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       Üß                                                                          ßÜ
        ßÜ                          °²ÛStrikes back withÛ²°                         Üß
         ² Û²² Afrika Korps vs. Desert Rats *ALL ACCESS CHEATS* (c) Monte Cristo ²²Û °
         ²                                                                           ²
         ²   RiP      : -                        PROTECTION   : -                    ²
         Û   PACKAGE  : TECHNIC Team             DIRECTX 8.1  : -                    Û
         ²   SUPPLiER : TECHNIC Team             GeForces     : -                    ²
         ²   LANGUAGE : English                  RIPPED       : -                    ²
         ±   SIZE     : 01x2.88Mb                TESTED ON    : Win98/WinXP          ±
         ±   DATE     : 02.24.2004               CHEAT TYPE   : All access           ±
         °                                                                           °
            ßÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß  ß
           ßÛÝ Installation Notes      ßÛÜ                                         
        Üþ  Þ² ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÜ                                       
       Û   ÜÛß                                                                     
        ßßß       1) Unace this archive in gamedir, launch "all_scenarios.reg" to 
                     update registry and by the way unlock all scenarios in menu 
                     NEW GAME -> SCENARIO.
                  2) Finally unrar "last_mission.rar" in gamedir and and load 
                     "Endgame - Rescue Lys!" in menu LOAD GAME to play the last 
                     mission of the story, which isn't considered as a scenario by 
                     the game (like the 1st mission of the story campaign).
                  3) Enjoy baby!!


                   #1 : Thanx to our friend for letting us use his savegame :]
                   #2 : This archive works on iso, myth's rip and DELiCE french
                        update.For other languages, you shoudn't encounter troubles

          About The Game:

          Desert Rats vs Afrika  Korps is Real-Time Tactical  game in full 3D  with
          highly realistic graphics, real  time shadows, localised damage  effects,
          explosions,  weather effects  and much  more. Missions  range from  recon
          operations in  the desert  and escort  missions to  large-scale sieges of
          desert fortresses.  All missions  start with  a briefing,  a recap of the
          historical background and a management phase.
          Desert Rats vs Afrika  Korps is characterised by  a high level of  combat
          realism and varied combat tactics. At  any time the player can pause  the
          game, to think over tactics, and give accurate orders before coming  back
          to real time. Its soundtrack, composed by Ervin NAGY and the BAFTA  Award
          winner Tamàs KREINER, intensifies the captivating atmosphere. 
         -> More than 70 different units available on the total, each with its own 
            characteristics (riflemen, artillery, tanks, air support...) 
         -> Three levels of experience can be acquired following the successful 
            completion of missions 
         -> A challenging tactical AI 
         -> Three levels of difficulty 
         -> Management phase at the beginning of each mission to prepare the battle 
            at best 
         -> Blitzkrieg Mode at the end of some missions (with no management / 
            reinforcement phase for both camps) 
         -> Multiplayer mode up to 4 players
          ßÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß  ß
           ßÛÝ Greets         ßÛÜ                                               ° Û
        Üþ  ÞÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÜ             >>> Respect 2 <<<               ± Û
       Û   ÜÛß Û                                                                ² Û
        ßßß  ° Û   FLT/iMS/ex-CLS/MOJiTO GimpsRus Deviance/Game/Dogma/Myth/MKN  Û Û
             ± Û                    Eclozion - Black Squadron                   Û Û
             ± Û        Thanx to our DELiCE Friends for their Atomic Rips :)    Û Û
             ± Û             and all dudes who love the french scene            Û Û
             ² Û             Thanx to the Hippies for their support             Û Û
             Û ²                        "Rip or Die"                            Û ²
             Û ±                                                                Û ±
               ßßÛ²Ü                                                        ܲÛßß
         ÜßßßþÜ  Þ²²Ý                 Mise à jour du 09/18/03              Þ²²Ý  ÜþßßÜ
         ßÜ    ßßßßß ß  ßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß  ß ßßßßß   Üß
           ß                                                                       ß