Using this table for Diablo II

I created this table while playing a single-player game.
I did NOT test this in the Open-Battle-Net.

First start a new game or load your old one.
Switch back to GameHack and load the table.

All addresses in the game show the old value.
The new value (you have entered in GameHack) will be shown, when the game
changes the value for this address.

If you have a experience of 100, change it to 50000 and switch back to Diablo II.
The game will still show 100 experience.
Then you kill a monster and get (for example) 22 experience-points.
Now the game shows 50022 experience.

Making the addresses working:

If the values of the table look bad or do not work, do the following:

- Search with the search-method "Exact Value" for your experience (datatype: 4 Bytes).
  This is described in the GameHack-tutorial.
  You will find 2 addresses after some searches.
- Enter at the first address the value 1000.
- Enter at the second address the value 5000.
- Go back to the game, kill ONE monster / enemy (only one).
- Look in your character-menu in Diablo II.
- If your experience is now a little bit greater than 1000 (like 1022) the first address,
  where you have entered the value 1000, stores your experience.
  Otherwise the second address, where you have entered the value 5000 stores the experience.
  So one of this two addresses stores the DISPLAYED experience, the other stores the
  experience you have.
- You have found the address of the experience.
- Use this address (the experience you have found) to make all other addresses valid.
  You just need to offset-apply them.
  At the GameHack-homepage you find at the section "DOWNLOD" a document, that is called
  "How to use Offset Calculate / Apply".
  Read this now. It is a tutorial that describes how to make these addresses valid....
- If you apply all addresses and see, that only some are valid, search for the other
  (invalid) addresses manually (always exact value).

After you made all addresses valid you can use them. Save the table now.
If you save your game in Diablo II and continue it, you can use this table.
You do not have to make the addresses valid again.

Only if you select a new character, you may have to apply them again !

Special Addresses

Character Level:
You can change the level in GameHack but it will not be shown / used.

So either you change your character-level, then you change your experience to a value
that is close to the "Next-Level-Experience" and kill a monster (so you get a new
character level and this is one grater than the value you have entered in GameHack).
Or you change the character-kevel, save your game and re-load it (this is the easier way).

This way you can access skills that will be enabled only at a certain level.

After changing your character-level you have to increase your experience to a
value that is close to the "Next-Level Experience".
If you do NOT do this the game may crash (happened 2 times to me).

Skill points / Statistic Points
If you get to a new experience-level (by killing a monster) you get these points
and you can distribute them.

Increase your experience to a value that is one smaller than the "Next-Level Experience".
If you kill a monster you will get to a new experience-level and get these points
to distribute.

The value of the points in the GameHack-table should be greater than 3 (enter the value
5 for both addresses).
Freeze them.

You can now distribute UNLIMITED Skill points / Statistic Points.

In combination with the character-level you can get all skills !

Have Fun using GameHack !

OLLI (GameHack)