speed: 8/10
Best Use: Suprise attacks against naval units; invisible to everything but air 
units and other underwater units, can be devastating early in a game when air 
units are scarce
Description: The resourceful Gnomish inventors have designed an amazing craft 
known as the Submarine. The watertight vessel can submerge beneath the waves and 
surreptitously keep watch on enemy forces about the surface. The Submarine is 
only visible to towers, aerial units, and other vessels that move beneath the 
waves. Using cunning and craft to carry out suprise attacks on more powerful 
enemies makes the submarine an invaluble part of the Lordaeron armada.


----------O PEON
Strength: 1/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Mining, collecting, scouting, building
Description: The label of the Peon denotes the lowest station amongst those in 
the Orchish Horde. Inferior in all skills of import, these dogs are relegated to 
menial tasks such as harvesting lumber and mining gold. Their labor is also 
required for the construction and maintenance of buildings necessary to support 
the vast undertakings of the Horde. Downtrodden, the Orc Peons slave thanklessly 
to please their overseers. 

----------O GRUNT
Strength: 6/10
Speed: 4/10
Best Use: Fighting against Human Footman and attacking small, unprotected 
Description: Those Orcs who distinguish themselves enough in the arts of war to 
be trained as Grunts epitomize the merciless spirit of the Horde. Equipped with 
mighty axes and battle-worn armor, they are prepared to fight to the death. 
Devoted to the Horde and to their clans, the Grunt lusts for battle - wanting 
nothing more than to wade into the field of carnage and die a bloody death 
surrounded by the bodies of his fallen enemies.

Strength: 4/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Can attack air, ground, and close to island water units; mediocre 
Description: The Trolls of Lordaeron have suffered ages of attirtion at the 
hands of the Humans, Dwarves, and Elves. The appearance of the Orchish Horde has 
give them the opportunity to ally themselves with kindred spirits with whom they 
can seek revenge on their many enemies. More agile than the brutish Orcs, Trolls 
employ throwing axes - along with a cunning attack and retreat stratagem - to 
assail their foes. This combination of speed, range, and the ability to bring 
down threats from above makes them a valuble addition to the Orchish Horde. 

Strength: 6.5/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: All of the Troll Axethrower abilities only stronger and better range
Description: Berserkers are a bloodthirsty sect of Trolls dedicated to the total 
annihilation of their hated enemies, the Elves. Suffering numerous experiments 
with strange chemicals and potions by the Goblin Alchemists, the Berserker have 
had many strange abilities bestowed upon them that make them all but unstoppable 
during the heat of a battle. Berserkers are hardiers and stronger than most 
Trolls, effectively transforming them into a vertiable whirling cyclone of death 
and destruction.

----------O OGRE
Strength: 8.5/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Good against any kind of ground unit
Description: The Ogres are the monstrous two-headed allies of the Orcs that were 
brought through the portal by the warlock Gul\'dan after the first war to act as 
enforcers in an effort to quell needless infighting between the Orc clans. Due 
to the constant bickering between the two heads, Ogres exhibit less intelligence 
than even the lowly Peons. Their incredible strength and unnatural toughness, 
however, make them some of the fiercest warriors in the Horde.

----------O OGRE-MAGE
Strength: 8.9/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Great Strength and crippling magics
Description: The Ogre-Magi were originally a small band of extremely loyal Orge 
enforcers, transformed by Gul\'dan into scheming and malicous sorcerers. By 
warping and twisting the Elf-magiks of the runestone at Caer Darrow, Gul\'dan  
was able to infuse the magical abilities of long dead warlocks into the bodies 
of these unsuspecting hosts. Once hulking simpletons, the transformed Ogre-Magi 
can direct their death magiks as easily as their lesser cousins would deliver a 
crushing blow to any foolish enough to stand in their path. The Ogre-magi have 
also become extremely cunning and insidious - serving the Horde only as they see 

----------O CATAPULT
Strength: 10/10
Speed: 3.7/10
Best Use: Long range attacks against buildings; slow reload; shoots over 
Description: Sharpend horns, crimson with blood of those unfortunate enough to 
be caught in their path, herald the advance of the Orchish Catapult. Approaching 
on the battlefield, its grim visage is enough to make the weak human troops flee 
in stark terror. These cumbersome, wheeled machines launch deadly incendiary 
shot which explodes upon impact. The sheer destructive force of these great 
engines of war make them feared and respected throughout the land.

----------O DEATH KNIGHT
Strength: N/A
Speed: 6.8/10
Best Use: Large amount of magical spells; Raise the dead
Description: These soldiers of darkness were created by Gul\'dan to replace the 
slaughtered warlock clans. Assembled from the corpses of the Knights of Azeroth 
slain in the last battles of the First War, these abominations were then 
instilled with the ethereal essence of the Shadow Council. Further empowered 
with magical energies from the slain Necrolytes, the Death Knights wield an 
arsenal of necromantic and elemental spells that mete out all but certain death 
to the enemies of the Horde. 

Strength: 10/10
Speed: 8/10
Best Use: Blowing stuff up; quick; 1 time use
Description: The mischievous Goblin Sappers are known throughout the Horde for 
their incredible aptitude for destruction. These diabolical Goblins are 
invariably armed with extremely volatile explosives; which enable them to level 
enemy structures and weapon emplacements. Although the Sappers are highly 
unpredictable and insubordinate, they have become necessary to the plans of 
conquest maintained by the Horde.

Strength: 0/10
Speed: 7.6/10
Best Use: Scouting, finding submerged water units, traveling over all terrain
Description: Zeppelins are igenious invention that allow small teams of Goblins 
to soar above the contryside and spy on enemy positions. The Zeepelins are 
cumbersome, awkward and maintain no armament. Their airborne capabilities, 
extensive line of sight, and ability to spot underwater units (as with all 
flying units), however, make them an integral part of the Horde\'s spy network.

----------O DRAGON
Strength: 9/10
Speed: 8.7/10
Best Use: These guys are good against anything!
Description: Dragons are native to the untamed northlands of Azeroth. Relusive 
by nature, Dragons have had little contact with their earthbound neighbors over 
the centuries. Rend and Maim, the Chieftains of the Black Tooth Grin clan, 
masterminded the capture of the Dragon Queen Alexstraza by the Dragonmaw clan. 
With their Queen held captive, these majestic creatures have been forced into 
subservience by the Horde - her progeny being raised by the Dragonmaw clan to 
slaughter the enemies of the Horde. By combining their incredible destructive 
powers with keen intellect, the Dragons represent the single most powerful force 
within the Horde. The devasting flame that issues forth from the mouths of older 
serpents can level any number of enemy troops, while their powerful wings allow 
them to tirelessly soar through the skies.

----------O OIL TANKER
Strength: 0/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Gathering oil, building oil platforms, scouting the oceans
Description: The Orc oil tanker is crudely constructed, as its purpose is for 
bearing cargo - not weapons or troops. The Tanker, being little more than a 
collection of wood, bone, and storage space, is crewed by a mob of Orcs scarcely 
more capable than the lowly Peons. Other than being able to pilot the craft, the 
crew of the tanker performs tasks equivalent to those of a Peon - building oil 
platforms and returing their cargo so that it may be processed and used as the 
overseer chooses.

Strength: 7/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Guarding oil platforms, attacking destroyers, scouting the sea, 
against air
Description: The Troll destroyers are swift, ill-visaged longboats designed to 
cut through enemy armadas and deal damage to enemy vessels and their flying 
support. The savage Troll crewmen are eager to enter into combat against the 
alliance ships of war and hungrily await any chance to stant mast to mast 
against the Elven Destroyers.

----------O TRANSPORT
Strength: 0/10
Speed: 6/10
Best Use: Transpost for troops between islands; bait for enemy ships
Description: Transports are huge, skeletal ships charged with ferrying Horde 
troops across large bodies of water. Being slow and bulky, Transports rely upon 
magical armor to repel enemy fire. Although the Horde is known to defend their 
Transports with destroyers and Juggernaughts, some reckless crews will sail 
straight into a naval engagement to deliver their troops to land.

Strength: 9/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Everything naval
Description: The gargantuan ships of war are the main armament in the dark 
armada of the Horde. Heavily armed and armored, the juggernaughts are veritable 
floating fortresses that constitute the greatest implement of destruction within 
the Horde\'s naval forces. While not as swift as the Troll warships, these 
ruinous craft have quickly come to be feared across the seas of Azeroth for the 
unrelenting onslaught they render against the alliance.

----------O GIANT TURTLE
Strength: 9.7/10
Speed: 7/10
Best Use: Same as alliance submarine
Description: These giant sea turtles are native to the southern seas and were 
captured by the stormreaver clan. Pacified by potent spells of control, these 
lumbering monstrosities are fitted with watertight canopies strapped onto the 
backs of their shells and are used as submersible Orcish craft. By submerging 
under the waves, the Giant turtles can steal upon unsuspecting enemy craft and 
report their position to the Horde fleet as they are visible only to towers, 
creatures of the air, and other submersible vessels. The daring Goblins who 
control them are dedicated to destroying enemy ships by launching hazerdous, 
steam-driven canister containg highly volatile liquids that can shred even the 
strongest of armor.

==========8 structures===


----------O TOWN HALL
The Town Hall is the main building of an alliance out post. It is were gold and 
lumber may be turned into useable resoureces and alse is the site of training 
for all peons. The town Hall is the most important structure and must be 
protected at all costs.
    **Upgrades: -KEEP

----------O FARM
The farm is the site where resources are provided for you troops. Each farm 
gives 8 more troops the needed resources. The maximum number of troop and 
resources that can be used at any given map is 100. Farm have low armors and are 
easy to destroy.

----------O BARRACKS
This is the site where most basic ground units can be trained to fight a long 
hard battle.

With one of these, lumber will be processed into useable resources quicker and 
more effitaintly.

----------O BLACKSMITH
This will open the path to a load of new construction options and is a vital 
part of every outpost to provide formidable defense and new weaponry upgrades.

----------O TOWERS
Scout towers  are used to keep and eye out on a certain area. Guard towers can 
shoot arrows at overhead enemies and Cannon towers work more effectivly against 

----------O SHIPYARD
Opens the world of naval warfare to you outpost.

----------O FOUNDRY 
Makes available the big, bad boys of you armada available to use.

----------O OIL REFINERY
Refines the oil that is need to construct the big, bad boys of your naval 

----------O STABLES
Makes mighty new Knights units available to use to crush you opponent.

----------O CHURCH
Paladins become availble by creating the holy house of the Lord.

Flying time!

----------O MAGE TOWER

Makes those shirtless men on flying horse-eagles available.


----------O GREAT HALL
The Great Hall is the main building of an Horde out post. It is were gold and 
lumber may be turned into useable resoureces and alse is the site of training 
for all peons. The town Hall is the most important structure and must be 
protected at all costs.
    **Upgrades: -STRONGHOLD

----------O PIG FARM
The farm is the site where resources are provided for you troops. Each farm 
gives 8 more troops the needed resources. The maximum number of troop and 
resources that can be used at any given map is 100. Farm have low armors and are 
easy to destroy.

----------O BARRACKS
This is the site where most basic ground units can be trained to fight a long 
hard battle.

With one of these, lumber will be processed into useable resources quicker and 
more effitaintly.

----------O BLACKSMITH
This will open the path to a load of new construction options and is a vital 
part of every outpost to provide formidable defense and new weaponry upgrades.

----------O TOWERS
Scout towers  are used to keep and eye out on a certain area. Guard towers can 
shoot arrows at overhead enemies and Cannon towers work more effectivly against 

----------O SHIPYARD
Opens the world of naval warfare to you outpost.

----------O FOUNDRY 
Makes available the big, bad boys of you armada available to use.

----------O OIL REFINERY
Refines the oil that is need to construct the big, bad boys of your naval 

----------O OGRE MOUND
Makes mighty new Ogre units available to use to crush you opponent.

Ogre-Magi become availble by creating the holy house of the Lord.

Flying time!


----------O DRAGON ROOST
Those awesome fire-breathing Dragon become available.

==========9 campaign gifs===

Here you will be able to find links to some .gifs i have created to help you out 
on each map.


==========10 multiplayer guide===

Welcome to the new MUL-T-PLAYER Guide for Warcraft 2 by RMC. Please note that 
this was not written by me and was a major contribution by RMC. Thanks you to 
him. Oh yeah, this is a Faq within a FAQ.


WarCraft 2:Tides of Darkness
WarCraft 2:Beyond the Dark Portal
Multiplayer Strategies


Version 0.3 11/06/99

-Started WarCraft 2 Strategy Guide

-Completed Orcs or Humans Section

-Completed General Strategy Section


Welcome!  Before we get started let me note some things.  This strategy 
guide is not for those of you who do not know the difference between a 
town hall and footman.  Before reading this go play and find out what 
everything does.  You may be surprised how much you can learn.  Please 
work with me too.  This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough.  It is also being 
done on what I have experienced and remember. Ok now that we got that 
out of the way.  Let me show you what you will be finding in this 

Table of Contents:

- Basic Strategies for the Average Joe

  - Orcs or Humans?

  - General Strategies

 - Defense Strategies
 - Offense Strategies

 - Water Strategies

 - Magic Strategies
- Misc. Strategies and Info

 - When Playing on Multiplayer…

  - Cheap ways to get a lead

 - Useful and fun ways to kill opponents

- Tips for Improvement

- Final Notes

- Copyright

Basic Strategies for the Average Joe


Orcs or Humans?


Ok now what everyone wants to know…is Orcs or Humans better?  Now 
unlike StarCraft as you know, the races are almost exactly the same.  
Now this can be a personal opinion or you could get down into the core 
of the real answer.
Ok lets start with Orcs.  It seems that everyone thinks Orcs are 
topnotch because of bloodlust and hastened ogres can not be stopped.  
This is why it most people say they are the Orcs. Well if you\'re going 
to play on a land map use the orcs. 
	Ok now for Humans.  All I can say is INVISIBLE MAGE!  That\'s 
their best quality.  Also they have the best advantage on water since 
the shipyard (or was it the lumber mill) is cheaper.  Casting 
invisibility on a transport is also very effective.  Use them if you\'re 
going to be on an all out water map.

Character Interview:

Peons/Peasants: The first unit that you will most likely control. Lousy 
attack power, hp, and defense.  Only use to attack in emergencies.  
They should all be devoted to chopping, mining, and building. BUILD A 

Grunt/Footman: The first attacking unit you will most likely control.  
Do not underestimate them.  These guys are great if you upgrade them 
fully.  As game goes on though there usefulness goes down.  Use them to 
team up on players in beginning.

Axethrower/Archer/Bezerker/Ranger: The worst attacking unit till the 
end of the game.  These guys are slow, weak, and have little defense.  
Upgrade them fully once you get to the Castle stage so you can fend off 
attacks from Dragons/Gryphons.  Use them also to get rid of those nasty 
sappers/ demo squad.

Catapult/Ballista: A unit that is barely ever built, but it is one of 
the more useful attackers.  You can use these guys for defense too 
since they got such long range.  They attack to slow to hit most fast 
units like Sapper/Demo Squad, but there usefulness comes in when taking 
down towers and walls since when fully upgraded these babies can take 
out them in almost one hit.  Always have ground attackers along because 
they can\'t attack units right next to them.

Zepplin/Flying Machine: This is one of the most useful units in the 
game.  With it you can see if your enemy is planning an attack so you 
can get the right Defense or see if its time to attack.  Make sure you 
explore for expansions too.

Ogre/Knight: These are your friends.  Use them well.  Always have a lot 
more of them then your enemy.  Always upgrade them fully.  These guys 
have great speed; attack, defense, and hp. BUILD A HELL OF A LOT OF 

Sapper/Demo Squad: A lot of people do not know the power and usefulness 
of these guys.  They do a whopping 400 damage when they explode.  This 
is enough to take out a couple of farms.  They can only destroy one 
layer of wall at a time though.  Use these to bust through a forest to 
give your enemy a back attack.  Watch out for guard towers and 

Ogre Mages/Paladins: These are the upgraded version of Ogre/Knights.  
Sadly they are way too out balanced.  Since the Ogre mages of blood 
lust they are of course better.  If those stupid Paladins would 
automatically heal the nearest hurt guy like the Medics in StarCraft 
they would be nice.  Like I said above, use orcs on an all out land map 
like Garden of War.

Death Knights/Mages: Ok now this is where big differences come in.  
They both have their advantages though which makes it much more even 
then ogre and Paladins.  Mages advantage would have to be invisibility.  
You can easily crush some ones peon line with an invisible mage.  Just 
go in and blizzard.  Slow is also useful for taking out those nasty 
Sapper/Demo Squads.  The Death Knights also have their advantage.  
Simply get to their peon line (if you can) with 2-3 death knights with 
full mana. Have one cast death and decay to kill the peons then have 
the other too cast raise dead.  Oh look an army of dead guys ready to 
rampage their town.  Also their death coil can be used to instantly 
kill Sappers/Demo Squads.

Dragons/Gryphons: I personally hate these guys.  They cost way too much 
for me.  They\'re also only useful in-groups and can easily be taken 
down my Mages/Death Knights.  I used them once I think.  I build 40 of 
them and rampaged everyone.  They can make a good attack, but get taken 
down so easily…what a pity…it\'s the only flying attacking unit.

Oil Tanker: They are just like peons, but all they do is mine oil.   
Don\'t need too many of them unless your playing a huge water map and 
you want to conquer the ocean.  Be aware though if you conquer the 
ocean most likely everyone will try to dragon kill you.

Destroyer: Don\'t waste your money on them till the castle stage.  Just 
wait a bit longer so you get Juggernaughts/Battleships.  The reason 
though you should build them later on though, is because they can 
attack air.  They slaughter dragons.

Juggernaught/Battle Ship: If there\'s water! USE THEM!  These babies are 
tanks.  Slow, HUGE DEFENSE, HUGE HP, and HUGE ATTACK power without 
upgrades.  These are what you need to win an ocean battle.

Submarine/Turtle: What can I say?  This unit SUCKS!  Very weak Defense, 
Offense, and speed makes these guys horrible. They may be invisible, 
but that can be easily countered and once you do see them they die 
almost instantly.  I say there a waste of precious gold and oil.

Transports:  These are the keys to winning battles of water.  You need 
them to expand, attack enemies\' main bases, and just getting land units 
off your island to hide.  Use them wisely.  They can mean life or 
death.  If humans or have a human ally.  Have a mage cast invisibility 
on them.  Also you CAN repair transports.


General Strategies


Below are some General Strategies I use when playing WarCraft.  Some 
may seem pretty stupid, but some people may not do it.  I have seen it.

1.	Build town hall as close as you can to mine.  Yes some people do not 
do this.

2.	Especially when playing on low resources.  Do the lumber bug.  To do 
it simply right click on a tree with your peon and then build the 
town hall.  You will get 100 lumber.  You can also do this with the 
lumber mill, but you will get 125.

3.	Build buildings that don\'t produce units in back of city.  Put 
buildings that do produce units in front of town.  Incept for the 
town hall.

4.	NEVER put buildings between your town hall and gold mine.  You can 
do it to your enemies though. :)

build more then one blacksmith for double pong upgrades.

6.	Never stop building peons. 

7.	You don\'t have to upgrade to keep as soon as you can.  If you can 
build another town hall so you get double peons and can still build 
some when you upgrade.

8.	 Always get all blacksmith upgrades.

9.	Use hotkeys.  This is great for blood lust. Simply select an ogre 
press b and double click on another ogre.  This will blood lust him 
and select him.  Keep doing this to all of them and you will make 
the process much faster without getting the not enough mana message 
too.  I did 40 in 10 seconds once. :)

10.	Always check what your opponent is building so you can 
counterattack with the right units.  Try to learn everything about 

11.	Don\'t use the same strategy again and again.

12.	Help and plan attacks with your teammates.

13.	Never give up.

14.	Expand early on.  I like doing it before keep stage.

15.	Use the AI to advantage.

16.	Never stop attacking!  Don\'t just sit in defense.


Defense Strategies - Coming Soon



Offense Strategies - Coming Soon



Water Strategies - Coming Soon 


Magic Strategies - Coming Soon



Misc. Strategies and Info



When Playing Multiplayer - Coming Soon



Cheap Ways to get a Lead - Coming Soon



Useful and Fun Ways to Kill a Opponent - Coming Soon



Tips for Improvement - Coming Soon



Final Notes


	Thank you for reading my first strategy guide ever on this great 
game.  If you have any comments or something you would like me to add 
send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  I could really use the help.  Also I 
will be making more of these in the future, Probably on PSX RPG\'s.  I 
am a real fan of them.  Thank you again and I will try to keep 

I would like to thank Blizzard for making this Great Game.

I would also like to thank Secnuop for his great WarCraft 2 Strategy 




This document Copyright 1998 Ray Connolly
You may not use this in anyway without my permission.
You may not copy, use in your work, or print and sell this.




==========11 building dependencies===


                       |                                      |
BARRACKS             STABLE                                CHURCH   
                       |                                      |
FARM                 INVENTOR                               GRYPHON

              ======CANON TOWER

             =======GUARD TOWER

WALL               OIL REFINERY 


                          |                                  |
BARRACKS              OGRE MOUND                     ALTAR OF STORMS
                          |                                  |
PIG FARM              ALCHEMIST                       DRAGON ROOST
                                                TEMPLE OF THE DAMNED

              ======CANNON TOWER

              =======GUARD TOWER


==========13 unit dependencies===









































==========13 cheats===

While playing a game, press [enter] to display the two player message box, type 
one of the following codes, then press [enter] again to activate the 
corresponding cheat function. NOTE: A cheat may be disable by repeating the 
code. Cheats will affect all players in multiplayer mode.

SKIP TO SPECIFIED ORC LEVEL - orc[level #1-14]
SKIP TO SPECIFIED HUMAN LEVEL - human[level #1-14]
INSTANT WIN - unite the clans
INSTANT LOSS - you pitiful worm
INCREASE RESOURSES - glittering prizes
DISPLAY MAP - on screen
FAST BUILDING - make it so
BOOST UNIT STRENGTH - it is a good day to die
SPELL UPGRADES - every little thing she does
WIN ENTIRE GAME - there can be only one
DISABLE TOTAL VICTORY - never a winner

==========14 the aftermath of the second war===

For long months the forces of the Alliance worked to seek out the renegade Orcs 
that had gone into hiding after the fall of the Dark portal. The Blackrock, 
Dragonmaw, and Black Tooth Grin clans were captured by the alliance and herded 
into guarded reserves and prison camps. While the leaders of the alliance argued 
over what was to be done with them, Orgrim Doomhammer, the War Chief of the 
Horde, was placed under arrest and kept as an honored prisoner under the care of 
King Terenas of Lordaeron. Some members of the alliance pleaded that the Orcs 
should be exterminated like animals, while other opted for a sentence of life 

Having discussed the obvious benifets of a treaty with Doomhammer, King Terenas 
fevantly hoped that the Orcs could be kept pacified enough to enventually lost 
their lust for conquest. Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde and Genn Greymane of 
Gilneas both disagreed vehemently with Terenas, resolving that the Orcs were too 
great a threat to leave alive. After months of debate and frustration, both 
leaders withdrew the support of their nations from the alliance. Azeroth alone 
stood fast in its commitment to the alliance. Even with the dynamic young Varien 
Wrynn seated upon Azeroth\'s throne, the distance between the kingdoms of Azeroth 
and Lordaeron made their union a hollow one. 

Amid the strife that was slowly dissolving the great alliance, the fact remained 
that the once vast numbers if the Horde were no more. The Twilight\'s Hammer and 
Stormreaver clans were decimated by their own brethen in civil wars that erupted 
during the war. The Burning blade clan was routed and ultimately destroyed by 
troops under the command of Uther Lightbringer during the final battle at the 
portal. Only the Bleeding Hollow clan was left unaccounted for as the cunning 
Kilrogg Deadeye managed to evade the best efforts of the alliance to capture his 
clan. Elven scouts were placed on continual patrol within the Black Morass 
searching for any sign of the renegade bleeding hollow.

              *     *     *     *     *

Suspended ominously above the Black Morass, a tear in the fabric of reality hung 
like a disembodied eye, keeping watch over the ruins of the Dark Portal. This 
rift was the remnants of the wizard Medivh\'s original Portal into Draenor - the 
dark, red world from which the Orcs passed into Azeroth. The Kirin Tor of 
Dalaran traveled to the lands overlooking the ruins on this site and constructed 
the Citadel of Nethergarde to serve as the guardian should the rift ever open 

On the Eve of Summer in the year 606, a freak darkness swept across the Black 
Morass. All atempts by the mages at Nethergarde to probe into the darkness were 
futile, but they could sense that the rift was growing once more. Then, as if 
from a dream, the mages heard the sounds of a marching army. Hundreds strong, 
the sounds of armor and sword charged through the ruined portal and then as 
quickly fell silent. The thunderous shrieks of Dragons crying to the skies 
passed overhead, and then as suddenly disappeared into the gloom. Venemous 
undead whispers, barely audible under the clash of metal plates seemed to echo 
and repeat one phrase - \"We will return...\"

When the darkness lifted, the portal was visible once again. It illuminated the 
ruins as it always had, but the eerie light seemed to play tricks with the 
shadows. It was only upon closer inpection that the trampled mud that marked the 
passing of the Bleeding Hollow clan from Azeroth was found to be more than mere 

              *     *     *     *     *

The Bleeding Hollow crossed over into Draenor and rejoined the \'old clans\' that 
had never seen the fields of Azeroth. To many, the warriors of the Bleeding 
Hollow were considered mighty heroes as these Orcs had been living in the Human 
lands for over thirty years. Kilrogg met with the Elder Shaman Ner\'zhul who now 
controlled the remaining clans in Draenor. The Shaman ordered that the newly 
arrived Death Knights, Trolls and Dragons were to be used by all of the clans in 
conjuncture. Ner\'zhul also informed Kilrogg of his plans to retieve certain 
artifacts from Azeroth as to open rifts into other worlds and take the Orchish 
Hordes to great victories beyond the Dark Portal...

                T H E    E N D... O R  I S  I T ?

==========15 disclaimer===

C R E D I T S :
Blizzard, Inc. -- Strategy GODS! For making this game and the great story.
GameFAQs-- www.gamefaqs.com, Holder of all my faqs and extremely useful to 
Cheatcc-- www.cheatcc.com, Got the cheat section from their huge cheat database.
RMC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)-- For the contribution of his multiplayer guide 
(section 10)

You may put this on your site for public/private viewing only under these 
 1) Complete and full credit is give to the author
 2) The whole faq must be intact & may be put into HTML form
 3) Make sure my e-mail address is attached for readers questions & comments
 4) Leave the disclaimer intact
 5) Must have the latest version from gamefaqs.com
 6) Cannot be used to make any money (not even in Russian currency)

Sites that have permission to have one or more of my faqs:
http://www.gamefaqs.com: GameFaqs
http://www.cheatcc.com: Cheat Code Central
http://www.game-revolution.com: Game-Revolution Online Magizine

All other sites with my work have stolen it. If any of these sites have an 
outdated version of any of my FAQs, please notify the webmaster. 

© 99 faq64

==========16 farewell/etc.===

This concludes yet another faq that took an unbelievably long amount of time to 
write. It\'s 12:06am and I just want to submit this damn thing and go to sleep. 
So, if you have any questions, comments, contructive criticism, unconstructive 
criticism, penis enlargers, cat tails, Deleware state quaters, alarm clocks that 
don\'t work, pimps, parents you dont want, or $100 billion in fresh cash... send 
them over to me @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Until I am needed to save the gaming society once again, this is Jason Gomer, 
signing off.

this has been a helpful guide by FLOWERPOT
© 99 faq64