	 	 An Enormous Tut on mASM: PART 2... A Trainer Engine

	Needed files : Download Here 


	Ok... we're here to develop a trainer engine in MASM. If you haven't
	read part 1 of this tutorial, READ IT FIRST G0D|)AM!T. But if you think
	you can survive w/o it, then go on...


	1. All that is stated in part 1 PLUS
	2. A game (I used prog test in MTC for testing purposes)
	3. Basic ASM programming knowledge


	I won't go and explain each API. It takes space. Look them up in
	your WINAPI REFERENCE. Here they aa you see it in the source.

	1. GetModuleHandle
	2. DialogBoxParam
	3. SetTimer
	4. LoadIcon
	5. SendMessage
	6. ExitProcess
	7. MessageBox
	8. GetAsyncKeyState
	9. FindWindow
	10. GetWindowThreadProcessId
	11. OpenProcess
	12. ReadProcessMemory
	13. WriteProcessMemory
	14. CloseHandle


	1. Show the DialogBox
	2. Check for Button Press Events
	  2.1 If clicked show command
	3. Check for timer messages
	  3.1 If pressed call our trainer engine
	4. exit


	If you have seen the source you will see the TrainerEngine Procedure. I have made
	this procedure to make programming easier. It takes care of editing game values.
	Very Useful if you have *MANY HOTKEYS*.

	TrainerEngine PROC lpWindCap:DWORD, lpAdress:DWORD, lpNewValue:DWORD, nAdd:DWORD, lpBuffer:DWORD

        If you want to change the value:
        ;call engine, window name, game adress, the bytes to write, NOT USED, NOT USED
        Invoke TrainerEngine, offset WindCap, addie1, offset bytes2write, NULL, NULL

	If you want to add a value:
	;call engine, window name, game adress, NOT USED, the data to add, buffer for ReadProcessMemory
	Invoke TrainerEngine, offset WindCap, addie2, NULL, 5, offset buffer1	

	The SourceCode

.386                                       ;Dont Worry about this a bit
.model flat, stdcall			   ;
option casemap:none			   ;used so that windows.inc will function correctly

include /masm32/include/windows.inc	   ;Include all this libraries
include /masm32/include/user32.inc	   ; works just like header files
include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc

includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib

DlgProc PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD			;Declare Procedures


ErrorCaption db 'ERROR', 0				;CHANGE!!! the error caption (always teminated by 0)
ErrorMessage db '   Game is not Running',0ah            ;CHANGE!!! the message if game is not running
             db ' You need to run the game',0ah
             db 'So You can Use the trainer',0
AboutCaption db 'About',0				;CHANGE!!! about caption
AboutMessage db '    Tsongkies Trainer Tut',0ah		;CHANGE!!! about message
             db ' Modify Source Anyway You want',0ah
             db '     hope this helps you',0
HelpCaption db 'Help',0					;CHANGE!!! help caption
HelpMessage db 'Press F12 while in game or', 0ah	;CHANGE!!! help message
            db 'Press F11 while in game',0
WindCap db 'prog test',0				;CHANGE!!! the window name of game
bytes2write db 090h					;CHANGE!!! bytes to be written
            db 090h 

					;the variables
buffer1 dd ?				; buffer to place read data
hInstance dd ?				; handle of our program
_hanicon dd ?				; handle of icon
windhand dd ?				; window handle
phandle dd ?				; process handle of game
pid dd ?				; process id of game

DIALOG105 equ 105			;
ICON106 equ 107				;look at the resource file
ABOUTBUT equ 101			;for these constants
HELPBUT equ 102				;
addie1 equ 401384h			;CHANGE!!! your address to edit
addie2 equ 41D090h			;CHANGE!!! your address to edit (h means hexadecimal)


c_mahal:				; doesn't matter what name you use this for

invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL							;Get the handle of our program
mov hInstance, eax								;move our handle to hInstance

; Call DialogBoxParam, handle of our prog, our dialog for trainer.res, NULL, adress of DialogProcedure, NULL
Invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, DIALOG105 , NULL, offset DlgProc, NULL	

DlgProc PROC hwndDlg:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM		;Our Dialog Box Procedure

.if uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG					;When our program is executed

pushad								;Saving registry is needed... the program will crash if you omit this

Invoke SetTimer,hwndDlg,0,90, 0					; Set The Timer
Invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ICON106				; Load the Icon
mov _hanicon, eax						; save the handle of icon to eax

push eax							; Push eax
Invoke SendMessage, hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, FALSE, eax		; Set the small Icon
pop eax								; pop eax

ret								; return and start again

.elseif uMsg == WM_CLOSE			;Did the user close the Dialog Box?

   Invoke ExitProcess, NULL			; Exit our Process

.elseif uMsg == WM_COMMAND			; Did the user press a button

  mov eax, wParam				; mov wParam to eax
    .if ax == ABOUTBUT				; check for the about button... was it clicked
      shr eax,16
       .if ax == BN_CLICKED			; if yes
         Invoke MessageBox, hwndDlg, offset AboutMessage, offset AboutCaption, MB_OK
    .elseif ax == HELPBUT			; was the helpbutton clicked?
      shr eax, 16
       .if ax == BN_CLICKED			; if yes
         Invoke MessageBox, hwndDlg, offset HelpMessage, offset HelpCaption, MB_OK

.elseif uMsg == WM_TIMER
     Invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_F12								;was F12 pressed?
      .if eax != 0										;if yes
        Invoke TrainerEngine, offset WindCap, addie1, offset bytes2write, NULL, NULL		;call our engine with the NOP instruction

     Invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_F11								;was F11 pressed?
      .if eax != 0
        Invoke TrainerEngine, offset WindCap, addie2, NULL, 5, offset buffer1			;call our trainer engine with add instruction


ret							;return and start again

popad							;restore the registers

DlgProc ENDP

TrainerEngine PROC lpWindCap:DWORD, lpAdress:DWORD, lpNewValue:DWORD, nAdd:DWORD, lpBuffer:DWORD

Invoke FindWindow, NULL, lpWindCap                                                 ;Find the game window

 .if eax == 0 									   ; If game is not running
 Invoke MessageBox, hInstance, offset ErrorMessage, offset ErrorCaption, MB_OK	   ; Show the error message

 .else										   ;the game is running
 mov windhand, eax								   ;move the handle to windhand


Invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, windhand, offset pid				   ;Get the process ID and save it to pid
Invoke OpenProcess, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,NULL, pid				   ;Open the process
mov phandle, eax								   ;move our process handle to phandle

 .if nAdd == 5									   ;Was the instruction to add?

 Invoke ReadProcessMemory, phandle, lpAdress, lpBuffer, 2, NULL			   ;read the addie
 mov ecx, nAdd									   ;move the value to add to ecx
 mov ebx, dword ptr [lpBuffer]							   ;move the current value to ebx
 add dword ptr[ebx], ecx							   ;add value of ecx to ebx
 Invoke WriteProcessMemory, phandle, lpAdress, offset buffer1, 2, NULL		   ;write the new value

 .else										   ;Instruction is to NOP

 Invoke WriteProcessMemory,phandle, lpAdress, lpNewValue, 2, NULL		   ;Write 9090 the adress


Invoke CloseHandle, phandle							   ;Close handle
ret										   ;return

TrainerEngine ENDP

end c_mahal


	1. Put trainer.asm and trainer.res into c:masm32in {default masm directory}
	2. Open notepad and copy this:

		@echo off
		ml /c /coff /Cp trainer.asm
		link /subsystem:windows /LIBPATH:c:masm32lib trainer.obj trainer.res
	3. Save it as make.bat
	4. Run make.bat


	You can modify the source in any way you want. If you have any questions
	and shit... don't hesitate, e-mail me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.