_          BLeH!          _
                           |_|                       |_|
                           | |         / ^^^          | |
                          _| |_      (| "o" |)      _| |_
                        _| | | | _    (_---_)    _ | | | |_ 
                       | | | | |' |    _| |_    | `| | | | |
                       |          |   /  &     |          |
                          BUSH  /  / /(. .)     LADEN _/
                              /  / /  | . |         /
                              / /    ||Y||     /  /
                             \__/      || ||      \__/
                                       () ()
                                       || ||
                                      ooO Ooo

                                 eNDANGER HUMANITY



                       Kao the Kangaroo 2 All Access Cheat




 1) backup your savegame files KAO2SG* in media
 2) delete them
 3) unrar allaccess.rar into your Kao2 directory
 4) load one of the 5 savegames corresponding to bonus levels
 5) to select a game level : press [ESC], go back to hub, then meet the bee :)
 6) have phun! and please buy this cute game if you are a hardcore rayman fan :p


                                  SHAME ON BUSH!

 His government is tarnishing the US people and their constitution by practising
 despicable TORTURE outside the US borders through CIA and private security firms
 which is nothing less than a fascist method. Yah FASCIST! The US government uses
 the same means as the terrorists. The people should react against this dishonor!

 Please learn more there : http://www.usawatch.org/archives/cat_us_torture.html


